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With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?


With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 03:51 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

1. Narcissist Personality Disorder at epidemic levels.

2. BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder is going way up every year. HPD is as well.

3. Anti-depressant use is at an all time high. SSRIs, etc.

And a lot of these psycho chick types I run into with mental problems were ones that were molested or touched as a child, not sure why that seems to be rampant in our society nowadays (probably single mothers who let scum around their children) but they never get treatment and they vote too.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Probably not. SJWS always double down. Always.

PC culture is from a root that is deep down and hard to break - academia and many of the most popular and trafficked media outlets. Almost every teacher I know is liberal and comes from a university where if progressive views weren't entrenched, they were encouraged.

Then consider the "journalists" who all come from similar leftist institutions. We often let our distaste for them cause us to underestimate their influence. This is a mistake. The attack on Trump and his supporters will intensify greatly these next few years.

While alternative media platforms are being built - take Vox Day's efforts for instance - it will take a while for them to become established.

Our opponents range from those who own Amazon to Google. We already caught them manipulating facts, and besides calling them out and making it known, there isn't much we can do. They are the gatekeepers. I'm loathe to admit it, but I can't replace Amazon at this time. I want to, but I can't afford to.

This is why we need to support men like Vox Day. I may not agree with him on everything, but he's been one of the few creating new publishing houses, wikis, and other platforms of tech. (Got to credit as well, though their app is still in the works.) Google took 20 years to become what it was. Our strategy must be patient.

We need to start creating our own schools, institutions, and platforms. This of course takes time and money. Unfortunately, we don't have much access to venture capital. This must somehow change. I encourage you all to read Peter Thiel's "The Paypal Wars" to get an idea of just how much money, time, and effort it takes to create a platform.

Meanwhile we are faced with an enemy who in my opinion has access to weapons with a higher rate of fire then we do. This is changing, but again it takes time and patience. I'm adopting a multigenerational strategy, hence my emphasis on children and my own journey of getting married and being in the process of having one son and another on the way.

We must not only outmaneuver them, we must outbreed them. (I'm not even saying on a racial level persay, but one with an awareness and emphasis on neo-masculine values and worldview.)

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 01:59 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

1. Reverse 'Griggs vs. Duke Power' which ingrained the concept of 'disparate impact' into our judicial system. This was also encoded into federal law under George W Bush. Griggs made it legally dicey to give any prospective employees IQ and aptitude tests. Employers switched to using college degrees as the filters. Since you needed a degree to get a job that really doesn't require one, everyone suddenly had to go to college. As a result, college got dumb downed so every could get a degree.

The disparate impact concept is very toxic and applies not only to hiring, but loans, credit cards, mortgages, rent applications, etc. Companies and even small private landlords can get sued if they use the exact same criteria to select applicants of different races but, for example, approve higher % of whites and Asians because the % of eligible applicants among them is higher.

According to this principle, companies have to either exclude "discriminatory" criteria or apply less strict criteria to applicants of certain races (or other protected classes) to make up for the difference in approvals. Basically, they have to discriminate against Whites and Asians to protect themselves from lawsuits. Just like affirmative action, it aims to achieve equality of outcome as opposed to equality of opportunity.

Realistically, I don't think Trump's team will get rid of the disparate impact principle of it or even want to touch it because it stinks. However, Trump already proved many pessimists wrong when it comes to other things he accomplished, so let's hope for the best.

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer. If any lawyers on RVF know more about this subject, please share your knowledge and opinions.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 05:59 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2016 03:51 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

1. Narcissist Personality Disorder at epidemic levels.

2. BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder is going way up every year. HPD is as well.

3. Anti-depressant use is at an all time high. SSRIs, etc.

And a lot of these psycho chick types I run into with mental problems were ones that were molested or touched as a child, not sure why that seems to be rampant in our society nowadays (probably single mothers who let scum around their children) but they never get treatment and they vote too.

Yep, and until these families as a whole get better with alot less dysfunction going on, these people will continue to be plentiful and in large supply.

It's possible that Trump can revitalize the economy in such a way, that the middle class earns better and is much larger than it currently is, that alot of this could self correct.

That's a high goal, maybe too high for now, because it takes generations to build anything and only seconds to destroy it all.

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TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Pretend, for a second, that lefty loon George McGovern won the election of 1972 and shocked the average American adult (who was traditional, patriarchal, and churchgoing) back then. Would traditional America have faded within his first term? hell no. They would have fought back hard. This is what we're about to face if we don't think this through in Obama's final days.

(This isn't apt, as roughly, oh, 30/40 years of SJW social conditioning hasn't sunk in quite to the degree that a couple thousand years of Christian social programming had - but it's a close enough comparison, I think.)

I've had to remain quiet through my beginning years as an adult (my first election was 2008, and I was angry and bitter at not agreeing with SJWs until I became red-pilled until around 2012). It's just occurred to me over the past few days that the only way the God Emperor's cultural shift is going to take hold is if we begin openly agreeing with him and telling people we supported him. To pull this off we're going to have to become the kinds of people that have enough social advantages to be able to be different. Work out and look better, get your finances in order, figure out what you're doing with your life. It's possible to be a loser and a fuckup if you're at least in line with what's culturally acceptable...but not if you're a pariah that got lucky and won for once.

