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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 10:57 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:45 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

I'm not so sure of that. I followed him even back in 2011 and he was even talking about open boarders back then. And two years ago or something he started to put several videos up about closed boarders, race and IQ, which I know scared a lot of people away. I used to read this libertarian forum before and a lot of them were upset with him even though he was totally right.

In the bigger perspective Molyneux has done far more good for the world than most people, I think it's disrespectful to talk like that considering that.

I mean, your post just basically consists of a bunch of ad hominems and you didn't really go into depth and be specific of exactly why you think he doesn't do anything that can upset his audience and perhaps bring up a few examples? I think your post came off as a bit of an emotional outburst, not very nuanced.

Molyneux annoyed incredible amounts of people and still does when he went from a libertarian viewpoint to nationalist viewpoint, his views are actually beginning to line up with more Red Ice which is pretty damn amazing and triggering for the entire left. Heartening. He's not breaking out the JQ like Red Ice, but their big big non subtle hints every so often that he agrees with those ideas. In a time of crisis.

I know some will say "He's riding the fad money brigade, the fucking jew cut of him", but I'm not one of those people who goes "a person should always think what he thinks, now and forever more", that's utter bollix for thinking and striving men and women, I mean that's why most of us made it to this forum and decided to stay.

I'll probably change again on some things, in a year or two and I hope, I'd be worried if I didn't.

I get all those points. I really do. So do many others. Been going round in circles with them for a while now. I don't know or care if he is a jew. I never brought that in to my argument.

I donated to him. I won't again. I don't trust him. I feel as if I have seen
through him. I might be wrong. It's only the internet.

He's opened my eyes up to a lot of things, and for that I have given him thanks, money and exposure. But I'm an apostate. I changed my mind over some stuff he chose to keep quiet about, and what I mark as moral cowardice because I know he knew about it.

But it's deeper than that. I see narcissism in him. And I don't like it so I changed my mind.

Burn me at the stake.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 12:57 PM)armenia4ever Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Gonna go out on a limb here.

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

I've been watching them for a while now. Closely. Doing research.

Academics please respond!

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

Roosh has the right idea.

He has a bit of a presence on youtube, but he doesn't use that as his main platform to panhandle. He just uses it to shitpost.

The moral cowardice of Moly and Styx sickens me. I want nothing to do with them. I'm dropping out of this party. I'll think less of you if you like them.

Also, Black Pigeon? Love the guy, but for fuck's sake how the fuck can you listen to a guy with such a bad speech impediment? Prosody? Have you heard of it?

I'm sorry for posting some vids by these clown before, it won't happen again.

So let's get this straight. Stefan's views have evolved over time - probably pissing off some of his more libertarian audience - and he won't do fuck all that upsets his demographics?

Stefan went from an AtheistKult viewpoint of Christianity and religion to one that actually acknowledges the important foundations they provided. Stefan has interviewed plenty of people all across the spectrum. Even if you dislike him, he actually cares about the truth and finding it.

He might be wrong about different subjects, but he's genuine and any conversation you have with him will be such.

As for Styx, I've only encountered him in the last year, but I've enjoyed his videos. Does he try to hold on very strictly to his libertarianism? He does. But good for him. I don't see why it necessary to bash someone because they stick to the foundations of what they believe. That used to be commendable.

Your criticism of Black Pigeon speaks is because of his supposed speech impediment? Ignoring all of his content to focus on a speech impediment that somehow makes his content less worthy?

I can't see how any of your criticism is enough to encourage any of the rest of us to "leave" the party.

I don't want you to leave the party. I encourage you to party on bro'. Please do.

For fuck's sake. I love Black Pigeon Speaks, but he has a serious speech impediment regarding his prosody that makes it impossible for me to listen to. It's a criticism of sorts, but I'm not doing him down. I wish I had the neurotypical bearings in my brain to overcome it but I don't.

Why are you so invested in what I think? Why are you so gung ho to challenge me for what is quite frankly quite a mild criticism of him?

Do you see me as some agent provocateur who is out to change 'minds and hearts and feels'? I'm not.

I'm sorry I dared to criticise your sacred cow. He does great work. I just can't understand him because he has a speech impediment. Shoot me.

As for molyneux I don't care anymore. Those that comment in his youtube channel are wasting their time. My view. If it works for you, great, let me know when you over throwing western civilization though. Probably a straw man in there in my part. Sorry. Late here.

