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Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Don't get me wrong, I think Bill Burr is hilarious but for a guy who called out John Lennon for being pussywhipped, I think he's gotten his "Instant Karma" by marrying his wife, Nia Hill.

I'll occasionally listen to his "Monday Morning Podcast" on YouTube where Burr sometimes lets his wife join him on the show. I'm not really sure how this is much different than Lennon letting Yoko Ono onstage but I digress. Frankly, his wife seems likes a real nagging feminist cunt. It's hard to imagine how being around someone like that all the time won't hurt his comedy. Personally, I'm rooting for a nasty divorce in a few years so we can get an even more embittered Bill Burr armed with some killer new material on women, feminism and marriage.


Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

[Image: actors-nia-renee-hill-and-bill-burr-atte...d454824960]


Not me.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Is it just coincidence the word "black" is over her head and "white" over his?

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill Burr's wife has the body of a welterweight boxer.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I listen to his podcast every week and I can't stand his wife. He typically brings her on for the woman's perspective when someone emails him a question about relationships or something, but yea she sure sounds like an annoying, nagging feminist. With a guy like Burr, my guess would be that she subscribes to the drive-through Beyonce type feminist mantras on the surface but doesn't believe in any of it very strongly and behind closed doors is a sweetheart most of the time. I could be wrong, tho. Either way, it's not gonna stop me from loving this motherfucker.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Why the hell did he marry her?

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

She is a Hollywood feminist. You figure Bill would know better. It makes you question how much of his persona is pure schtick.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 01:38 AM)Only One Man Wrote:  

I listen to his podcast every week and I can't stand his wife. He typically brings her on for the woman's perspective when someone emails him a question about relationships or something, but yea she sure sounds like an annoying, nagging feminist. With a guy like Burr, my guess would be that she subscribes to the drive-through Beyonce type feminist mantras on the surface but doesn't believe in any of it very strongly and behind closed doors is a sweetheart most of the time. I could be wrong, tho. Either way, it's not gonna stop me from loving this motherfucker.

I started listening to him less than 4 months ago, and it probably took me nearly 4 months to catch up on most of the episodes that were in the archives.... At first I was kind of neutral about him, but he kind of grew on me (the same is true for my listening to Joe Rogan, he kind of grew on me, too).

People do all kinds of things in terms of relationships, and yeah, when he includes his wife on the show, it opens up quite a bit of can of worms in terms of his relationship with her and whether she adds or detracts from the value of his material.... and his podcast persona.

He seems to handle her pretty well, when he let's her on, although maybe sometimes he does seem to give her too much leeway, whether that's going to lead to a divorce.. .hahahahaha.. I didn't really see that from the podcast materials in a potential clash of views that were not tolerable. I mean for example, sometimes the discuss some of the things that they do together (like going to concerts or sometimes she watches games with him), and then they also mention that they have some separate activities - like of course she has a separate job and then some of her social circles are different from what he wants to do.. nothing wrong with that and sometimes some compromise will be needed if a guy finds some values in the relationship.

Sometimes he does seem to hold back, however, when he talks about his road trips, and of course, gives no indication of infidelity beyond thoughts, whether true or not, a guy cannot usually sustain a long term relationship if he publicly admits to actual infidelity... that would be quite a rare event that a woman would accept those kinds of public proclamations, even though she may well accept more subtle winks and nods.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill marrying Nia is the result of caving to ones own deepest fears.

First off, I love Bill Burr. This is the man that through his stand-up, showed that you can talk about taboo subjects and more importantly that it's not morally wrong to think differently. Seems like simple stuff now but to a 17 year old, watching him start off a special bringing up pedophiles and proceeding to make the crowd actually laugh about it, was inconcievable.

He talks to the crowd in a personal way too. Every so often he'd drop a couple lines about an insecurity within himself, but you'd barely notice since he'd do it so casually and natural. That being said, there's definitely a difference between his podcast and his stand-up. I've listened to it on and off for 3 years and it's great to hear his material before it's distilled and refined.

Now, the thing with Bill is, he has a vast wealth of red-pill thoughts, stories, and perspectives. A lot of his fan base is drawn in by his honesty and more importantly a masculine perspective on things. For example, his views on marriage, divorce, women, feminism, and a wide array of issues that it seems the MSM refuses to cover. More to the point, he's stated time and time again that he would never get married. He knows how awful the divorce laws in the states are, and he knows that marriage is pointless, especially when you're already living with someone.

So why did he do it? Why would he go into something he knows is a raw deal for him? He's seen how men are treated in marriage and divorce. It doesn't make any sense. And this is where a lot of his fans frustrations come from. It's akin to watching a friend of yours spend a decade complaining about Russian roulette but then going ahead and playing it anyways.

It all comes back to his stand-up.

