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Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot


Laura Buckingham gave $3,000 to an undercover cop to murder the father of her young son—after asking her sniper boyfriend to do it first.

With her son frolicking in the background, Laura Buckingham allegedly paid a hitman $3,000 to kill the boy’s father.

“I want him gone,” Buckingham, a 29-year-old Marine, allegedly told him in February inside her Kingston, Tennessee, home. “I want him out of the picture.”

Want it to look like an accident? That would cost more, the hitman told her.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” he kept drilling Buckingham.
“Yes,” she replied.
The target was Buckingham’s ex-boyfriend, Brad Sutherland.
“It was supposed to happen Wednesday night; that’s when the assassin was supposed to come kill me,” he told The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview, days after he learned his ex tried to end his life.
Sutherland learned he would die on Feb. 24.

“He was supposed to either do it when I left for work or on my way home,” Sutherland, 31, said.

A few days later, the hitman returned to Buckingham’s home with photos that showed her dead ex-fiancé. Laura paid him the rest of his fee for a job well done.

Unbeknownst to her, police in Louisville, Kentucky, staged the mock assassination with Sutherland inside a parking garage.
The hitman was an undercover agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

“When they brought me down to the police station and told me about this, the first thing I said is, ‘I’m being punked,’” Sutherland said.
Then Sutherland asked about the fee.

“$3,000,” they told him.
“Are you fucking kidding me? My life’s only worth $3,000?” he gripes today.
“It’s like a fucking used-car lot,” Sutherland continued. “Like bring us your tax check and we’ll get you a car—only this is more like bring us your tax check and we’ll assassinate your ex-fiancé.”

The dark humor disappeared as soon as he thought about his son.
“When the guy went to show the photos of my dead body—my son’s right there,” Sutherland said, his voice cracking. “The fact that she would let a hired killer into the house while my son is there hurts me more than taking an attempt on my life.”

Authorities arrested Buckingham on Feb. 24 and charged her with criminal intent to commit first-degree murder at the end of the operation that began when Buckingham’s boyfriend, Joseph Chamblin, told them of her murder-for-hire plot.

He was offered the job first.
Roane County Deputy Sheriff Tim Phillips told The Daily Beast that Buckingham chose Chamblin to help her take out Sutherland because “she knew he’d been in the military in the past, that he was a Marine Corps sniper, and she felt that maybe he had friends that he had served with and would make her boyfriend disappear.”

Sutherland was told by Chamblin he was asked first, but told Buckingham, “I don’t think that would be a very good idea. But I might know someone, though.”

The sniper expressed fears for “his and his children’s safety due to the fact that she has become serious about this,” and that is why he ran to authorities, the incident report states.

Chamblin is an unlikely hero.

In 2011, Sgt. Chamblin was one of four Marines seen urinating on Taliban corpses in Afghanistan. After an honorable discharge and reduction in rank, he co-authored Into Infamy (which he describes as breaking “his silence in order to ensure his Marines’ stories are told”) and hawks T-shirts for $20 apiece featuring a jaundice-colored, faceless human figure in the crosshairs next to all-capped slogans: “KEEP CALM PISS ON” and “SMILE! I’LL MAKE YOU FAMOUS!!!”

The incident report suggests Buckingham feared Sutherland “may try to take her to court to obtain full custody of their son.”

Buckingham made a hasty decision to abandon New Albany, Indiana, and her Bread and Breakfast Bakery job to join Chamblin in Tennessee. She was “irritated” with the weekly long-distance treks to Indiana and back, Chamblin told the sheriff’s department.

Back in January, when Buckingham started tossing around the idea of making Sutherland “go away,” Chamblin initially thought she was “blowing off steam.”
But Buckingham wouldn’t let up. She kept broaching killing Sutherland “for almost a month,” the report claims and assumed she would “not be implicated” if she was spared “any of the details.”

Her plan, the report states, was to snuff Sutherland and then “set [Chamblin] up to take the fall for it if something did go wrong.”
Chamblin was already working Buckingham.

He’d confided to sheriffs about his girlfriend’s death wish and offered the recorded conversations to back it up.

Chief Phillips applauds the Marine for preventing certain bloodshed.
“If she had gone to another source, they may have been able to complete this particular mission.”

Since his pregnant girlfriend was booked for attempted murder, Chamblin has scrubbed all images of them together and publicly shunned reporters.
“I just want to get back to work now, man,” he said.

Buckingham’s dad, Ron Buckingham, is convinced his daughter was coerced.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that somebody was provoking this,” he said. “There are people out there that will say nothing but positive things about Laura, that’s for sure. And she’s loved and cared for by her family.”

When Sutherland met Buckingham, she was grappling with all kinds of trauma—from being molested as a child to coping with returning from serving in combat, Sutherland said.

He saw Buckingham’s post-traumatic stress firsthand, like the time he was playing a shoot’em-up videogame.

“She came to me and said ‘What the fuck are you playing?’” And when he told her it was a videogame, she said, “I’m sorry, you got to turn that off.”
“I would never play any kind of game like that around her again,” he said.
Buckingham had been treated for post-traumatic stress disorder, and yet it appeared as recently as last year that she was unraveling.

Sutherland remembered receiving a phone call in the middle of the night from Buckingham’s mom, Debra, saying her daughter destroyed her apartment “and there was a shotgun and chairs everywhere.”

