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Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (02-01-2017 12:55 AM)MasterBacja Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2017 12:07 AM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Anybody else catch his 2017 special "Walk Your Way Out" on Netflix? I understand nobody knocks it out of the park 100% of the time, but it was pretty weak. I can't help but feel his shrew wife Nia has dulled his edge. Normally when I watch one of his specials, I don't want it to end. This time around I found myself feeling something I've never experienced watching him before...


Here's hoping the second season of "F is for Family" is better.

Couldn't agree more. Just watched it tonight and I didn't think it was his strongest work at all. Not even strong relative to other standup from the past 6 months. Disappointing since I'm usually such a big fan.

Very disappointing.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (02-02-2017 12:24 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2017 12:55 AM)MasterBacja Wrote:  

Quote: (02-01-2017 12:07 AM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Anybody else catch his 2017 special "Walk Your Way Out" on Netflix? I understand nobody knocks it out of the park 100% of the time, but it was pretty weak. I can't help but feel his shrew wife Nia has dulled his edge. Normally when I watch one of his specials, I don't want it to end. This time around I found myself feeling something I've never experienced watching him before...


Here's hoping the second season of "F is for Family" is better.

Couldn't agree more. Just watched it tonight and I didn't think it was his strongest work at all. Not even strong relative to other standup from the past 6 months. Disappointing since I'm usually such a big fan.

Very disappointing.

Yeah, same here. Sue, a couple of laughs here and there but overall it was pretty lame. His older stuff was much better.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Watched the special last night and I must agree it's a far cry from his previous works. Not only not that funny but also not very mindboggling like other stuff he's made before.

If you like his rants his podcast is still good though.

On a side note, Theo Von is one of my favorite comics right now. Great story teller. His NY cab story at 21:49 cracked me up:


Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Was just watching the new special, pretty lame. Also had to go on about Trump being "so racist." He seems to have turned into a real pussy, sadly.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

You guys are missing the big pic. Isn't she prego now? Of course the estrogen is kicking in the old Billy. But he can not and will not escape his roots and DNA, he won't.

Probably the best Freckle Faced Fucker material is yet to be seen and heard. Once they divorce, and they will, Billiam will crush the angry irish DIVORCED guy. It will align with couple of years of Trump's presidency when the PC cunts finally lose their reach, so we will hear Billiam go full berserk on women and all.

One theory that I've heard - he married her because that's how it goes in the stand up industry if you're going to make certain type of "risky" jokes, you have to have a token black wife. That's what I've heard, and the guy who said it named couple of more comics who had similar type of humor, and mixed. Who knows.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (02-02-2017 01:23 PM)Akwesi Wrote:  

Was just watching the new special, pretty lame. Also had to go on about Trump being "so racist." He seems to have turned into a real pussy, sadly.

That was annoying the shit out of me, too. I felt like he was just regurgitating shit he's heard his wife say rather than coming to his own conclusions about Trump. Of course all of us here at RVF know claims of racism against Trump are baseless, but it's amazing how many people just mindlessly repeat liberal talking points they've heard on TV without bothering to do any independent research.

Also, his whole YouTube sign language gorilla spiel that went on for like ten minutes that he admitted he didn't have an ending for -- Seriously, what the fuck? If I wanted to listen to someone tell me a story and forget the ending, or not have a point, I could get that from anybody. I don't think it's out of line to expect more from a professional comedian.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Old Freckles is still very good but yes, that last special was weaker than his earlier work. Timing was off in a few spots and some bits ran way too long (as other RVFers noted).

No idea whether that was the "lovely" Nia's influence, but it's highly probable. In any case, I bet it won't be long before he starts making fun of it himself.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Agree that it was the weakest special yet.

But it was still very funny. He sets a high standard that he didn't quite meet this time.

The McDonalds bit was amazing. I can't believe he made 10 minutes of junk food stuff work, since I figured that was played out by now. But I re-watched that part 3 times already, crying each time.

I actually loved the gorilla bit. The sign language was the cherry on top.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Do you guys have a link, or did you Netflix it?

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

This is fantastic


Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-05-2017 08:55 AM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

This is fantastic

That guy has some pretty good interviews on his podcast, "The Comedian's Comedian."

I tried to watch some of his standup and he is just another mediocre talent turning to social justice instead of getting better at his craft.

This should be the province of post wall actresses, and it is sad to see a dude go down that road.

An enterprising psychologist could come up with a fascinating study of how these people incrementally shift from seeking success to trying to be Lame Jesus.

