Chad's online dating "profile" is good for a chuckle.
I like how he puts that he was an "Honorably discharged" Marine - as if he's amazed that he didn't get some other kind of discharge and that's the most notable event of his tour. I don't know any former Marines that use online dating, but if the one guy I do know who served were to make one, I'm pretty sure he'd just say "I served in the Corps from 1999 - 2004." As if he's concerned whether some Internet floozy is worrying about his discharge status. I dare you to ask!
"Successful entrepreneur?" I've only watched it one time, but I'm pretty sure his dreams of being financially independent by 30 are just that. IIRC he's in real estate, which is pretty much the toughest hustle to hustle in, because it's the hustle that every other hustler thinks they can out-hustle everyone else in. Good luck with that.
"I'm a very spiritual person and have my own set of beliefs based of years of studying on the side and putting the pieces together"
And honestly, the rest of it reads like an average POF or Tinder basic bitch's profile.
"I only date fit, attractive women (men)"
"Maybe we can be friends (the fuck? though I can appreciate the gall of the 'reverse friend-zone')"
"If I'm not interested I won't respond (ripped right out of a girl's profile)"
"If you want to know more, just ask (who hasn't seen this one before?)"
It's really uncanny. At least from a cursory examination, he tried to run "good looking guy" game on "fame game" is clearly the next step. But he's still stuck in the mindset...he's looking for THE ONE. I think he must understand that if he wins this TV contest, whatever happens with this TV lady will be brief, but he views it merely as a stepping stone towards his ultimate, unattainable goal.
He's still young, though.