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Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 05:51 PM)Shoubuliao Wrote:  

I'd hate to see Burr get divorce raped, even if it did improve his comedy. Dude grinded it out in the trenches for a long time and his success is still a fairly recent thing. To see him get gutted by the system would be brutal.

The odds say he'll probably get fucked over, especially at his age.

I don't want to see it either, but practice what you preach.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 05:51 PM)Shoubuliao Wrote:  

I'd hate to see Burr get divorce raped, even if it did improve his comedy. Dude grinded it out in the trenches for a long time and his success is still a fairly recent thing. To see him get gutted by the system would be brutal.

Thats pretty much the backstory for every dudes divorce rape story....

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

A huge aspect of stand-up comedy is developing a persona. That persona could be very similar to one's own personality, or it could be an entirely created character, like Pee-Wee Herman. Most comedians probably fall somewhere in-between.

A comedian's goal is to get laughs, get bookings, get an HBO special. This is why I never take seriously any comedian's opinions about anything. What a comedian says in any given moment might represent his actual views, or be an exaggerated version of his views, or it could be pure shtick.

Comedians are essentially actors. The public generally doesn't understand this, which is why when Paul Reubens was arrested years ago for some foolishness in an X-rated theater, and the mugshot of him appearing very different from his famous alter ego was published, the public was mortified.

Likewise, Bill Cosby's enemies are using the fact that Cosby was not the squeaky-clean, sweater-wearing, Jello pudding-pops-pitching patriarch of the Huxtable household to bolster support for their (likely false) accusations of sexual misconduct.

I listened to the first minute or so of the Burr podcast in the first post. The wife does sound awful. But then she too might be playing a bit of a character.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 04:46 AM)Yurtley Wrote:  

Now, long winded posts aside, this is of course just my interpretation. I'm certainly not at his age and maybe when I get there I'll think a little differently. But not only did he get married, he married a feminist. Im not talking about the typical, "womens vote and independance and then dominate me in the bedroom" kind of feminist. She's written (to my knowledge) a couple of articles for Jezebel, one of which explaining her regret/resentment that she stays at home while Bill makes the dough. Nia could easily take another post to explain so I'll leave it there. Bill getting married feels like watching a friend relapse into an addiction, with that level of disappointment. Even though I still love his work and think he's an amazing comedian.

For Bill though, in a battle of wills between his principles and insecurities, the latter finally won.

I appreciate a lot of the points of your post, but in the end, I think that you are being a bit too harsh on Bill, and to some extent you admit the matter in your post in that he is in a different period of his life than you.

I think that it is really difficult for guys, even when we want to, to relate to changes that occur with age.

Surely, as we get older, we can recognize how we thought when we were younger, and how we currently think in a different way, and we thought that we would never think like we do now.

I am around Bills age, and I have had several times in my life where I adjusted some of my views based on my getting older, and I had thought that I was not going to change such views, and some of those views change because of changes in energy levels and testosterone levels and some of them changes with health and senses of mortality, and really it does not seem reasonable to suggest that a guy may have become a bit of a sell out because some of his views and actions have evolved over the years.

Oh, and regarding your point that he was pressured into the matter, and that they may be incompatible based on her more feminist perspective. There may be some truth in what you are saying, but conceded facts speak for themselves, too. Dating and living with someone for 10 years kind of establishes that he knew what he was getting into, and he has found some sufficient commonality in order to find value in the plunge.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Half a woman's goal is to constantly shit test their men for their own validation of you. As previously stated, she started off in support of him, yet now on the show tries to poke holes in his beliefs.

Look, if people joke about stuff enough, even as a comic paid to do so, don't think for a minute they don't really believe what they're saying. They do, that's why it's so believable and funny in the first place. Bill is hilarious as hell live, saw him last year at Fox Theater in Detroit and people were literally pissing themselves and crying from laughing. He's that damn good from my experience.

So isn't it just like a woman, black or white, ugly or hot (but more so the ugly ones) to actually do and say things to destroy the very source of their own fame and success? (yup. we all know women are that damn entitled, stupid, solipsistic, and destructive because society encourages them to be that way, well Bill unfortunately is torn between egalitarianism in his own life, that he invited in).

Almost all good artists are fucked up by common belief standards, hyper sensitive about somethings, and quirky by a fault. Now we know what Bills is and has been. The very thing that makes them great, is also their greatest downfall.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife


I appreciate a lot of the points of your post, but in the end, I think that you are being a bit too harsh on Bill, and to some extent you admit the matter in your post in that he is in a different period of his life than you.

Thanks JayJuanGee, I think you're absolutely right by the way with regards to differing perspectives as you age. I can see how it would affect my judgement on the situation. Hell, I think a lot differently than I did just a couple years ago, I can only imagine what it'll be like when I'm in my forties.

I don't see him as a sell-out at all. Just seems like one of my heroes is making some bad decisions and it's sad to watch.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife


Growth Over Everything Else.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I wish him the best. I saw him live this year.

Although, with his feminist wife, this sounds like a dangerous proposition. At least if the wheels come off this thing it'll be a good source for his act.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I can't stand her damned voice - but congrats Bill !

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Well good for Bill; a fair amount of his past material has belied a certain wistfulness on his part when he contemplates that he may never have a kid to raise as his own.

That being said, hopefully he will ditch the whole 'celebrate my own ignorance, they're all bad' shtick, embrace the New Era in Trumpland, and raise that kid right.

