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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

What up guys? Long time lurker, figured I'd get an account going now since I'm about to start a year of travelling. I'm in my late 20s and I quit my job earlier in the year for a internet based marketing job. Will be spending the winter in South America and the summer in Europe. Hopefully I'll be able to make some helpful data sheets along the way.

Official introduction thread

Dream Medicine has the all time best intro

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone

I am a bit of a long time lurker here (found about this site in 2014) and decided to register since I thought now would be the right time to do so. The reason why I was hesitant to register is due to privacy concerns and making sure that I mitigate the probability of being doxxed.

Intro: Been into the player scene for awhile but also had an eye for current events, especially about the status of men in this country. I've followed a variety of sites that cover issues that affect men (even Voice for Men) but saw that they were flawed. I've been following this site since 2014 and saw that there is a community of men who actually talk about the issues rather than pussyfoot around them.

Also Roosh, I give you major kudos for setting this site up, taking risks that none of us would be able or dare to take and fighting for what is right.

Official introduction thread


Been Lurking since the end of December, but swallowed the Red Pill early last year and have been getting back in the swing of things after a long relationship (I was borderline beta).

I love it here and I love hearing the stories and advice from fellow like minded men. Feels like...home.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, I've been lurking on here for a few months and a few weeks ago, I decided to join (and now finally able to post).

A bit about me; I live in Toronto and am currently in school studying Economics, as well as going for my real estate license. I've long held red pill beliefs, and I look forward to talking with and learning from like-minded people.


Official introduction thread


I swallowed the pill a long time ago and I am not a 'beginner'. I'm from India. I discovered this forum probably 2 years ago but never felt the need to create an account. Now, after all I've been though I feel like I should contribute something back to the community.

Indian men are stereotyped as weak, whiny pussies with an inferiority complex. You are not wrong. Most men around me are just like that. Anyways, you better watch your back because I might steal your girl.

I am a professional trader.

Official introduction thread


I'm from the UK. Mixed heritage of British and Jamaican.

Split from my LTR of 4 years. She was my first and only, and my desire to experience other women never went away. No regrets.

Currently on 5 girls in total after being separated from her for a year.

MY thoughts and activities at this stage revolve around:

Business and making money
Fitness & My Sport (Football/Soccer)

Looking to meet like-minded people. Use the advice on the forums to develop myself and contribute.

Official introduction thread

Hello there.

I am a single parent in my mid 40s. I grew up nerdy and didn't get laid until my mid 20s (by a woman in her mid 40s). Have been a victim of LJBF quite a bit. Very beta. I could write a very long biography to fill in the blanks, but suffice to say, I've been trying to climb my way out of the sense of futility that comes from being a fulltime single parent, now that my daughter is over 16 and I can see empty-nest-dom in sight.

Along the way I've fallen into highly compromised relationships, things that were kind of doomed to have a short shelf-life. My RMV isn't as high as I'd like it to be because I'm not an adonis and my personality is, at its core, introverted and beta.

What I have discovered, though, is that when I do get beyond a woman's defenses, I almost always win her over because I've become a black-belt in sex (from a female perspective). I will share a bit more about this in the over 40 thread. However deeply that hooks them in initially, it hasn't enabled my relationships to last. So I have already learned how fickle and fleeting a woman's love and commitment can be.

I found out about red-pill via Roosh's Bang Iceland as I was there last summer on vacation with my daughter and had googled about how to pick up Icelandic chicks from my hotel room when I was otherwise bored late at night.

I then started reading through the Return of Kings blog and dipped into this forum.

Since my normal personality is very beta I feel mostly like a curious observer of PUA, someone who can maybe pick up a few techniques that I can apply where appropriate, but that's it. I am amused by the trash talking and animated gif slinging that goes on here but I see how many people have been banned and am a little cautious about posting as I don't want to upset the applecart too much. Even if I don't share the same exact convictions as some people here, I really enjoy these stories. I am just not the kind of person who is going to ever be able to go on the kind of risky escapades that I've been reading about. There's just a limit to how far down the rabbit-hole I can go.

I have been exclusively using online dating services. I think at my age it's too late to learn how to do cold-approaches, and as an introvert, it really doesn't play to my strengths. I am better at composing PMs and prepping for icebreakers on dates than I am being able to do the high-wire improv act of a cold approach. I have put enough time into the online dating that I feel I've learned some useful insights, but am not an expert.

So I am going to probably post selectively and only when it seems like I might have a unique insight to offer, as I do consider myself an ardent student of the female animal and have had some interesting life-experiences.

Official introduction thread

Hey. Though I joined this forum a while back, I am yet to introduce myself. I am from India but grew up in the middle east. Didn't have much problem with women and had somewhat game growing up. This forum, however, has opened my eyes to even more advanced things about game and women. I do think I was redpill most of my life but a very soft one and sometimes there were adulterations of blue pill powder in my philosophies of living. I now understand life much better thanks to the forum and now want to continue my journey of improving and learn game not only for picking women but also to live a strong , masculine and well balanced lifestyle. Want to learn and share things that will help us fellow men to succeed in our endeavors in general.

