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With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - TheDuncan - 11-09-2016

PC, Feminism, Social Justice Warriors, will this begin to go away? Will men start acting like men again and women like women?

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Space Cowboy - 11-09-2016

When the Soviet Union fell, did leftism disappear?

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Cr33pin - 11-09-2016

god willing

hell I may even ponder going back in a few years now that Trump is our president

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Chowder Head - 11-09-2016

It will get worse.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Thrill Jackson - 11-09-2016

Depends how well everything else works out these next four years.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Brendan - 11-09-2016

It's only the beginning. Like Trump says this is a movement. From our personal lives to our internet presence, we need to live our lives in a manner that will help beat back the issues PC culture plagues us with to inspire others to abandon it and join the fight against against it.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Glaucon - 11-09-2016

We need to purge the Universities first.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - EnergyGame - 11-09-2016

they are demoralized but won't give up the fight. when they realise trump isn't the bogeyman they've deluded themselves into believing, a few of them might wake up and go get a job or something.

best thing is the identity politics media narrative is well and truly in tatters. the msm aligned themselves with the lies (crooked polls) and it's up to folk like us to keep drilling reality home until they're destroyed. keep exposing them, cut off the signal and the SJWs will retreat even further. i've seen quite a few of them being thoroughly red pilled by this election, questioning their own echo chambers and being disillusioned with hillary's schtick. we're winning bigly.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Rhyme or Reason - 11-09-2016

Quote: (11-09-2016 12:45 PM)Space Cowboy Wrote:  

When the Soviet Union fell, did leftism disappear?

PCness is a direct result of communist / marxist infiltration of our institutions. So to answer your question, no.

PCness is the radioactive fallout after the explosion of communism.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Canopus - 11-09-2016

Not in the sense that they'll turn away from their current destructive course. They are unlikely to do much soul-searching and their movements will only grow more barbed, toxic, and mendacious. They will not become better people.

But this is a grievous blow to their morale and that carries its own consequences. They will only grow more hysterical and more paranoid because they no longer know who to trust. Their communities are already notoriously fissile and prone to internal witch hunts and excommunications at the drop of a hat. That pattern will grow more pronounced. Because it's not only that they can't know who among their number voted for Trump - they can't know who didn't vote for Hillary. That question will haunt many of them. It already is.

I also predict (with no savor and great sadness) that a not-insignificant number of them will do harm or worse to themselves, due to the climate of fear and despair they've dreamed up. These are not men and women of great resilience. I don't expect some of them to endure the way we were prepared to endure, if yesterday had gone in Hillary's favor.

But at the end of the day, a strong, successful, and traditional American man with a beautiful family won the highest office in the country. For every simpering SJW camel with its head in the sand, there are also men and women who will take notice of that fact. We should be encouraged.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Phoenix - 11-09-2016

Quote: (11-09-2016 12:45 PM)Space Cowboy Wrote:  

When the Soviet Union fell, did leftism disappear?

Nail on the head.

Nazism disappeared because of forceful de-nazification programs. No such thing happened after the fall of the USSR.

Likewise, this variety of leftism won't go unless it forcibly pushed out. Please do your part, today you can warn at least one teenager not to go to college.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Gard1983 - 11-09-2016

I don't think it will go away until the next election. If they keep doubling down on this "all Trump voters are racist white rednecks", which it does seem like a majority of liberals are going to continue saying, they'll also lose the next election. Then it'll go away when the sane people finally realize that sort of talk doesn't win them votes anymore.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - brick tamland - 11-09-2016

Perhaps decades ago, this might have been possible but the tightly controlled and owned mainstream media is a behemoth that needs to be dismantled before any prospect of the diminution of the PC ethic is realistic.
Most people consume, accept and then defend the ideas and make-believe reality (really an illusion) constructed by the MSM, unthinkingly so. We on the other hand are skeptical contrarians.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Last Parade - 11-09-2016

The most dangerous part of the hunt is when the animal is wounded and you're going in for the kill.

I bet they're going to double down and be even more disruptive and belligerent. Increased BLM activity in 2017, increased campus PC shit, increased corporation PC shit. And your regular Joes and Janes, those who haven't woken up yet to this bullshit, are going to become more aware and perceptive of how toxic it is.

Remember after Brexit, how you had this segment talking about how great it'd be when the "old people" died off since they were to blame for the Brexit vote? Just wait until demographic data on this election comes out - not only will you have that similar sentiment (and we're seeing it already) but just wait for the #FuckWhitePeople hashtag to trend. Actually, /pol/ really should get on that... it'll be a great awakening mechanism.

