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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:38 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2018 10:57 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:45 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

I'm not so sure of that. I followed him even back in 2011 and he was even talking about open boarders back then. And two years ago or something he started to put several videos up about closed boarders, race and IQ, which I know scared a lot of people away. I used to read this libertarian forum before and a lot of them were upset with him even though he was totally right.

In the bigger perspective Molyneux has done far more good for the world than most people, I think it's disrespectful to talk like that considering that.

I mean, your post just basically consists of a bunch of ad hominems and you didn't really go into depth and be specific of exactly why you think he doesn't do anything that can upset his audience and perhaps bring up a few examples? I think your post came off as a bit of an emotional outburst, not very nuanced.

Molyneux annoyed incredible amounts of people and still does when he went from a libertarian viewpoint to nationalist viewpoint, his views are actually beginning to line up with more Red Ice which is pretty damn amazing and triggering for the entire left. Heartening. He's not breaking out the JQ like Red Ice, but their big big non subtle hints every so often that he agrees with those ideas. In a time of crisis.

I know some will say "He's riding the fad money brigade, the fucking jew cut of him", but I'm not one of those people who goes "a person should always think what he thinks, now and forever more", that's utter bollix for thinking and striving men and women, I mean that's why most of us made it to this forum and decided to stay.

I'll probably change again on some things, in a year or two and I hope, I'd be worried if I didn't.

I get all those points. I really do. So do many others. Been going round in circles with them for a while now. I don't know or care if he is a jew. I never brought that in to my argument.

I donated to him. I won't again. I don't trust him. I feel as if I have seen
through him. I might be wrong. It's only the internet.

He's opened my eyes up to a lot of things, and for that I have given him thanks, money and exposure. But I'm an apostate. I changed my mind over some stuff he chose to keep quiet about, and what I mark as moral cowardice because I know he knew about it.

But it's deeper than that. I see narcissism in him. And I don't like it so I changed my mind.

Burn me at the stake.

Details please.

Remarkable Vigour
ps, I don't want to burn you at the stake.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:30 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:13 AM)remarkable vigour Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Gonna go out on a limb here.

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

I've been watching them for a while now. Closely. Doing research.

Academics please respond!

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

Roosh has the right idea.

He has a bit of a presence on youtube, but he doesn't use that as his main platform to panhandle. He just uses it to shitpost.

The moral cowardice of Moly and Styx sickens me. I want nothing to do with them. I'm dropping out of this party. I'll think less of you if you like them.

Also, Black Pigeon? Love the guy, but for fuck's sake how the fuck can you listen to a guy with such a bad speech impediment? Prosody? Have you heard of it?

I'm sorry for posting some vids by these clown before, it won't happen again.

Can you describe their demographic and give examples of their moral cowardice, thanks.

Remarkable Vigour

Sure I could. Quite a few examples.

Usually when I do this, I get no reply

No one listens to youtube pundits anymore. This is 2018. Are you honestly telling me you listen to molyneux or BPS or styx? Any of them?

Roosh gets a pass because it's not his main gig. He's not a pundit. He's already got a couple of well established gigs set up. He doesn't need to panhandle on youtube. His content is the fresher and the better for it. Though I only listen to it now and again.

I check styx, molyneux, bps et all almost daily, as a form of research.

Do you still want me to describe their demographic and give examples of their moral cowardice?

If you like them, enjoy them. Donate to them. Don't feel bad about it, we've all been there. But there comes a time to move on. To recognize that these people offer no solutions.

Maybe it's just me.

Tell me how they have bettered your life and I will answer your question as best I can.

Yes, I still want you to describe the demographic and give examples of moral cowardice, thanks.

Molyneux has bettered my life by giving me information with which to think about, I have never donated to him.

I don't listen to the occultist in the biker jacket.

Remarkable Vigour

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

His favourite song:


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Speaks to the nature of game. More relevant to the modern sexual market than almost anything he's done.


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I know this is a pointless observation but Stefan would be advised not to record his vlog with his middle-aged face crammed up close to an ultra-sharp high-def camera. He has a smooth voice but he's not exactly pretty to look at in microscopic detail. To do this while musing on female SMV is, well, taking some risks.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread


He worships atheism for a start and himself next. Maybe not even in that order.


Molyneux is not a philosopher, he's a sophist.

Is it bad that I totally agree with those claims, but don't care? Maybe it's because I still find his shows funny, interesting, and illuminating none the less. Or maybe it's because someone could say the exact same things about me, and be completely correct.


I know this is a pointless observation but Stefan would be advised not to record his vlog with his middle-aged face crammed up close to an ultra-sharp high-def camera. He has a smooth voice but he's not exactly pretty to look at in microscopic detail. To do this while musing on female SMV is, well, taking some risks.

