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Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:31 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

I'm asking the same thing. I don't know how she ended up getting away. They should have gotten to her the first chance they got. God only knows where she is now.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 02:36 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Now, instead of a commissar you get an Imam, and they get to work you hard with the promise of a good afterlife if you behave correctly and never question the orthodoxy.

Hence the push to Islamise the world with breakneck immigration of sharia terrorists and their supporters.

Which Islamic nation is known for Calvinist-style work ethic? Slave labor doesn't count. The religion promises success through plunder (nebulous "victory" features prominently in daily prayers).

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:31 PM)kbell Wrote:  

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

I doubt anyone in the Middle East believes she is missing. I don't. FBI could have screwed up, they did on the Minnesota section warning them.

But it kind of looks like she might be being questioned somewhere.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

This fatbody's bad acting was the original reason I doubted the official story and now there is no doubt.

[Image: ClBxwL_VYAA3gmX.jpg]

Funny how they used the crisis actor's real names this time.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 11:06 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

This fatbody's bad acting was the original reason I doubted the official story and now there is no doubt.

[Image: ClBxwL_VYAA3gmX.jpg]

Funny how they used the crisis actor's real names this time.

Maybe his just a fat faggot fancypants actor who happened to be in the club?

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 03:01 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2016 11:06 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

This fatbody's bad acting was the original reason I doubted the official story and now there is no doubt.

[Image: ClBxwL_VYAA3gmX.jpg]

Funny how they used the crisis actor's real names this time.

Maybe his just a fat faggot fancypants actor who happened to be in the club?

Maybe it was actor night, since most of the actors have been outed.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Boys, if I could only say this was all a joke.

From the National Enquirer:

"A former boyfriend of ISIS terrorist Omar Mateen has stepped forward to claim the gay Islamic terrorist was motivated by anger over an AIDS scare! The unnamed man insisted on being covered in heavy facial prosthetics before speaking to Univision. He told the interviewer that Mateen was "sweet" and "adorable," and had also assured him that the Muslim faith is, "a beautiful which all are welcome; gay, trans, bisexual, straight, everyone".

Nearly choked on a mouthful of gay Islamic terrorist cock when I read that last line.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

^ Standard "big lie". Keep lying often enough, big enough, and sincerely enough, and eventually people will believe you.

It's easy: Islam is a religon of peace and freedom. Women are the same as men. Homosexuality is normal. Dogs say meow. Gravity goes up. Etc.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

If people are willing to buy this LGBT Muslim crap then they will buy anything.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 10:31 AM)Rutting Elephant Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2016 02:36 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Now, instead of a commissar you get an Imam, and they get to work you hard with the promise of a good afterlife if you behave correctly and never question the orthodoxy.

Hence the push to Islamise the world with breakneck immigration of sharia terrorists and their supporters.

Which Islamic nation is known for Calvinist-style work ethic? Slave labor doesn't count. The religion promises success through plunder (nebulous "victory" features prominently in daily prayers).

It depends highly on whether you believe work ethic is based on religion or race. Islam also has a built in fallback where if you don't have infidels to slaughter then you can simply make muslims fight each other over interpretations of the koran. Despite sunni-shia rivalries causing massive bloodshed the elites are importing boh sunni and shia rapeugees. More divide and conquer.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 11:35 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

It depends highly on whether you believe work ethic is based on religion or race. Islam also has a built in fallback where if you don't have infidels to slaughter then you can simply make muslims fight each other over interpretations of the koran. Despite sunni-shia rivalries causing massive bloodshed the elites are importing boh sunni and shia rapeugees. More divide and conquer.

That's the most effective way of dealing with Islam. Let them all kill each other. I personally don't care how many of them die.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 02:36 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:18 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:06 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Personally I think the elite's plan is to ban all religions

Which is precisely what communism did in the Soviet Union, China, and everywhere else it gained dominance...

I think the elites took a very close look at what happened in Russia and realised than most people will simply not accept that there is no heaven. The idea that people are expected to work until they drop or slip into some sort of impoverished retirement, then to fall asleep and disappear into the night is too much for most people to bear.

