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Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-20-2016 10:48 PM)P Bateman Wrote:  

HuffPo cry fest

[Image: 6GdJ3qw.png]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Never let a crisis go to waste, eh?

The speed with which these people use tragedies is increasing rapidly. Call it the "grief half life", it is tragically funny how they had these bills waiting in the wings for a vote only a week after the terrorist attack. I wasn't personally worried about the bills passing, not if they couldn't get anywhere after Sandy Hook. More and more people are waking up and realizing that they are essentially on their own, govt enabled SJW's claims notwithstanding.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

As to the question a page or so ago about how Islam grew so big:

I suspect because foreign powers are quite happy to "keep the savages ignorant". Particularly once oil was discovered in their lands, the different viral strains of Islam were extremely useful for foreign powers to use for divide-and-conquer strategies.

The franchise level method seems to be to support a minority sunni/shiite coup against a majority shiite/sunni government and then prop up the new dictator, safe in the knowledge that if they betray you then you can remove the support and the opposing majority will swallow them with a vengeance.

Islam has enough violence codified in it that they can be easily swayed to conquest when they think they have the upper hand. If you were trying to attempt the same thing in Christian, Buddhist or Hindu lands you would have a much more difficult time (difficult, not impossible).

p.s. I think our response to terrorist attacks should be to determine the location of the influencing parties, invade those lands, expel all muslims from them and keep them for ourselves. Do it just once and the number of terrorist sponsor states would radically drop overnight.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:24 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

As to the question a page or so ago about how Islam grew so big:

I suspect because foreign powers are quite happy to "keep the savages ignorant". Particularly once oil was discovered in their lands, the different viral strains of Islam were extremely useful for foreign powers to use for divide-and-conquer strategies.

The franchise level method seems to be to support a minority sunni/shiite coup against a majority shiite/sunni government and then prop up the new dictator, safe in the knowledge that if they betray you then you can remove the support and the opposing majority will swallow them with a vengeance.

Islam has enough violence codified in it that they can be easily swayed to conquest when they think they have the upper hand. If you were trying to attempt the same thing in Christian, Buddhist or Hindu lands you would have a much more difficult time (difficult, not impossible).

p.s. I think our response to terrorist attacks should be to determine the location of the influencing parties, invade those lands, expel all muslims from them and keep them for ourselves. Do it just once and the number of terrorist sponsor states would radically drop overnight.

Goes back to the days of Lawrence of Arabia. We are gradually moving towards a form of politics in Europe which we haven't had in a very long while. Where violence and ruling of the fist is elementary to establishing any form of power. Most parts of the world understand this dynamic, Russians, Middle Easterners, Chinese, Turkish etc are all very aware of subversion and have a cynical understanding of the forces that govern geopolitics.

Even though I studied and worked in politics for sometime, I was always surprised by how realistic geopolitics and subversion are not really taught in universities or openly discussed. The common university educated person I met in Russia or the Middle East, had an understanding of this 'house of cards' style play that is constantly in process.

The KGB in response to the kidnappings of various Soviet Diplomatic staff during the 1980s Beirut campaign. Discovered that soft power negotiations and communication only exacerbated the problem, resulting in one hostage bing shot. So they simply horrifically butchered the leading gang member and left his dismembered body out in the open. Following this they spoke to the lead sheikh responsible for governing the kidnappers, and threatened to obliterate his people's refugee camps if they didn't return the hostages. Needless to say the hostages were returned unharmed.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-20-2016 08:53 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Amazing the uproar over the censorship actually forced them to release the unedited versions. Good to see there is a limit to their power.

I learned everything from the interviews with the people that knew Omar.

They said that he was a frequent customer of the gay bars and gay dating apps which suggests that he was gay, and he was muslim, believer in islam

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

I wonder what the retards would consider enough to call it an IS attack. I'm sure if an American said "Hitler wasn't so bad" 10 years before a shooting, they'd have no problem calling it a neo-nazi attack. This guy pledges allegiance to the caliph and the Islamic state, but it's somehow not legit.

What else does he have to do? Publish 4 hours of footage of him personally training with Baghdadi, get him to tattoo an endorsement on his back himself, and use an ISIS-issued weapon inscribed with "this is really, actually, legit ISIS stuff mmkay?".