Love your boy moly. I don't care.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread




(By the way, saying 'burn me at the stake' comes off a little narcisstic too.)

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The thing about Molyneux is that he makes you feel being in a cult when you listen to him. And he is 100% serious when he ask you for money too.

I like content producers that are like "Yeah you can donate to me if you like or buy this product if you want. But I'm not forcing it on you. I'm here because I truly enjoy exploring new ideas and present them to the general public."

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Eh It’s doom porn. I quit watching Stefan Molyneaux about a year ago. I am better off for it. Same as the no fap challenge, a lot of would benefit from the no Molyneux challenge

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 01:18 PM)Guitarman Wrote:  

Styx was one of the first folks to predict a Trump win ( along with the Dilbert guy) I enjoy watching selected videos of his from time to time and I like the way Stefan uses philosophy logic and evidence to argue his point.

Styx just knew which way the wind is blowing. He is not a prophet. He is however, a coward, I will tell you that. He will not risk one sub when the wind blows the other way. To see these pansies counting subs is like watching a cruel ancient queen count heads.

I like him too. I've donated to him too. I've promoted him.

It's time to move on. I'm an apostate. But it's hard to leave the cult eh?

Tell me, what kind of a fuck does stick boy give about me? How much money has he give me for promoting his videos on this very channel.

A lot of you young lads are in for a very rude awakening soon with your porcelain dolls.

Molyneux is not a philosopher.

Get off your knees!

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:44 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

The moral cowardice of Moly and Styx sickens me. I want nothing to do with them. I'm dropping out of this party. I'll think less of you if you like

There are a few things I don't like about Molyneux of late. If you go back and watch his earlier shows a lot of them were of him debunking religion, Christianity, and God. He was a staunch atheist and almost never shut up about it. Today of course he realises that there are a lot of Christians on the Right who are now a part of his demographic, so he never mentions it anymore. Maybe I'm being too hard on him, and it's only right and proper that he doesn't want to kiss off his alies. But I used to enjoy his anti-religion shows.

Another thing that rubs me the wrong way is his exploitation of the #metoo assault stuff as a way to demonize Hollywood. I have no issues with demonizing Hollywood, but Stefan treated a lot of these stories without a much needed pinch of salt, which is very strange coming from a man who is red pilled about women.

I'm kind of where you're at. TBH, I find him boring more than anything else.

He jumps on the cause d'jour like a parasite, like he gives a fuck.

Yeah he's got good points. Yeah, he's an opportunist.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I liked his Fall of the Roman Empire video but overall his videos are just too long. They should be 10-15 minutes instead of an hour or whatever. I generally only watch them when someone here strongly recommends one.

Currently I'm finding Jay Dyer's videos more engaging.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Molyneux, the atheist author who called out atheists for their love of big government and leftism, the libertarian who called out libertarians for their love of open borders, is afraid to offend his audience?

I can't think of an author who's LESS afraid to offend his audience than Molyneux.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 11:17 PM)fokker Wrote:  

@Rigsby - Black Pigeon's """speech impediment""" is actually a Quebec accent. If you listen to videos of Ivan Doroschuk, the lead singer of Men Without Hats and another Quebecois, speaking, his (Ivan's) accent is very similar to BPS.

No it is not. As someone that has studied linguistics I can tell you right now he has a serious speech impediment. GTFOOH! :-)

It's true that people who speak different languages have different prosody (prosody iirc isn't a mark of a speech impediment) but his is so out of whack I can't listen to him. It's not a criticism on his content which I love (but can't listen to).

There is another name for his impediment which I forget now. I know because I tracked it down - it took me about three hours to work out what it was. It's related to prosody but there is another name for it. I should know, I've listened to dozens of his videos.

He does great content.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 11:38 PM)911 Wrote:  

BP's is more of a Jewish Canadian accent, whereas Ivan's accent is an allophone-anglophone accent. BP looks exactly like he sounds.

Molyneux' contribution is positive overall, he's got some solid lectures like the ones on the downfalls of promiscuity and single motherhood, but on the minus column, he's a fairly manipulative person and a bit fake and borderline cultish. Glad to have him on our side though.

He's not a bad guy. Enjoy him. But I don't need him in my life.

He's got issues, and if you can't see that, then you need to open your eyes a bit wider. Not talking specifically at you here 911, just generally. Agreeing with the points you have made out in fact.