Purge the universities and everything, sure - but the majority of the grunt work is going to have to happen with us. We've been terrified into silence too long. It's time to take our culture back.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

The President will not have a significant effect as long as there is:

Freedom of speech
A woman's right to vote
Economic prosperity

You take the good with the bad. Unfortunately, a by-product of living in a free society is the PC culture. No President will reduce it with these conditions in place.

Take advantage of the economics in the West to make enough money to relocate to a country with more favorable cultural conditions.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 06:55 PM)Dantes Wrote:  

The President will not have a significant effect as long as there is:

Freedom of speech
A woman's right to vote
Economic prosperity

You take the good with the bad. Unfortunately, a by-product of living in a free society is the PC culture. No President will reduce it with these conditions in place.

Take advantage of the economics in the West to make enough money to relocate to a country with more favorable cultural conditions.

Well said, but American women (not most or all or course) might be alot more willing to stay home and be a homemaker if it were possible to raise a family easier with one income (the man working).

That transforms people and makes life easier. I have this setup and while I cannot afford the latest vehicles, etc. all the time, like I used to with my working exwife, I am infinitely happier. Ditto for wife.

If Trump could get us back to that state, women would take it. They don't want to work like men. Not most of them at least. This would change culture for the better.

Won't be easy though.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 06:22 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2016 05:59 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2016 03:51 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

1. Narcissist Personality Disorder at epidemic levels.

2. BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder is going way up every year. HPD is as well.

3. Anti-depressant use is at an all time high. SSRIs, etc.

And a lot of these psycho chick types I run into with mental problems were ones that were molested or touched as a child, not sure why that seems to be rampant in our society nowadays (probably single mothers who let scum around their children) but they never get treatment and they vote too.

Yep, and until these families as a whole get better with alot less dysfunction going on, these people will continue to be plentiful and in large supply.

It's possible that Trump can revitalize the economy in such a way, that the middle class earns better and is much larger than it currently is, that alot of this could self correct.

That's a high goal, maybe too high for now, because it takes generations to build anything and only seconds to destroy it all.

Revitalized economy that can provide stable environment and family can cut down on the number of individuals with NPD and BPD by their family telling them to cut it out. As Kai said, Type B personality disorders don't get the help they need because they don't see a problem with themselves. The elevation of feminism and increase normality of narcissism via hugboxes is preventing people to see that they have a problem. Once the majority of these people reach adulthood, it becomes harder to correct their disorder.

This may not workout in the end, but with Trump we can try.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 01:54 PM)Last Parade Wrote:  

The most dangerous part of the hunt is when the animal is wounded and you're going in for the kill.

I bet they're going to double down and be even more disruptive and belligerent. Increased BLM activity in 2017, increased campus PC shit, increased corporation PC shit. And your regular Joes and Janes, those who haven't woken up yet to this bullshit, are going to become more aware and perceptive of how toxic it is.

Remember after Brexit, how you had this segment talking about how great it'd be when the "old people" died off since they were to blame for the Brexit vote? Just wait until demographic data on this election comes out - not only will you have that similar sentiment (and we're seeing it already) but just wait for the #FuckWhitePeople hashtag to trend. Actually, /pol/ really should get on that... it'll be a great awakening mechanism.

We've achieved victory in a major battle, possibly a tide-turning battle, but still plenty of war left.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Millenial EC Map

About what you would expect

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

No, we need to crush them out completely, they've got a massive blow but now they're licking their wounds. We need to keep ratting them out and not supporting them, this includes actors, journos, media etc

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

SJW's will always arise in some form.
Though it's part of the American character, (from the Puritans to the SJW's -- it's not even a left/right thing), it's a part of human nature, in the bigger picture.

Any opportunity for a homo sapiens to exhibit moral grandstanding/showboating that arises, they will take it.

On second thought, didn't Western Civ/Christianity serve as a bulwark against this in some way?

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Based on my facebook feed, the PC stuff will not go away. Might get even worse in fact, coupled with increased violence.

They are a wounded but angry animal, at its most dangerous. They are going to fight, and with EVERYTHING they have.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 12:54 PM)Glaucon Wrote:  

We need to purge the Universities first.

Limit federal funding for programs teaching wackjob values and hate? Would clean things up in hurry.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

From what i've seen so far the retards on the left are doubling down hard with laughable "revolution" and "coup" talk.

This is a good thing. The more they double down and the more extreme their position the more they alienate the core which voted Trump in to begin with.

Let them become the fringe it'll be easier to pick them apart later.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

I think PC culture is definitely going to be knocked back a few steps, assuming Trump doesn't go super PC all of a sudden once he's president. At the very least it will probably be halted, which isn't great but 10x better than what would have happened with Hillary.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Only way that SjW culture will end in the United States of America is if the Federal Government stops funding for feminist and SJW causes.