I am curious if they are conscious of their hypocrisy, or if it is some sort of unconscious process.

I could see it starting with cognitive dissonance:

I'm gonna be a star/I suck. . . .I'm gonna be a star/I suck. . . I'm gonna be a star/I suck."

Imagine living with that loop in your head. Your options are get better or quit the business or live with your mediocrity.

It must also be galling for him to have a podcast where he interviews comedians much better than he is, and even though they sit their chatting, all fraternal, they both know that he would much rather be the one being interviewed.

So what is the psychological mechanism that signals the slow, or is it sudden(?), shift from being a comedian to righting the wrongs of the world by nitpicking and getting petty with your betters?

Is it denial? Hysterical empowerment?

What sort of defense mechanism is it that makes a comedian, who should be speaking uncomfortable truths suddenly make it his mission to word police?

Did he wake up one morning and have a sudden, deep inspiration (to him), that he was wasting his integrity on comedy, and needed to be the voice for the voiceless?

Did it come to him in a dream?

I truly want to know if these people are self aware, or do they have a grand scaffolding of self delusion that allows them to truly believe that not only do they not suck, but that they are actually taking it to the next level of wokeness?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

^ In the words of Bill Burr "you lost me there."

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (02-02-2017 05:32 PM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Quote: (02-02-2017 01:23 PM)Akwesi Wrote:  

Was just watching the new special, pretty lame. Also had to go on about Trump being "so racist." He seems to have turned into a real pussy, sadly.

That was annoying the shit out of me, too. I felt like he was just regurgitating shit he's heard his wife say rather than coming to his own conclusions about Trump. Of course all of us here at RVF know claims of racism against Trump are baseless, but it's amazing how many people just mindlessly repeat liberal talking points they've heard on TV without bothering to do any independent research.

Also, his whole YouTube sign language gorilla spiel that went on for like ten minutes that he admitted he didn't have an ending for -- Seriously, what the fuck? If I wanted to listen to someone tell me a story and forget the ending, or not have a point, I could get that from anybody. I don't think it's out of line to expect more from a professional comedian.

It would have been better had Netflix uploaded his special from D.C. I was at that event and it was much better than the version up. He ripped the shit out of a feminist and did at least an additional 30 minutes of jokes.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-05-2017 12:44 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I could see it starting with cognitive dissonance:

I'm gonna be a star/I suck. . . .I'm gonna be a star/I suck. . . I'm gonna be a star/I suck."

Imagine living with that loop in your head. Your options are get better or quit the business or live with your mediocrity.

This very easy to say for someone who's not "suffering" from creativity and artistic tendencies. It's like saying "start caring about other people" to a psychopath - the psychos can't do it because they just are wired differently. For example, being a comedian, a filmmaker, a writer etc. requires one to be hypersensitive, to notice stuff that "normal" people don't. That works great when you are gathering material for your next piece, not so much when you are thinking about yourself, your talents and your flaws. You can get better and better but it will never be enough if you are wired that way.

There's a reason why filmmakers never watch their own films again and why comedians self-destruct in various ways - Robin Williams and others killing themselves, Bill Burr marrying a post-wall groupie and making an autistic kid with her, Trey Parker marrying a coalburning single mom with a half-black son even though he's worth 300 million fucking dollars... And normal people will never get it that the things that make them successful in art are also the things that make their personal lives difficult.

TL;DR you pretty much have to be mentally ill in some way to try to get into a creative industry and especially be successful in that industry

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

^Stop using racist terms like "coalburning." It is incredibly disrespectful, even moreso since many of the most important members here are not white.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Has Burr posted pictures of his daughter anywhere yet? I'd imagine she looks like a female Blake Griffin.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-15-2017 08:24 AM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

This very easy to say for someone who's not "suffering" from creativity and artistic tendencies.

You make a lot of good points, but you are wrong about this one. I know exactly what I was talking about. I was an aspiring comedian in San Francisco during the 1980's and my peers were people like Bob Goldthwaite, Tom Kenney (voice of Sponge Bob, and a good comedian), Rob Schneider.

Also a whole host of people you never heard of who were as funny or funnier than the famous people out of the SF scene like Ellen DeGeneres -Dana Carvey- Greg Proops, guys like Bob Rubin and Steven Pearl(who Robin Williams owes a lot of his act to.)

I did it for two years. I was all right, not great. I didn't end up like this Goldsmith character. I had my dreams, but knew I would never be one of the greats in comedy.