Yes, Bill has stated plenty of times that he hates the idea of marriage, BUT he's also repeatedly expressed his fear of growing old alone. He's brought up several times in his podcasts and his stand-up that it's a big insecurity with him. He mentions in several specials his own awareness that he's in his 40's, not married with no kids and that he feels pressure to "pick a street". There's even a whole bit where he talks about the differences between how men and women argue where he mentions this.

And I think this is what made him finally cave.

Bill's been in a tight spot for a long time. I think his fear of being alone is part of what drives his stand-up and in particular his marriage with Nia. To be fair, I think it's entirely normal to want to be with someone and have that emotional connection when you're in old age. Problem is, that while this is something he feels inward pressure to do, he also has social pressure and the sting of being an outsider to his friends and the people in his life. Imagine what it feels like to be the only guy within your friends to still not have a girlfriend or gotten laid.

Rationally, he knows it's a bad idea. I mean, he could've married Nia a lot earlier, since they'd been together more than 10 years before this. But he didn't. The conflict between rationallity, and the emotional and social insecurities had been taking place for a long time.

Now, long winded posts aside, this is of course just my interpretation. I'm certainly not at his age and maybe when I get there I'll think a little differently. But not only did he get married, he married a feminist. Im not talking about the typical, "womens vote and independance and then dominate me in the bedroom" kind of feminist. She's written (to my knowledge) a couple of articles for Jezebel, one of which explaining her regret/resentment that she stays at home while Bill makes the dough. Nia could easily take another post to explain so I'll leave it there. Bill getting married feels like watching a friend relapse into an addiction, with that level of disappointment. Even though I still love his work and think he's an amazing comedian.

For Bill though, in a battle of wills between his principles and insecurities, the latter finally won.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Nice write up, Yurtley. I agree with much of what you said and you present some good points. Especially about Bill Burr revealing himself through his standup, which is what makes think his act isn't just shtick. Here's what gets me, though...Burr has BALLS. You're a fan so I'm sure you already know this but to anyone else out there reading this that isn't as familiar with his work, Burr once took on the city of Philadelphia during a stand up show gone south.

Most people are afraid of confronting even one person. Burr had the sack to insult an entire crowd's hometown (after they were rude during another comedian's set) until eventually making them laugh and turning them over to his side. That not only took balls but I'm pretty convinced Burr must have a scrotum with a matching set of steel basketballs for pulling something like that off.

...Then comes Nia. Burr went from being the guy that took on fucking Philly of all places to a guy who seems to have gotten browbeat into saying he supports Bernie Sanders. Bernie fucking Sanders?! You've got to be kidding me! For being such a red pill comic, I would've bet good money on Burr being a diehard Trump supporter, especially after seeing this video on "Conan":

But to listen to this podcast and hear him talk about voting for Sanders (which he later backpedals on somewhat) still made me feel like he's been cucked. Skip to around the 3:34 mark to hear him start getting into it:

To me, the whole appeal of a guy like Bill Burr is his zero fucks given attitude about political correctness. If Nia keeps nagging at him (you know she does) and ends up effectively neutering him, I'm afraid his career will start to tank because he'll lose his trademark comedic edge. I guess time will tell, but I'm still pulling for a divorce.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 01:27 AM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

[Image: actors-nia-renee-hill-and-bill-burr-atte...d454824960]


Not me.


A) Is it just me, or is the body language in this picture...weird? Although they're both in good shape and dressed well, they both seem to be slightly leaning away from each other. Bill in particular, in his face and arms, seems stiff, which is odd cause he's normally very relaxed in his interviews and stand up comedy routines. I get the impression he isn't sure what to do with himself.

B) Although I respect his wife for at least being in decent shape, I don't find her figure attractive because her top--especially her shoulders--is so broad. My first thought really was, "I bet she could tackle the hell out of you." But I don't see much muscle there, it doesn't appear that she's a body builder or anything like that. For women born with a frame like that, besides maybe dressing differently, is there anything they could actually do to decrease their upper body size and therefore appear more feminine?

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

They're both leaning away from each other slightly. His foot is pointed at her, but hers aren't pointed at him. I'd say there is some tension in their relationship. He might be bringing her onto the show to appease her.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

You're reading too much into it, she's got her shoulder wedged in his chest, and their hips are touching. They're posing for photographs so they're at a 45deg angle halfway between each other and the photographers. Facial expressions look relaxed.

She did blunt his edge a bit, there is too much Mia in his podcasts and they're often dull compared to his old stuff, but he seems happy with her.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Nia knows full well she cannot do better and probably read one of the threads in EE about Black men abandoning black women. Bill wanted to something more in his life as an anchor and unfortunately that anchor is some pseudo intellectual feminist who is nothing special.

Bill isn't a catch as he says but he could get way better quality.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 04:46 AM)Yurtley Wrote:  

So why did he do it? Why would he go into something he knows is a raw deal for him? He's seen how men are treated in marriage and divorce. It doesn't make any sense. And this is where a lot of his fans frustrations come from.

