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Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

So I wanted to start a topic strictly to just give ideas of what parts of the world have better women for wife material.

For people who know about how girls behave and stuff, which countries would you rank tops for serious relationship?

I shall add that indeed this thread is inspired by the other thread that talks about wife hunting but with how cluttered that thread is with about everything else relating to marrying foreign women, I want a thread that focuses on just listing and comparing countries only. It would be nice to get together in one place, ideas about which countries are best for this.

To start off as an example, people kept talking about Brazil, Mexico being better choices than Colombia. What do you have to say about these and other countries? Try to post your ideas of countries in order of best to worst for LTR. I am sure a lot of people on here are at least considering LTR material so give your thoughts on what countries are your top choices. I even put a poll so we can get some real data on this.

I am sure that even players and notch-seekers can give out their opinions as they might have valuable opinions and insight into where you can see better wife material vs those that you should skip if looking for a wife.

The idea for this thread is that,even though I am going around looking for fun, I want to do it in a country recommended well in this thread so along the way I may end up with a decent LTR unexpectedly.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Any East Asian country, also you forgot China.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

I havent tested it but from what ive seen i think Serbian/Montenegro girls would make wonderful longterm girlfriends.

Theyre strong, poised and seem to have a good head on their shoulders.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

OMG I forgot to put China. such a big blotch on the map and I skipped it :O

The short number of options is the cultprit. I hit the max 10 options. If they had a 20 max, I would have swept the globe properly and came up with a more complete list.

If anyone wants to give a vote to China, tag it on with Vietnams button??? lol I dunno!! I also forgot MEX (again, max selection is 10, so not enough options on the damn thing and I ran out of options without thinking first!) but I guess whoever voted 'other', picked MEX.

As I had thought, Eurasia is winning by a long shot. E Europe alone has not far from half all the votes!

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

EE women seem to age pretty terribly on average, especially in the Balkans (probably genetics, poor diet, ubiquitous chain smoking). They do have good personalities on average. On the flip side Asians seem to be the polar opposite in this respect. Latinas are probably somewhere in the middle, somewhat excluding the fatty countries like Mexico.

The nice thing about latinas is their language is much easier to learn, so integration into her culture is far far more manageable from the beginning. Slavic languages have a much steeper learning curve and fewer resources. There is of course a pretty great payoff long term to learning Russian, but I can't help but think that in the extra hours required to become fluent you could probably launch a small business or two and sleep with a bunch of hot girls.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Consensus from my thread, since I have read and taken it all in over a long period (1 year+):

Tier 1 (almost universal agreement as great LTR country):

Tier 1 (believed to be, small amounts of info though):

Tier 2 (many big fans with some detractors):

Tier 3 (mostly in favor, with a very sizable minority of detractors):

Tier 4 (half in favor, half against):
Russia (too many gold diggers)
Poland (too many sluts)
Phillipines (too many sluts that are basic bitches on top of being sluts)

Tier 5 (places where guys get lots of ass from hoes, say there are gems to be found if you try really hard - be extremely careful):

Interesting countries no one talks about in the other thread so they don't have a Tier:
Croatia (Handsome Creepy Eel thinks they think too highly of themselves)
Venezuela (currently out of order)

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Pretty good list Travesty.
I would move down (worse) China and Romania.
I mostly agree on your tier 4 and 5 opinions.

From my short experience I think Moldova and Kazakhstan would be tier 1.5- 2.
Indonesia a 2 or 3.

Panama, Spain, Argentina seems like a tier 3.5- 4.

Vietnam may be my next month+ trip.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

I know there are a few guys who aren't a fan of Thai girls and probably more who don't even look - so many available girls, why bother with a gf. Still I had to vote for Thailand; wife is Thai and after 1 yr of marriage life is good. Basically I get treated like a king and among other perks, she cooks fantastic Thai food almost every night. Also doesn't have a problem if I go out with the boys and stumble home at 3 in the morning.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Travesty, that's an interesting list..
but I think you also have to take cultural preferences and social class into consideration. You cannot compare poor peruvian or colombian girl who's only looking for sugar daddy with upper middle class/rich girls.

