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Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

I currently live in Munich, I work in IT, and for various reasons (including the terrible dating scene, especially if you are a foreigner) I'd like to get out of this place...

What would you choose between Zurich, Dublin or Edinburgh? Priority is the quality of the dating scene...

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

How about some Eastern European destinations (use the search feature). Nobody goes to Zurich for women, by the way

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Quote: (07-02-2016 11:21 AM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

How about some Eastern European destinations (use the search feature). Nobody goes to Zurich for women, by the way

I'm guessing he only has those options, no horny location independent guy would make these his first choices

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

I have never dated in any of these cities, but I think that the dating scenes in the cities you mentioned are significantly worse than in Munich.

First of all, all three of these cities have a population that is far smaller than Munich's (roughly 1/4-1/3 for all of them) so the pool of prospects is smaller.

Secondly, UK and Irish women are by far the fattest, ugliest cows in the world. It's shocking how much uglier the women are over there when compared to the mainland.

And finally, the food and the climate are depressing as well in the UK and Ireland.

If you need to choose amongst these cities, then stay in Munich.

Better option: look at IT centers in Eastern Europa/Baltics (eg Tallinn).

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Did you try to get over the border in Czech Republic, some second tire cities like Plzen can be good for weekends visits.It is 3 hours away and with 100k+ population it seems as a good choice.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Quote: (07-02-2016 11:36 AM)PhDre Wrote:  

I have never dated in any of these cities, but I think that the dating scenes in the cities you mentioned are significantly worse than in Munich.

First of all, all three of these cities have a population that is far smaller than Munich's (roughly 1/4-1/3 for all of them) so the pool of prospects is smaller.

Secondly, UK and Irish women are by far the fattest, ugliest cows in the world. It's shocking how much uglier the women are over there when compared to the mainland.

And finally, the food and the climate are depressing as well in the UK and Ireland.

If you need to choose amongst these cities, then stay in Munich.

Better option: look at IT centers in Eastern Europa/Baltics (eg Tallinn).

Yes, Munich is bigger...but it's also full of German girls, which makes it a desert of quality women.
The city is completely fucked-up in this aspect...

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Are you not accepting other countries/cities? If yes, there will be more suggestions. In my opinion if you want to have a good career in IT and still be inside the dating scene, Berlin/Hamburg may be a good choice.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

have u tried Berlin?

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Quote: (07-03-2016 12:05 PM)newpua Wrote:  

Quote: (07-02-2016 11:36 AM)PhDre Wrote:  

I have never dated in any of these cities, but I think that the dating scenes in the cities you mentioned are significantly worse than in Munich.

First of all, all three of these cities have a population that is far smaller than Munich's (roughly 1/4-1/3 for all of them) so the pool of prospects is smaller.

Secondly, UK and Irish women are by far the fattest, ugliest cows in the world. It's shocking how much uglier the women are over there when compared to the mainland.

And finally, the food and the climate are depressing as well in the UK and Ireland.

If you need to choose amongst these cities, then stay in Munich.

Better option: look at IT centers in Eastern Europa/Baltics (eg Tallinn).

Yes, Munich is bigger...but it's also full of German girls, which makes it a desert of quality women.
The city is completely fucked-up in this aspect...

Did you actually read my post?
Have you ever been to Edinburgh or Dublin?
If you did, you would know by now that leaving Munich "because of the desert quality of women", only to go to the UK or Ireland, is one of the most stupid moves ever.
The women in Dublin and Edinburgh are far fucking uglier than those in Munich.

As for Zurich, the quality of women in Switzerland (and Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark) is on par with Germany.
Spain, Portugal and Italy are shorter and darker but not necessarily prettier.
The only western countries where the average quality might be a bit higher are France, Sweden and Norway.

If the average quality of women is that important than you, only moving to Eastern Europe will satisfy you.

Besides, I find it strange that you don't find any hot women in a 1.5 million city with a large amount of universities.
All the talent from SE Germany goes there, there should be thousands of hot 18-25 year olds.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

[quote] (07-03-2016 03:04 PM)PhDre Wrote:  

[quote='newpua' pid='1339045' dateline='1467565535']
[quote='PhDre' pid='1338437' dateline='1467477392']
Besides, I find it strange that you don't find any hot women in a 1.5 million city with a large amount of universities.
All the talent from SE Germany goes there, there should be thousands of hot 18-25 year olds.[/quote]

My German is not very good (and most German women, especially in Bavaria, don't want to speak English/can't speak English/don't feel opposed to women in more advanced countries like Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Switzerland...), and this puts me automatically in a position of disadvantage.
Most of these 18-25 olds are even worse than American/Anglo-saxon women: Feminists (but only on matters that suit them), but also cold, uncommunicative, if not plain rude. At least Anglo-saxon women know how to smile...

