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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

New poster but not new to the scene. Introduced to game with Neil Strauss's book, followed Roissy and other writers for years, eventually got married but still follow the manosphere sites as they've shifted into social and political commentary. Here mostly for that given everything thats gone on in the world.

Official introduction thread

Thought I'd introduce myself here. I just graduated college and am using this forum as kind of a guide to improve my chances of getting by in the real world. I was a lurker for about six months before I joined the forum in January and am the typical young kid on here that recognizes American women are limited options for the long term. I'd say three events over the last 18 months led to me discovering this website and joining it.

The first was my longest LTR breaking up with me in 2015. It was a six month relationship, my only very serious relationship I've had with a girl. I won't lie, this was a time I was the most vulnerable and heartbroken, and more importantly looking back, my most beta. I regressed one of my last semesters in college in grades and quite frankly, was a bit of an alcoholic at the time after the break-up. But after a couple of months, I was able to move on from it because of the second event.

This was one of my best friends deciding to help me get over my ex. He was the first one to introduce me to red pill concepts. He threw me to the wolves in night game and made me cold approach as many girls as possible to get over the fear of getting rejected and to gain confidence. He took me under his wing, I started to learn a brand new concept on female nature and literally had to throw out all of my previous 20 years of "knowledge" I thought I had with girls. I'm no where near perfect now at game and still have a lot to learn, but I have a brand new mindset now and he took me out of the group of my bottom tier friends with women that are still virgins. Thanks to his teachings, I was able to get more dates with women over the next year and I was finally starting to have casual sex.

The third event that happened was that another friend invited me to go to Taiwan with him. This was my first trip to Asia and really the first time I traveled internationally without my family not in a resort. Once I got to Taipei, I realized what it meant to be tall and white in another country if you can game. I was pretty blown away by the effect I had on some women. I was getting indicators I had rarely received from girls in America before in one weeks time. I don't know a lot about game but I'm of the belief the more comfortable you are in an environment, the more confident you become. It may not work for everybody, but I genuinely believe I became better at game during my time abroad because I felt like I could be confident knowing these girls were more comfortable with me. I had a mindset and exposure that felt GOOD and it was something I craved to keep but knew would be harder to maintain in America. So when I found this site, I thought it would be the perfect place to try to figure out how to maintain this lifestyle, that feeling, and figure out where else to go.

Hope that wasn't too long. Looking forward to getting to know you guys!

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

2018 New Orleans Datasheet
New Jersey State Datasheet

Official introduction thread

Wassup y'all. Newbie player here, been lurking the forum for a minute though. been in the game less then a year with high success compared to my high school days. I'm 20 years old living in Korea working in the Army. Hope to get some good discussion with a lot of y'all, many blessings

Official introduction thread

Hi everyone. I spent 15 years in a black hole from which I recently started to emerge. I feel it's not necessary to dwell on it because the past is the past and why it happened really doesn't matter at this point. Let's just say that I allowed myself to subscribe to some very unproductive schools of thinking coupled with the lack of an appropriate male role model.

The result is that I'm 35 and my SMV is hovering slightly over 0. I'm 5'7, balding, average face, wussy physique, back in school (low paying job), low in confidence, social skills, and social connections. I've done better with women than might be expected given all these facts, but nothing to brag about. I've been making improvements in many areas and am committed to continuing to do so. Although I suffer from mostly crippling AA I've done several approaches in a variety of settings over the years, and have successfully obtained some SNL (including once with an attractive woman).

I found out about this website a couple of months ago through a totally unrelated search for information about Tinder. I had never heard of "Game," any of its associated principles, or the manosphere before so needless to say it's been quite eye-opening to be reading content here and at ROK. After my great SNL experience (now 4 months ago) I became interested in being able to repeat the feat so my discovery of this corner of the internet was fortuitous in that respect.

For now, it's my intention to keep the "help me" threads to a minimum. I realize the purpose of this forum isn't to be Sisyphus' personal coaching resource, so I want to contribute whenever possible (although it probably won't be a whole lot now) and otherwise try to soak up the knowledge that's shared here. Thanks.

Official introduction thread

I'll try to keep it brief:

Good to be among men. I'm in my mid-20s and currently building myself up from close to scratch. Last three years of my life have been dominated by manic-depression and alcohol abuse. I've been brought to some pretty shocking lows (homelessness, detox, psychwards, treatment, etc) but doing much better now. My past troubles have presented me with a good opportunity to reflect on what kind of person I want to be and what sort of life I want to live. It's cliche, I know, but I really wouldn't trade those hellish years for the world. Gained some serious perspective. I'm now in a very good position to build my entire being up starting with the foundation. I'm very optimistic about what the future holds. Hopefully, I can provide some value to this community as I develop into a respectable person.

