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Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

A lot of talk about notch count being an issue here amongst the lads, but a thought occurred to me the other day.

Imagine a choice between two women:

1) Single all year, banged one new guy a month during ovulation once when she was horny. Notch Count: 10, Bang count: 10 Because she only had a ONS it was vanilla sex with condom.

2) Woman in LRT all year. Bangs brains out of boyfriend 12 times a week, swallows cum, anal, facials etc. Notch Count: 1, Bang Count: 600

Multiple this by ten years, and which woman would you rather kiss and have sex with, the chick with a notch count of 100 or the woman with a notch count 10 but whos vagaina has had 6000 serves of cock?


Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

6000 serves of one cock = one set of STD vectors.

In a choice between the two I would take the monogamous sperm-hoover on the proviso that my dick was provably bigger than her previous boyfriend's. I don't want to be rattling around in there.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

For casual sex either would do just fine. For a potential mother to my children, I would take the girl who has had one LTR over a woman who has a proven inability to commit.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Well, it's a bit of a false dichotomy, as I've found that women much like the examples given don't really seem to exist in the real world. There's nothing wrong with gedankenexperiments, but for my part I'm having a lot of trouble deciding that there's any clear winner here at all (it just said kiss and sex, not marriage), so it seems like the question might be an ill-formed one.

I think a better one might be: why does it seem to intrinsically bother some dudes a lot that a woman got banged out by others before him, and likely will after him, and other dudes seem to have a more relaxed view and figure that if a girl's gonna be sexually active, well, that's what she's gonna do whether he's in the picture or not.

I'm not necessarily saying there's a right or wrong answer there either, but I think that's the underlying issue being explored.

And in my on-the-ground research at least my guess is that the ONS experience with any given girl vs. how it would be in a relationship with her is that, well, aside from the condom it's going to be pretty much WYSIWYG. [Image: confused.gif] Or at least 90% of it (anal still seems to be a pleasure that's held back even with the most free spirited chicks, though who knows, that may change.) Whether a ONS girl will take a facial or not seems to legit be as good as 50-50, these days,

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

This isn't even a close call.

Bang count is irrelevant. If a woman was loyal and monogamous with one lover over many months or years, her pair bonding isn't going to be nearly as fucked up as a woman who has taken a dozen cocks one time each.

SEX doesn't desensitize or fuck up women. Sex with multiple partners does.

Now, one could argue that if the girl was into some really kinky shit---BDSM, getting shit on, that kind of thing---that she would be more damaged than the girl who had vanilla sex with 10 dudes.

But what you describe is pretty vanilla to me----in an LTR, I'm doing all of that. Who the hell sticks to missionary with a girl they spend months or years banging?

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

I'd take the 2nd one without a doubt.
With such sexual experience and avidity, she'll keep my balls drained, with a smile on her face.
The first one only needs to fuck once every full moon, no thanks.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

I've thought about this a lot lately. To me the bang count is more important than the notch count. I dated a 30 year old girl who probably had sex 4-5 partners in her life,but they were all short flings or one night stands. She probably had a bang count of 9-10 or so. She never had a long term boyfriend. She was a "good girl" and very sexually reserved. She didn't like to talk about sex as it would make her feel uncomfortable, and would only go along with it if I was in the mood.

Compare this to a girl who's had 2 long term boyfriends for 3-5 years, 2 total notch counts. What do you think her bang count is? Probably over a thousand or so. Once a girl has had that much sex in her lifetime, it's impossible for her to go back to her natural innocent good girl stage. She's probably tried every single position imaginable and done every kinky slutty thing with her bf. Compare her to the previous girl and she's much more sexually experienced and probably sluttier.

I think it's important to screen for younger girls who have never had a long term relationship. They may have had a few sexual partners but their bang count is probably low and they're still sexually inexperienced. More likely to be loyal to you if you fuck and train them right.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

I really don't understand why any guy would care or even think about the amount of sex a girl has had with an ex, unless shes not givong him any. Notch count is way more important in my book.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

If I'm just banging a girl I don't care as long as she's clean and fun to be with.