So they found a religion that preached that the only reasonable response to questioning the religious officialdom was death.

Now, instead of a commissar you get an Imam, and they get to work you hard with the promise of a good afterlife if you behave correctly and never question the orthodoxy. And because "there is no book other than the Koran" you can essentially destroy all higher knowledge, at least as much is as accessible to the peasants.

It would be a new Dark Ages with the elites ruling through Islam rather than Christianity.

Hence the push to Islamise the world with breakneck immigration of sharia terrorists and their supporters.

The Islamization of Europe is not a goal of the Elite. They are pro science and technology (though suppressing pretty much anything that goes against their agenda or profits) and many of them are formerly Jewish or openly Jewish. A modern Caliphate would not leave them alive.

They have no interest in returning to the Middle Ages and they know that this would be the result if the West became Islamized. But of course there is 0,0000000% chance of that happening or Islam winning. Even if it theoretically 'won' in the West in 100 years in Europe and 300 years in the US, then one day China & Japan might decide to end this crap and would simply conquer the then imbred morons.

Don't confuse for one moment the true elite with the politicans who are just PR figureheads.

By the way - the more crisis actors were used in the Pulse shooting, the higher the likelihood of a true false flag. We frankly do not know whether anyone died. It is as bad as that.

Also the shooter's dad going in and out of high-level politicians offices is highly suspect. It is not as if any mere mortal can do that.

The story stinks to heaven.

So difficult to say what really happened. So far 3 crisis actors have been identified - the fat guy, the coroner who is also a part-time actor and this one old woman who is so very happy on TV.

If the media lies in small matters, then the media lies also on big issues. And the same goes for our governments - they have little against staging entire events or at the least letting them happen - all to further their own agendas.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-22-2016 01:06 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Thanks GT, you have converted me.

A cursory search revealed a couple of interesting articles

Islam is cancer

Inverter is broken on my laptop and can't post a full reply but just as well as don't want to derail the thread.

Frankly all those debates about Islam being a center of science and progress are just nuts.

A good example is right at home with the Vatican and the Catholic Church. No one in his right mind claims that the Catholic Church and the political Vatican of the Middle Ages truly advanced our technological state.

They at best conserved some texts in the dark ages. Actually the Vatican vehemently opposed many steps of progress like astronomy, medical science, even writing, book-press, general education etc. There are numerous examples of the likes of Galileo and others where the church even tortured scientists. It took the protestant rebels and a concentrated effort of secular thinkers to break free from that hold (also progress financed by the ancestors of our current elite).

And also keep in mind that the Christian teachings were actually based on a saint. If Jesus had been a conqueror then I shudder to think what kind of 'progress' the world would have made by now.

Most progress of mankind was made despite religion and not because of it. Some religions are just way more stifling than others.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-23-2016 07:15 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Most progress of mankind was made despite religion and not because of it. Some religions are just way more stifling than others.

It's a tired qualifier but still true.

There's religion and there's organised religion. The former is usually trouble free. The latter is usually where the trouble starts.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-23-2016 07:15 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (06-22-2016 01:06 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Thanks GT, you have converted me.

A cursory search revealed a couple of interesting articles

Islam is cancer

Inverter is broken on my laptop and can't post a full reply but just as well as don't want to derail the thread.

Frankly all those debates about Islam being a center of science and progress are just nuts.

A good example is right at home with the Vatican and the Catholic Church. No one in his right mind claims that the Catholic Church and the political Vatican of the Middle Ages truly advanced our technological state.

They at best conserved some texts in the dark ages. Actually the Vatican vehemently opposed many steps of progress like astronomy, medical science, even writing, book-press, general education etc. There are numerous examples of the likes of Galileo and others where the church even tortured scientists. It took the protestant rebels and a concentrated effort of secular thinkers to break free from that hold (also progress financed by the ancestors of our current elite).

And also keep in mind that the Christian teachings were actually based on a saint. If Jesus had been a conqueror then I shudder to think what kind of 'progress' the world would have made by now.