And I don't have time to waste to improve my knowledge of this awful language...

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

^That's like a guy going to Russia and complaining that the women are shit because they don't speak English.

If you plan to live in a country long term, then learn the language.

If you only want to stay short term, then your exoticness should be an advantage instead of a disadvantage.

Although the English skill level among German girls is indeed a bit lower than the one found in Scandinavia or the Netherlands, make no mistake: it is definitely high enough to communicate with a handsome charming foreigner that they want to fuck.

I honestly think, based on this thread and the others you made, that the local girls pretend they don't speak English so they don't need to reject you; they are not the problem and in your current state you will struggle everywhere.

You're a foreigner working in IT.
Are you Indian?
How many friends do you have?
How are your basic social skills?
How do you dress?
Do you look fit/athletic/muscular?

Girls in the Western world are very eager to fuck decent looking charming foreigners.
However, if you look like an entitled gimmegrant, a rapefugee or you have zero social skills, you will be invisible to them, no matter where you go.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

I agree. People just dont understand it until they get in there on how much uglier british and Irish women are compared to mainland european or scandinavian women, Its really shocking. Comparing what you see in your average city in North Germany (dont know much about the south) and what I have seen in england, Ireland or Scotland is like comparing the latest ferrari to an old/second hand lada. The problem many foreigners face In Germany, Netherlands and Scandinavia is that usually the male competition will be much taller than you, specially if you are of average height in other countries, so you have to come up with a far better package in other areas in order to compensate.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Wow, they are some diabolical cities to game in for a variety of reasons OP.

My home city of Dublin is embarrassingly bad to game in as there is no sex vibe there whatsoever! Okay, there are a few hotties but they will be totally outnumber by a sea of ugly overweight gargoyles with too much makeup/fake tan and a ridiculously misplaced sense of entitlement.

Edinburgh would be pretty much same shit, different toilet.

Zurich would be the best option out of the three, but it's crazy expensive, the chicks are nothing special and the competition would be very tough as lots of Swiss dudes are tall and loaded.

Your best bet would be to move to a Northern German city like Hamburg or anywhere in Eastern Europe.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

I found Edinburgh to be a lovely and interesting city.

Should be enough university girls there to make it tolerable, or if you go during large festivals there could also be a good glut of tourists.

I can't speak of the locals or the dating scene; I just enjoyed traveling there before (I was with a girl at the time).

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

Assuming that there is some similarity between Munich and Frankfurt as far as dating goes, I'd say stay in Munich. Work on trying to get to Eastern Europe.

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

All three of those options are bad.. I'd stay away from Zurich... Ive heard guys down there got serious money and its gonna be a tough hustle.. I dont think the Swiss are gonna be too much different than the Germans you are trying to get away from.

Hopefully you have some more options than those 3.

I am in Germany just like you are and im not happy here either.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Dublin, Zurich or Edinburgh?

'Quality of the dating scene'
If it's quality of the women, yes of course Zurich comes in ahead of Dublin or Edinburgh
Swiss women are higher quality on average than Scots or Irish although the influx of attractive Eastern Europeans, Spanish, Brazilians, etc into Ireland and Scotland in recent years has closed the gap significantly.
And yes Swiss men are physically impressive specimens from the ones I've come across anyway, but that doesn't mean that Swiss women will automatically ignore you.
The exotic foreigner vibe is always going to be in your favour and your fluent English, these things matter.
Combine it with wit, confidence and an ability to strike up conversations with people, and you'll get your fair share of opportunities in Zurich too, but you will have to make it happen much moreso than in Dublin/Edinburgh.
If you don't step up and start approaching women while you're out (and that can be in the daytime too in coffee shops, etc), your chances of laying pipe in Zurich are next to zero.
Overall though, yes you will probably have more opportunities with women in Dublin and Edinburgh, albeit probably with a trade off in terms of the quality of the women, particularly if you're meeting with natives, but them's the breaks.

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