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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Swedish woman came closest to a fertile relationship with a macho exotic immigrant who was ‘persistant’ in a place of work. A Swedish man of true blood would risk an exit interview with HR.

Docile good behaviour is not only the stricter standard Swedish men are held to while Arabs can live under ‘boys will be boys’ tolerance. The financial burden is heavier for Swedes be they the worker drone tax payers funding women’s studies or the man finally chosen to bear the divorce risk.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Molyneau can sledgehammer women with all the Divine logic in the world, it's not going to work unless the women listening 1) runs out of all options or 2) already lives in patriarchal society that confines women to the kitchen.

This reminds me of Roosh on Dr. Oz dropping obvious truth bombs - that women would shorten their lifespans by being obese. To then watching them condemn him for saying it. Unless the surrounding culture women reside in doesn't change it's hopeless. Women are not meant to be reasoned with, they are only meant to fall in line from the beginning and support men. If you are arguing/convincing a woman, you've already lost.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-16-2018 01:23 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Molyneau can sledgehammer women with all the Divine logic in the world, it's not going to work unless the women listening 1) runs out of all options or 2) already lives in patriarchal society that confines women to the kitchen.

This reminds me of Roosh on Dr. Oz dropping obvious truth bombs - that women would shorten their lifespans by being obese. To then watching them condemn him for saying it. Unless the surrounding culture women reside in doesn't change it's hopeless. Women are not meant to be reasoned with, they are only meant to fall in line from the beginning and support men. If you are arguing/convincing a woman, you've already lost.

Except he's not trying to convince/save this woman, he's getting the message out to a growing viewership about how this kind of "life path" is utterly fucked. That wasn't a discussion that was happening until recently.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 10:59 PM)Genghis Khan Wrote:  


I actually feel sorry for girls like this. They've been lied to their ENTIRE lives. By their parents, the school system, the media, their equally clueless friends, their universities, the politicians, the churches---EVERYONE. After a lifetime of lies, she's finally getting the feeling that something isn't quite right and is reaching out to the only corner of the modern society with real, actionable answers. Given the real pain, confusion, frustration and vulnerability you could hear in this girls voice, I think he could have treated her a bit better.

I understand this sentiment. I too feel pity for modern women.

But here's a story:

Two years ago I was hanging out with my best friend. We met his female cousin and her female friend. At some point, we're on a rooftop bar and the cousin brings up how "she doesn't care about what guys want" and how she is "thinking I should just adopt a kid by myself."

I politely try to show her a different perspective - "actually, maybe it's worth seeing what guys want, after all relationships are built on fulfilling each others' desires and needs" and "well you know, raising a child by yourself is tough, and some of those adoptee kids come from tough backgrounds"

Her friend's instant response: "OMG, can you not be so judgemental"

It's been two years. Where does the cousin stand?

* still single
* attended both Women's Marches

I predict the cousin will end up as a cat lady or actually fulfill her dumb goal of raising an adopted kid by herself.

There are plenty of parents still out there telling their daughters in their 20s to find a quality guy to settle down with, and yet these women ignore that advice. As some women have told me on dates ("my parents and grandparents are pushing really hard for me to get married soon and have kids, but I'm just not ready yet").

I can't promise that every Western woman has had someone try to slip them a sliver of RP truth, but I can promise you there are plenty of women out there who completely ignored any sensible advice in their 20s.

Totally agree here. Yes many bitches are beyond saving and so it doesn't really make a difference how you come at them.

But the girl from the video didn't seem like this really. She didn't seem like someone who had ignored a lifetime of good advice and was now looking for a bailout. She sounded like someone who had been betrayed and was only now waking up to the reality*. She had received no advice at all from her trusted authority figures and so was left to follow the tingles and bullshit feminist propaganda that has utterly suffused her society. I think that deserves some sympathy and a bit of a different approach than you would for some deliberately wrongheaded thot.

*Of course none of this is to say that she isn't responsible for her own decisions and I will continue to reserve most of my sympathy for the decent betas who were completely shut out of the sexual market in their own 20s because girls like her were ignoring them.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 04:01 PM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I listened to the first 30 minutes of this and couldn't continue. Guy was, quite frankly, an asshole who really just seemed to enjoy hearing this woman writhe in discomfort. While I agree substantively with most all of his ideas and definitely think Western females need to be cut down from the pedestal, I also feel like there was a way to make his core points without coming off like someone with a (personal or ideological) axe to grind. Even more so after she'd shown a willingness to listen to alternative views and put herself out there for judgement and criticism on the freaking Internet. For instance, why on earth would he pointedly question this woman on the fact Swedish society wastes undue funds on medical education for women? What is she seriously supposed to say about that?! He also seemed more hung up on the fact that the ex-boyfriend was Arab Muslim as opposed to the fact that the she knew there was no future with him.

