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Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-25-2016 11:15 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Suppose we take the Islamic Golden Age at face value just for arguments' sake. Has inbreeding (consanguineous marriages) since then lowered the average IQ in the Middle East?

Quite possibly:


Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:31 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

Think about it.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-25-2016 02:08 PM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:31 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

Think about it.

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin is now asking the same question. She put out a video on her Facebook page she titled "Where the HELL is the Orlando jihadist's missing wife?"

I don't know what bothers me more -- the fact that the Obama administration thought we'd forget about this or the media's refusal to pursue it.

You can bet that if the Bush administration let an accomplice to violence roam free, they press would be putting it on the front page every day. This is getting beyond the pale. Between this and Twitter, the media doesn't even pretend to be non-partisan anymore.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-25-2016 02:08 PM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:31 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

Think about it.

little details

oops we not only lost the wife but we lost all the 911 call recordings that night


Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead


Orlando, FL — The testimony of a Belle Isle police officer was given this week allowing for the first public account of what happened inside the Pulse nightclub earlier this month. Officer Brandon Cornwell’s account of what happened could explain why the death toll was so high — they were told to stand down and not to pursue the shooter.

According to Cornwell, he was one of the first seven officers on the scene. After hearing reports of shots fired, Cornwell was at the nightclub only 38 seconds later.

“Some ran towards the building, some stayed back with people running out,” he said. “There was tons of people running out of the club. I grabbed my assault rifle and ran toward the club. At this point, the shooter is still actively shooting inside.”

Within only two minutes, Cornwell and approximately six other officers had broken a large window and entered the club.

“There happens to be an OPD lieutenant commander who was there, and he says we’ve got to go in,” said Cornwell. “No one disagreed. One of the officers busted out one of those side windows” — it was approximately 10 feet tall — “and we just went in and went from there.”

Cornwell said Mateen was nowhere to be seen. The club was dim — lit with a disco ball and colored lights — and quiet except for the sound of the shooter’s gunfire, screams, and cries for help, Cornwell said as reported by MSN.

At that point, he said, “we took up a tactical position by the bar standpoint in the middle of the club.”

“He was actively shooting,” he said. “I can’t say if he was targeting us. But he was still shooting in that location where he was at. There were bullet holes in the wall, so he had shot through the wall. But I couldn’t tell you if he was shooting at us.”

Cornwell recalled getting orders not to pursue the shooter, hold their position and wait for SWAT. It would take SWAT a long time to respond.

Cornwell explained that he and the other officers obeyed the orders not to stop Mateen, and they held their position for “15 or 20 minutes — could’ve been longer” until the SWAT team arrived.

Cornwall described hearing gunshots and screams for help as they sat there — waiting for SWAT.

When asked if he felt the urge to disobey the order to stand down and try to stop Mateen, Cornwell said he had to follow orders. “I couldn’t tell you. I was following lieutenant’s command,” he said.

“We got word from higher up, and it was communicated to the OPD lieutenant that we needed to withdraw,” he said. “So we came back outside. And waited for SWAT. SWAT arrived. SWAT handled everything from there.”

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-26-2016 12:17 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (06-25-2016 02:08 PM)LeeEnfield303 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:31 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

Think about it.

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin is now asking the same question. She put out a video on her Facebook page she titled "Where the HELL is the Orlando jihadist's missing wife?"

I don't know what bothers me more -- the fact that the Obama administration thought we'd forget about this or the media's refusal to pursue it.

You can bet that if the Bush administration let an accomplice to violence roam free, they press would be putting it on the front page every day. This is getting beyond the pale. Between this and Twitter, the media doesn't even pretend to be non-partisan anymore.
Obama has way more important things to worry about - like some guy in a dress not being allowed in the girl's bathroom.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Another excellent example to keep handy when morons insist that the populace should be disarmed because "it's the job of the police to protect you".

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

My conspiracy theory radar is bleeping for this Orlando Shooting.
It just smells too fishy, something is going on.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-30-2016 01:56 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Another excellent example to keep handy when morons insist that the populace should be disarmed because "it's the job of the police to protect you".

Indeed, these 2.1 million guns disagree as well. FBI: 2.1 Million NICS checks for June 2016


June 2016 saw the most FBI gun background checks of any June since the current system went into effect.

