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The George Soros thread

The George Soros thread

From down the voat hole -- this apparently is the 60 Minutes interview with Soros that he tried to bury:

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The George Soros thread

Is not a good idea to stand in the middle of a highway when tons of peaces of steel on wheels are going at high speed, go figure.

The George Soros thread

Quote: (11-15-2016 10:23 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Is not a good idea to stand in the middle of a highway when tons of peaces of steel on wheels are going at high speed, go figure.

But, but..., they're wearing safety pins...

The George Soros thread

If you are appointed secretary of Homeland Security or the FBI chief of whatnot, and your first task is to arrest Soros for terrorism, how would you even go about doing this? He likely has his own private army of security with him.

I guess wait for him to be in the USA(he is probably long gone), and put him on the no fly list, and try to get him when he goes to board a plane? Or if he is going to speak somewhere, or be at a fundraiser or whatnot, arrest him when he is there?

The George Soros thread

Quote: (11-21-2016 07:54 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

If you are appointed secretary of Homeland Security or the FBI chief of whatnot, and your first task is to arrest Soros for terrorism, how would you even go about doing this? He likely has his own private army of security with him.

I guess wait for him to be in the USA(he is probably long gone), and put him on the no fly list, and try to get him when he goes to board a plane? Or if he is going to speak somewhere, or be at a fundraiser or whatnot, arrest him when he is there?


First declare him a terrorist. This will allow you to freeze his funds and lock his hedgefund up.

Next have a team watching him at all times and be ready to pounce on him when this all goes down.

So long as he is stateside, he'll be ripe for the plucking. Snag that family of his up too.

The George Soros thread

British left wing MP George Galloway attacked by one of Soros's rent a mob libtard idiots.


Galloway tweeted later: “Someone calling themselves ‘Trans’ and an ‘anarchist’ led a five person attack on me on the platform at Aberdeen University. I continued. I now have an unknown substance in my eyes and lungs and feel a little unwell. But the struggle continues.”

This attack followed on from Galloway's earlier condemnation of anti Trump protesters and his criticism of the mainstream left's adoption of what he termed as 'identity politics' prioritising sexual and ethnic minorities over the broader class politics of the working class.

The George Soros thread

Doug Casey attends 'wannabe Bilderberg' conference for elites, paraphrases crazy Soros speech:

Quote:Doug Casey Wrote:


Much worse was George Soros. He spent his time not just passively endorsing (like Buffett), but actively promoting disastrous policies. In essence, these were his major points. 1) Brexit should be overturned, regardless of the vote. 2) The EU should spend at least $200 billion a year (in addition to what individual countries spend) both to make migrants welcome, and to install a Marshall Plan for Africa. 3) All of Europe should import migrants at least proportionally to the 1mm entering Germany. He recognized that the migrants represent an “existential crisis” for Europe, but believes the solution is to accommodate them. 4) The EU should actively arm against Russia. 5) The EU in Brussels should be granted the right to tax.

As I listened to him I felt I’d been transported to Bizzarro World, or perhaps some magic land from Gulliver’s Travels, where everything is upside down, wrong is right, and black is white.

Just as much of Soros’ presentation was on migration, so was much of the rest of the conference. It’s very much on the minds of the “elite”.

His new Marshall Plan would consist of Europe and the US sending trillions to African governments to develop the Continent. Strange, really. Africa has received about a trillion of foreign aid over the last 50 years; that capital has either been wasted on uneconomic boondoggles, or shipped off to the bank accounts of the ruling class. Soros is far from naïve; he’s got to know this. I wonder what he actually hopes to accomplish, and why? After all, he’s 84 years old, and doesn’t need any more money. Well, it’s hard to be sure how some people’s minds are wired. And, as Lamont Cranston once asked, “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

Incidentally—completely contrary to conventional wisdom—I consider the much lauded Marshall Plan to have been an unnecessary and destructive boondoggle. But this isn’t the moment to explain why that’s true.

As I said above, the Summit was centered on migration. I’ve recently commented on the subject, and will reiterate a few points below before returning to the views of the Globalists and self-identified Elite.

The rest of the article is quite interesting too as he points out how these 'elite' groups aren't as smart as people make them out to be.

The George Soros thread

Doug Casey strikes me as a naive and simplistic libertarian, but still leagues ahead of the globalists.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The George Soros thread

I think all hardcore libertarians are utopians. While a small percent of the world's population would be capable of living in a libertarian society, most wouldn't.

What's worse is that even if they all created a country to live in (ala those crazy plans for floating cities etc), their children wouldn't necessarily be psychologically capable of carrying on their legacy.

All that said, on an individual level, libertarianism has a lot to offer.

The George Soros thread

OK...who of you deplorable shitlords ordered a Clarey test of Palpatine [Image: biggrin.gif] ?


The George Soros thread

Guy's also back in the news for a letter he penned calling Trump a Nazi.

That's rich coming from a former kapo.

The George Soros thread

^ One call to the new Trumpian justice Dept.

The George Soros thread

(To the guys that are attending the Deploraball: have fun and enjoy. Stay safe and watch your six when confronting unstable anti-Trump protesters. )


[url=]Protest the Fascist Alt-Right "Deploraball"

The George Soros thread

Great new article on Soros.