Also, could you live and make money in one of those countries?

Anyway, I am currently in China, and am blown away.. For me nothing beats (mature) east asian girls. In Hong Kong I basically don't get any attention, but as soon as I cross to mainland.. oh my god. I never had so many girls on streets holding eye contact with me, or coming to help me while buying/ordering something in my life.

Eastern european girls turn into bitches really easy.. if they don't like something, you gonna find out for sure, and listen to so much crap you gonna regret the day you met her. I am Croatian and my list would look something like this..

Tier 1
South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Malaysian chinese

Tier 2
Russia, Italy, Greece, any mediterranean country except Turkey

Tier 3
Thailand, Myanmar(those I met overseas are like Thais without the slut factor), Indonesia if you're ok with looks

Honorable mentions
Indian girls(overseas) - I like their attitude, Arabs - non religious

the rest.. good luck having a normal long term relationship or wife.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Now are these girls you can bring to the states and make them loyal, or would you need to be a member of that country for them to be loyal?

Growth Over Everything Else.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:10 AM)micky Wrote:  

Travesty, that's an interesting list..
but I think you also have to take cultural preferences and social class into consideration. You cannot compare poor peruvian or colombian girl who's only looking for sugar daddy with upper middle class/rich girls.

Also, could you live and make money in one of those countries?

Anyway, I am currently in China, and am blown away.. For me nothing beats (mature) east asian girls. In Hong Kong I basically don't get any attention, but as soon as I cross to mainland.. oh my god. I never had so many girls on streets holding eye contact with me, or coming to help me while buying/ordering something in my life.

Eastern european girls turn into bitches really easy.. if they don't like something, you gonna find out for sure, and listen to so much crap you gonna regret the day you met her. I am Croatian and my list would look something like this..

Tier 1
South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Malaysian chinese

Tier 2
Russia, Italy, Greece, any mediterranean country except Turkey

Tier 3
Thailand, Myanmar(those I met overseas are like Thais without the slut factor), Indonesia if you're ok with looks

Honorable mentions
Indian girls(overseas) - I like their attitude, Arabs - non religious

the rest.. good luck having a normal long term relationship or wife.

What's the deal with Hong Kong, mickey? I'd really like to know. In my experience, tourists/expats are probably much easier to target.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 02:54 AM)Travesty Wrote:  

Consensus from my thread, since I have read and taken it all in over a long period (1 year+):

Tier 1 (almost universal agreement as great LTR country):

Tier 1 (believed to be, small amounts of info though):

Tier 2 (many big fans with some detractors):

Tier 3 (mostly in favor, with a very sizable minority of detractors):

Tier 4 (half in favor, half against):
Russia (too many gold diggers)
Poland (too many sluts)
Phillipines (too many sluts that are basic bitches on top of being sluts)

Tier 5 (places where guys get lots of ass from hoes, say there are gems to be found if you try really hard - be extremely careful):

Interesting countries no one talks about in the other thread so they don't have a Tier:
Croatia (Handsome Creepy Eel thinks they think too highly of themselves)
Venezuela (currently out of order)

Thanks for this! I can see how it is. But why does Colombia do so bad in this LTR topic area? Everyone on the poll also agrees a no to Colombia so I am intrigued to know why is this the case.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Local HK girls are not really amazed by white guys in comparison with the mainland. But you cross the border to Shenzhen and Guangzhou and it gets crazy. I even got approached 2 times by some older girls. Got 93 likes on TanTan in 8 days.. only problem with mainland chinese women is that they don't speak english.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:14 AM)Phil Jackson Wrote:  

Now are these girls you can bring to the states and make them loyal, or would you need to be a member of that country for them to be loyal?

In my opinion bringing a girl to the states is probably the absolute worst thing you can do to increase risk of her rebelling and inflating her self-estimation of herself.

Even a totally well- intentioned humble girl cannot help but be influenced but the constant multi-directional propaganda directed at either villainizing or clowning men in USA, and in inflating women such that they will believe they should follow every tiny impulse as if it is a demand from God himself.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

When bringing girls back, you have to make a distinction not mainly about which country shes from, but which lifestyle/social status/exposure shes coming from.