The agency reported on Sunday that it processed more than 2.1 million gun related checks in June, an increase of more than 600,000 over the previous record set last year. That makes June the 14th month in a row to see a new background check record, including every month of 2016. This year is on pace to break 2015’s record for most checks in a year.

Last month’s numbers are still lower than the first four months of the year, which tracks with standard seasonal lulls in sales for the industry. However, June’s numbers are higher than May’s—a departure from previous years when June had traditionally seen the fewest checks of any month.

June’s record comes as gun and ammunition dealers have seen spikes in sales following the deadly terror attack in Orlando, Florida and a subsequent push for new gun control measures in the House and Senate. Some companies saw a five-fold increase in sales during the weeks following the attack and legislative push.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (07-04-2016 08:51 PM)Adonis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2016 01:56 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Another excellent example to keep handy when morons insist that the populace should be disarmed because "it's the job of the police to protect you".

Indeed, these 2.1 million guns disagree as well. FBI: 2.1 Million NICS checks for June 2016


June 2016 saw the most FBI gun background checks of any June since the current system went into effect.

The agency reported on Sunday that it processed more than 2.1 million gun related checks in June, an increase of more than 600,000 over the previous record set last year. That makes June the 14th month in a row to see a new background check record, including every month of 2016. This year is on pace to break 2015’s record for most checks in a year.

Last month’s numbers are still lower than the first four months of the year, which tracks with standard seasonal lulls in sales for the industry. However, June’s numbers are higher than May’s—a departure from previous years when June had traditionally seen the fewest checks of any month.

June’s record comes as gun and ammunition dealers have seen spikes in sales following the deadly terror attack in Orlando, Florida and a subsequent push for new gun control measures in the House and Senate. Some companies saw a five-fold increase in sales during the weeks following the attack and legislative push.

And what is selling more than anything else?


“Yes, we have seen a dramatic spike in sales volume (around five times normal levels) especially in the .223/5.56 caliber and to a lesser extent 9mm, .45 ACP, and .308 but the increase is definitely across the board,” Scott Blick, managing partner at Ammunition Depot, told the Washington Free Beacon in June.

Answer: AR-15

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-13-2016 02:34 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

What have you been doing, beyond bragging about your glorious Ethiopian heritage on an anonymous message board? Speaking of which, have the folks back home figured out indoor plumbing yet?

Anabasis was about to drop a datasheet on Ethiopia, which reputedly has the hottest African women. That would have been a real contribution to this forum.

You're defending Matt for the increasingly political tilt of the forum. Not sure everyone would agree that's a good thing. There's an increasing tension between game and politics.

Regardless of that, it's a shame good members are being cut to accomodate the party line. Anabasis was accused on being "entryist" in this thread. Doesn't bode well.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

I am hoping when Trump wins the general election that Roosh will decide to pardon one banned member that the forum votes for. My vote is for A2D.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (07-09-2016 09:31 AM)churros Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 02:34 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

What have you been doing, beyond bragging about your glorious Ethiopian heritage on an anonymous message board? Speaking of which, have the folks back home figured out indoor plumbing yet?

Anabasis was about to drop a datasheet on Ethiopia, which reputedly has the hottest African women. That would have been a real contribution to this forum.

You're defending Matt for the increasingly political tilt of the forum. Not sure everyone would agree that's a good thing. There's an increasing tension between game and politics.

Regardless of that, it's a shame good members are being cut to accomodate the party line. Anabasis was accused on being "entryist" in this thread. Doesn't bode well.

Anabasis was not banned for his views. He was banned for attacking a fellow very public member calling him fat and making fun of some of his past pics.

While personally I would have preferred to give him another chance it is ultimately Roosh's decision - and those may sometimes be human - occasionally too lenient or too strict - no one is perfect.

Anyone should be able to defend his opinions at any time. Sure - you will be hard-pressed to defend feminism or Anti-Game here, but aside from that you find anyone from Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Libertarians, even semi-Marxists here. As long as you don't take offense easily and defend your views somewhat logically, then there is a place for you.

Attacking a fellow member, especially when that member has his face and name out in the open is not cool. We don't have to slip to the level of SJWs. Keep it civil, cool down, drink a beer, fuck a girl and then what has upset you before does not look so grim anymore.