We've achieved victory in a major battle, possibly a tide-turning battle, but still plenty of war left.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - RoastBeefCurtains4Me - 11-09-2016

Quote: (11-09-2016 12:45 PM)Space Cowboy Wrote:  

When the Soviet Union fell, did leftism disappear?

I think in the former Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact countries, leftism did go down. It didn't go away everywhere, and it has seen a resurgence in the west a generation later, but it did go down in the Soviet Union after it fell.

I think there will be at least some tendency for young men and women to go back to more traditional patterns of behavior. The number of skrillex haircuts and neon dye-jobs will go down. These things won't go away, but I think the tone of the culture will change, and the percentages that behave like over the top SJW loons will go down.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Hell_Is_Like_Newark - 11-09-2016

As someone in the thread pointed out.. the heart of the cultural rot is the university system.

1. Reverse 'Griggs vs. Duke Power' which ingrained the concept of 'disparate impact' into our judicial system. This was also encoded into federal law under George W Bush. Griggs made it legally dicey to give any prospective employees IQ and aptitude tests. Employers switched to using college degrees as the filters. Since you needed a degree to get a job that really doesn't require one, everyone suddenly had to go to college. As a result, college got dumb downed so every could get a degree.

2. Stop funding the university system via the college loan program. Allow student loans to be discharged in bankruptcy and dissolve Sallie Mae. College got expensive because we have converted young men and women into cash slush funds; forcing them into debt slavery for decades on end. This endless pool of money allowed universities to pay leftist shitheads large 6 figure or more salaries to turn out indoctrinated fools.

People who still want a good liberal arts or STEM education will still get it. If there is a market for the training, it will be provided. It probably won't look like anything the university system is today.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Baldwin81 - 11-09-2016


At the same time, the battleground is completely different.

Trump's victory brings us out of the "age of ideas" and into the "age of image."

By "age of image," I mean that it's all identity politics now. Demographics is our destiny. From here on out-and I suspect this has always been the case, but now the proverbial mask is off...-politics on both sides is about imposing your group's will. Within the context of of the group, abundance mentality is still real. When it's one group vs. another group (or groups) it's important to recognize that this is a zero-sum game with clear winners and losers.

We are one nation in name only. Beneath the surface, factions will be at each others throats-literally and figuratively-for power and control.

In regards to the Trump faction, the cucks are beaten. The cucks, as we know, never wanted to WIN. They wanted to feel a part of an elite club. Just like we are one nation in name only, the GOP now exists in name only. The party is no longer beholden to the cucks and it does not seek membership in any elite club: It wants to be the elite club.

The PC era will not fade. Its impotent rebuttal to last night's defeat is, on the surface, a call for "unity," for "civility." Now, with social media, we see that behind the scenes they are like, "Wow, just wow, hate won last night," and "he's not my president..."

^These people are perpetual victims. They will always be victims. As such, they will never prosper and wallow in their victimhood. Their childish outbursts are funny, but they will never miss an opportunity to destroy you IF AND ONLY IF you make it easy for them.

The Trump faction's responsibility is to stay engaged and give no ground. These victims are to be mocked and ridiculed. We need make their adult lives an infinite feedback loop of their loser high school years. There is no more "common ground," no more "collaboration to make this country more inclusive so that all Americans can..." Ha, you know that canned political monologue.

The age of ideas is over and the age of image is here to stay. This is good for the Trump faction. We have a dominant, envy-inspiring image that they can never have. Since they can never have it, they will ALWAYS seek to subvert it. In years past, they took great pleasure in our confusion, in our pain. From this day forward, we must vow to never, ever give them such pleasure again.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - Thersites - 11-09-2016

The PC era is not over, but for the first time a real opposition has risen up against PC and its allies. Just like Gamergate being the first time that SJWs actual had someone fight, this first time the establishment got punched in the face The God-Emperor ascendancy to the presidency has moved the overton window of the American people to the right center. We have long road ahead, but we have hope now that all is not lost.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - RatInTheWoods - 11-09-2016

The education system needs a clean up, and they are heavily entrenched there.

Its a great place to warp the minds of all young impressionable people for life.