Quote:RT Wrote:

George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire who has meddled in politics across Europe and North America for decades, is angry. The world he campaigned for is falling apart, and now he's busy looking for leaders to indict.

According to Soros, liberal democracy is failing all across the western world. Apparently, this is because what he calls the “open society” is in crisis. Now, he may very well be right about this, but pinning it on Angela Merkel seems somewhat bizarre. Especially when she is painted as being inadvertently in league with Vladimir Putin. But, nevertheless, it’s the German chancellor he regards as most culpable for why voters have become disenchanted with modern democracy.

Writing in a widely published New Year op-ed, Soros traces the current European crisis back to the crash of 2008. He laments how “Germany emerged as the hegemonic power in Europe, but it failed to live up to the obligations that successful hegemons must fulfill, namely looking beyond their narrow self-interest to the interests of the people who depend on them.”

Then he harks back to the 1940’s. “Compare the behavior of the US after WWII with Germany’s behavior after the Crash of 2008,” he observes. “The US launched the Marshall Plan, which led to the development of the EU; Germany imposed an austerity program that served its narrow self-interest.”

Quote:RT Wrote:

Soros feels that if either Le Pen or Fillon wins, “Putin’s dominance of Europe will become a fait accompli.”

He writes: “I am particularly worried about the fate of the EU, which is in danger of coming under the influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose concept of government is irreconcilable with that of open society.”

This is because “Putin is not a passive beneficiary of recent developments; he worked hard to bring them about.”

Put plainly, the notion that Putin somehow engineered the French election to organize a contest between Fillon and Le Pen (which is still not guaranteed) is preposterous. But this is the trauma-filled world Soros now inhabits. And he goes on to make another ridiculous statement:

“In a brilliant move, he [Putin] exploited social media companies’ business model to spread misinformation and fake news, disorienting electorates and destabilizing democracies. That is how he helped Trump get elected.”

In other words, Soros thinks Putin manipulated Facebook and Twitter to win the US election for Trump.

This argument is ridiculous and makes Soros look stupid. It also suggests that he’s throwing his rattle out of the pram because a few democratic decisions have gone against him. And he needs to denigrate Merkel and use Putin as a bogeyman in order to deflect any mud from himself.

But lets look at the reality here. Soros strongly opposed George W. Bush’s presidency. He funded the ‘Move On’ project and threw millions upon millions at the Democratic Party. What this interference did was help remove them from their working class base and transform them into a globalist party, which now seems to win only in coastal metropolitan areas. Shorn of a need to fund-raise to the same extent as before, leftists used Soros’ money to focus on ‘identity politics', which alienates the white working class. And that same blue-collar group voted overwhelmingly for Trump this fall.

For his own part, Soros, ironically at Davos, predicted that Trump had no chance of being elected president. And he was wrong. Now it appears he can’t deal with the outcome. Perhaps because he feels his life’s work is slipping away.

This is Jedi Master-level trolling of little György Schwartz! [Image: icon_lol.gif]

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

The George Soros thread

If anybody from Trump's people are listening...Extraditing this old bat to Russia to face charges and a conviction will nearly seal a 2020 victory.
Just do it.

The George Soros thread

Quote: (11-15-2016 05:23 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

It would be nice to see an ambulance, fire truck or police car run over the protesters in case of an emergency call if they blocked the road.

[Image: 1LpZF8L.gif]

I like how he has his arm out, like is a normal thing for him, 0 fuck given.

The George Soros thread

The torch is being passed in preparation for George's death...


Alexander Soros, the son of liberal billionaire George Soros who acts as the managing partner for Soros Brothers Investments, has quietly emerged as a major donor to Democratic campaigns and causes.

Alexander has remained relatively unknown in the world of political giving thanks to his father garnering a bulk of the family’s attention. However, Alexander has stepped up his political contributions even as his father continued to pour tens of millions into the coffers of Democratic campaigns and political action committees.

The George Soros thread

Low energy on this thread. Sad!

These two events (which are not mentioned here) are reasons to celebrate!


The Wall Street Journal reports Thursday that billionaire left-wing financier George Soros lost nearly $1 billion as a result of Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the November 2016 presidential election. gets better!


A Hungarian MP has announced a proposal to “sweep away” non-governmental organisations linked to Hungarian-born left wing financier billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundations.
The move was announced Tuesday by Szilárd Németh, Vice President of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party, who said the activities of Soros-affiliated groups were linked to the promotion of mass migration. Németh stated he will introduce legislation to effectively ban their activities in Hungary, the Budapest Business Journal reports.

The second article is VERY, VERY good news. Most of his NGO agencies in EE are headquartered there. His University is located there as well. Now, if the bill passes (which it will, most likely)...he will have to spend millions and millions moving them somewhere else. Sadly, I think that he will make Croatia or Slovenia his new EE HQ (both have very cucked politicians on both political spectrums). But still, it is a good start.

From what I have seen, his faggot son (he looks like one) will likely be less dangerous than him. Still...we should not lower our guard... .