I care a lot more about their actions, and certain things lend themselves towards low N and low experience in general. Only a true psychopath with strong girl game can mock inexperience, with all the subtle body language and subconscious behaviors.

But, if she won't stop talking about the situations with her ex, that is a huge turn-off. I don't want to know how her past boyfriend taught her to suck dick like a pro. Even if she's only had 1 and she keeps bringing up the things she'd do for him, it's a huge red flag.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Repo there's a difference in sexual experience between a girl who's had sex with 5 guys in ten years but they were flings or one night stands, versus a girl who's had sex with her boyfriend everyday for 5 five years and tried every sexual move in the book. One girl craves cock because she's had it everyday for years while the other girl hasn't had it consistently. Again, if we're talking about fuck buddies then who cares about their past experience, but for long term relationships then it does make a difference.

I think it's important to note that once a girl loses her innocence then she can never regain it back. It could mean different things for different girls. Some girls lose their innocence after fucking the same guy everyday for a month straight, others it might be the first time they swallow cum or take it in the ass. But once they lose their innocence and start to crave cock/sex, then it's game over and they lose value in my eyes for a long term relationship.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?


1). Why would you not want the one that craves it?

2). How is a girl having sex in a comitted relationship "losing her innocence"? All people like sex.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

A nice, sweet, innocent, religious girl who is either a virgin, or has a low notch/bang count will not crave or lust after sex. Simply because she is sexually inexperienced and maybe hasn't had an orgasm yet? Either way, this makes her an ideal candidate for a long term relationship because it is less likely that she will cheat on you if you are able to have sex with her and lock her down.

A girl who craves sex is more likely to cheat on you and is not an ideal candidate for a long term relationship.

Are you saying you're ok with having a long term relationship with a girl with a slutty past?

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Quote: (10-30-2016 06:53 PM)Oilrig Wrote:  

A nice, sweet, innocent, religious girl who is either a virgin, or has a low notch/bang count will not crave or lust after sex.

If you think nice, sweet, "innocent", religious and virgin girls don't crave or lust, I've got a bridge to sell you.

They're sometimes incredibly easy to game if you know what you're doing.

And they want it.

They want it more than the sluts.

Because they have been told they can't have it.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

I have to agree with philosophical recovery on this.

The reason they have low or no notches typically is because either:

A. Parents/friends/etc have made it so where they can't do it. (They'll "get caught")

or B. They want it, but they feel guilty or embarrassed or are afraid of social exile. The right guy comes along, says the right things, makes her comfortable and BAM! She's fucking him.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?


I'm saying that if I'm looking for a girl for a long term relationship, I am looking for one that has mostly had previous LTR's with minimal flings. I don't think the relationship dynamics which you are describing are accurate at all.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

I think the focus is way off here... you know you got too much redpill when you start judging things based on notch counts.

Notch count in itself doesnt mean anything. What it stands for is the woman's moral values and integrity.

Girls are unable to compartmentalize their behaviors, and thus her sexual behaviors are very indicative of how she treats every other relationship, be it family or friends.

A girl who has very high notch count = hedonistic, wild, bad judgement, mentally damaged, untrustworthy, undisciplined. And any other combination of qualities you would expect to go with that lifestyle.

The other girl who bangs his boyfriend 12 times per week, at least we know that she is reliable in securing her man's needs, and thats all men really want at the end of the day. Probably can be counted on to show up at work everyday too.

Maybe I've not seen everything yet, but I havent seen a high notch count girl with startling personality or a good heart.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Quote: (10-29-2016 10:44 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

A lot of talk about notch count being an issue here amongst the lads, but a thought occurred to me the other day.

Imagine a choice between two women:

1) Single all year, banged one new guy a month during ovulation once when she was horny. Notch Count: 10, Bang count: 10 Because she only had a ONS it was vanilla sex with condom.

