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How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

I truly believe we are at a new evolutionary point in history of sexual relationships with the social media.

Just in how different the last 5 years have been since online game exploded - how much different is it going to be when we are well past our sexual prime and looking back on the younger generations of society ?

I don't see online going away - and to me the market just seems to be harder for your average bloke each year that comes. It also seems to be getting harder for your average female to settle down from too many online options

But at some point things have to change from the way they are now right ?

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Virtual reality sex with virtual stunners in our lifetime. As Roosh describes steroids, fame, and spam approaching will be "game."

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

You'll be able to walk into a bar and use an app on your cell phone that allows you to see pictures of everyone inside the current bar,

People will then choose who they think is attractive on their cell phones and only after then, will people approach because of a match.

Think of the apps Tinder and Happn but much more finite. These apps will also have ads which in return will give a small income to the bar,this will be a big chunk of income for the bars and clubs and allow them to pay their bills, because nightlife in the USA is dying and every year more and more people stop going out, because truthfully, women don't have the need to go to bars anymore to meet men .

And when women don't go out, men stop going out. Domino effect. Bars suffer.

Times have changed.. It's going to happen eventually.

But countries like Colombia and Brazil will still be going strong 50 years from now, because their culture is based on being social.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Quote: (07-13-2016 02:28 AM)AWright Wrote:  

Virtual reality sex with virtual stunners in our lifetime. As Roosh describes steroids, fame, and spam approaching will be "game."

This. Although I think this will result in the mass beta supplication to die down as they perfect virtual sex so all the thirsty betas will be placated.

Might be actually easier for players to bang, although perhaps girl's will also have the exact same thing, in which case our whole population is fucked.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

I think that, by that time, we will need to play the "beta provider game" in front of girl's Dad to get a chance to smash her poosy.

Why I am saying this?

Because the current dynamics in the sexual market (and most of the other areas) are unsustainable in the long run, and they will collapse sooner than later.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

In California guys will be gaming in Spanish. In Europe dudes will be gaming in Arabic and Indian.

Don't debate me.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Yep, new forms of social media will continue to kill night game in the majority of countries, which sucks for guys who look better in person and don't photograph well. Still have no idea how anyone picks up on Tinder. I'm a model and still can't keep a bitches attention long enough to get them out. Other than that, I don't see much changing in the next few decades. Obviously, countries will naturally develop economically so most of Europe/South America will end up similar to what the Anglosphere is today, while the Anglosphere advances even further for the worst. The rest of SE Asia will probably end up like Thailand- over-commercialised and full of horny expats, making gaming harder in Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines etc. Can't think of many positives to be honest. Game was at its peak in the 80's and 90's before technology took over and every man and his dog became game aware.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Quote: (07-13-2016 04:29 AM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

Yep, new forms of social media will continue to kill night game in the majority of countries, which sucks for guys who look better in person and don't photograph well. Still have no idea how anyone picks up on Tinder. I'm a model and still can't keep a bitches attention long enough to get them out.

Put up shots of your model portfolio and get fresh with the girls right away, that you would rip off their panties and go down on them for hours. Now granted you are in Australia, which is a whole other animal, but the girls there are very much like USA girls ultimately. Go for the jugular(get very fresh with them right away with your tinder messages) or they will move on.

Read the threads on the misc over at bodybuilding.com about tinder to get an idea, tinder was made for guys like you.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Women will be the same(how they are inside not how they express themselves) so all you'll need to do is find a way to break the mold like we already do. Day game is already breaking the mold. And it'll continue too as people get more anti-social.

The more time these people spend glued to their phones and their social media. The more people will start going out again. Out of sheer envy more than anything. Just like how gym culture developed in the States. The pendulum always swings back and humanity finds a way.

That's just my two cents. I've been right so far that more and more people will get conservative(advent of Milo among other things). I have a good feeling on this one too.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Quote: (07-13-2016 03:38 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

In California guys will be gaming in Spanish. In Europe dudes will be gaming in Arabic and Indian.

No, they will be gaming in Chinese. At least in SF and LA.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Quote: (07-13-2016 08:50 AM)Armogan Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2016 03:38 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

In California guys will be gaming in Spanish. In Europe dudes will be gaming in Arabic and Indian.

No, they will be gaming in Chinese. At least in SF and LA.

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Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

The essence of game stays the same for players.

But you want dystopia.

For non players and the game ignorant, they can only get laid based on their ability to provide or by fitting into whatever image that's promoted by the cultural elite.

So the sexual marketplace is affected by the overall economics.

In rich and technically advanced countries

For the middle and upper class
- paper alphas will still alpha
- guys at the margin of current acceptable social standards will lose ground
- guys that are currently below average will have VR and sex bots.

But the top classes are shrinking. The relationship ladder is based on being able to provide for a family, and the expectation is that the man provides. Automation, software, and robots are making men obsolete.

So for most low end guys in rich countries - you're going to experience the life of the people that are currently at the very bottom. Trailer parks and low rent neighborhoods are the economic future, thus the sexual future since the two are tied together. So that means a lot of teenage pregnancy...If young people that haven't been fully indoctrinated.


What's more troubling is at some point they're going to have their educations delivered by a device. Which means no meeting strangers in real time and real space.

Clubs and bars are already dying today. Social media has made people less social. We've been bowling alone since the 60's and social atomization is only increasing here.

So if you think your grand children are going to be rich, look to Japan to see their future.

If you think they're going to be poor, look up trailer park USA.