Most progress of mankind was made despite religion and not because of it. Some religions are just way more stifling than others.

Great post Zelcorpion. Note that Islam can never tolerate the equivalent of a Protestant reformation, but Christianity did. Sure there have been wars between Catholics and Protestants, but in the end, they buried the hatchet and worked together to build our current civilization. Since the Shiites split off from the Sunnis, they still haven't stopped trying to chop each others' heads off and they aren't showing any signs of slowing down.

You mentioned that the Catholic Church preserved some books during the dark ages, but the relevant point is that the dark ages were CAUSED by Islam. As Dr. Bill Warner illustrates, the notion that the Roman empire fell to "German" barbarians is a false narrative that has been perpetrated for 1400 years. The Gothic invaders were absorbing Roman culture, in much the same way that the Romans had absorbed Ancient Greek culture. The Goths were employing Romans as lawyers, teachers, architects, etc. It was the Arab Muslims who vomited forth from the desert in the 7th century and began butchering and destroying everyone and everything in their path, which led to the dark ages. Nothing good comes from the desert.

You're correct that the Catholic Church has interfered with scientific progress often throughout history, but Islam outright destroyed knowledge. There is no equivalence.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-19-2016 04:54 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2016 03:11 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

Quote: (06-12-2016 10:58 AM)Horus Wrote:  

[Image: Ckwf7tyUkAQcswH.jpg:large]

Exactly what have they given us? Off the top of my head I can only think of hummus and kebabs. And I could easily live the rest of my life without either of them. Perhaps if they are to make any meaningful contribution at all, the will convince SJWs, women and homosexuals that they are a direct threat to their existence, causing at least some of them to vote for Trump. Once they have fulfilled that role, they can get the fuck out.

They gave us great mathematicians and algebra. But there's nothing in the last 500 years.

That's a myth. The Ancient Greeks gave us the math and the algebra. Ever heard of the Pythagorean Theorem? Pythagoras was Greek. The Muslims stole the knowledge and squatted on it when they conquered western areas like the Byzantine Empire and Spain. They never invented anything. They are even worse than the communists at innovation. Mohammed taught his followers to make dhimmi slaves out of Christians and Jews via the jizyah tax for precisely this reason, to preserve intellectual capital that Islam lacked and was unable to develop due to barbaric cultural practices.

Islam technology progress depended solely on conquering other nations and using building on that nation knowledge.

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:01 PM)P Bateman Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:18 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:06 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Personally I think the elite's plan is to ban all religions

Which is precisely what communism did in the Soviet Union, China, and everywhere else it gained dominance. The elites are just communists. That's why Hollywood loves and makes heroes out of Che Guevara and Hugo Chavez. Pay no attention to the economic disasters these assholes caused, just be impressed at how strong and alpha they are... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Great info on Reza Aslan and the abuse of the Old Testament by the way.

Totalitarianism can not exist without replacing all forms of human loyalty with loyalty to the state. By removing loyalties you effectively silence free will and free choice. Loyalty to God, country, tribe, family unit, etc is all being marginalized and eviscerated before our eyes and what replaces it? More government. Government quite simply desires a monopoly over the control of humanity.

One reason one globalist hate guns, 2 A and groups like NRA is, guns are a physical possession, therefore people can express their American patriotism by just holding a gun, SJW, anti 2 A know this, they want to get rod off any kind of patriotism on the nation, not the state.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Houston gun range offers free firearms classes for 40 LGBT people, 400 sign up.

KHOU Article with video


HOUSTON – Safety is a big concern for Houston's LGBT community, ahead of Pride after the deadly massacre in Orlando.

That's why a local gun range is offering free license to carry classes for members of the LGBT community.

Shiloh Shooting Range is off of FM 1960 in Champions, but they've had students come from as far as Beaumont to take the free class that usually costs $69.

The family-owned business was expecting 40 people to take advantage of the deal Thursday morning, but the registration list is 400 people and counting.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Shooter probably not gay. No gay apps, photos, text messages on his devices.