One thing I don't like is the fact I can't criticise him without getting dogpiled. Grist to the mill.

What a cult!

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-22-2018 11:38 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

Styx fundamentally comes across as an unserious guy. Obviously the giveaway is his trademark goofy leather jacket and so on, but even if you look past that and just try to focus on his content, he's off. He's (presumably) single and holed up in in rural New England with his broadband internet and all the best stuff a functioning society can offer a modern-day hermit, and it shows. Disengaged, glib, content to earn YouTube dollars and please his audience while engaging in no real struggle. He's no more than a LARPer, a video gamer, and a 4chan dude in the end.

As for Molyneux, not sure where he can go from here. He's a level above Styx in intellect and seriousness, but he's still theatrical and egotistical, and suffers from crowd-pleasing syndrome.

As far as current right-wing thought leaders go, I would take Vox Day over Styx and Molyneux. He's actually just as annoying and egotistical as them, but he actually does stuff over and above talk. Infogalactic is an alternative to Wikipedia, its success is far from certain but that's the kind of thing we need. And publishing comics and science fiction that isn't SJW bullshit is making a genuine contribution.

I'd prefer not to take any of them.

Give me one Roosh over the lot of them any day (at the risk of being seen to be sucking up). Roosh is clumsy in his way, but it's from the heart. One day, Roosh will say something that will get him in to trouble because that big mouth of his just won't be able to shut it. Moly, styx, vox, not so much.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:47 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  




(By the way, saying 'burn me at the stake' comes off a little narcisstic too.)


I'm an expert in narcissism and I'm not sure that word you are using means what you think it does.


By the way, Not an argument!

Oh, I get it now. Burn me on the cross, martyr me.

Let me sweep my fevered brow as I swoon on the floor on one knee.

Won't someone catch me afore I fall?


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:50 PM)ErectedZenith Wrote:  

The thing about Molyneux is that he makes you feel being in a cult when you listen to him. And he is 100% serious when he ask you for money too.

I like content producers that are like "Yeah you can donate to me if you like or buy this product if you want. But I'm not forcing it on you. I'm here because I truly enjoy exploring new ideas and present them to the general public."

Moly is doing very well for himself. He won't do anything to risk that. Good luck to him.

He doesn't even pull a guilt trip, he is outright offensive to those that do not donate to him, and those that do not donate a certain amount.

I give the most money to the most humble people. I won't ever donate to Moly again.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Not dogpiling, just waiting to hear arguments other than vague accusations like narcissism (I could argue that your constant double and triple posts are kind of narcisstic too) and incorrect observations such as being afraid to scare his audience, which is demonstrably not true.

I like him, he was really good at Mike Cernovich's event. Yes his videos are kind of long, serious and heavy for me too, but I'm glad he makes good content and is waking a lot of people up to important issues on youtube.

Edit: Holy shit, I should edit that and say quintuple posting. I think you're taking this issue a little too seriously.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:53 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Eh It’s doom porn. I quit watching Stefan Molyneaux about a year ago. I am better off for it. Same as the no fap challenge, a lot of would benefit from the no Molyneux challenge

Yeah Doom Porn. People that listen to Moly listen to David Icke.

Still having trouble not jacking off like a rabbit every day though.

No one's perfect.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:57 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I liked his Fall of the Roman Empire video but overall his videos are just too long. They should be 10-15 minutes instead of an hour or whatever. I generally only watch them when someone here strongly recommends one.

Currently I'm finding Jay Dyer's videos more engaging.

For me, his greatest work is the stuff about Boomers. Must watch. I'll never totally abandon him just because that was so eye-opening. For a dumb arse like me anyway.

I'm sure he's done many great things.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:00 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Molyneux, the atheist author who called out atheists for their love of big government and leftism, the libertarian who called out libertarians for their love of open borders, is afraid to offend his audience?

I can't think of an author who's LESS afraid to offend his audience than Molyneux.

Molyneux is not an atheist. He is a very religious person. He worships atheism for a start and himself next. Maybe not even in that order. He's a charlatan. A snake oil salesman. In my opinion, might be wrong.

Stefan Molyneux shadow bans people who question his 'narrative' with donations. He's a fraud.

He has never offended anybody in his life, and if you think he has you need to get out more. It's one big circle jerk of fan boys.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:19 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Not dogpiling, just waiting to hear arguments other than vague accusations like narcissism (I could argue that your constant double and triple posts are kind of narcisstic too) and incorrect observations such as being afraid to scare his audience, which is demonstrably not true.