I think sometimes, there are just men who know the risks, and think to themselves: I'm different. I ain't like those other suckers… For example, one of my all-time favourite movies is Casino with Robert De Niro…

In his voice over monologue before marrying Ginger he says:

"For a guy who likes sure things, I was about to bet the rest of my life on a real longshot."

"When I married Ginger I knew all the stories, but I didn't give a fuck. 'I'm Sam Rothstein, I said: I can change her."

These sort of examples, I mean, it isn't wise, but nobody could ever come out and say they aren't being masculine. They are. They are doing one of the most masculine things they can do, that being, backing themselves to succeed where most people fail.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Any guy as successful as Bill Burr should be able to marry an 8+, which he hasn't, and also not a feminist bitch, which he hasn't. What the fuck...

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

She wore him down.

I have been listening to his podcast from the beginning. When she first came on his show, she was funny and charming and supportive, she laughed at all his jokes and let him lead the podcast.

Years back there was a hilarious bit where he asked her the best way for a woman to break up with a man, and she said that she should pack all her stuff without telling him, invite a beautiful woman over for a threesome, and then when the guy was going at it with the new girl, the old girlfriend should get her stuff and quietly slip out the door.

That was our old Nia. Bubbly. Cute. Funny. Great chemistry with Bill.

Little by little, over the years, she got cuntier and cuntier and also, she started to use his expressions and talking like him, which he encouraged. It was like watching him turn her into a girl version of him, and she became more and more scornful and condescending. She was a female Bill Burr, only without the humor.

What used to be great chemistry became a harridan's harangue, and then after she got him to marry her, it was all over. I can't stand her nasal condescending voice, acting like she is great, and he is a loser with what she once called his "pissy little podcast."

Even when you know the score, they can wear you down.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Very incongruent with his stage personality, but there are a few things to remember:

No one is perfect, and not everyone is as they seem.

Bill is an entertainer by profession. He has a brand and a persona he has crafted over decades of doing comedy. Not saying that is not who he actually is, but you never know what he is really like behind closed doors.

Certain people always look different to the familiar. We see his woman and think she is just some naggy broad-shouldered feminist. To him, she is a familiar woman who has loved him for many years and is a comfortable companion. Any shortcomings she has he surely rationalizes away, and he mentally highlights the positives.

It's also true that most people don't practice what they preach.

Stand-up comedy is not like being a movie star. Unless you're a decent-looking big shot who is popular with the younger crowd like Dane Cook was, then you likely don't have scores of beautiful young women throwing themselves at you. Not saying Bill has a a severe lack of options, but I doubt he has his pick of the litter that many of you think.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I love Burr, but anytime Mia comes on I stop listening. She has that smugness that's typical of modern women.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 01:27 AM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

[Image: actors-nia-renee-hill-and-bill-burr-atte...d454824960]


Not me.

Check out the left side of Bill's face; he's stressed out and worried about something. She isn't; she's genuinely happy to be there, I don't see any gloating on her face either, so it's not like she 'tricked' him into going to the event. The pose is awkward because they don't know how to pose for professional photos like this properly, they don't know how to make it look natural, and I get the impression that Bill hates wearing a suit.

Also, the camera's at a weird angle, slightly tilted. It's just a bad photo, of two people trying to look extremely formal, when one of them is in a bad mood.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

What a annoying cunt....

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Completely agree. Heard the two talking about voting for Sanders and I turned it off. Hearing Bill say shit like that is out of character for him.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 01:15 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Check out the left side of Bill's face; he's stressed out and worried about something.

Check out Bill's face any time. He is my favorite comic, and sometimes I fee like I am taking advantage of a crazy person, he looks stressed and psychotic a lot of the time:

[Image: 130543a.jpg]

[Image: billburr-113010.jpg?p=1]

[Image: Bill-Burr.jpg]

[Image: 1ce524757b0d659aa80b9c186119ae7d3432e26c.jpg]

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

I see genuine pain and craziness in his eyes in parts of this video where he describes losing his religion (Start around :47):

The dude is under pressure for sure, and his girl Nia knows how to press his buttons and keep him to heel. You can hear in in the podcasts. She is just running girl maintenance game, and he is responding honestly. Sometimes anyway.

There was a great episode of an old podcast he did with Joe DeRosa called "Uniinformed" where they interviewed a therapist, and some of the shit she got out of Bill about his childhood was nothing to joke about:

He is a great comic, although I don't think Bill Burr is a happy camper.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife


He'll get divorced raped soon enough.

Provide more material for more standup.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I'd hate to see Burr get divorce raped, even if it did improve his comedy. Dude grinded it out in the trenches for a long time and his success is still a fairly recent thing. To see him get gutted by the system would be brutal.

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