I would listen to Bob Goldthwaite, and Bob Rubin riffing on a morning radio show and say to myself, I can get better, but I will never be as good as those guys. I don't think I have the comic talent or the need to be the center of attention.

Also, I realized that I was fundamentally a serious person, and though I love comedy, it wasn't the core of who I was, so I went off to do something else.

So, I am well aware what it takes to be an entertainer, and I have spent a lot of nights in smelly tiny clubs waiting until two in the morning to have my chance to go onstage in front of a crowd of ten, and I am saying that it is not a fatal affliction.

I also did it during a time when comedy was king, and everyone and his brother was trying their hand at it, it was the thing to do in the eighties.

That is why I feel comfortable about my opinions about this dude Goldsmith.

There's nothing wrong with deciding that comedy is not for you. And there is nothing wrong with making a living without being the best of the best. Small clubs need their acts too.

I am just complaining about how the SJW mentality has seeped into everything, and it certainly doesn't belong in the free speech sandbox of stand up comedy.

Be a comedian, or be a SJW, but don't pretend that holding better comedians than you to SJW standards is somehow part of being a comedian.

That's all I'm saying.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-15-2017 10:13 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

^Stop using racist terms like "coalburning." It is incredibly disrespectful, even moreso since many of the most important members here are not white.

What's the politically correct term then?

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Interracial dating is often nothing more than a sexual fetish, with destructive life consequences. Dorky White guys who marry an Asian princess who hates her daddy are just as bad. The children produced by these un-loving, sex-based relationships wind up with a very difficult time in life, especially if their parents get divorced. And the stats are loud and clear about how many White-woman-Black-man relationships are actually functional. Only about 2% of the Black fathers of mixed-race children contribute financially to the household.

If you're the exception, you should expect to have to prove it - and you should look down on the fetishists all the more for making your genuine love appear tawdry.

Should Blacks be angry at the White woman on the elevator who clutches her purse? Or angry at all the Black criminals running around, giving their race a reputation for criminality?

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-15-2017 01:44 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2017 10:13 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

^Stop using racist terms like "coalburning." It is incredibly disrespectful, even moreso since many of the most important members here are not white.

What's the politically correct term then?

There is no politically correct term for making a weird left turn in the middle of an interesting argument. It's just better not to do it.

One minute he is saying that performers are wired differently, and the next he is saying that dating a black dude is as bad as committing suicide.

Can't put lipstick on that pig.

"Reread and think before posting" is the only relevant term that comes to mind.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-15-2017 01:44 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2017 10:13 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

^Stop using racist terms like "coalburning." It is incredibly disrespectful, even moreso since many of the most important members here are not white.

What's the politically correct term then?

There is no "politically correct" way to disrespect interracial relationships.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (03-15-2017 02:36 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Interracial dating is often nothing more than a sexual fetish, with destructive life consequences. Dorky White guys who marry an Asian princess who hates her daddy are just as bad. The children produced by these un-loving, sex-based relationships wind up with a very difficult time in life, especially if their parents get divorced. And the stats are loud and clear about how many White-woman-Black-man relationships are actually functional. Only about 2% of the Black fathers of mixed-race children contribute financially to the household.

If you're the exception, you should expect to have to prove it - and you should look down on the fetishists all the more for making your genuine love appear tawdry.

Should Blacks be angry at the White woman on the elevator who clutches her purse? Or angry at all the Black criminals running around, giving their race a reputation for criminality?

What's the point of this post? A Great majority of women go after the alpha bad boys who don't make great father's. We should look down on all of those sluts regardless of race.

Growth Over Everything Else.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

"Should Blacks be angry at the White woman on the elevator who clutches her purse? Or angry at all the Black criminals running around, giving their race a reputation for criminality?"

Why does it have to be a binary choice? Why can't I be mad at both?

If I am an upstanding black man and the cops harass me, sure I can understand that the higher crime rates among blacks is his rationale and I can be mad at those black thugs. But why can't I be mad at the police too? Does the officer not have agency? Are we to ignore individuality or simply judge people by the worst of their race?

In that case, blacks can't get mad that people think they are thugs, whites can't get mad that people think they are Nazis and white supremacists, muslims cant get mad that people think they are jihadist terrorists, etc., etc.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Every thread is a race thread now.

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

What a fucking joke.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

LOL---amazing how even this thread managed to degenerate into an anti-interracial dating jeremiad. I guess the real surprise is that it took 3 pages to get there.

Some guys just can't help it I guess.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

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