Good point. But Stefan publicly swears up and down that he believes that he and his wife will be together forever. Even if he's wrong his videos can easily average 300,000 views per piece; and his subscriber count is around 750,000. In that regard he's like a less extreme version of Tom Leykis. It doesn't matter if he looks like complete shit. He has enough money and fame to get easily laid if he ever wanted to go that route.

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Do the people criticizing his looks realize that he's a cancer survivor/intellectual who doesn't get by on his looks?

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (02-22-2018 11:07 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Do the people criticizing his looks realize that he's a cancer survivor/intellectual who doesn't get by on his looks?
I don't care about his looks either, but he uses a clear and close camera with harsh lighting and it is not that pleasant to watch. I don't examine my friends faces when chatting in real life as closely as I can see his - I wouldn't want to count their nose hairs.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (02-22-2018 11:31 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 11:07 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Do the people criticizing his looks realize that he's a cancer survivor/intellectual who doesn't get by on his looks?
I don't care about his looks either, but he uses a clear and close camera with harsh lighting and it is not that pleasant to watch. I don't examine my friends faces when chatting in real life as closely as I can see his - I wouldn't want to count their nose hairs.

Listen to the podcast instead. Problem solved.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:44 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

The moral cowardice of Moly and Styx sickens me. I want nothing to do with them. I'm dropping out of this party. I'll think less of you if you like

There are a few things I don't like about Molyneux of late. If you go back and watch his earlier shows a lot of them were of him debunking religion, Christianity, and God. He was a staunch atheist and almost never shut up about it. Today of course he realises that there are a lot of Christians on the Right who are now a part of his demographic, so he never mentions it anymore. Maybe I'm being too hard on him, and it's only right and proper that he doesn't want to kiss off his alies. But I used to enjoy his anti-religion shows.

Another thing that rubs me the wrong way is his exploitation of the #metoo assault stuff as a way to demonize Hollywood. I have no issues with demonizing Hollywood, but Stefan treated a lot of these stories without a much needed pinch of salt, which is very strange coming from a man who is red pilled about women.

What softens my atheism the most is confronting and understanding Islam and its barbarism.

I don't know about Stefan. But the pathbreaking importance to law, constitutionalism, ethics and Christian humanism, separation of church and state, literature, art, music, and science.... It is foolish to smash Christianity because Islam is almost infinitely worse and much much less (save poetry).

As the writer of the atheist classic, "Atheism: the Case Against God," George A Smith wrote, it is wise to regard Christians as the loyal opposition, because even atheism grow out of the Protestant demand for Truth above all - something that flows throughout the Western philosophical tradition.

Or examine Charles Murray's classic study "Human Accomplishment." Atheism is a late-comer, indeed.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Speaking of Molyneux flip-flopping on the Jesus question, in his recent podcast on the Florida shooter he pulled out the old "All deaths in the 20th century are because of atheists (ignore the communism, or that Russians and Chinese weren't particularly nice people back when they had their Tzars and Celestial Emperors either)!" line. Considering that he must know damn well how tired and ridiculous that argument is, I can't see him being anything other than a pandering opportunist who sees HBD and rimming the Alt-Right as a way to get youtube shekels after his attempt to start a libertarian therapy cult fizzled out a few years back.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

One thing worth considering is that Jesus is a considerable part of the philosophical family tree that the enlightenment and atheism specifically sprouted from:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2018-02-23_19-25-55.png]

The Stefan Molyneux Thread


Or examine Charles Murray's classic study "Human Accomplishment." Atheism is a late-comer, indeed.

Charles Murray only goes back to about 800BC I believe, which is a tremendous intellectual faux-pas since he misses out on tons of ancient civilizations.

You know, atheism isn't exactly a Western phenomenon. It's actually quite common (and to be expected) for civilizations in decline. In fact, civilizations have a quite similar philosophical development as they progress.

Take a look at ancient India (as one example):Śramaṇa

Atheism occurs in every Civilization, and is usually a sign of the end of the Civilization. So does materialism, homosexuality, women's liberation, general degeneracy, etc.

Not happening. - redbeard in regards to ETH flippening BTC

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I believe that by educating women, even in practical fields like medicine or law, all that is really accomplished is feeding her hamster. Even when studying math or science, it seems all women are doing is increasing their capacity for rationalization. I think may have a bit to do with women's true motive when pursuing an education: Getting a higher status male. So, while her conscious mind is occupied on homework and exams from age 16-30 her unconscious mind grows antsier and antsier for male partnership, the result being every female doctor/lawyer/etc. who didn't marry young is utterly insane.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I listened to the first 30 minutes of this and couldn't continue. Guy was, quite frankly, an asshole who really just seemed to enjoy hearing this woman writhe in discomfort. While I agree substantively with most all of his ideas and definitely think Western females need to be cut down from the pedestal, I also feel like there was a way to make his core points without coming off like someone with a (personal or ideological) axe to grind. Even more so after she'd shown a willingness to listen to alternative views and put herself out there for judgement and criticism on the freaking Internet. For instance, why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?! He also seemed more hung up on the fact that the ex-boyfriend was Arab Muslim as opposed to the fact that the she knew there was no future with him.