Fuck I hate western politicians. Foulest brain-dead dipshits on the planet. Furthest examples from virtue that exist on the planet except perhaps for baby rapists or something. If it wasn't for democracy and leftism these fuckers would consider their shit selves lucky to not be starving ostracised in a gutter somewhere. These bastards just deserve so much that they're never going to get.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-19-2016 11:46 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2016 10:28 PM)911 Wrote:  

As an engineer with some familiarity with the history of mathematics, I'll have to disagree, it seems like a case of ideology getting in the way of history. Modern mathematics and algebra are largely built on the contribution of medieval islamic era scholars. Numerical analysis, polynomial algebra, numbers theory were mostly advances made by islamic mathematicians. The Arabs added crucial elements to the Indian numerals, the decimal, so they really should be credited with the decimal system.

I can find a great deal of material that challenges your assertions 911, (for example there are many sources that indicate that the Hindus DID invent the decimal) but I don't want to derail the thread any further. I respectfully disagree with you and I stand by my analysis.

It's probably true that some Arab mathematicians were good at what they did, (some... I assume... are good people!) but it is certainly true that the myth of the greatness of their contributions is blown way out of proportion on a regular basis in order to advance the narrative that Islam is morally equivalent to Christianity. It simply is not. Christianity and Christian culture and civilization are morally and technologically superior to Islam. Far superior. There is no equivalence. Islam is cancer.

Correct - Islamic science grew mostly through conquest, absorption of slaves and knowledge from various parts of the worlds.

However we should differentiate between certain times.

In certain early periods up until the 11th century especially Persian Muslim scholars were more of Aristotelian outlook. Their method of thinking was closer to the modern scientific method. Also many of the rulers around that time hired European and international scientists to come work for them. The rules of Islam were sometimes far less restrictive.

However it did not take long before the destructive nature of the teachings choked the scientific light out of it again. Islamic conquerors were guilty of burning of scores of Hindu and Middle Eastern libraries. Later on they even destroyed buildings and one time even attempted to wipe out the Egyptian pyramids, but were unable to do so back then. So yeah - the real Golden Age of them came only by distancing themselves from their religion - and also I might add infusing themselves with less inbred blood for example from Persia in the early stages and later Turks (and they strongly with European slaves).

But don't want to divert the discussion too much into ancient times that do not matter. What matters is what happens now and what the next steps are. Does anyone really believe that if the world became 90% Muslim, then mankind would be better off? Do even secular or truly moderate Muslims believe that?


Back to the topic at hand:

Quatari financed AJ+ propaganda channel tries to convince folk that you can be openly gay and Muslim. Of course they show only examples from the liberal Western world, but hey - Qatar is certainly as liberal as the US.

[Image: media_xl_745393.jpg]
Qatari gay man enjoying his homosexual freedom in the sun.

And here a takedown of the vid and the whole craziness in the wake of the Orlando shooting by Youtuber KrautAndTea.

Also note the bulldyke-feminazi-SJW-Muslim women. I can hardly think of a worse combination of religions - since I personally consider feminism a religion now, being so far off from reality.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 08:07 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Does anyone really believe that if the world became 90% Muslim, then mankind would be better off? Do even secular or truly moderate Muslims believe that?

Well, this guy does:

[Image: EGvuiKf.jpg]

I wouldn't call this asshole secular, but he's allowed to preach his crap in Britain so clearly the British government considers him "moderate". To be clear though, this asshole raises your 90% figure to 100% because, as he puts it, "the sharia is beautiful".


EXCLUSIVE – Anjem Choudary: Put Practicing Gays To Death Wherever They Are

Gays should be put to death under sharia law whether the Islamic doctrine is implemented in Muslim countries or the West, exclaimed Britain’s most notorious radical Islamist preacher, Anjem Choudary, during an interview.

Asked whether gays who were confirmed to have engaged in homosexual acts should be stoned under sharia law, Choudary replied:

They would be wherever you are, whether in the East or the West, if we had the Sharia implemented, as you say, with a judiciary, with a legitimate leader and the courts, etc., were there. Then yes. They will face capital punishment. I mean, people differ about the way that punishment would be implemented, but it would be the death penalty.

Choudary was speaking in a joint interview with Breitbart News and this reporter’s Sunday night weekend national talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.”

You want to see the face of Islam in all it's taqiyya-soaked sophistry and "soft" jihad, it's Anjem Choudary.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 10:21 AM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

You want to see the face of Islam in all it's taqiyya-soaked sophistry and "soft" jihad, it's Anjem Choudary.

Personally I like and respect Anjem Choudary. Even other anti-Islamic scholars and activists like David Wood like him.

Why? Because he is actually far off from taqiyya-deception. He states it as it is. He knows the religion and clearly publicizes the viewpoints of his path.