I do agree that the money trail and gravy train for SJW people are going to decline under Trump. It is only a matter of time when the SJW gravy train comes to a complete stop.

Americans voted for Trump to stop the SJW tyranny and anti-free environment that the elitist Democrats were causing on average Americans.

HOWEVER, these SJW freaks are not going to stop without a fight. They are already reported to be "protesting" on the streets and stalking Trump's residence for defeating Hillary Clinton in her attempted rigging of election in her favor, which didn't work successfully because more legitimate Trump supporters voted than her intimidation campaigns to bully Trump supporters from voting (RIGGING ELECTION).

President Trump will help cool down the SJW tyranny, but until the funding and money supply for the SJW gravy train is put to a stop, these SJW freaks will continue to intimidate and engage in social disorder for Hitlery Clinton.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

53% of white women voted for trump. Just mention that the next time you run into an sjw.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 08:54 PM)Sombro Wrote:  

SJW's will always arise in some form.
Though it's part of the American character, (from the Puritans to the SJW's -- it's not even a left/right thing), it's a part of human nature, in the bigger picture.

Any opportunity for a homo sapiens to exhibit moral grandstanding/showboating that arises, they will take it.

On second thought, didn't Western Civ/Christianity serve as a bulwark against this in some way?

In the New Testament, we have Jesus warning about action of grandstanding your mortality and practicing humility.


Matthew 6:5-8
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Hence the tradition in Christianity to beware of men who act too religious to the crowd. The problem with the SJW and Churchanity is do not understand this warning and failure to understand human nature.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Trump won't last two terms, in many ways the Democrats put him in office by putting up a person who they themselves couldn't be arsed to get up and vote for.

the left won the cultural wars comprehensively, when the political winds swing again the backlash will be brutal.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Please tell us more from your crystal ball, Straw Man Pirate.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

SJW's don't actually care about what they claim to care about, they're just into the likes and retweets, views for income, and a chance to badmouth or get violent and get away with it (or even get cheered for it).

So if the leftist agenda is no longer center stage, all these perks would be gone, and the trend will likely disappear.

But I wouldn't rejoice. Those people will just find something else to pretend to be passionate about, and chances are, they won't be up to any good with their new thing either.

This is since these people have dysfunctional lives to begin with. SJW'ing is just an outlet.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-10-2016 08:33 PM)Malo Wrote:  

SJW's don't actually care about what they claim to care about, they're just into the likes and retweets, views for income, and a chance to badmouth or get violent and get away with it (or even get cheered for it).

So if the leftist agenda is no longer center stage, all these perks would be gone, and the trend will likely disappear.

But I wouldn't rejoice. Those people will just find something else to pretend to be passionate about, and chances are, they won't be up to any good with their new thing either.

This. They're not into "fairness", "equality", or any other buzzword they might throw around. They're into power. You know how it's been mentioned that women only focus on the best men? It's the same for SJWs. Hence the "White, Straight, Male Privilege". They focus on the most powerful people (who, in America, happen to be white, male, and straight) and direct their anger towards them. However, in this process, the other 50 million + men that fit that description sans the wealth and power are lumped in with them. If they were interested in fairness they'd learn to separate them, but they're so fixated on who has power - the power that they want - that they are unable to differentiate between the two groups. They would be far worse and more tyrannical if given the chance. All the movement has done has empowered people whom are no morally better than those they claim to detest, they're just not strong enough to do it themselves without the movement/social climate backing them up.

The point you make about being violent and getting away with it is very poignant, at least in my view. Just my observation, but it seems to me that the police shootings people get the most upset about aren't the most cold-blooded, unjust ones, but the ones where there were consequences for law breakers. For instance, there was a shooting in South Carolina where the cop basically killed the guy in cold blood. Guy ran from cop but nothing violent or threatening at all. It was in the news for about a week and even then the coverage wasn't that extensive. However, when the "victim" is someone that was testing the limits of law enforcement and then was shot, somehow the outrage increases 10 fold. Which tells me these people are less fixated on "justice" and more fixated on being able to get away with things (AKA power). Just my two cents.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-10-2016 11:23 AM)Thersites Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2016 08:54 PM)Sombro Wrote:  

SJW's will always arise in some form.
Though it's part of the American character, (from the Puritans to the SJW's -- it's not even a left/right thing), it's a part of human nature, in the bigger picture.

Any opportunity for a homo sapiens to exhibit moral grandstanding/showboating that arises, they will take it.

On second thought, didn't Western Civ/Christianity serve as a bulwark against this in some way?

In the New Testament, we have Jesus warning about action of grandstanding your mortality and practicing humility.


Matthew 6:5-8
5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Hence the tradition in Christianity to beware of men who act too religious to the crowd. The problem with the SJW and Churchanity is do not understand this warning and failure to understand human nature.

Thank you for this clarification.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade?

Quote: (11-09-2016 08:54 PM)Sombro Wrote:  

SJW's will always arise in some form.
Though it's part of the American character

SJWs....a part of the American character?

[Image: gtfo.gif]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

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