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Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Hmm, I'm 5'7 in the Netherlands myself. I know too many 5'7, 5'8 guys who do well to say you won't have a chance. Depends on your face and body shape as well, if you have a great body shape (v-tapered) and a handsome face you can do well I guess. High level of game and style are required if you are short. Always wear Timberland boots or Nike Air, they give an inch more. Some of the best players I know here are 5'9. Yes I know that that is different than 5'7 but it is not like you HAVE to be tall here, just not too short. Is 5'7 (170 cm) too short here? Maybe for many girls yes.

If somebody has another opinion, please tell me.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

I don't really see Dutch guys approaching more like they get their bangs through social circle. The guys here that do approach and kill it imo are the black-dutch or different ethic dutch guys who have a more killer masculine vibe. I may be wrong but that is what I see.

If you can approach and game well and you are a foreigner, I don't think height would be an issue really...

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet


Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Correct about foreign dutch, dutch in general are a bit cold, a tall and dark man can do well there, handsome or not, and YES, BEING TALL is very important in Holland, average height for men there is around 187cm, women are tall as well and most of them want a man of their height. What I loved when living there was these gorgeous surinamese and indonesian girls, I wasnt looking at the native dutch girls at all, they were too cold and charmless for me.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Going to be here in 2 weeks and will be hitting up spots on the sheet

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Is it really true that mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim?

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-20-2017 07:24 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Is it really true that mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim?

Yes he's Moroccan.

Rotterdam is pretty much fucked up by all the Muslim immigrants. Almost all of them are North Africans (Moroccans) and Turks.

Not all immigrants are bad though. There are a lot of people from Suriname and Indonesia (former Dutch colonies) and they are nice people. Most of the time actually nicer than the native Dutch, because the Dutch can be very cold.

But the Muslim immigrants...don't get me started. These North Africans and Turks are shit.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-21-2016 06:47 PM)joost Wrote:  

Can a short guy (5'7) have a realistic chance in that land of giants?

I have the same question since I'm not short but I'm not taller like the dutch people. My height is average (I'm 5'10/1.78m) and I consider myself as an average looking man.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

There's a poster named Fury who is shorter than that and he said he's holding his own out there.

I'm also 5,10 and I'm not too worried.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-21-2017 08:02 AM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2017 07:24 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Is it really true that mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim?

Yes he's Moroccan.

Rotterdam is pretty much fucked up by all the Muslim immigrants. Almost all of them are North Africans (Moroccans) and Turks.

Not all immigrants are bad though. There are a lot of people from Suriname and Indonesia (former Dutch colonies) and they are nice people. Most of the time actually nicer than the native Dutch, because the Dutch can be very cold.

But the Muslim immigrants...don't get me started. These North Africans and Turks are shit.
Are you ethnic swede?

Netherlands, Belgium, GErmany, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, are all infested by muslims, Austria aswell. Im not sure how is Finland, it seems somewhat better than the rest for the moment.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

As Kirdiesel referenced earlier, I'm a short guy (5'6) living in the Netherlands. That actually puts me at a large disadvantage, considering this is the tallest country in the world. However, I've still had a modicum of success dating here. Just keep in mind you will have to work harder than tall guys.

Tight Game is the ultimate equalizer, it just has to be calibrated a little differently as a short guy in the Netherlands. Things like inner-game, success, money, education, and travel don't carry as much weight with the average Dutch girls as it would somewhere else. They travel just as much or more than we do, most have degrees and decent careers as well.

In the absence of above average height and really good looks, verbal game will probably give you the most mileage here. Only downside is that I find most Dutch girls to be cold and a bore to talk to. However, if you have tight verbal and social circle game, you will definitely have success here. You just have to play with a handicap if you are short.

If you aren't tall, it does help to stand out in other ways. For example, I'm a Black American, so it does provide a slight degree of exoticism. Being muscular also helps a bit. Even with all these things, being short will still screw you. Example below...

A while back I matched with a Dutch woman on Tinder and we hit it off, probably some of the tightest verbal game I've had. She even made some remarks on how well I was reading her. After she agreed upon a date, she enquired about my height and was disappointed I was much shorter, since she only dates tall men. However, she still wanted to go onba date due to our conversation. The only downside was that we couldn't meet soon enough and she eventually backed out of the date later that week after she let the hamster spin about the height difference. Even some good game couldn't overcome the height obstacle.

In summation: If you aren't tall, you better bring some tight Game if you want to have consistent success. It can be done though...