I like him, he was really good at Mike Cernovich's event. Yes his videos are kind of long, serious and heavy for me too, but I'm glad he makes good content and is waking a lot of people up to important issues on youtube.

Edit: Holy shit, I should edit that and say quintuple posting. I think you're taking this issue a little too seriously.

Ah, the Cernovich connection. Now it's all starting to become crystal clear.

I have given criticisms of Moly, I've given none against our boy Mike. And none by proxy are implied. No snark.

Look if you enjoy him and get value from that, good.

As for narcissism, it's pretty hard for me not to suffer from it having a narc mum, narc dad, narc step-father and a narc-brother. I'm the only person in my family that doesn't suffer from 'malignant narcissism'. But let's not get nasty here eh? It's a touchy subject.

Attention seeking is not narcissism. And it's not attention seeking to merely try and defend yourself against every point leveled against you.

Granted, it's a little unusual.

Apologies to Roosh. Thanks to the mods for being such great sports. I love you magnificent motherfuckers believe it or not. And a little mild roasting now and again does no harm.

It's not how I thought the direction of this thread would go, but there you go.

If I've really pissed in your chips, you can always mute me, or even cut me to my core by taking away a previous rep point. That always modifies my behaviour in the direction you were hoping for. Doesn't it?

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Egotism I can stand if it's justified. That's not my problem with Molyneux. I don't even care about him changing his positions.

I really liked him at first glance. The willingness to get down and dirty on morality with callers, the (apparent) insistence on rigorous argument.

But when he's pressed, Molyneux prevaricates and lashes out. Look at the video above. He takes umbrage to the dude arguing back. When the caller doesn't submit to his frame, he says "well you called me for help, so I'm going to hang up." That's not the mark of a thinker; it's not even fair play.

In another recent video, Molyneux takes a completely blue pill stance on Aziz Ansari.

I've seen Molyneux crack enough times under pressure that I no longer consider him a real intellectual. Look at the vast chasm between this man and Jordan Peterson. That same channel 4 interview would have cut Molyneux to shreds.

Molyneux is not a philosopher, he's a sophist and a youtube intellectual.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:37 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2018 09:19 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Not dogpiling, just waiting to hear arguments other than vague accusations like narcissism (I could argue that your constant double and triple posts are kind of narcisstic too) and incorrect observations such as being afraid to scare his audience, which is demonstrably not true.

I like him, he was really good at Mike Cernovich's event. Yes his videos are kind of long, serious and heavy for me too, but I'm glad he makes good content and is waking a lot of people up to important issues on youtube.

Edit: Holy shit, I should edit that and say quintuple posting. I think you're taking this issue a little too seriously.

Ah, the Cernovich connection. Now it's all starting to become crystal clear.

I have given criticisms of Moly, I've given none against our boy Mike. And none by proxy are implied. No snark.

And now you're just assuming I'm just supporting him (or maybe all of us) because of Mike Cernovich. C'mon man. Why are you assuming that I don't think for myself? You haven't annoyed me (or pissed in my chips? lol what?) but if you assume others motives like that and then accuse them of it with no proof you'll eventually piss off someone.

I just watched the speech he did at the event, and also the podcast on youtube. He was actually really entertaining and positive, even funny. The crowd loved him too. Maybe he will even put forth a more positive message in the future on his videos.

I haven't watched his youtube channel in over a year as his videos are bit too negative for me nowadays, but I agree with a lot of what he's saying.


Look if you enjoy him and get value from that, good.

That's basically what I'm saying too.


As for narcissism, it's pretty hard for me not to suffer from it having a narc mum, narc dad, narc step-father and a narc-brother. I'm the only person in my family that doesn't suffer from 'malignant narcissism'. But let's not get nasty here eh? It's a touchy subject.

Attention seeking is not narcissism. And it's not attention seeking to merely try and defend yourself against every point leveled against you.

Granted, it's a little unusual.

Apologies to Roosh. Thanks to the mods for being such great sports. I love you magnificent motherfuckers believe it or not. And a little mild roasting now and again does no harm.

It's not how I thought the direction of this thread would go, but there you go.

If I've really pissed in your chips, you can always mute me, or even cut me to my core by taking away a previous rep point. That always modifies my behaviour in the direction you were hoping for. Doesn't it?