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (11-22-2016 10:38 PM)Phil Jackson Wrote:  


This was unreal news, though I've been expecting this to go down for at least a couple of years.

Speaking to the broader topic--why he married her in the first place--and I think I've said this in other threads where this has come up: it comes down to loyalty. Nia was there when he was nothing, and the vibe I've always gotten is that he places a huge premium on that.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

HOLY SHIT Tuthmosis sighting !

Hope all is well brotha !

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I thought the same thing Kaotic! I didn't want to scare him back into his bunker.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Nia is using Bill.

She knew she had complete control of him when they dated, and she used Bill's fame and status to slingshot her "career". Nia had no intentions of having a child since that would interfere with her career. Bill was happy at the start of the marriage but he would have moments when he would get sick of Nia's shit. That happens all the time in marriage though, so no big deal. Eventually Bill got pussywhipped, he was forced to change some of his views, and it really seemed like Nia had his balls in her purse. If you've listened to Bill's podcast over the years then you know what I'm talking about. Then Bill had an epiphany, and started to stand his ground when Nia would argue about stupid shit. Then Bill would vent about Nia during his podcast. This was all shortly after Bill pointed out how Nia treated a waiter like shit, which is a universal litmus test to determine if a person is a sack of shit or not. A close friend of Bill's mentioned that to him, half in jest, but that realization stuck with Bill. In the past couple of months of Bill's podcast he was really getting tired of Nia's shit. He mentioned how Nia would never want to go with him when Bill was on tour unless it was at a place like London or Ireland. Bill was complaining about Nia always wanting to spend his money, like dining at the hotel they're currently staying at when Bill wanted to save money by cooking in their suite. Bill even floated the idea of a divorce a few times during his podcast. Nia could tell that Bill was getting sick of her, and she had a moment of panic. She decided to get herself pregnant to cement their relationship and to make the possibility of a divorce a pipe dream.

Poor fuckin' Bill.

But congrats anyway, I guess?

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I've always liked Bill Burr. However, I recently saw a video from a couple years back in which he shits on Stefan Molyneux pretty hard, even accusing Molyneux (of all people) of blaming rich people for his problems. Really lowered my opinion of Burr when I saw this:

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (05-18-2016 04:46 AM)Yurtley Wrote:  

She's written (to my knowledge) a couple of articles for Jezebel,

That's all I need to know. Poor guy...

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (11-27-2016 07:47 PM)Rob Banks Wrote:  

I've always liked Bill Burr. However, I recently saw a video from a couple years back in which he shits on Stefan Molyneux pretty hard, even accusing Molyneux (of all people) of blaming rich people for his problems. Really lowered my opinion of Burr when I saw this:

I listened to the above clip, and I really have a hard time faulting Bill Burr for his ranting about Molyneux.

If you ever listen to Burr's podcast, you will notice that Burr is frequently criticized for taking various political positions and he discusses the inconsistencies of these various criticisms, and he frequently attempts to defend himself or go over the materials by asserting that he is a comedian.

I think, in the end, his being a comedian is part of the point that Burr is all over the place and finds humor in all kinds of places that may not always be comfortable or even profound in any kind of way. There is humor in a lot of positions that people take and their disposition, and there is humor in Molyneux, also.

By the way, Burr says all kinds of shit that is inaccurate, and even I question whether there is any kind of meaningful wisdom in what he is saying, and then I remind myself that "oh? he is a comedian, who claims to have barely graduated from highschool" hahahahaha

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife


Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Don't care how loyal she is. A woman who talks like this will fuck you over plain and simple.

If she doesn't then she will fuck you over by making you miserable with the constant shit.

When they get a divorce she will rape him for half and then some.

Bill Burr might not be fully cucked and I wish him the best but this will not end well.

Anyone condoning a wife like this is a fool and an enabler of this type of women. It surprises me so many guys here still don't get it.

These women are poison.

Never ever settle for a wife like this.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Bill still has his moments. [Image: lol.gif]


Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Anybody else catch his 2017 special "Walk Your Way Out" on Netflix? I understand nobody knocks it out of the park 100% of the time, but it was pretty weak. I can't help but feel his shrew wife Nia has dulled his edge. Normally when I watch one of his specials, I don't want it to end. This time around I found myself feeling something I've never experienced watching him before...


Here's hoping the second season of "F is for Family" is better.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I'm putting it on my queue.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

^ You'll have to let me know what you think after you watch it. I'm not saying I never laughed during it, but the laughs were fewer and further between than what I've come to expect from Burr. Some of the material felt like it was still being "workshopped" rather than part of a complete, polished routine.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

Quote: (02-01-2017 12:07 AM)LeoneVolpe Wrote:  

Anybody else catch his 2017 special "Walk Your Way Out" on Netflix? I understand nobody knocks it out of the park 100% of the time, but it was pretty weak. I can't help but feel his shrew wife Nia has dulled his edge. Normally when I watch one of his specials, I don't want it to end. This time around I found myself feeling something I've never experienced watching him before...


Here's hoping the second season of "F is for Family" is better.

Couldn't agree more. Just watched it tonight and I didn't think it was his strongest work at all. Not even strong relative to other standup from the past 6 months. Disappointing since I'm usually such a big fan.

Bill Burr vs. His Feminist Wife

I thought that it was pretty funny, especially the Kanye/Hitler part. For the record before Hitler the ultimate evil comparison person was the Pharaoh.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

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