I also must add that thus mostly applies to the 'white' Dutch girls (the majority). The Antillean and other ethnicities give you more leeway as they aren't as tall.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Ok now I've been back for about a week and had sometime to digest what went down in Rotterdam and wanted to give my 100% honest (as usual) take on it. I stayed Friday and Saturday night and went out BOTH NIGHTS.

City Vibe: The city itself seems very new and modern with lots of rivers/waterways going through it. I didn't get a chance to see too much of it outside the center because I was so damn busy with work. Restaurants, apartments and hotels on boats and the like can be found. My Airbnb was central and cost about 100€ per night but due to work I booked SUPER FUCKING LATE.

Witte de Withstraat: Was the busiest street and closest to the Airbnb where I was staying. Tons and Tons of bars and restaurants and lots of great quality girls just walking around. Very Very Very busy in the evening and you can barely find a place to sit down and drink a beer or eat. I got there I think at 8 and it was barely possible to sit down and eat. Had a beer outside and had to eat döner inside at a fast food type joint. Not possible to get a seat inside a restaurant. Again I saw alot of quality walking around on the streets there for sure. Did NOT get the chance to game here as I ended up going elsewhere for the night. WILL try next time.

Venues Visited:

Villa Thalia (Friday) - Upscale venue but found it to be really limiting for game. 15 Euro entry and fairly lax dress code (or maybe im just used to Germany). The club peaks at about 2:30am. The club is setup in a drama theatre/stadium style with many many many tables for girls to step away from the dancefloor and "hide" see: sit down in. Dance floor just too small for a club of this size. There are two additional bars upstairs where you could approach but overall I just wasn't feeling the layout of the place. Popping a bottle in this place is an absolute waste of money since ANY Tom, Dick or Harry can just sit down at a table. This is a matter of opinion but I found there to be too many non-white Dutch girls in the place and they were the majority on this night. 85% non-white I would approximate. I would try this place again on a Saturday night to see if its any better but VERY SKEPTICAL.

Annabel (Friday) A free entry nightclub next to a really busy beer garden. Got here at about 12:30am. Only stayed for about 20 minutes before they started playing house music. Seemed like a really alternative place but left before it started popping so didn't get to see it through. Was probably way too early. Saw some cute white Dutch girls coming in but need more data to make a judgement.

BIRD (Saturday): I found a Biggie VS Tupac party on Facebook and decided to take a chance and go. I am black so most likely girls who would be into black guys would go here. Got there about 12:30 once again and seemed to be early for the venue. I prefer to be early than late anyway. It was very heavily skewed towards men (see: sausage party) but there was damn good music I decided to make the most of it and see what I could do anyway. Lots of black guys but I decided to be aggressive and take some shots anyway. Nothing really panned out well except with a half Dutch/Surinam chick. Was very pumped I was from NYC and seemed to do well for DHV. She wasnt the best looking but wanted to see what would happen (testing dutch girls). Almost got her home with me but she was with 2 friends and they cockblocked me at the when i went for the take home. I saw two other black guys with decent white Dutch girls at the end of the night. White guys in the venue had the best looking girls but I think they came with the girls and didn't get them there.

I would try this venue again but gotta move fast and be aggressive. There are spoils to be had but not much!!


I pipelined THE SHIT out of Tinder before showing up. Most matches ever in Western Europe for me and my Tinder profile is neither well thought out nor professional (something I need to work on). Over 40 matches but I made a mistake while pipelining. I set the range out too far and I got girls in the suburbs and Den Haag. These girls just ended up filling up my app and wasting my fucking time. Next time ill set the range alot tighter to focus on girls ONLY in Rotterdam. I ended up setting a date with a Tinder girl to meet up after she finished working at midnight but she got cold feet I think and flaked last minute. Overall lots of replies and matches from girls but dropped conversations or matches with no reply. I need to put more effort into my Tinder pictures. I would do better but im such a lazy bastard when it comes to online dating. Anyway I digress... Tinder is effective here!!!! I ALMOST met up with two girls but no time.