Official introduction thread

I've arrived.

Long time ROKer first time joiner.

I'm sure you don't want to know my life story so I'll keep it short.


See you in the threads.

Official introduction thread

Hi guys, I'm Australian, mid-30's. I found ROK and RooshV a while ago, I've bought Bang and have Day Bang is on its way.

I'm interested in self-improvement, developing my masculinity, game and earning more money.
Currently studying at post grad level and looking to improve myself as much as possible and develop in multiple areas. I've already been on this trajectory for 12 months or so.

I really like the frank, no-bs advice I see here. It's good to see flakiness, LMR and other issues I've encountered myself being discussed and to see lots of others have experienced the same. It looks like a great resource.

Hope I can make a positive contribution too.

Official introduction thread

hi, hello!

I used to be on the stylelife forum until for some odd reason it closed. So had to find another place and this spot looks pretty good to me. Literally googled best pau forums haha

Looking forward to reading some solid posts here and contributing also


Official introduction thread

Hi, I'm John. Living in the un-exciting Midwest. Lol.
Hoping to learn some game and succeed before my clock runs out!

Official introduction thread

Hi there!

Eastern European, early 20s.

Have been a reader for over a year. Thanks to the forum, I acquired tons of useful knowledge which helped me immensely in gaming wowen. I wanna give back to the community so I will post the detailed datasheet from my recent trip.


Official introduction thread

Wanted to say what's up to all the board members. All I can say is I sign up for my user name to pick on every experienced gamer and monger/shorer brains.

Official introduction thread

Greetings All,

I'm Resolute. My username was inspired by the "new years resolution" but instead of making a single resolution, I've decided to be committed, persistent, and "Resolute" in improving my entire life, and I think this is the place to find like-minded men who with a shared goal to encourage and assist one another. I've been in the game for about 5 years, reading Roosh for almost 2 years, and been lurking on the forum for about a month.

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, how's it going?

I've been lurking for the past 3 months, and since ending a long term relationship, became really interested in this no bullshit mindset that is travel and game forums

about myself; I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I'm quite young, always done well with girls, I figure I have a lot to give in terms of experience despite my age.

An interesting fact about me? I've spent time in prison
A not so interesting fact? I have an 8 stone dobermann

look forward to striking up some conversations with you guys

Official introduction thread

Hey jabba, good to see more people from the UK.
I joined the forum to lurk months ago but got distracted from the forums by a job change. The bullshit around the women's march reminded me, so here I am. Definitely new to the red pill, looking to learn and listen in a respectful manner so probably won't post overmuch.

Interesting fact time: I used to work around Brighton (home of radical feminists) and it had some of the best game, surprisingly. Turns out most women don't like being preached to by crazies.

Official introduction thread

My name is Quietdon. Been following the forum for year now. Situation been tough in the states but now in home country game is really in action. Respect bros posts. Financially in real estate corporate not out of matrix, but striving for it.

Official introduction thread


I having been lurking on these forums for maybe a year. I realize now I have anxiety issues in approaching women, but the strange thing is I never had problem flirting with a stranger until I went to college full time and paying out of pocket. I became a hermit and very religious waiting to lose my virginity until I get married. Long story short religion is a farce and fuck college. I'm 33 and never been on a "real" date and turn down beautiful women who asked my out in my youth. Lost my virginity to an ugly Dominican prostitute.
It was so bad a taxi driver, hotel manager, and residence came out and said I could do better for free.
I don't fear too much of anything but there this magical seal that prevents me from opening my mouth and I just can't break free.

Official introduction thread

Recently took the red pill and its been an eye opener. I came across this site while trying to search for positive trump threads during the republican primaries. Been a lurker ever since. I'm 32 and live in Montreal Quebec and I'm an electrical engineer

Great threads on this forum.

Official introduction thread

Long time lurker, from a small country in Europe, found this place thanks to Aaron Clarey couple of years ago. Not necesarilly a game man, more interested in life advice in general. Many great reads on this place, great insights and comments on wide variety of subjects, so I registered [Image: smile.gif]

Official introduction thread

Hello good day to you all.
I am in my early 30s, European and looking to spend the next few years abroad. I would love to meet some of you guys in person and go out at night.
Love the gym, footy and long legs. Oh and I have got yellow fever. [Image: wink.gif]

Official introduction thread

Hello there,

Lurker, early 30s, American, reasonably traveled and have a solid location-independent income. Suspect my LTR is starting to run its course and will probably be making some life decisions this year, so I've been following the board to soak up some updated knowledge.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Official introduction thread

Hello there folks!, Colombian local here, 24 years old, I'm happy to be a part of the forum and contribute, thanks to this community I figured out deep things I was having issues with that not a single shrink or fluoxetine dose could deal with for years, I'm very happy to say this actual community helped me to reconcile with my dad with whom I had a really difficult relationship , thanks to y'all, currently working on self-improvement and my financial situation (lol), cheers!.

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