Official introduction thread

Keeping it short:

31, married, attorney, Chicago. I've read articles and scanned through the forum mostly out of curiosity, but I decided to sign up and participate. I probably won't agree with everything said on the forum, but certainly won't antagonize. There's a lot of valid information here that I definitely agree with, especially in terms of confidence with women, self-improvement, etc. I hope an occasional dissenting viewpoint is welcome--after all, as men confident in our opinions and way of life, I would think discussion and occasional opposing viewpoints wouldn't be a problem.

Official introduction thread


Aussie in his late 30's. Mates and I worked a lot of the Red Pill out in our 20's but nothing as good as this. At my age I'm more interested in the issues surrounding Hypergamy and how to raise kids in this world.

Official introduction thread

Hello everybody,

Spanish, 21 years old, white,average physique,less than 1.70 (5'5'', mechanical engineering student, right now on Erasmus in Lublin, Poland.
Currently swallowing the Red Pill.
Frequent lurker here, I read mainly ROK and Roosh's web posts daily, also read Day Bang, but I'm reading it again. I prefer daygame. I learnt some direct game through Spanish authors, and I'm learning indirect with what I read in this forum and Day Bang. I'm relearning most of the things (non academical and even political) that were taught to me in my past.

I started to lift weights two years ago and left behind masturbation 2 years and 7 months ago (a friend told me about NoFap and I tried it, it changed my life); problem is I'm still an incel, but I want to get better at game so I can solve that, and who knows if that can help me with other aspects of life. I'm open to any suggestion so I can be an optimized version of myself.

Best regards

Official introduction thread

Alright lads.

Official introduction thread

Hey, early 30's Australian temporarily living in Canada, pretty much new to game.

Relying almost entirely on looks, catching feelings, making just about every mistake imaginable, sooner or later getting ditched - this is the cycle I'm all too familiar with.

Stumbling across this site recently was certainly a huge wake up call, but also a breath of fresh air. So much light has been shed in the small amount of time I've been reading here. It's actually a little scary, but better late than never.

Since scouting the threads and reading bang/day bang, the past month has seen me climb out of a hole, pull a ONS slump buster, and set me on the right course. Many thanks to everyone here!

Focusing on inner self is my priority for now, although much work needs to be done. Hopefully down the track I can contribute back to the community.


Official introduction thread

I don't think I posted in here since I signed up late last year

Im ShotgunUppercuts

22 year old black guy in saint Louis mo

I was a sheltered child growing up but Ive been breaking out of myself for over the past year ,getting out and exploring the city,being more social and taking more risk.

Apparently I'm the only rvf'er in this city and finding like minded men is difficult.

Official introduction thread

I'm in my sixties, living in Northern Europe, married. I travel to EE several times a year, mostly Ukraine, for more fun with girls. I read the forum a lot, and am ready to give some input when I feel it is needed. So far, it was always something negative that I have felt, and I want to avoid talking down to people, so I have held back, until now. Here it is: some threads here are full with the same message repeatedly quoted over and over again by responding members. Totally flooding the page without reason. It makes the reading very tedious and tiresome. Don't Quote Extensively! DQE! Please, DQE! (Now I have said it, I will try not to repeat myself). I really learn a lot here and sometimes it's funny, too. I will be happy to receive points, too! Thanks.

Official introduction thread

Hey. Swedish, early twenties, good looks, 6'3. newbie.
Been lurking for about a year now... have not been traveling and have been soaking up knowledge so now i'm ready to pull my fare share!
Saving up cash for SEA, Balkan's, central europe, Fsu!

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, names Lester. Pretty new here, hoping to learn as much as I can and pick up some tips and tricks along the way. I just wanted to stop in and make the necessary introductions, then I'm gonna work my way around some of the threads and see what I can learn/contribute to. I hope to run into you all on some of the other threads

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, ~21 year old Canadian college student here. I've been lurking here for about six months now. Had fairly good natural game throughout high school and first year of uni, discovered the manosphere and game after an LTR ended. Just recently bought Bang as I'm in a bit of a dry spell lately, having trouble finding motivation. Hope Bang and this forum can help me get my game back on track. Also, I'm looking forward to traveling around Europe and maybe SEA over the summer.