Most of the guys who had huge problems have went to some unknown village in Ukraine or Russia, found some beauty there, then brought her to a big city where suddenly shes exposed to a million rich guys, displays of wealth, entertainment, shopping, etc....

Basically they judged a girl to be marriage material because of her lack of exposure, as opposed to her reaction to that exposure. Its less to do with her being russian than with her coming from a sheltered village.

You can marry a girl from anywhere in my opinion, as long as you already know how she behaves when faced with certain factors.

However, you cannot make that judgement either until youre well familiar with her own culture, background, family, language etc...

Otherwise, youre taking a gamble bringing her back.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 02:54 AM)Travesty Wrote:  

Consensus from my thread, since I have read and taken it all in over a long period (1 year+):

Tier 1 (almost universal agreement as great LTR country):

Tier 1 (believed to be, small amounts of info though):

Tier 2 (many big fans with some detractors):

Tier 3 (mostly in favor, with a very sizable minority of detractors):

Tier 4 (half in favor, half against):
Russia (too many gold diggers)
Poland (too many sluts)
Philippines (too many sluts that are basic bitches on top of being sluts)

Tier 5 (places where guys get lots of ass from hoes, say there are gems to be found if you try really hard - be extremely careful):

Interesting countries no one talks about in the other thread so they don't have a Tier:


I wrote abou this a little bit in my Peru thread.

While I don't have experience in all of these countries listed, I've formulated a few opinions on Colombia and Peru after spending most this year in each country.

First and foremost I disagree with the general consensus on Colombia regarding this topic. I don't think Colombia is necessarily a hard place to find a solid LTR, a wife is probably another story though. Not that I am personally thinking of doing it, but I was with a number of girls who had LTR and even wife potential and I was just in Bogota. The thing all these girls had in common was that they and/or their families were from the Caribe region. I want to put boots on the ground in the Tier 2 or 3 of that region sometime and see what exists. Putting Colombia in the Tier 5 category would probably only be accurate if you were only looking in the major cities.

There are of course external societal issues in Colombia that do make it a risk. Most if not all of these women have seen some sort of shit that has fucked them mentally. Divorces, deaths in the family and all other sorts of the shit that can stain the mental health of women. Not to mention a more general acceptance of infidelity in Colombian society as well.

I think Peru is a great location for an LTR and even finding a wife. In any case, it's a much, much better option than Colombia. It's all about tradeoffs though.

Peruanas are on average 1-1.5 points lower than Colombianas and are definitely worse at sex, but in my experience they are much more loyal and less conniving. Most Colombianas have pretty solid girl game and are pretty intelligent about how to play men. The same can't always be said for Peruanas. Peruanas seem to be missing the edge that Colombianas have and are quite childish and basic with their ability to game men. For a Western man with game and Spanish, it's stupid easy to win these girls over, get them follow and do your bidding. Run your normal screening, avoid all the Bricheras and some of the Pitucas and chances are you'll have a girl who is at the minimum a solid LTR option.

Peruvian society also seems to be much more conservative than Colombian society. At least when you judge each society by the actions of the people. While things aren't perfect here, I see family life and society in general as more stable and functional.

If Brazil and Mexico are in Tier's 1 & 2, then I'd say Peru should be up somewhere close to that.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

My best experiences so far:

1. Ukraine
2. Venezuela

My most recent LTR was a Ukrainian girl I met in Kyiv. As long as you don't meet a girl (as per Beirut) in a small village with that "I want to go to America" mindset, Ukrainian girls have a lot to offer - she was sweet, smart, cultured, and (the theme here), she loved pleasing me whether by cooking, or in bed.

I'm a big fan of Venezuelan women. They're sweet, sensual, and love taking care of their man. You don't hear about them much because the country is a shithole, and Colombia + Brazil get all of the attention, but they hold their own quite well.

Full disclosure I've never been with a Vietnamese women, but the ones I've seen in Canada are subpar. I don't find them attractive at all. Obviously, they're different than in Vietnam, but I can't see myself ever going there to pursue an LTR. I need my LTR to be attractive, as well as fit with a good personality, and a certain level of intelligence. Every Vietnamese woman I've met, fails on the attractiveness scale, and I don't see them as "smart."