This video won't convince anyone who isn't already in agreement and I seriously doubt this woman is going to course-correct for her own good and that of her future children. Knowing Western females it's entirely possible that a more subtle approach wouldn't have helped either---but we'll never know.

Love the Swedish accent on women---they've been some quality lays for me.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:01 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I listened to the first 30 minutes of this and couldn't continue. Guy was, quite frankly, an asshole who really just seemed to enjoy hearing this woman writhe in discomfort. While I agree substantively with most all of his ideas and definitely think Western females need to be cut down from the pedestal, I also feel like there was a way to make his core points without coming off like someone with a (personal or ideological) axe to grind. Even more so after she'd shown a willingness to listen to alternative views and put herself out there for judgement and criticism on the freaking Internet. For instance, why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?! He also seemed more hung up on the fact that the ex-boyfriend was Arab Muslim as opposed to the fact that the she knew there was no future with him.

This video won't convince anyone who isn't already in agreement and I seriously doubt this woman is going to course-correct for her own good and that of her future children. Knowing Western females it's entirely possible that a more subtle approach wouldn't have helped either---but we'll never know.

Love the Swedish accent on women---they've been some quality lays for me.

He was quite merciful & gentle IMO. I almost thought she was a troll based on her hilarious expectations.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:01 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

I listened to the first 30 minutes of this and couldn't continue. Guy was, quite frankly, an asshole who really just seemed to enjoy hearing this woman writhe in discomfort. While I agree substantively with most all of his ideas and definitely think Western females need to be cut down from the pedestal, I also feel like there was a way to make his core points without coming off like someone with a (personal or ideological) axe to grind.

How do you think we're gonna take them down off their pedestals, if not with logic and reason (which of course makes them squirm)?

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:01 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

For instance, why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?!

She's supposed to wake up to the nature of hypergamy as it relates to Swedish society. She's smart, she should be able to figure that out.

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:01 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

He also seemed more hung up on the fact that the ex-boyfriend was Arab Muslim as opposed to the fact that the she knew there was no future with him.

He's hung up on the fact that she spent two years dating a man who is the opposite of what she supposedly wants (he's from a traditional patriarchal culture, she's from a progressive feminist one; he didn't have much of a career, she is career driven; he didn't want marriage, she supposedly does). If she had been dating a middle eastern doctor who wanted to marry her, I don't think Stef would have harpen on his ethnicity.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Dicks = divorce. [Image: lol.gif]


"A virgin is least likely to divorce you. The number of sexual partners a woman's had is directly proportional to her divorcing you. Dicks equals divorce is a handy way to remember this." - Stefan Molyneux

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  


He tore her apart, gently, logically and factually.

I deeply wonder if this woman will go away and learn from this.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I agree that Western women need some tough love---but he was just a bit too gleeful dispensing it. Like the constant harping over how boring/useless her family is. Even if true, what on earth can she realistically do about that? I agree that her parents have done her a major disservice...but no part of that is her fault at all and he was a bit too chipper when he was ripping on her folks. Just unseemly.


"If she had been dating a middle eastern doctor who wanted to marry her, I don't think Stef would have harpen on his ethnicity."

I didn't get that vibe, but I will grant that I could be wrong on this. He just seemed a bit too preoccupied with dude's race/religion when those should be lower on the dealbreaker list for a rapidly aging woman who's sexual & marriage market value are declining by the day.


"I deeply wonder if this woman will go away and learn from this."

I'm inclined to think he might have a had a better chance of getting through if he was gentler. I don't think it's likely she will watch this video and have a change of heart. But really who knows.

I actually feel sorry for girls like this. They've been lied to their ENTIRE lives. By their parents, the school system, the media, their equally clueless friends, their universities, the politicians, the churches---EVERYONE. After a lifetime of lies, she's finally getting the feeling that something isn't quite right and is reaching out to the only corner of the modern society with real, actionable answers. Given the real pain, confusion, frustration and vulnerability you could hear in this girls voice, I think he could have treated her a bit better.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 06:46 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

I agree that Western women need some tough love---but he was just a bit too gleeful dispensing it. Like the constant harping over how boring/useless her family is. Even if true, what on earth can she realistically do about that? I agree that her parents have done her a major disservice...but no part of that is her fault at all and he was a bit too chipper when he was ripping on her folks. Just unseemly.