I prefer a Viking to announce with a loud voice that he is going to plunder my city, kill most men, rape my women and then be off with my gold and valuables.

At least it is honest and warriors respect that.

But all that pissy-patty bullshit about Islam being inclusive, gay-friendly and loving diversity and other religions or even races?

Fuck that - Anjem Choudary is like a warrior who tells you he is going to fuck with you until you submit to his system. I always prefer the fighter to the liar or unwitting fool.

A more interesting question is why the media lets him talk so much on live TV while the likes of Roosh, Rollo or Mike Cernovich would not get a live interview in a million years.

The elite is playing a double Game - on one side coddling and importing Muslims, while slowly letting the resentment of the general population rise so that the shit can hit the fan in a gigantic bloodbath in the future. It's actually a very smart strategy and it would be admirable were it not for the fact that it is so Game-Of-Thrones-Red-Wedding brutal.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 10:37 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Fuck that - Anjem Choudary is like a warrior who tells you he is going to fuck with you until you submit to his system. I always prefer the fighter to the liar or unwitting fool.

I disagree. He talks out both sides of his face and he is careful to avoid the wrath of the criminal courts.

Exhibit A:

Quote:Breitbart Wrote:

The following is a transcript of the relevant portions of the interview:

CHOUDARY: Well, let’s be clear about one thing. All of the divine texts from Moses and Jesus and the final messenger Muhammad say exactly the same thing in relation to same-gender relationships, be they lesbian or gay, that it is anathema. I think it says in Leviticus that it is an abomination. So, you know, we can’t change the scripture. That is what the divine texts say.

KLEIN: Okay but you don’t see, I’m sorry to say, you don’t see Jews and Christians throwing gays off of rooftops. So I’m asking how in the West should sharia law be treating them?

CHOUDARY: Well, I’m coming to that point, Aaron. I think we need to lay the premise that it is forbidden in all religions which worship God alone. And what I will say to you is yes, there is punishment under the sharia for an act of homosexuality. Not for someone being attracted to a person of the same gender, but for the act of homosexuality, if there is evidence. If there are sufficient witnesses and yes, it is capital punishment.

But hand in hand with that goes the education system. So if we live in a society where people are educated that God created Adam and Eve and that this is a normal relationship. And it’s not normal to have a relationship, you know, with the same gender or with animals, or pedophilia, etc. Then this will be the state of mind, if you would like, of the masses. This will make a big difference. …

If you note carefully the weasel words that Choudary is choosing in the above interview (the ones I bolded), you can see that he is NOT being honest in his speech. He is pretending to believe in an equivalence between Islam and "all religions which worship God alone". He believes in no such equivalence. He believes that Christians and Jews can be useful, however, and so their existence may be tolerated under sharia as long as they submit to a designation as dhimmi slaves and pay the exorbitant jizyah tax to their Islamic masters. If he were an honest warrior as you have far too generously described him, he would have the courage to say so to the Breitbart interviewer Aaron Klein.

That interview is chock full of taqiyya-soaked weasel words by the disgusting coward Anjem Choudary. This is how Islam behaves where it is weak. The disgusting coward Choudary pretends to believe that Islam is just like "all the other religions that worship God" when he knows damn well it is not, and he laughs at the useful idiot Klein for lacking the testicular fortitude to properly challenge his taqiyya bullshit. That interview would go a lot differently if I was conducting it, let me tell you. And it would finish with Choudary leaving in an ambulance. Or a hearse.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

These LGBT Muslim's are hilarious and living in a fantasy world.

You CANNOT be gay and be Muslim, it's as simple as that.

It goes against god, the teachings, it's a sin, and is punishable.

I have a gay cousin in my family, and she isn't religious.

The ones that are gay and practicing and are fooling themselves. (In any religion)

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 10:57 AM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

That interview is chock full of taqiyya-soaked weasel words by the disgusting coward Anjem Choudary. This is how Islam behaves where it is weak. The disgusting coward Choudary pretends to believe that Islam is just like "all the other religions that worship God" when he knows damn well it is not, and he laughs at the useful idiot Klein for lacking the testicular fortitude to properly challenge his taqiyya bullshit. That interview would go a lot differently if I was conducting it, let me tell you. And it would finish with Choudary leaving in an ambulance. Or a hearse.

On that part yes - it is just bullshit. They always misrepresent Christianity and even Judaism digging out Old Testament quotes and claiming that Jews and Christians should stone adulterers because of it.