Just my two cents.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:10 AM)micky Wrote:  

Travesty, that's an interesting list..
but I think you also have to take cultural preferences and social class into consideration.

My list does take that into consideration after collecting dozens of different opinions from guys that have lived in multiple countries on the list over a 1 year+ span.

As you saw a guy above you said move China down the list and you rave about it.

Pretty much means it is in the exact right spot.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:28 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2016 02:54 AM)Travesty Wrote:  

Colombia bad for LTR.


I've been there. So have probably 100s of other members.

Too many broken families. Single households. Many local guys there are players. Many girls there are poor enough or spoiled enough they try to extract things out of men out of habit. Lots of hookers and p4p. A cheating culture.

The girls have good girl game there at the same time can seem shady with hidden intentions and agendas.

Hence you can find a gem there if you dig really hard. Buyer beware.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?


I just don't think it is possible for Peru to be Tier 1 or 2 when so many guys go there and treat it like the Phillipines of the Western Hemisphere with girls putting out left and right. I predict at least half or more of other members would come out against your opinion.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 10:37 AM)WeekendCasanova Wrote:  

My best experiences so far:

1. Ukraine
2. Venezuela

Full disclosure I've never been with a Vietnamese women, but the ones I've seen in Canada are subpar. I don't find them attractive at all. Obviously, they're different than in Vietnam, but I can't see myself ever going there to pursue an LTR. I need my LTR to be attractive, as well as fit with a good personality, and a certain level of intelligence. Every Vietnamese woman I've met, fails on the attractiveness scale, and I don't see them as "smart."

Just my two cents.

You just outlined my argument to a T why I think Asians and particularly Vietnamese are a great bet if you are physically attracted to them.

Vast majority of guys are thirsty for white chicks. A huge proportion also like Latinas.

Asian in general are down the scale in thirst levels. And compared to NE Asians, Vietnamese are even lower. Many of my Asian American friends are against dark skin girls and so on, where I like it.

If one is attracted to Vietnamese girls they won't have many other guys thirsting, competing, and blowing up their ego compared to many other kinds of girls.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:10 AM)micky Wrote:  

Eastern european girls turn into bitches really easy.. if they don't like something, you gonna find out for sure, and listen to so much crap you gonna regret the day you met her. I am Croatian and my list would look something like this..

Well i wouldn't want a girl that doesn't call me out if my game starts lacking.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:53 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (09-05-2016 07:14 AM)Phil Jackson Wrote:  

Now are these girls you can bring to the states and make them loyal, or would you need to be a member of that country for them to be loyal?

In my opinion bringing a girl to the states is probably the absolute worst thing you can do...


This thread and the wife hunting thread have turned into which country is best to pluck a future wife to bring back to f'kd up country X (U.S, AUS, U.K, CAN etc). The answer is, there isn't one.

I'll never bring my wife back to live in Canada and neither should any of you. Just look at all the foreign girls living in the West and compare them with the girls in the country they came from?

Now, I'm not going to analyse why girls morph into something less appealing and closely resembling what you were trying to avoid in the first place, plenty of reasons and it doesn't matter anyway. What's important is that they will, but don't take my word for it, try it out and see how it works for you.

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?

Who cares how well they age when they are 20+ years younger than you?

Which countries are best to find women for a LTR?


That's a very good point, one that I've been thinking about for a few months. My LTR in the states is 23 years younger than me and the definition of a 6 but probably the coolest girl I have ever met. When we go places I get eye fucked and she doesn't. If she were a 7 or a 6.5, I doubt it would be this way. If she were an 8, people would be thinking what the ffffff is she doing with that 40+ year old guy. When we go places together, I don't have 50 wanna be 25 year old players hitting on her... Cool with me. If I am 60 and with a super cool 37 year old women, I have won the jackpot. I don't care if by that point she is more like a 4. As long as she doesn't get obese.

As Roosh says, a women's value is in her looks and fertility. I would add to that her overall demeanor/coolness.

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