As for the Orlando shooting - sure it stinks. Frankly right now with all those events our default view has to be:

1) Is it staged completely?
2) Was it allowed to happen by the agencies?
3) Only at point 3 do you have to ask yourself whether someone missed a terrorist cell or radical. Sure that is always a possibility, but the first 2 questions unfortunately must be asked first.

The lying presstitutes and the scheming manipulative governments cannot be trusted anymore on those issues.

As far as I am concerned, it does not matter to me much whether the whole story was a setup, the guy was a patsy or an actual radical who lived his religion to the T.

None of those 3 possibilites would surprise me and none would make me change my mind.

+ Guns should be available freely to the people.
+ Islam is dangerous, not radical Islam, not ISIS, Islam itself when taken to the core.
+ The current usury based globalist government is even more dangerous.
+ Trump is a slight hope for the better and should be voted for.

Those views won't be affected regardless whether terrorists or black-ops-government units nuke a US city. My distrust of the authorities and the lying media won't be affected by it either.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Feels like Orlando has been memory-holed already. Incredibly, I think the Dallas police shooting will go the same way. The media does not allow genuine and productive discussion of the issues, or follow up on things like Mateen's wife. It's eerie and unhealthy: "nothing to see here". Contributes to the feeling that an unprecedented upheaval of some kind is coming.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (07-09-2016 10:28 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2016 09:31 AM)churros Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 02:34 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

What have you been doing, beyond bragging about your glorious Ethiopian heritage on an anonymous message board? Speaking of which, have the folks back home figured out indoor plumbing yet?

Anabasis was about to drop a datasheet on Ethiopia, which reputedly has the hottest African women. That would have been a real contribution to this forum.

You're defending Matt for the increasingly political tilt of the forum. Not sure everyone would agree that's a good thing. There's an increasing tension between game and politics.

Regardless of that, it's a shame good members are being cut to accomodate the party line. Anabasis was accused on being "entryist" in this thread. Doesn't bode well.

Anabasis was not banned for his views. He was banned for attacking a fellow very public member calling him fat and making fun of some of his past pics.

While personally I would have preferred to give him another chance it is ultimately Roosh's decision - and those may sometimes be human - occasionally too lenient or too strict - no one is perfect.

Anyone should be able to defend his opinions at any time. Sure - you will be hard-pressed to defend feminism or Anti-Game here, but aside from that you find anyone from Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Libertarians, even semi-Marxists here. As long as you don't take offense easily and defend your views somewhat logically, then there is a place for you.

Attacking a fellow member, especially when that member has his face and name out in the open is not cool. We don't have to slip to the level of SJWs. Keep it civil, cool down, drink a beer, fuck a girl and then what has upset you before does not look so grim anymore.
semi-Marxists? Where dey at? Where dey at?
[Image: tumblr_mmlx14vrxN1r5zq6ao2_400.gif]

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (07-09-2016 09:39 AM)AboveAverageJoe Wrote:  

I am hoping when Trump wins the general election that Roosh will decide to pardon one banned member that the forum votes for. My vote is for A2D.

Not voting for Little Black to be pardoned?

[Image: 50-Cents-Shake-My-Head-Reaction-Gif.gif]

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (07-09-2016 10:37 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Feels like Orlando has been memory-holed already. Incredibly, I think the Dallas police shooting will go the same way. The media does not allow genuine and productive discussion of the issues, or follow up on things like Mateen's wife. It's eerie and unhealthy: "nothing to see here". Contributes to the feeling that an unprecedented upheaval of some kind is coming.

The news cycle move so fast considering the next piece of groundbreaking news might be Kanye and Kim having a mutual fart.
The elites only let the stories that they decide need legs grow legs.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Brought to you by the campaign for Billary for Pres...

[Image: 57aa2602c36188162b8b45a3.jpg]

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

This was one year ago today, the second worst terrorist attack in US history.

More should have been made of this -- I'm disgusted by how little mention it merited anywhere. It goes without saying that the media buried it as deeply as possible, and devoted what space they were obliged to give it to "Orlando strong" and LGBTQ cant, while studiously avoiding any discussion of who did it and why. But even the Trump admin -- excusably preoccupied though it is with the endless sedition against it -- made far too little of this anniversary.