2) Woman in LRT all year. Bangs brains out of boyfriend 12 times a week, swallows cum, anal, facials etc. Notch Count: 1, Bang Count: 600

Multiple this by ten years, and which woman would you rather kiss and have sex with, the chick with a notch count of 100 or the woman with a notch count 10 but whos vagaina has had 6000 serves of cock?


Trick question, because I don't date women that have been having sex for ten years.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

The only problem is you would have to presume both women were telling the truth. This must be verifiable before you make the right choice...and the right choice me they are one in the same.

I'd rather take Oilrig's suggestion.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Well, I've never heard of bang count before. Did you term that?

If it's a hot and humid august night and I've been drinking tequila, frankly my dear, I don't give a shit what counts you have, I'm trying break off a nut and plunder that pink cave.

If we're talking the mother of my children, notch count matters. If she was in a relationship(s), I'm secure in playing the probabilities that she wasn't too big of a whore. If she wasn't, well, houston we got problems. But there is no coming back from me, I will ruin all future guys for you.

Women trade is the currency of drama. Sex is drama. They wear make up ie. physically alter their appearance as a daily ritual. To think them being in relationships means the angel on the left shoulder always beats the devil on the right shoulder is ignoring many things we discuss here.

I might be jaded by the over the top sex culture in the US but its futile to worry about something out of your control and 99.999% unverifiable.

Live a life where it doesnt matter either way.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Quote: (10-31-2016 06:33 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

A girl who has very high notch count = hedonistic, wild, bad judgement, mentally damaged, untrustworthy, undisciplined. And any other combination of qualities you would expect to go with that lifestyle.

The other girl who bangs his boyfriend 12 times per week, at least we know that she is reliable in securing her man's needs, and thats all men really want at the end of the day. Probably can be counted on to show up at work everyday too.

Bang. Dalaran has put into words my instinctive feeling on this important matter. Giving reason to the apparently irrational position we probably all hold.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Lots of real talk, so I won't add my car to that train.

Not to derail, the fair question might be: Can you figure out which type of girl she really is, despite her efforts to convince you to believe otherwise?

Or, can you run your game to get the girl you want, no matter her past? Why does her history dictate her behavior with you? And if it does, how are you handling that?

I think most men here would like all our bangs to be sub-5 notch count heel-wearing submissive models with a great attitude that suck your dick before breakfast... But that's not the world I'm living in.

They don't come like that right out of the box, anyway. You gotta guide them there, no matter where she was before y'all met.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Quote: (10-29-2016 10:51 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

6000 serves of one cock = one set of STD vectors.

In a choice between the two I would take the monogamous sperm-hoover on the proviso that my dick was provably bigger than her previous boyfriend's. I don't want to be rattling around in there.

I would have to agree. Although, with some women, you will never know if they are actually monogamous.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

Quote: (10-31-2016 10:08 PM)Gustavus Adolphus Wrote:  

I think most men here would like all our bangs to be sub-5 notch count heel-wearing submissive models with a great attitude that suck your dick before breakfast... But that's not the world I'm living in.

They don't come like that right out of the box, anyway. You gotta guide them there, no matter where she was before y'all met.

That's true. But some CAN'T be guided, no matter how much game you have.

And others require a lot less effort and maintenance to keep her going like you taught.

That's the real difference.

Who has the time to deal with shit tests every other hour? Why bother with that crap?

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

^^ you're right. But that is kind of the point of the question.

I certainly don't want to deal with a bunch of bullshit, but sometimes it's not presented early on. Girls can put on a front for just about anything. Their sexual history and true persona are often tough to decipher- at first (barring some dead giveaways). If they are a pain in the ass, the solution is obvious.

Notch Count / Bang Count - Which bothers you more?

This is the most ludicrous thread ever. If a hot girls loves banging the same guy over and over. Odds are she'll oblige much the same with me if her notch count is low. Pair bonding works best with low notch counts. Come on man >_> really?

How often do you game? How many girls have you been with? If you've been with even a few the answer is obvious.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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