Inital Impressions of Dutch/Rotterdam Girls:

I REALLY liked what I saw. I liked the diversity alot and the girls really seemed open to meet and talking to new people. In contrast to Germany, the English is ON POINT here and I never heard girls struggling or looking for words to speak with me. The white Dutch girls are thin and tall as fuck and the other nationalities seemed alot shorter. On Tinder, I matched with both white and Surinam girls and even mixed girls who I think also look great. I looked up Surinam on Wiki and due to slavery the background is East Indian which I am fond of as well. I didn't see any black guys with SERIOUS STUNNERS but again I was only there for two days and need more time! I did not get blown out in my two days there but didnt really get mobbed either so its up in the air how things will go. Again two girls considered meeting up with me late in the night from Tinder so I have a strong feeling ONS is 100% doable. What is enticing for me: I am attracted to Indian girls as well so if things don't go well with the white Dutch girls I could always alternate between different nationality and not be stuck with white all the time like in Germany. Having one of those girls heavily interested in me on Tinder and the first night gaming bodes very for future prospects.

I will return with a proper sheet once I have more time to walk around and look at the girls and city properly. I can't comment much on bodies of the women since again I dont have enough data.

Initial Recommendation: Good for gaming as a black guy (Subject to change)

I will be HEAVILY gaming this city in the coming months.

Enjoy bringing the brothers as much data as I can.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-22-2017 04:16 PM)Fury Wrote:  

As Kirdiesel referenced earlier, I'm a short guy (5'6) living in the Netherlands. That actually puts me at a large disadvantage, considering this is the tallest country in the world. However, I've still had a modicum of success dating here. Just keep in mind you will have to work harder than tall guys.

Tight Game is the ultimate equalizer, it just has to be calibrated a little differently as a short guy in the Netherlands. Things like inner-game, success, money, education, and travel don't carry as much weight with the average Dutch girls as it would somewhere else. They travel just as much or more than we do, most have degrees and decent careers as well.

In the absence of above average height and really good looks, verbal game will probably give you the most mileage here. Only downside is that I find most Dutch girls to be cold and a bore to talk to. However, if you have tight verbal and social circle game, you will definitely have success here. You just have to play with a handicap if you are short.

If you aren't tall, it does help to stand out in other ways. For example, I'm a Black American, so it does provide a slight degree of exoticism. Being muscular also helps a bit. Even with all these things, being short will still screw you. Example below...

A while back I matched with a Dutch woman on Tinder and we hit it off, probably some of the tightest verbal game I've had. She even made some remarks on how well I was reading her. After she agreed upon a date, she enquired about my height and was disappointed I was much shorter, since she only dates tall men. However, she still wanted to go onba date due to our conversation. The only downside was that we couldn't meet soon enough and she eventually backed out of the date later that week after she let the hamster spin about the height difference. Even some good game couldn't overcome the height obstacle.

In summation: If you aren't tall, you better bring some tight Game if you want to have consistent success. It can be done though...

I also must add that thus mostly applies to the 'white' Dutch girls (the majority). The Antillean and other ethnicities give you more leeway as they aren't as tall.

Bolded is a really good explenation about game and women in NL. I'm Dutch (taller than average so don't have that problem) and couldn't have said it better.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

I might apply to some business schools in Rotterdam.

I'm debating either Rotterdam, Copenhagen or Norway.

The dutch women seem sort of masculine from photos and OKC.

Kinda prefer a city with hot women instead of being stuck at a good college in a bad city.

How are the women in Rotterdam compared to Amsterdam and Copenhagen?

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Amsterdam has a lot more tourists and international students and aupairs compared to Rotterdam.
The nightlife of Rotterdam is more limited than Amsterdam, but cheaper. It's cheaper and less commercial.

I'm more into black women, so Rotterdam is a better area for that. But overall more beauties in Amsterdam, and the city is better in general.

Copenhagen: more conservative than Holland.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-21-2017 08:02 AM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2017 07:24 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Is it really true that mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim?

Yes he's Moroccan.

Rotterdam is pretty much fucked up by all the Muslim immigrants. Almost all of them are North Africans (Moroccans) and Turks.

Not all immigrants are bad though. There are a lot of people from Suriname and Indonesia (former Dutch colonies) and they are nice people. Most of the time actually nicer than the native Dutch, because the Dutch can be very cold.

But the Muslim immigrants...don't get me started. These North Africans and Turks are shit.

It seems like you are mentioning "Muslims" in almost every thread, you better go and dump your chronic SD shit somewhere else.

Your post is simply full with racism and prejudice without giving any clear insight.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-11-2018 08:58 AM)lafouinese Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2017 08:02 AM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2017 07:24 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Is it really true that mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim?

Yes he's Moroccan.

Rotterdam is pretty much fucked up by all the Muslim immigrants. Almost all of them are North Africans (Moroccans) and Turks.