I don't know how we let them take that over.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - James Bond Next level - 11-09-2016

Mentalities change slowly and for grown-up, it takes a psychological shock to change them. So they will stay the way they are. As someone said, it would take huge reform on the education system so that the next generation won't have these ideas.
When Trump won, I was so happy too : at least some ray of hope in this degenerate world. But after that I remember that he's not a god. Fellow RVFer, this isn't the time to lay down our arms, on the countrary! The battle has just begun, and Trump will now be exposed to more subtle manipulation more than ever (he can't fire all the establishment people and has to keep some). I already heard on TV people trying to minimize his victory by saying he won't honour his promises. Maybe they are right, let's wait and see what Donald had planned and in the meantime continue our personal battle to awaken our families/friends...

Make men great again!

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - heavy - 11-09-2016

We will always be fighting an uphill battle for freedom. People, the masses, will always strive to control. In the past, in the U.S., these manifest through pastors, elders, and church ladies. Teachers and education administrations, local officials replaced this in communities.

In the absence of churches and local communities we now have the PC State, manifest through social media and public shaming. It's actually worse in that regard, because of the internet. The flip side is, we have forums like these because of the internet.

There will always be people trying to control others, and there will always be people trying to break free.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - TravelerKai - 11-09-2016

PC culture will not die. These people largely have mental disorders stemming from multiple areas and causes. Ideologies as a whole never die, just lay dormant.

If you break down what afflicts them:

1. Narcissist Personality Disorder at epidemic levels.

2. BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder is going way up every year. HPD is as well.

3. Anti-depressant use is at an all time high. SSRIs, etc.

Very very few cluster B types ever get professional help. It does not help that the Psychiatry and Psychology industries are part of the problem and help created things such as "safe zones" by lieu of the various treatment options.

They abuse the use the phrase "self esteem" as a means to provide and confer "power" and or "control" to those they believe as powerless or without means. In turn it creates monsters that are conditioned to never see reality for what it really shows.

48 Laws of power, Art of War, Thomas Hobbesian/Machiavellian realpolitik-like concepts of rationalism and realism.

Power is usually earned or taken, not granted. Power is not authority either. One is always legitimate and the other not always. When power is granted or passed down, entitlement can be developed. Hence the problems we have with entitlement.

If you really want to get deep, misinterpretation of Biblical principals, have allowed and given safe haven to these behaviors, in a misguided form of Christ's compassion.

I digress, but change in culture ultimately comes from family units -> tribes -> communities.

The only way you will see less of this stuff, is if you see an improvement in that area.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - TheOllam - 11-09-2016

Agreeing with prior posters, very detailed analysis.

History: I attended HS in the 90's Clinton Era and PC had a renaissance of "legitimacy" while affirmative action started ramping up.

As long as people believe they are victims, there will always be PC.

It was a contentious issue back then. It's Even worse today.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - britchard - 11-09-2016

It would be eliminated very quickly if we disbanded all university/college degrees that aren't STEM or something with a modicum of purpose, and cracked down on media's fake coverage and exaggeration of events.

Also getting rid of lawsuit culture would help.

With Trump as president, do you think the PC era will begin to fade? - BortimusPrime - 11-09-2016

The pattern from what I've seen is that PC culture festers in academia and media regardless of who controls the government. The difference is that with a liberal government the progressives are emboldened to try and impose their ideology on the rest of the country. You can see this with Clinton when PC Feminism made a big surge and women were wearing those horrible-looking high waistline jeans and skateboarding around while yelling "Radical!" and drinking sunny delight. Then Bush came along, and honestly I don't remember all that much PC crap being pushed. Far-left progressives were mostly cowed by the popular jingoism after 9/11.

Finally Obama got in, and then you have Occupy Wall St. which really spawned the modern SJWs. And then feminists co-opted all the left-leaning groups (Organized Atheism and Video Games most notably) And then Black Lives Matter took off. Both Occupy and BLM were protest groups that would have likely fizzled early if the government had responded vigorously with generous applications of mace to the most sensitive orifices of the protestors. But quite the opposite occurred with a leftist president, the one thing I'm going to remember most about Obama is him letting Black Lives Matter terrorize the country freely while offering excuses of why that group of racist bolsheviks had legitimate grievances that needed to be heard.

So my guess is that aside from the immediate squawking and threats to move to Canada, we're going to see the progressives slink back to their safe spaces for the time being. College will still be liberal, but the faculty won't feel quite as secure about harassing white male students with their tribunals and accusations of crimethink. Expect to see white male students winning lawsuits after being expelled on spurious accusations.

The media may be a different story, given they had a higher expectation of being unbiased they've basically piddled away all their legitimacy and could get purged. Potentially see alternative media sources being mainstreamed.