And that's from the man's perspective.

Bio ethics are changing, and you'll see rich career women do more artificial insemination, more surrogates, and technology that used to be science fiction like cloning and artificial wombs.

In the non developed world, it's a question of whether global capital thinks that they can *profit* from modernizing places like Myanmar and Zambia.

So until the Rothschilds decide that East Timor will bring a return, Standard beta game will still prevail there.


How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?


I hate that it is increasingly becoming a dystopia, but it's so true you can't deny it. Particularly, the most disgusting aspect is your bioethics point. Talk about complete isolation and artificial materialism, and the fact that these drones consider the slow change to be the new "normal" of human (non) interaction is really sad.

My biggest question is what actually will change when the next financial "collapse", reset, or tremor takes place.

I personally believe that we've got 30-50 years left, and it'll be tumultuous starting in about 5-10, if not sooner. Just my guess though.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

50 years? We'll all be cruising around in flying cars.
I can only think shorter term.
One key will be how college campuses evolve. I think teenage girls will continue to be more sheltered. So first year university girls will have an even greater shock to their systems than currently. If the "safe spaces" phenomenon continues, I think these girls will carry their sheltered view well into their 20s, where they will become even bigger whores.
If some semblance of sanity returns to universities, I could see colleges returning to pre-millennium game principles (party, drink, hook up).
It all hinges on the method girls are exposed to the sexual market. The current system is unhealthy, therefore unsustainable.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Social Media will be the best way to maximize your potential. IMO if you have a large following... Youtube, Instagram or Snapchat it will be the best way to maximize the amount and quality of girls you can get.

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How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

All guys on steriods, spam approaching all the time, and portable inta-rape kits.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Quote: (07-13-2016 02:58 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

You'll be able to walk into a bar and use an app on your cell phone that allows you to see pictures of everyone inside the current bar,

People will then choose who they think is attractive on their cell phones and only after then, will people approach because of a match.

Think of the apps Tinder and Happn but much more finite. These apps will also have ads which in return will give a small income to the bar,this will be a big chunk of income for the bars and clubs and allow them to pay their bills, because nightlife in the USA is dying and every year more and more people stop going out, because truthfully, women don't have the need to go to bars anymore to meet men .

And when women don't go out, men stop going out. Domino effect. Bars suffer.

Times have changed.. It's going to happen eventually.

But countries like Colombia and Brazil will still be going strong 50 years from now, because their culture is based on being social.
what you've described is the problem i have with guys using pokemon-Go to pick up women, its already happening.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

[Image: fembot.jpg]

Other than fembots, I would say that the general principles of the game wont change much as human nature will remain the same. The X factor will be the culture that we will live in. That may descend even further into the shitstorm that we live in now, which is most likely. On the opposite side of the coin, we may go for something more traditional if there is something that would change the culture. Outside factors like war and revolution, government policy, and general cultural trends will always affect our interpersonal relationships more than anything else. What those factors will be over the next 50 years no one can be certain.

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

To cary on with the dystopian predictions, I believe another factor will be at play 50 years from now that makes "game" as we know it a very dangerous endeavour.

Strict "sexual harassment" legislation. What was once considered "direct-game" will be called "in prison for eye rape game." What was once called "physical escalation and screening" will be called "rape." What was once called "conveying intent" will be considered, again, "rape."

It's already slowly happening and eventually, any man who is not a 10/10 Abercrombie model cannot truly act alpha without being called out by a feminist or SJW.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
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And the wisdom to know the difference

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?


How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Good looking, young guys with social status and game will get the most/ hottest women. Guys with some of these attributes will get women but fewer of them and less hot. Guys with none of these attributes will have to settle for their hands and/or fat/ unattractive women. In places where ratios are better, game will be easier. So, in other words things won't really change that much.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Quote: (07-13-2016 06:50 PM)The_e_man Wrote:  

To cary on with the dystopian predictions, I believe another factor will be at play 50 years from now that makes "game" as we know it a very dangerous endeavour.

Strict "sexual harassment" legislation. What was once considered "direct-game" will be called "in prison for eye rape game." What was once called "physical escalation and screening" will be called "rape." What was once called "conveying intent" will be considered, again, "rape."

It's already slowly happening and eventually, any man who is not a 10/10 Abercrombie model cannot truly act alpha without being called out by a feminist or SJW.

Men will be vetted by some type of verified digital profile comparable to Instagram to meet women. There will be almost no way to fake status or wealth. Good looking guys with status will get the majority of women. If the globalists win this upcoming election, strange laws will be put into place regarding unsolicited communication or sexual advances with women in public AND online similar to what you mention.

Men who are average looking or have no status will eventually use virtual reality porn or some type of sex bot since they have zero chance of meeting the impossible standards of most average women.

I think marriage will be rare and seen only with those who want to keep traditions in the west. Childbirth will become strictly a business transaction for men outside of the top tier. However, for women, hypergamy will continue to be government funded and the vast majority will have their own children by their mid 20's with most being out of wedlock. But it will be much more common for women who are less financially secure to agree to act as surrogates for these average/low status men at the end of their prime child bearing years.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Listen to the song: In The Year 2525. I think half of the things in this song will be here before 50 years.


How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

In 50 years looks and money will still matter.

Don't debate me.

How different will Game be in the next 50 years ?

Im sort of thinking of the opposite.

My gut tells me some sort of significant, borderline catacalysmic event is going to happen that causes an intense regression into a more conservative sexual and social culture.

Who knows.

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