Not all immigrants are bad though. There are a lot of people from Suriname and Indonesia (former Dutch colonies) and they are nice people. Most of the time actually nicer than the native Dutch, because the Dutch can be very cold.

But the Muslim immigrants...don't get me started. These North Africans and Turks are shit.

It seems like you are mentioning "Muslims" in almost every thread, you better go and dump your chronic SD shit somewhere else.

Your post is simply full with racism and prejudice without giving any clear insight.

Maybe its because that every european city were a muslim comunity appears goes to shit in very short years?

I stayed in Rotterdam some years ago, not a very pretty city for my taste, the natives and surinamese girls were nice, but as like in Spain, Germany and other places, the muslim inmigrants kind of ruined the city with their customs like the walking balck ghost, aggresion in the street and general deterioration of the neighboors were they settle.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

I was in Rotterdam yesterday. Never again. There are way less muslims in Istanbul than Rotterdam. I feel sorry for Dutch people.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-12-2018 07:05 AM)Rossi Wrote:  

I was in Rotterdam yesterday. Never again. There are way less muslims in Istanbul than Rotterdam. I feel sorry for Dutch people.

Its better there for black guys and minorities I think.

I am still heavily in the Netherlands but have moved on to Breda where theres less black guys, less competition and more concentrated nightlife.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

Mini Datasheets: Antwerp / Rotterdam / Lille

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

I agree being a Black American is a plus in Netherlands but there's def competition in Amsterdam and Rotterdam from the native blacks as they dress very well and have similar if not the same looks of black Americans. I felt like a lot of the women would stare me straight in eyes when passing by me with me breaking eye contact first which was a bit strange.

Amsterdam definitely ranks in the top 3 countries for being black. I didn't get any weird side eye or stares for being black or with non black women. Y'all gotta hit the Thrwlbck event or the open air clubs on the shore.

1. Budapest
2. Amsterdam
3. Prague/Zagreb

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-12-2018 11:44 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2018 07:05 AM)Rossi Wrote:  

I was in Rotterdam yesterday. Never again. There are way less muslims in Istanbul than Rotterdam. I feel sorry for Dutch people.

Its better there for black guys and minorities I think.

I am still heavily in the Netherlands but have moved on to Breda where theres less black guys, less competition and more concentrated nightlife.

Never been to Breda and just spent a few hours in Rotterdam when I was living in Amsterdam, went there just for a date which leaded nowhere with a beautiful mixed girl.

In few hours there I have seen plenty of beautiful black girls, there is an important cap verdean community living there and these girls are often gorgeous. I think there is also a carribean carnival during the summer.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (07-11-2018 08:58 AM)lafouinese Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2017 08:02 AM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-20-2017 07:24 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Is it really true that mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim?

Yes he's Moroccan.

Rotterdam is pretty much fucked up by all the Muslim immigrants. Almost all of them are North Africans (Moroccans) and Turks.

Not all immigrants are bad though. There are a lot of people from Suriname and Indonesia (former Dutch colonies) and they are nice people. Most of the time actually nicer than the native Dutch, because the Dutch can be very cold.

But the Muslim immigrants...don't get me started. These North Africans and Turks are shit.

It seems like you are mentioning "Muslims" in almost every thread, you better go and dump your chronic SD shit somewhere else.

Your post is simply full with racism and prejudice without giving any clear insight.

I'm simply giving my opinion.

You're either a Muslim yourself or a delusional white cuck who screams 'racism' everytime someone criticizes the behaviour of the average Muslim in European cities.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Hey bros, I'll be going to Rotterdam and Amsterdam in late November. Would it still be fun despite it being off peak season and no tourists? would the club and bar scenes be fun still?

Ty for the list of hot spots above btw

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (09-17-2018 11:10 PM)dannyz6969 Wrote:  

Hey bros, I'll be going to Rotterdam and Amsterdam in late November. Would it still be fun despite it being off peak season and no tourists? would the club and bar scenes be fun still?

Ty for the list of hot spots above btw

Yes the bar and club scenes would be fun still. Doesn't really matter in NL.

Rotterdam, Netherlands Datasheet

Quote: (09-17-2018 11:10 PM)dannyz6969 Wrote:  

Hey bros, I'll be going to Rotterdam and Amsterdam in late November. Would it still be fun despite it being off peak season and no tourists? would the club and bar scenes be fun still?

Ty for the list of hot spots above btw

There are always tourists in Amsterdam, don’t worry about that. The only period where it’s dead is Christmas.

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