[Image: laugh7.gif]

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-23-2018 07:29 AM)churros Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 11:28 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

This is an interesting episode because it shows what is happening after the Trump victory, and can happen anytime WINNING takes place. You get fakers who are actually haters of the victors pretending to be supporters. We can see this on this forum when guys who hate game come here and ask why they fail and hate on the answers. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy is here on RVF somewhere posting the usual America-hate disguised as frustration with women in his town. At least he has a GF that allows him to leech!

This envy of success comes in the form of his words claiming to be a conservative but his actions are that he lives off his GF and runs a very unsuccessful YT channel, and whines at Stef, defends videos attacking Cernovich, etc. He is here to sabotage good ideas not to promote them. I said this on a burner YT comment: He (the caller not Stefan) is the pod-caster equivalent of someone who keys nice cars just because they are nice.

Uh... Stefan behaving like a little bitch in this video. Not a credible intellectual.

Does name calling help you make an argument when you have none?

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

So who is the caller on that episode? It's obviously someone who regurgitates what he reads here on his YT "channel," perhaps while enjoying some deep fried sugar coated mall food?

And might i add, we have a guy here living off his GF, but you see it appropriate only to make a post to call Stefan a "bitch" and address none of the content of the actual call?

It doesn't matter if you (or a million others) don't like Stafan's videos or you got tired of them or you are mad that he changed some view, or that you are annoyed by his stupid partially Canadian accent. It's irrelevant to a post which points out that a particular episode has a particular value or good point.

There are less demanding parts of the forum fyi.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-25-2018 12:00 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Does name calling help you make an argument when you have none?

Quote: (01-24-2018 10:06 PM)churros Wrote:  

Egotism I can stand if it's justified. That's not my problem with Molyneux. I don't even care about him changing his positions.

I really liked him at first glance. The willingness to get down and dirty on morality with callers, the (apparent) insistence on rigorous argument.

But when he's pressed, Molyneux prevaricates and lashes out. Look at the video above. He takes umbrage to the dude arguing back. When the caller doesn't submit to his frame, he says "well you called me for help, so I'm going to hang up." That's not the mark of a thinker; it's not even fair play.

In another recent video, Molyneux takes a completely blue pill stance on Aziz Ansari.

I've seen Molyneux crack enough times under pressure that I no longer consider him a real intellectual. Look at the vast chasm between this man and Jordan Peterson. That same channel 4 interview would have cut Molyneux to shreds.

Molyneux is not a philosopher, he's a sophist and a youtube intellectual.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (01-24-2018 08:30 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2018 08:13 AM)remarkable vigour Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2018 10:01 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Gonna go out on a limb here.

I've had it with Moly and Styx. Youtube E-Sleb pundits. Fuck them.

I've been watching them for a while now. Closely. Doing research.

Academics please respond!

They won't do fuck all that upsets their demographic.

Roosh has the right idea.

He has a bit of a presence on youtube, but he doesn't use that as his main platform to panhandle. He just uses it to shitpost.

The moral cowardice of Moly and Styx sickens me. I want nothing to do with them. I'm dropping out of this party. I'll think less of you if you like them.

Also, Black Pigeon? Love the guy, but for fuck's sake how the fuck can you listen to a guy with such a bad speech impediment? Prosody? Have you heard of it?

I'm sorry for posting some vids by these clown before, it won't happen again.

Can you describe their demographic and give examples of their moral cowardice, thanks.

Remarkable Vigour

Sure I could. Quite a few examples.

Usually when I do this, I get no reply

No one listens to youtube pundits anymore. This is 2018. Are you honestly telling me you listen to molyneux or BPS or styx? Any of them?

Roosh gets a pass because it's not his main gig. He's not a pundit. He's already got a couple of well established gigs set up. He doesn't need to panhandle on youtube. His content is the fresher and the better for it. Though I only listen to it now and again.

I check styx, molyneux, bps et all almost daily, as a form of research.

Do you still want me to describe their demographic and give examples of their moral cowardice?

If you like them, enjoy them. Donate to them. Don't feel bad about it, we've all been there. But there comes a time to move on. To recognize that these people offer no solutions.

Maybe it's just me.

Tell me how they have bettered your life and I will answer your question as best I can.

Yes, I still want you to describe the demographic and give examples of moral cowardice, thanks.

Molyneux has bettered my life by giving me information with which to think about, I have never donated to him.

I don't listen to the occultist in the biker jacket.

Remarkable Vigour

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