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Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Saw this on another forum.

One conventionally attractive chick gets to pick from 30-40 Chad Thundercocks. Height, looks, muscles, money. "Alphas" by the measure of this board.

At the beginning, there is a big cut. After that there are regular eliminations. I don't know the show well enough to know if there are challenges.

Assuming that you rank the chick as very attractive, how do you win the contest?


Strategy for The Bachelorette?

By pressing the right buttons on the scriptwriters.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

I'm pretty sure that one of the contestants this year is called Chad, and is actually a member on the bodybuilding.com misc which is funny because they take the whole Chad Thundercock meme very seriously.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Be devoid of any shame about being Captain Cuck America , for being starry eyed over a dull, dolled up middle-American 7, in front of the entire world?

Defend her honor Chad, and sing her a pretty song.

Are the dudes that go on this show that desperate, and is this why simple approaching works? Attractive women tell me all the time that they never get approached. I always thought they were just saying that for my sake. If American men are willing to go to such lengths to score an average chic, I am beginning to believe it.

What about the women who watch this. Lets say women 25-35, US. Does this further propagate hypergamy? Or just a guilty pleasure for these girls.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Interesting seeing the contrast in answers between this and the other forum.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

They're desperate for fame. I've never watched the series, but I'm betting its not a who can out nice one another. That's not a game any man in history has won.

Just like the biggest loser, the contestants don't stay together long.

The player has to walk a fine line between the societal expectations and what actually works with women.

I might have to watch a couple episodes to see how this all plays out.

As for the audience, it's largely women. Funny how these type of shows are generally more popular with women of all stripes than ones that feature strong and tough women, like The Good Wife.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

What an awful ratio. Is this a "there's a gun to your head" scenario? Because I would respectfully bow out of this. It's "reality" TV so really it's like 75% scripted BS between a bunch of cherry picked model-esque amateur actors/entertainers.

Anyway, the rule of standing out still applies. If you want to seem like a viable option for a female in a sea of mirror image douchebags then you just need to do what they are not doing. Give less of a shit than them, be more mysterious, make her thirsty for you and want to chase you. Lie. Etc.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Perhaps see a 'bachelorette' as every generation, culture and religion saw her - as a spinster?

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Quote: (06-08-2016 09:34 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

They're desperate for fame. I've never watched the series, but I'm betting its not a who can out nice one another. That's not a game any man in history has won.

Just like the biggest loser, the contestants don't stay together long.

The player has to walk a fine line between the societal expectations and what actually works with women.

I might have to watch a couple episodes to see how this all plays out.

As for the audience, it's largely women. Funny how these type of shows are generally more popular with women of all stripes than ones that feature strong and tough women, like The Good Wife.

This is what I thought. I bet those guys will get thousands or tens of thousands more social media followers, then they will use this to their advantage.

Thousands more women who now see them as a celebrity (status) and would probably drive 3 hours just to get a selfie with them.

It's all about the fame, the guys know that they're going to become well known.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

My strategy...Out cook and out dance every mo-fo there.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

My strategy would be -- don't be black. Black contestants don't make it to far on the show.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Even thinking about this theoretically, it's not really about the one girl, and it's worth not only participating in this but adopting whatever counterintuitive (read: completely incorrect in real life) strategies allow you to last long on the show because the game value of fame is so immense. And girls know who these guys are.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

As people have already said, it's all about standing out. The way I look at it, the girl is unimportant. The idea is to get yourself in the spotlight and leverage popularity and a social media presence to your favour in the aftermath. It might even be damaging to be in the competition for too long, since you might get in a "rut" - in other words, the audience may become too familiar with you and think that they figured you out. Since the people in the audience are the ones we're playing the game for, this matters more than what the girl thinks.

The main portion of the game will be to portray yourself as a prominent, but congruent person. I suspect that playing within the rules set by the producers is not necessarily required since it's a reality show after all. If you do something they want on camera, they'll keep you in. I understand the premise of the show, but I've never seen it, so I can't get too much into specifics.

Your goal however, is to provoke a reaction from the audience without being off-putting - the audience being mostly women and possibly gay men. You'll have to do something like what Trump is doing in the US election. He's so controversial that the media gives him free publicity. Another famous person who made it in a similar way is Kim Kardashian. As far as I know, she's done nothing to produce value other than draw attention and making people remember her name.

It's possible that the girl will end up choosing you after all of this, but oneitis is not a great position to play from. If you win it, great, but going into the game with only that in mind means passing up a pretty big business opportunity. Ideally, you'd enroll yourself under a (semi-)pseudonym with an easy to remember name (Sanjit Najamadadinajad is not going to cut it, but "NaJa" could work) and have a backstory created already.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

[Image: chad-johnson-match-profile-2.jpg]

Chad's online dating "profile" is good for a chuckle.

I like how he puts that he was an "Honorably discharged" Marine - as if he's amazed that he didn't get some other kind of discharge and that's the most notable event of his tour. I don't know any former Marines that use online dating, but if the one guy I do know who served were to make one, I'm pretty sure he'd just say "I served in the Corps from 1999 - 2004." As if he's concerned whether some Internet floozy is worrying about his discharge status. I dare you to ask!

"Successful entrepreneur?" I've only watched it one time, but I'm pretty sure his dreams of being financially independent by 30 are just that. IIRC he's in real estate, which is pretty much the toughest hustle to hustle in, because it's the hustle that every other hustler thinks they can out-hustle everyone else in. Good luck with that.

"I'm a very spiritual person and have my own set of beliefs based of years of studying on the side and putting the pieces together"

[Image: laugh4.gif]

And honestly, the rest of it reads like an average POF or Tinder basic bitch's profile.

"I only date fit, attractive women (men)"

"Maybe we can be friends (the fuck? though I can appreciate the gall of the 'reverse friend-zone')"

"If I'm not interested I won't respond (ripped right out of a girl's profile)"

"If you want to know more, just ask (who hasn't seen this one before?)"

It's really uncanny. At least from a cursory examination, he tried to run "good looking guy" game on Match.com...and failed...so "fame game" is clearly the next step. But he's still stuck in the mindset...he's looking for THE ONE. I think he must understand that if he wins this TV contest, whatever happens with this TV lady will be brief, but he views it merely as a stepping stone towards his ultimate, unattainable goal.

He's still young, though.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Its a good profile. Not sure why you dont like the things you quoted.

Girls usually act like the prize on dating sites and him using their lines isnt a bad thing.

Plenty of people make a lot of money in real estate. Besides, if he doesnt, he's on his way to make that money from the buzz that his attitude created.

Strategy for The Bachelorette?

Quote: (06-10-2016 03:41 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

Its a good profile. Not sure why you dont like the things you quoted.

Girls usually act like the prize on dating sites and him using their lines isnt a bad thing.

It might be a good profile for him, sure, but if you're conventionally attractive enough you could probably fill your profile with whack-out nonsense and get approximately the same results, and not humiliate yourself in the process.

I've in fact used this technique with decent success, and I'm not a bodybuilder. But my goal is to find girls who are DTF right this minute, not a bunch of girls looking to husband me up for my money to run "provider game" on.

Referencing "General Stalin", it's a "mirror image douchebag" profile in a sea of them, which is likely why he wasn't terribly satisfied with his experience. I bet he liked dinner dates.


Plenty of people make a lot of money in real estate. Besides, if he doesnt, he's on his way to make that money from the buzz that his attitude created.

Yeah, I don't see any of these things as being fait accomplis. If he sticks with real estate hopefully he's on the ball enough to pull out before the next bust...

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