"If she had been dating a middle eastern doctor who wanted to marry her, I don't think Stef would have harpen on his ethnicity."

I didn't get that vibe, but I will grant that I could be wrong on this. He just seemed a bit too preoccupied with dude's race/religion when those should be lower on the dealbreaker list for a rapidly aging woman who's sexual & marriage market value are declining by the day.

I think he was harping on her because she admitted that she wasted the last TWO YEARS of rapidly declining fertility and beauty being a cum dumpster for a Syrian refugee errr "muslim immigrant". She admitted that she did this because he was attractive. It was one of many objectively horrible decisions. Decisions which she will now pay for by marrying a less desirable man; because she herself is less desirable as a wife than when she was in her early 20's. Watch the rest of the video. He goes over her insane checklist for a husband, and the probability of her finding someone that meets her criteria. His advice to her is to accept reality and lower her standards for her future husband.


Why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?!

Maybe: 'You're right. I'm sorry for all of my selfish and idiotic decisions. Because of them either society will have wasted over a million dollars in training me only to be down one physician. Or I'll continue practicing medicine and my husband and children will suffer from having an absentee mom. I also apologize to the dedicated pre-med student that wanted to be a full time doctor, who's slot I took; only to squander my training and education!'

Or maybe even she could recognize that since she's taken over a million dollars in other peoples' money via forcible government transfer the choice has already been made. As much as she wants to have children she now has an obligation to the society that has poured a staggering amount of resources into her to continue practicing medicine. If that means that she has to forgo having children, because there's no way she can be a full time doctor and a responsible mother; then so be it!

Hell she could even do what every other male physician who wants to have children does, and marry a lower earning spouse who stays at home with the children while she works to support the family. Although as she admitted in Molyneux's podcast that idea is anathema to her. So much for gender equality!

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Watched some of the video - I don't think Stefan was really trying to get through to her. I think he's reached the stage where he is pointing and shaming in an effort to warn others. Sweden is going down, so why not? No need to play nice.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread


I actually feel sorry for girls like this. They've been lied to their ENTIRE lives. By their parents, the school system, the media, their equally clueless friends, their universities, the politicians, the churches---EVERYONE. After a lifetime of lies, she's finally getting the feeling that something isn't quite right and is reaching out to the only corner of the modern society with real, actionable answers. Given the real pain, confusion, frustration and vulnerability you could hear in this girls voice, I think he could have treated her a bit better.

I understand this sentiment. I too feel pity for modern women.

But here's a story:

Two years ago I was hanging out with my best friend. We met his female cousin and her female friend. At some point, we're on a rooftop bar and the cousin brings up how "she doesn't care about what guys want" and how she is "thinking I should just adopt a kid by myself."

I politely try to show her a different perspective - "actually, maybe it's worth seeing what guys want, after all relationships are built on fulfilling each others' desires and needs" and "well you know, raising a child by yourself is tough, and some of those adoptee kids come from tough backgrounds"

Her friend's instant response: "OMG, can you not be so judgemental"

It's been two years. Where does the cousin stand?

* still single
* attended both Women's Marches

I predict the cousin will end up as a cat lady or actually fulfill her dumb goal of raising an adopted kid by herself.

There are plenty of parents still out there telling their daughters in their 20s to find a quality guy to settle down with, and yet these women ignore that advice. As some women have told me on dates ("my parents and grandparents are pushing really hard for me to get married soon and have kids, but I'm just not ready yet").

I can't promise that every Western woman has had someone try to slip them a sliver of RP truth, but I can promise you there are plenty of women out there who completely ignored any sensible advice in their 20s.

Not happening. - redbeard in regards to ETH flippening BTC

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:10 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:01 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I listened to the first 30 minutes of this and couldn't continue. Guy was, quite frankly, an asshole who really just seemed to enjoy hearing this woman writhe in discomfort. While I agree substantively with most all of his ideas and definitely think Western females need to be cut down from the pedestal, I also feel like there was a way to make his core points without coming off like someone with a (personal or ideological) axe to grind. Even more so after she'd shown a willingness to listen to alternative views and put herself out there for judgement and criticism on the freaking Internet. For instance, why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?! He also seemed more hung up on the fact that the ex-boyfriend was Arab Muslim as opposed to the fact that the she knew there was no future with him.

This video won't convince anyone who isn't already in agreement and I seriously doubt this woman is going to course-correct for her own good and that of her future children. Knowing Western females it's entirely possible that a more subtle approach wouldn't have helped either---but we'll never know.

Love the Swedish accent on women---they've been some quality lays for me.

He was quite merciful & gentle IMO. I almost thought she was a troll based on her hilarious expectations.

Buck is our new Captain save a ho. Obviously there is something there he likes a lot.

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