But I expect that with those Muslims. Like this so-called scholar Reza Azlan who claims that Jesus was a killing machine, who was just stopped by the Romans who wanted to preserve peace in the empire. If you make Jesus into a potential Stalin, then Mohammed's savagery does not look so bad.

[Image: zealot.jpg]

But you see - the bloody Western media brings out quotes of the Old Testament too claiming that ALL RELIGIONS are as bad as Islam, when taken literally. Yeah - only that Christianity is not about the Old Testament, but mainly about the New Testament. Also the founder was a saint. If Rumi had founded Islam, then we wouldn't have the problem.

Misrepresentation of other faiths - yeah - that is a hallmark of those buggers. But at least he is honest about Islam.

Personally I think the elite's plan is to ban all religions after some kind of cataclysm or maybe WWIII. They will use Islam and claim that all are as bad as that and should be banned. Then they will push regressive marxist atheism as the new state ideology. Even the rational conservative atheists will be pushed back. But hey - we will see....

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:06 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Personally I think the elite's plan is to ban all religions

Which is precisely what communism did in the Soviet Union, China, and everywhere else it gained dominance. The elites are just communists. That's why Hollywood loves and makes heroes out of Che Guevara and Hugo Chavez. Pay no attention to the economic disasters these assholes caused, just be impressed at how strong and alpha they are... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Great info on Reza Aslan and the abuse of the Old Testament by the way.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

I actually parted ways with ramzpaul a few months back because he's talking shit about white nationalism while basically advocating... white nationalism. The schism is annoying and makes me question his mental capabilities.

However, I'll still watch some of his videos from time to time because 90% of the time, he's still on message.

He did a damn good video on this FBI fiasco. I don't know if he had some help with this because I didn't know he was this good at cutting but there's a very powerful emotional component here that is remarkably well delivered without actually explaining/elaborating much. Loved it:

Comment: I don't like the video because I agree with what is implied about the government's motivation for censoring it but because it portrays a general way of how these things usally go about nowadays. In the case of the censoring of the transcripts, I don't believe it was to make people blame guns. The government doesn't make such "mistakes", they have very skilled psychologists on board and they knew that censoring it would bring this to the center of attention. Their release of the full transcript, therefore, was already planned when they released the omitted version.
Corbett explains, starting at 3:19 :


Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Posting from phone and can't quote posts.

I judge a man's character by his humility and ability to admit when he might be wrong, or his willingness to accept uncomfortable truths.

Real historians aren't selective about data.

Whether you like it or not the Arabs have the claim over Algebra and many other breakthroughs that Western Europe would later go on to maximise. Eg: Isaac Newton woud not have got far without it.

Sure, they stole stuff, and USA stole Nazi tech but no one says Hitler advanced rocketry to the moon. Stealing tech is not exclusive to early medieval Arab culture. So don't be selective about data if you want to make a historical point.

If being red pill means accepting uncomfortable truths then accept that early medieval Arab culture made many breakthroughs that were unprecedented. What those of you who deny that are not asking is: Why did it stop?

There was a cleric around 1100AD who decided numbers were the work of the devil, and Islamic culture has stagnated ever since. There is a Neil de Grasse Tyson video on YouTube explaining it, go find it if you aren't familiar. He names the cleric, etc..

Another contribution was Islamic architecture that was post-Roman and pre-medieval that perfected the pointed arch, that would go on to become the basis for some of(in my opinion) the best architecture man has ever conceived, the Gothic cathedrals and churches of Western Europe, where the pointed arch was a key feature.

It's clear from my posts that I recognise the problems of Islam, but I can also accept what it gave Western Europe. Don't be dogmatic and don't be selective with data, it does not engender respect or productive discourse.

Sorry for slightly off-topic but can't format a good post on phone.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Forget gays and guns for a second. Why is no one talking about the killer's wife, who allegedly knew what he was up to?

I just saw a news story that quoted Attorney General Loretta Lynch saying they don't know where she is.

Lynch: "Right now, I don’t know exactly the answer to that," Lynch candidly replied. "I believe she was going to travel but I do not know exactly her location now."

Are they obtuse or deliberately letting this whole thing fall by the wayside as quick as possible? This just seems strange to me.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:18 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:06 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Personally I think the elite's plan is to ban all religions

Which is precisely what communism did in the Soviet Union, China, and everywhere else it gained dominance. The elites are just communists. That's why Hollywood loves and makes heroes out of Che Guevara and Hugo Chavez. Pay no attention to the economic disasters these assholes caused, just be impressed at how strong and alpha they are... pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Great info on Reza Aslan and the abuse of the Old Testament by the way.