This video won't convince anyone who isn't already in agreement and I seriously doubt this woman is going to course-correct for her own good and that of her future children. Knowing Western females it's entirely possible that a more subtle approach wouldn't have helped either---but we'll never know.

Love the Swedish accent on women---they've been some quality lays for me.

Skip to the 1:05:00 mark; he has some really solid advice there.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

If only this guy had found ROK...


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The problem with listening to these at the gym is missing Stefan's facial expressions.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-28-2018 05:38 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

If only this guy had found ROK...

What a fucking train wreck.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-30-2018 10:47 AM)Enoch Wrote:  

The problem with listening to these at the gym is missing Stefan's facial expressions.

This was comedy gold from 2 years ago, he sounds so broke (the guy sounds so stereotypically New York Jewish and the situation and his tone is so manner of factly)

5:20 in, the expressions are hilarious.


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-30-2018 11:34 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

One minute in and I'm already triggered.

This is the sort of person that claims it's impossible to date "hiso" girls in Asia. He probably has an account here called something like SEAVeteran or CambodiaExpert and talks about his deep knowledge of the "bar girl scene" while posting defeatist shit.

Truly these creatures are sub-human.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Do you all think that he's right at 12:00 in the swedish woman video? Molyneux states "We are evolutionary engineered to figure out where we stand in SMV" that is, "how attractive we are in the dating to marriage market"

Do you guys buy that? Or is it that people aren't honest talking about it publicly or openly, but know deep down?

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-15-2018 03:17 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:45 PM)mpr Wrote:  

A woman completing an MD who rode the cock carousel, fucked Muslim immigrants, and is hitting the wall is SHOCKED that she can't find a rich, tall, handsome Chad to marry! She considers knocking herself up instead and intentionally becoming a single mother. The idea of lowering her standards never even occurs to her. Everything that's wrong with western women covered in about an hour.

I believe that by educating women, even in practical fields like medicine or law, all that is really accomplished is feeding her hamster. Even when studying math or science, it seems all women are doing is increasing their capacity for rationalization. I think may have a bit to do with women's true motive when pursuing an education: Getting a higher status male. So, while her conscious mind is occupied on homework and exams from age 16-30 her unconscious mind grows antsier and antsier for male partnership, the result being every female doctor/lawyer/etc. who didn't marry young is utterly insane.

Spot on, and get the additional paradox: If the girl is actually pretty/hot, generally speaking, she doesn't need to pursue that path at all --- so what also these professions select for from women are actually a majority of average to below average attractiveness girls, or flat out crazies, to come full circle as you state above when the time is real dire. All of this would be okay IF they were just very small in number (as in the 1950s, when they were exceptional and thus should be there) but also there precisely because it was useful for them to give back to society, not being marriageable.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

^ The reason I don't feel pity for them is because I have yet to see but literally a handful (less than 5 in all seriousness) of women who have lived this foolishness and then actively, or in ordinary (not extraordinary) numbers, went about telling women just how dangerous ALL OF THESE LIES truly are. The internet has been around for a good 20 years now, and let's say 10 with pretty major force.

Yet you can't get even the smallest % of the population, which is 50% of all in every country, to tell others how damaging this stuff is to women, men, the society, and the future.

Now you know how God feels. Don't wanna listen? Learn the hard way, because you made it the only way to learn. Sad shit.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

He should debate Jay Dyer sometime instead of going after all this low hanging fruit.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-31-2018 12:33 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

He should debate Jay Dyer sometime instead of going after all this low hanging fruit.

The reason he doesn't is because he can't hold up. And the word for those who deliberately select weaker opponents is "bully." Whatever, that's his shtick.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

You'll notice he used to have Faith Goldy on for example when she was part of the Rebel Media and now she's nowhere to be seen.

Basically anyone who mutters the JQ or anything close to it who crosses that line goes no more on his channel.

Its the reason someone like Millenial Woes, Red Ice, Kevin McDonald, Mark Collett or the imprisonment of people for Holocaust denial in Europe is never brought upon the show, even though you'd swear from Molyneux's squaking that Lauren Southern and her ilk/cohorts were the 1st people in all of human history to be banned from a country for espousing unpalatable views. Many countries in Europe have been done so for years. Where was Molyneux then?

I even heard Lauren Southern go "Its not like I was Richard Spencer", but sweety free speech goes for everyone and all topics, not just up to your line in the sand that you think is edgy, I have this gut uneasy feeling that these fuckers would be authoritarian if you uttered the wrong thing in front of them that was slightly to the right of them. They're just reheating the same things and putting a pretty face on it, I sometimes imagine they're 18th century supported wealthy women who would love the talk of faraway battles, but be useless and have others fight it for them.

