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I'm like a magnet, I attract crazy chicks...

I'm like a magnet, I attract crazy chicks...

Quote: (06-29-2016 04:47 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Feedback noted, I just want to say that my days of dating crazy chicks are long gone, now I just try to fuck them a few times and then make a break without too much shit hitting the fan.

[Image: wink.gif].

Keep telling yourself that but understand that history repeats itself.

How you got to remove yourself from the areas you meet these crazy bitches because if you don't you're just going to keep going back to them over and over again.

Example an alcoholic or cigarette smoker who finally managed to quit completely or consume seldomly these vices. But once back in a party environment around others are having fun smoking and drinking makes the urge to smoke and/or drink again very very difficult especially when it's presented to you multiple times a night.

Quote: (06-29-2016 04:20 PM)Comte De St. Germain Wrote:  

Crazy comes with the territory. It's just that the main thing I've learned is that you shouldn't be so free to fuck the girl feeling you up within 5 minutes of meeting. A "sane" girl needs a bit of time to be comfortable with you.
I disagree with the idea that a sane girl needs time to be comfortable with you. There are times where girls are just so boring and horny and want to do something exciting and spontaneous so that they can finally be able to say that they were wild once.

Come to SoCal or shall I say Hollywood specifically and you will see how easy it is to fuck a girl you just met after only a few minutes with the right type of game. Even on college campuses this can be easily done if you have game.

The first time I was able to do it I immediately said fuck taking girls on dates. I really don't see the point in wasting time in taking girls on dates anymore now that I know game and can easily go out and find a girl who is dtf.

But my situation is different since Los Angeles is a huge city and there are a ton of beautiful women who are more than happy to fuck you if your game and logistics are right.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

I'm like a magnet, I attract crazy chicks...

^I live in the biggest city in the South so yes I can relate(with arguably more mid shelf pussy than LA in the 7-8 range), I've been in that area multiple times(and I'll be back again in a few weeks), and I'm not disagreeing with you that girls will do that, but crazy girls are whole different level of touchy feely.

The last one I was with just broke up with her boyfriend and out of nowhere even after I had met her hanging out with mutual friends for weeks she immediately got physical(over the top kind of physical) after arriving at the usual hangout spot. To the point that she rationally invited me over to her place the next day.

It's one thing when a girl is feeling wild. Your gut knows it. It's another when some girl off her rockers is putting hands in your pants in a public place, almost in full view, in broad daylight, and completely sober. The rest of this story is one I save for in person as it was a hell of a ride.

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I'm like a magnet, I attract crazy chicks...

Stop picking the low hanging fruit and aim for the canopy. That is where the rare, exotic species, top-notch hoes are.

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