No surprise there.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-23-2016 02:32 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2016 04:54 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

[quote] (06-19-2016 03:11 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

(06-12-2016, 03:58 PM)Horus Wrote:  [Image: Ckwf7tyUkAQcswH.jpg:large]

Exactly what have they given us? Off the top of my head I can only think of hummus and kebabs. And I could easily live the rest of my life without either of them. Perhaps if they are to make any meaningful contribution at all, the will convince SJWs, women and homosexuals that they are a direct threat to their existence, causing at least some of them to vote for Trump. Once they have fulfilled that role, they can get the fuck out.

They gave us great mathematicians and algebra. But there's nothing in the last 500 years.

That's a myth. The Ancient Greeks gave us the math and the algebra. Ever heard of the Pythagorean Theorem? Pythagoras was Greek. The Muslims stole the knowledge and squatted on it when they conquered western areas like the Byzantine Empire and Spain. They never invented anything. They are even worse than the communists at innovation. Mohammed taught his followers to make dhimmi slaves out of Christians and Jews via the jizyah tax for precisely this reason, to preserve intellectual capital that Islam lacked and was unable to develop due to barbaric cultural practices.
I read that up until the mid-late middle ages, the Islamic world was actually very culturally advanced. Thinking of the era of the 1001 Arabian Nights for example.

It was after Genghis Khan and the Mongol horde ravaged the Middle East that they got culturally pushed back into the dark ages, and have remained somewhat stuck in ever sense.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

No the Islamic world was not advanced, they just took over and stole things and got rich and that's it.....

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Here is the explanation for technological stagnation in the early medieval Islamic culture:

I've not embedded it because it spends about 5 minutes saying how much the Arabs discovered(stole), but his assertion about the stagnation is plausible.

Very little about Al-Ghazali's negative influence on the wikipedia page

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Al-Ghazali's treatise "The Incoherence of the Philosophers" marks the beginning of the decline of science in Islam. There's a wikipedia entry on it here:

The relevant bit is:

"Al-Ghazali's insistence on a radical divine immanence in the natural world has been posited[9] as one of the reasons that the spirit of scientific inquiry later withered in Islamic lands. If "Allah's hand is not chained", then there was no point in discovering the alleged laws of nature. For example:

...our opponent claims that the agent of the burning is the fire exclusively; this is a natural, not a voluntary agent, and cannot abstain from what is in its nature when it is brought into contact with a receptive substratum. This we deny, saying: The agent of the burning is God, through His creating the black in the cotton and the disconnexion of its parts, and it is God who made the cotton burn and made it ashes either through the intermediation of angels or without intermediation. For fire is a dead body which has no action, and what is the proof that it is the agent? Indeed, the philosophers have no other proof than the observation of the occurrence of the burning, when there is contact with fire, but observation proves only a simultaneity, not a causation, and, in reality, there is no other cause but God."

So God is not only the first cause, but the only cause. Everything that occurs is a direct manifestation of the will of God. Thus there are no such things as laws of nature and so no point in studying them, so no science.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-25-2016 02:29 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Here is the explanation for technological stagnation in the early medieval Islamic culture:

I've not embedded it because it spends about 5 minutes saying how much the Arabs discovered(stole), but his assertion about the stagnation is plausible.

Very little about Al-Ghazali's negative influence on the wikipedia page

I didn't realize Neil deGrasse Tyson could be so based.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Suppose we take the Islamic Golden Age at face value just for arguments' sake. Has inbreeding (consanguineous marriages) since then lowered the average IQ in the Middle East?

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-25-2016 11:15 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Suppose we take the Islamic Golden Age at face value just for arguments' sake. Has inbreeding (consanguineous marriages) since then lowered the average IQ in the Middle East?

Furthermore, Islam has a habit of blaming things on the djinn, the dark angry spirits. They still do it to this day for things like say, when a car won't start, or when they shoot bullets straight up into the air that eventually come down with terminal velocity and kill people, they think it's the djinn who are angry because they have failed to kill enough infidels. Islam is designed for ignorance.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

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