And occasionally I think "Just fuck her Stefan, you clearly want to", instead mouthing the same points over and over. Talk, Talk, Talk. Yes I'm aware she Southern has been to South Africa, but guess what, she's saying nothing new. And he agrees with all of it.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

^ Stefan relies on youtube ad revenue and the like to support his family as far as I know.

Really think he could bring up the JQ on yidtube and not get demonetized?

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-30-2018 08:06 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Do you all think that he's right at 12:00 in the swedish woman video? Molyneux states "We are evolutionary engineered to figure out where we stand in SMV" that is, "how attractive we are in the dating to marriage market"

Do you guys buy that? Or is it that people aren't honest talking about it publicly or openly, but know deep down?

That's an interesting question.
I'd say he's half right. I think most people have an idea of where they stand. Of course, you always have some completely delusional people just like those idiots going for audition on American Idol while being complete dogshit.

And I think online dating have made women in general a lot more delusional of how high their worth is compared to other girls. But back in the day, girls could clearly see what girls got the most and least attention from guys in College. They consiously or unconsiously compared themselves to the rest and then got an idea of where they were.

And as guys we notice how much attention and good responses we get from girls compared to other guys and we can say that celebrities seems to get a lot of girls, while we normal guys get less and good looking guys get a bit more etc. But it's a bit more complex since women seem to have a preference for the short term and long term mating. So some cute prettyboi beta might think he's a high 9 and is so damn attractive to girls because he treats them so much nicer than that scumbag badboy - what a fool he is for treating women so bad.

But after years of interacting with girls we learn what sort of league we're playing in. We might have zero approach anxiety for a 6 because we know we deserve much better but when you're around a 10 you suddenly start to stumble over your words because past experiences in your life (with rejections and lack of success etc) have told you don't really deserve her.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (04-01-2018 01:26 AM)dosequis Wrote:  

But it's a bit more complex since women seem to have a preference for the short term and long term mating.

Yes, good post, I think this is the hard part, mainly because of the absolute drug women are on and have been fed socially (focus on career) during ages 18-25, their top SMV era. I still find it unfathomable that so many people flat out lie or are dishonest about the hard, cold truth that women are attractive for only 10 years, which would extend to 15 or slightly longer if laws weren't as they are.

So, it comes down to A) Sexual market value vs. B) Marriage market value. The lie consists in telling women that B doesn't happen well if you don't take advantage of A when your real desire in life is B.

Again, biology trumps all and what the last few decades have shown is that when you share more power with women in the society, it turns out poorly for everyone, both men and women in that society. It's not even near net neutral, disappointment and complaining have both risen dramatically for everyone involved.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (03-31-2018 05:09 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

^ Stefan relies on youtube ad revenue and the like to support his family as far as I know.

Really think he could bring up the JQ on yidtube and not get demonetized?

Lots of the time, its not about the money, but about the courage.

And Stefan doesn't have the balls.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (04-01-2018 07:45 PM)ErectedZenith Wrote:  

Quote: (03-31-2018 05:09 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

^ Stefan relies on youtube ad revenue and the like to support his family as far as I know.

Really think he could bring up the JQ on yidtube and not get demonetized?

Lots of the time, its not about the money, but about the courage.

And Stefan doesn't have the balls.

Doesn't he make almost all his money off Patreon and other donations anyway?

I remember reading somewhere where someone did a little digging, he's a millionaire in cryptocurrency value.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

He doesn't rely on youtube views, no. He's been around forever, and was very careful to establish a donation network that's not dependent on google.
He's also been in bitcoin since 2013 at LEAST, and a firm ideological believer in it, so there's no way that he doesn't have a giant pile of cash.
He has plenty of money to do whatever he wants.

That said, the alt-right's propensity for bitching about the few allies it has is one of its stupider aspects. So Molyneux doesn't talk about jews. Who cares? Why shoot at one of the only people with a microphone who's geniunely looking out for men, and for whites, because he's not willing to take up your pet cause?

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (04-01-2018 09:03 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

He doesn't rely on youtube views, no. He's been around forever, and was very careful to establish a donation network that's not dependent on google.
He's also been in bitcoin since 2013 at LEAST, and a firm ideological believer in it, so there's no way that he doesn't have a giant pile of cash.
He has plenty of money to do whatever he wants.

That said, the alt-right's propensity for bitching about the few allies it has is one of its stupider aspects. So Molyneux doesn't talk about jews. Who cares? Why shoot at one of the only people with a microphone who's geniunely looking out for men, and for whites, because he's not willing to take up your pet cause?

[Image: clap.gif]

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (04-01-2018 09:03 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

That said, the alt-right's propensity for bitching about the few allies it has is one of its stupider aspects. So Molyneux doesn't talk about jews. Who cares?

In case no one's posted this yet...


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