Lest we forget, a year ago we had an administration in power that dared to transcribe this loser's "pledge" on tape as follows:


Mateen: I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].

The most appropriate celebration of the anniversary was by US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which today issued another obviously unconstitutional ruling against the extremely modest and watered-down travel ban.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the next of these disgusting attacks comes around. The T admin will have some cards to play and I hope it uses them well.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-12-2017 10:30 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

This was one year ago today, the second worst terrorist attack in US history.

More should have been made of this -- I'm disgusted by how little mention it merited anywhere. It goes without saying that the media buried it as deeply as possible, and devoted what space they were obliged to give it to "Orlando strong" and LGBTQ cant, while studiously avoiding any discussion of who did it and why. But even the Trump admin -- excusably preoccupied though it is with the endless sedition against it -- made far too little of this anniversary.

Lest we forget, a year ago we had an administration in power that dared to transcribe this loser's "pledge" on tape as follows:


Mateen: I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted].

The most appropriate celebration of the anniversary was by US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which today issued another obviously unconstitutional ruling against the extremely modest and watered-down travel ban.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the next of these disgusting attacks comes around. The T admin will have some cards to play and I hope it uses them well.

We also no longer have an administration willing to be involved in, go along with, let happen, or look the other way for such attacks. We have a President who I believe took the Oath of Office as an Oath, not another "say whatever needs to be said" line of meaningless words the last one.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

The lying bitch knew all along & did nothing to stop the attack!


THE wife of Omar Mateen, who committed a massacre in the Pulse nightclub in 2016, reportedly told the FBI that she knew about his plot beforehand — and did nothing to stop it.

Noor Salman — whose husband gunned down 49 people in the club — told investigators that she “knew that her husband was going to attack the Pulse nightclub” when he left the house on the night of June 11 last year, according to documents obtained by USA Today.

“I knew later, when I could not get ahold of him that my fears had come true and he did what he said he was going to do,” Salman said, according to the newspaper.

“I was in denial and I could not believe that the father of my child was going to hurt other people.”

The wife also said she was warned repeatedly about the specific location and timing of the attack.

“How upset are people going to be when it gets attacked?” Mateen asked his wife at one point while they were driving by the club, according to her statement.

Salman also witnessed her husband browsing the Pulse website and declaring “this is my target.”

On the night before one of the most devastating mass shootings in US history, Salman said her husband loaded up on firearms and ammunition.

“This was the time that he was going to do something bad,” she said.

Before leaving the house Mateen told his wife, “This is the one day.”

She apologised at the end of her statement.

“I’m very sorry I lied to the FBI. These are my words.”

Salman is facing charges of aiding a terrorist organisation and obstruction of justice at her trial to be held in March.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead


“How upset are people going to be when it gets attacked?” Mateen asked his wife at one point while they were driving by the club, according to her statement.

Salman also witnessed her husband browsing the Pulse website and declaring “this is my target.”

Before leaving the house Mateen told his wife, “This is the one day.”

If only there had been some sort of a warning sign.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

This is Mateen's father, standing in front of Hillary's old office:

[Image: seddique-mateen-omar-mateen-5.jpg]

Like the Boston Marathon alleged bombers, Mateen just happened to have tight deep state family connections... The Tsarnaev brothers were linked to Gladio B/Gulen network/Company honcho Graham Fuller:

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (01-06-2018 02:04 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

Salman is facing charges of aiding a terrorist organisation and obstruction of justice at her trial to be held in March.

Aiding a terrorist organisation. So much for the media's 'Lone Gunman', 'Mentally Ill attacker', 'We can't determine the motive' and 'its not Islam' narratives.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (01-06-2018 09:50 PM)911 Wrote:  

This is Mateen's father, standing in front of Hillary's old office:

[Image: seddique-mateen-omar-mateen-5.jpg]

Like the Boston Marathon alleged bombers, Mateen just happened to have tight deep state family connections... The Tsarnaev brothers were linked to Gladio B/Gulen network/Company honcho Graham Fuller:

I agree that both of those attacks reek of false flags - does not however invalidate Islam's bloody history and the countless of attacks done without any secret service involvement. But sure - if you see his father being that well connected, then alarm bells should ring.

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