Totalitarianism can not exist without replacing all forms of human loyalty with loyalty to the state. By removing loyalties you effectively silence free will and free choice. Loyalty to God, country, tribe, family unit, etc is all being marginalized and eviscerated before our eyes and what replaces it? More government. Government quite simply desires a monopoly over the control of humanity.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Communists are what I call Machiavellian Utopians. I'm sure the current elites are Machiavellian, but I'm not so sure about the utopian parts.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

I'm curious on how the FBI manages to lose a accomplice (the wife who knew he was planning it) in a terror attack as well. Why isn't that getting more coverage too?

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 05:19 PM)Lizard King Wrote:  

Posting from phone and can't quote posts.

I judge a man's character by his humility and ability to admit when he might be wrong, or his willingness to accept uncomfortable truths.

Real historians aren't selective about data.

I agree 100% LK, which is why when somebody calls the numbers we use "Arabic" numerals instead of Hindu numerals, or falsely claims that Arabs invented algebra when there is clear evidence that the Ancient Greeks did, I judge their character as to be lacking. Spin-doctoring like this is part of the constant blue-pill indoctrination of the left in an effort to hypnotize us all into thinking that Islam is "just another religion" like all the others, and that Islamic civilizations were technologically equivalent to Christianity before some mysterious and inexplicable point in time where the djinn got very very very mad at them and took all their IQ points away. It is red-pill to RESIST this spin-doctoring and see it for what it is... pure bullshit. I disagree fiercely with your assertions about Arab "claims" on algebra and "many other breakthroughs" and I agree with Samseau in guessing that any good Arab mathematicians were probably Zoroastrian or some other type of captured foreign slaves. The history of Islam destroying knowledge is well-documented. The Taliban have recently been recorded blowing up giant statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. If you want to ignore this reality and believe that "all cultures are equivalent" and Islam has contributed significantly to the body of scientific knowledge, then that's your prerogative, but trying to draw an equivalence between the 1400 years of theft, rape, and murder in the name of Islam and American scientists reading a few Nazi journals is absurd. Those of us with eyes to see know the truth. Islam conquers and steals, it never creates.

The reason it appears to you that Islamic architects advanced building design and such is that the Islamic conquerors were so good at destruction that they ensured they were the only ones left holding the knowledge. But stop and think for a moment about how MUCH MORE ADVANCED our civilization would be if, 1400 years ago, we weren't forced to re-conquer our own civilization and start over from scratch. As Dr. Bill Warner says, when Islam was done brutally ravaging the Byzantine Empire, what remained of Christianity was merely a bloody stump of what had been. Christianity had to wipe the hard drive to eradicate the virus of Islam and then start all over from scratch re-installing the operating system.

Islam is cancer.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Thanks GT, you have converted me.

A cursory search revealed a couple of interesting articles

Islam is cancer

Inverter is broken on my laptop and can't post a full reply but just as well as don't want to derail the thread.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 12:02 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

The ones that are gay and practicing and are fooling themselves. (In any religion)

Agreed. You have a lot of gay blacks who grew up in the church but can't let go. Meanwhile, the church could give two shits about them. Not surprised that islam is the same.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 06:21 PM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  

Communists are what I call Machiavellian Utopians. I'm sure the current elites are Machiavellian, but I'm not so sure about the utopian parts.

Orwell covered this quite succinctly in his novel 1984.


Power is not a means, it is an end. How does one man assert his power over another. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

[Image: q5R3CDb.png]

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Americans are dreamers too

Florida Pulse gay nightclub attack in Orlando, 50+ dead

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:18 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:06 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Personally I think the elite's plan is to ban all religions

Which is precisely what communism did in the Soviet Union, China, and everywhere else it gained dominance...

I think the elites took a very close look at what happened in Russia and realised than most people will simply not accept that there is no heaven. The idea that people are expected to work until they drop or slip into some sort of impoverished retirement, then to fall asleep and disappear into the night is too much for most people to bear.

So they found a religion that preached that the only reasonable response to questioning the religious officialdom was death.

Now, instead of a commissar you get an Imam, and they get to work you hard with the promise of a good afterlife if you behave correctly and never question the orthodoxy. And because "there is no book other than the Koran" you can essentially destroy all higher knowledge, at least as much is as accessible to the peasants.

It would be a new Dark Ages with the elites ruling through Islam rather than Christianity.

Hence the push to Islamise the world with breakneck immigration of sharia terrorists and their supporters.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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