The George Soros thread


From RT, "[url=]‘Stop Operation Soros’ movement begins in Macedonia

A new initiative, Stop Operation Soros (SOS), dedicated to countering the influence of American billionaire activist George Soros, has been launched in Macedonia.
In a press conference on Tuesday, the founders of the group called on all “free-minded citizens,” regardless of ethnicity or religion, to join them in the “fight against one-mindedness in the civil sector, which is devised and led by George Soros,” the Vecer newspaper reported. The movement says it will first focus on uncovering ‘subversive’ activities by Soros-funded NGOs.

According to Nikola Srbov, a columnist for pro-government news portal Kurir and co-founder of SOS, Soros-funded NGOs have monopolized civil society in Macedonia and used their position to suppress dissenting views.

“We've witnessed the takeover of the entire civil sector and its abuse and instrumentalization to meet the goals of one political party. That is unacceptable and goes beyond the principles of civic organizing,” Srbov said at the press conference.

“The Open Society Foundation, operating under the Soros umbrella, used its funding and personnel to support violent processes in Macedonia. It has monopolized the civil society sector, pushing outside any organization which disagrees with the Soros ideology,” he stated.

Another co-founder, Cvetin Cilimanov, editor-in-chief of the state-run MIA news agency, accused Soros’s Open Society Foundations of undermining Macedonian sovereignty by working not only with the opposition center-left SDSM party, but also with outside interests. By cooperating with foreign embassies and organizations such as USAID, Cilimanov believes Soros-backed groups have interfered in the political process of Macedonia.

“This is unacceptable and has largely contributed to a feeling in the public that the traditional relations of partnership Macedonia enjoyed with some countries are being undermined,” Cilimanov told journalists.

A third founder of the initiative and editor-in-chief of the Republika news portal, Nenad Mircevski, declared that the group would work towards the “de-Soros-ization” of Macedonia, echoing a speech made by former prime minister and leader of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party Nikola Gruevski in December. In the speech, Gruevski accused foreign powers and Soros-backed organizations of meddling in Macedonian politics.

Opposition figures have expressed concern at the rhetoric used by Gruevski, fearing the start of a crackdown on dissent and advocacy groups.

The Open Society Foundation (OSF) was set up by Hungarian-born Soros between the mid-1980s to early 1990s with the stated aim of helping former Eastern bloc countries transition from communism. However, aside from its support for progressive causes such as drug policy reform, the OSF has also been involved in political activities and Soros publically supported the violent overthrow of the legitimately-elected government in Ukraine during the ‘Euromaidan’ revolution. This has earned him the ire of Russian authorities, which in 2015 banned Soros and his foundations as a threat to national security.

Soros and his foundations have come under scrutiny elsewhere as well. In an interview with the internet portal in December, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that 2017 would bring about “the extrusion of George Soros and the forces symbolized by him.” Orban has accused Soros of undermining European borders and values by helping facilitate the flow of refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and elsewhere. During a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything), WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange also blasted the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, funded by Soros, for focusing “exclusively on negative stories about Russia and former Soviet states.”

The George Soros thread

Holy shiznit. That pic is amazing. Didn't know there were that many people in all of Macedonia! Well done based Macedonians. I hope Trump takes action against Soros in America to freeze his organizations that fund domestic disturbance.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The George Soros thread

REPORT: George Soros Could Face $7 Billion Dollar Tax Bill in 2017


George Soros may soon face a monumental tax bill — of nearly $7 billion — after years of playing hard-to-get with the IRS.

Despite Soros having advocated for higher taxes on the wealthy, the liberal billionaire reportedly has delayed paying his own for years thanks to a loophole in U.S. law.

I wonder if this is still owed. The last mainstream news article about Soro's billions in taxes owed was from 2015. If it is still owed and he doesn't pay he could become a felon in the US.

The George Soros thread

Love it. Hope Trumps IRS hits him in the bottom line. Agitators like him deserve nothing less.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The George Soros thread

For years I've been wishing someone would kill George Soros. He has been a serious problem for decades. You get rid of him and the whole leftist movement with all of their useful idiots will collapse. Hopefully Trump can see to his demise once and for all (prison or death).

The George Soros thread

Trump has filed for 2020 Presidential re-election!

This measure crimps the speech of tax deductible organizations opposed to Trump, including George Soros funded outfits:


More importantly, 501©(3) nonprofit organizations would no longer be able to engage in “political speech” which could theoretically affect the results of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election without running the risk of losing their nonprofit status. The move effectively bars interest groups from creating nonprofits which they could funnel money into for the purposes of opposing Trump’s initiatives. This will likely create chaos for political opponents of Trump such as George Soros, who has sunk significant amounts of money into various nonprofit groups with the intent of opposing Trump’s government.

No doubt Trump's legal advisors have told him to do this! It's importance for 'leveling the playing field' for the coming four years - and against the usual agents' provocateurs - however, cannot be underestimated.

Well done, Man!!

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The George Soros thread

What I want to know is why is this sick fuck still breathing? He needs to meet with an unfortunate "accident" ASAP. Or Trump should have him arrested for treason and executed or locked in a supermax prison and gang raped on a regular basis for the rest of his miserable existence.

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