Official introduction thread

Totally new to all of this so here goes -
44, living in North Georgia, about an hour north of Atlanta.
coming out of a 17 year dry spell in which I didn't even bother dating and just focused on raising my kids.
I've got pretty serious approach anxiety and social anxiety in general and don't have any game at all so I'm starting at close to zero.
I'm working hard on bettering myself. I took care of my diet and now I'm 5'7" 125 lbs and I'm hitting the gym 4-5 days a week. I'm balding so I said fuck it and shaved my head.
I started taking a weekly improv class and social dance classes and I'm trying to do the "smile and say hello" thing to work on social anxiety.
I've audiobooked 3-4 books and am reading Bang! right now. Honestly reading pick-up / game material feels like drinking from a water hose.
I just started doing the Christian Gray Challenge over the weekend; I'm not sure where to go for Day 2 to be honest. Going to the mall and asking where a good Chinese place is seems dumb.

Official introduction thread

33 years old, italian.
I m trying to change my life, but it seems not easy.
I m learning the english now because i don t live anymore in Italy.
I train 3-4 times at week, i m in a very good shape.
This period i m doing cold approaches at the day...i m studying the game on various online sources. I'm reading also Day Bang.
Sometimes i m motivated, instead sometimes i feel that nothing will change.
Let s see.

Official introduction thread

Hey people, long time lurker, recently registered on RVF, this is my first post. I'm going to be 38 in two months and I've done a lot of reading and listening and learning about various redpill (or redpill-esque) type ideas and philosophies. I'm a little late to the party compared to most other guys, but I don't feel old.

I originally wrote a really long intro post, but then I realized it should probably be started as a separate thread, so I'll start that thread and come back here and link to it.

Thanks to everyone who makes this forum possible. I hope to both benefit from it myself and help others as well.


Official introduction thread

I'm 26. Been a long time reader of the manosphere, and gone through many iterations of taking the red pill. Here to read and talk with like minded men and hold myself accountable. Looking to stack up notches, and learn through real experience - theory can only do so much. Goal this year is one a month. 2-2 so far.

I was raised abroad, born in the Middle East, lived in Africa, Europe before coming to the US. Good masculine role models all around me, (3 older brothers). Somewhere in middle school, started turning beta. Listening to what girls said and what people told me to do instead of my gut. Pretty embarrassing but I went through some pretty brutal dry spells in college. There was opportunity but I just simply didn't have the balls to capitalize.

One night about 4 years ago I was out with some friends, having a generally bad time. Girl from high school asks me to come back to her place with her. Encountered some last minute resistance "we're not having sex" and wilted like a little bitch. Knew things had to change. Started searching around online and doing some research, found the manosphere and began the process of unplugging. Took 4 years but I'm finally on my way.

I don't just want what I want. I want it, in the way that I want it.

Official introduction thread

Hello all, I finally made a profile here and am brand new to the forum. I'm 54 years old and divorced. I have three adult kids and two grandchildren and now have a 25yo GF/fiance in SEA. Will be moving there shortly when I finally wrap things up here in Canada. Have traveled quite a bit last few years. Ive been red pilled about 4-5 years ago and have been learning ever since. I am not really a player because I just don't like non committal sex with bitches that I don't adore and admire already. Thats why I say I am a beginner at game. That being said, I do wear the pants in the relationship and am alpha.

Looking forward to learning more here and making some like minded friends. I will try to lay a bit low for a while to feel out the lay of the land.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to Roosh for bravely and courageously forging the road.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone, just to keep it short because I know, no one has really such amount of time to read this stuff. Life is too short.

I'm 24 (this year) old guy from Poland and I'm living in Poland. In the previous years I kind of dealt off with pick up but due to lack of pussy I returned to get to know attitude for improving my game. Hope I will be able to bring out as much as I can from here yet also add some value.

Official introduction thread

Hey Guys, 18 year old lurker for about a year now. I've been soaking up everything this place has to offer like a sponge and now I'm ready to give back. Hope to have some great discussions and an even better time. ?

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone!!! I'm Toyosi from Nigeria, Lagos. In my mid twenties, gaming in my country is so easy as f*****, if you like sexy big booties bro West Africa is the deal bro, night life, beach so fking awesome etc

Official introduction thread

New to threads. Not new to travel or game, biut definitely new to the nomad lifestyle. Finally pulled the trigger and have gone expat to EE. At the same time joined the forums to stay in the loop and share experiences. Hope to see you all around.

About the name. Jameson is my drink and Ranger is a shout to RFC Glasgow.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone, first time long time. I’ve found the forum helpful over the years and figured now might be a good time to introduce myself and become a bit more active. I do use the search function a lot so haven’t really needed to post. I do have a lot to say but I’m sketching out ideas and posts for a blog so I’d rather contribute in that way when I have that up.

43, American, just moved to Ukraine and planning on staying in Europe. Was a teacher back in States and I’m desperately trying to build online businesses so I don’t have to go back and teach. I’m looking for a serious relationship as I’m older and think it’s time.

Fluent in Italian so if you have questions or need help feel free to ask in Forum or PM

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