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Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

God, stories like this remind me of my military days. And reinforces the point that women are toxic.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 07:30 AM)ryanf Wrote:  

He did the right thing, but there's a non 0% chance that he did it for selfish reasons too.

Oh, for sure it was not completely altruistic. Heck, maybe he'd be sitting there for days or months thinking "how the fuck am I going to break up with this crazy bitch without her killing me?!" and then bingo! along comes the perfect way out.

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Dude should get a paternity test

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 11:43 AM)vinman Wrote:  

God, stories like this remind me of my military days. And reinforces the point that women are toxic.

A good marine I know was married, had a wife who was pregnant, and just had re upped.

He got into an accident on an military exercise that left him in acoma for months.

He was in a coma for a month or so, I literally drove down to the hospital almost every day after work, I'm talking almost an hour drive one way.

His prego wife gave birth before he woke up.

When he woke up, he was blind, had hardley any motor skills, speech was slurred, brain damage, and short memory. TL;DR lack of oxygen for a few minutes damaged him bad and permanently.

Turns out later she fucked another marine in their social circle, it wasn't the last either.

They were still married, later she filed for divorced, and while he was trying to rehab, took all his money awarded to him after the accident and being medically retired.

This bitch took money from a damaged man who can't even walk or see.

She ended up getting married to another friend of ours whose a cop, he's a cool dude, but I fucking HATE that cunt.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Dependapotamus is the current word, if I understand correctly, for military marriage groupies.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 11:16 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

The sex must be amazing to get him to propose after she threw him a beating.
The look in her eyes tells me the sex was no holds barred. She's shit semen more than once.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 01:22 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 11:16 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

The sex must be amazing to get him to propose after she threw him a beating.
The look in her eyes tells me the sex was no holds barred. She's shit semen more than once.

[Image: highfive.gif]

[Image: potd.gif]

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 12:26 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

She ended up getting married to another friend of ours whose a cop, he's a cool dude, but I fucking HATE that cunt.

Hmmmm, this sounds very judgmental, but I hope this cool dude cop is not a close friend of yours. To marry someone who would do all the shit you described, sounds like someone with questionable decision making skills.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Pretty white trash. Wb in conniving ass.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

WB but would give a fake name and use her apartment.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

How does a chick get PTSD?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 09:02 PM)renotime Wrote:  

How does a chick get PTSD?

She was a Corporal in the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, served two combat tours in Iraq. It's certainly plausible, and unfortunate. Doesn't excuse her crimes of course.

[Image: 071128-m-7696m-648.jpg][Image: 319A6A7D00000578-0-image-a-99_1456552542606.jpg]

Americans are dreamers too

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 05:56 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 12:26 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

She ended up getting married to another friend of ours whose a cop, he's a cool dude, but I fucking HATE that cunt.

Hmmmm, this sounds very judgmental, but I hope this cool dude cop is not a close friend of yours. To marry someone who would do all the shit you described, sounds like someone with questionable decision making skills.

He's not, he's a mutual friend and I went to high school with him.

He'll have to learn his own lesson.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-23-2016 01:27 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2016 09:02 PM)renotime Wrote:  

How does a chick get PTSD?

She was a Corporal in the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit, served two combat tours in Iraq. It's certainly plausible, and unfortunate. Doesn't excuse her crimes of course.

[Image: 071128-m-7696m-648.jpg][Image: 319A6A7D00000578-0-image-a-99_1456552542606.jpg]

WHB. Would have banged, back then. Pre-PTSD.

Seriously, though, and if true:

it changes the background of this story... Suddenly, the "evil murderous useless-to-society woman", turns out to be an ex-petty officer having served in the field (apparently, and as a field nurse: respect) in war-torn Irak! I was not that wrong then in my earlier post, to have doubts about who's what, in this story [Image: dodgy.gif] ... What if the seed of the thought of killing her ex-husband, was indeed planted by the strange, unstable, having-brought-shame-to-the-unit, attention-whore ex-sniper? I am saying, both things are possible: she might have started all, he might have started all by spurring her on.

All I'm saying is, let's wait for the investigators to unearth more details on this case. Too early to judge.

As to the recordings... please: When A entraps B, knowing that a mike is recording all, A will restrain from saying anything incriminating, and carefully steer the discussion so as to entrap B. The recordings do not clear A from guilt, given that A was aware of the mike.

And I do suspect the ex-sniper to be a male attention-whore (some males apparently can become that): urinating on dead corpses and taking pics of the deed, and circulating them pics (thus harming his unit for no intel gain at all) - selling strange and ugly urine-themed tee-shirts on the side of the roads [Image: dodgy.gif] ... - calling the cops to unleash a media-frenzy hell on his pregnant girlfriend

And even if what he said is mostly true, here is what his soon-to-be-born son or daughter will tell him in 15 years: "Dad, why is mom in jail for life without parole? When she first talked about murdering this dude, couldn't you have just slapped some sense in her? was it necessary to send her in for life? was there really no other line of action, to straighten my mother?"

Disclaimer: if the child is not his, then it changes everything and my sympathy goes back to the ex-sniper. But, if it is his child indeed, he should have found another way... bringing the mother to another state or even country, enlisting her to a mental clinic...?

Note: at some point in my life, I wore the uniform of my country's military, which allows me to state that, personally: Between a military in-the-field nurse (if this is indeed what she was, if she was not just a public-relation thing), and a crazed sniper who urinates on corpses to upload the pics on the internet (thus breaking the Rules of War, for no gain at all), my sympathy goes to the military nurse first.

Disclaimer 2: yes, I advocate here for waterboarding terrorists, which probably breaks the Geneva Convention and all, but it's very different: it's to gain an immediate intel edge and save lives... Urinating on dead enemies brings no strategic gain. Just infuriates a whole nation (or 2), and for what? 2 minutes of (ugly) lol?

Also, note that the ex-sniper stated that he would do it again (attention-whoring, again!): "'I didn't see anything wrong with it. I would do it again. It wasn't like we had some random Afghans laying there. They were insurgents, they had weapons and they were trying to kill us,' Chamblin told the Military Times.


And, any military personnel would understand the danger presented by these "urine" pics. Imagine, if a US or Western soldier had been captured a few weeks or months after these pictures got public... He would have received an even worse treatment from his captors, because of these pics.
(Waterboarding is not a problem regarding this: all soldiers understand the necessity of an energetic questioning of prisoners, to get urgently needed military data, but no soldier would understand the point in urinating on the corpses of dead enemies. Very different situations.)

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 09:02 PM)renotime Wrote:  

How does a chick get PTSD?

Really rough sex. Wait they like that shit.

So maybe sex with a guy who only does missionary, doesn't do anal, doesn't smack her ass red, doesn't tie her down, doesn't 50 shades of grey her ass. That might give her some trauma, she wouldn't know how to react if she wasn't treated like a piece of meat [Image: lol.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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