Buckingham grew up boxing in Eureka, California. The petite pugilist earned top marks at a local Tough Man competition and caught the eye of promoters who wanted to put her on an undercard bout against Tonya Harding.
“It was before a major match. They wanted her to fight Tonya Harding because they were both small,” a source said.

The match never happened.
But Sutherland says while Laura Buckingham boxed in the Golden Gloves circuit she was no amateur.

“You’ve never been hit by her,” he said.

He traced back to when they were out on the town and Buckingham “got whiskey drunk.” Sutherland asked her if a female friend could join them. They would all enjoy a fun night. Pulling into the driveway, Buckingham accused her man for having a wandering eye.

“All of a sudden it was ‘You want to fuck her, don’t you?’”

“She hit me once and it was her yelling at me, ‘Come on and be a fucking man. Hit me like a man!’”

Sutherland refused, saying, “I’m not going to hit you.”
“She hit me again,” he said, causing a black eye and once more busting his lip.
He returned that night to find his guitar reduced to a pile of splinters and strings, and Buckingham bellowing, “Just fucking leave.”

After only a few months together, Sutherland wanted to call it quits.
With the words “I’m done” ready on the tip of his tongue, he stalled.
“I noticed a pregnancy test sticking out of her bag and I picked it up and looked at it and she came back from the store and was like ‘Uh?!’”
Despite wanting to break it off, Sutherland decided to give it another try and they were soon making wedding plans.

Their September wedding date was called off after Buckingham was caught canoodling with a local narcotics detective and Army Ranger veteran named Gary Humphrey, Sutherland said.

“We had a decent relationship, but she was missing that I wasn’t in the service,” Sutherland said.

A fellow officer accused Humphrey of breaking into Buckingham’s bakery, whereupon he found her and another man having sex upstairs.
Buckingham didn’t stay single for long, hitting it off with Chamblin soon after and even introducing him to Sutherland.

“She told me, ‘I’ve been dating this guy for a little while now and I want to introduce him to [our son],’” Sutherland recalled.

“From the get-go, I liked him,” he said, of the man who would go on to save his life.

Sutherland checked online and discovered Chamblin’s sordid past in Afghanistan, but told himself, “Whatever, everybody has a past.”
That Chamblin went out of his way to protect him from the hit ordered by his girlfriend took guts, Sutherland said.

“I trusted him and I still trust him. I owe the guy my life.”
A member of Buckingham’s family doesn’t agree though.
“It was a setup,” the source said. “It was his money that he handed the undercover. He set up the meeting.

“It was Joe who knew he was losing her and so if he can’t have her he wanted nobody to have her. So he planted the seeds from the beginning that got her to this point.”

The source suggested that the way to win over Buckingham was to “make it so she thinks it’s her idea.”

Sutherland said that Buckingham’s beauty allows her to “go through guys” and while “she doesn’t trust guys at all... she can have whoever she wants.”
That gimme mind-set means Buckingham wouldn’t kowtow.

“She’s never been the type to be a follower,” he said. “She’s not the kind of person to follow along somebody else’s plot.”

Sutherland has full confidence in Chamblin’s good intentions.

“I don’t think Joe steered her in any direction to make this call,” he said. “My son has spent a lot time with him and speaks highly about him.”

Sutherland was granted sole custody of their son, according to Floyd County family court (Buckingham appeared via telephone for the hearing).

Buckingham was released from jail on $150,000 bond last month and is due in court for a preliminary hearing on May 2. Calls to Buckingham and her public defender were not returned.

As far as what Buckingham’s punishment might be, the would-be victim wants her to do hard time and then maybe get treatment at a mental hospital.
“I would like her to be in jail for a while for my personal comfort,” Sutherland said. “I haven’t slept much.”

Sutherland said he believes now that Buckingham’s actions were desperate.
“She wanted him to be with her,” he said. “And she knew the only way to get her son was to take me out of the picture.”

As for their son, he’s safe with his daddy, but his mommy isn’t around. “I told him, ‘Mommy’s new job is going to keep her busy for a while and we probably won’t see Mommy because she’s going to be working a lot.’”
The toddler shrugged and said, “OK.”

[Image: 48707967.cached.jpg]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

This Laura Buckingham murderous and cheating wife, and the Chamblin urine-obsessed, double-crossing, shamed ex-sniper. Cute couple...

In this story, I think I dislike the Chamblin dude even more than the Laura woman... calling the cops to entrap his own pregnant girlfriend (he should've just convinced her to drop her stupid idea)... dude!... and all that to sell more of his urine-themed 20 bucks tee-shirts! What's wrong with these people?

(Also, some people pay 20 usd for a Chamblin's "urine tee-shirt"? no way!?)

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

"In this story, I think I dislike the Chamblin dude even more than the Laura woman... calling the cops to entrap his own pregnant girlfriend... dude!! and all that to sell more of his urine-themed 20 bucks tee-shirts! What's wrong with these people!"

I think I like the woman who pays people to commit murder much less than I like the man who sells silly theme t-shirts.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Let's get down to the real issue at hand here:


"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Hey samsamsam she's crazy, but at least she boxes!

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:08 PM)The Man w/ the Golden Gun Wrote:  

Hey samsamsam she's crazy, but at least she boxes!

I hate all of you! [Image: lol.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

"he should've just convinced her to drop her stupid idea)... dude!."
Because no doubt, she was a reasonable woman at first and was driven and coerced into this.
Come off it brah. This hoe got them crazy eyes, and both of them, one guy literally, dodged a fucking bullet.
Of course take a piss on a Taliban corpse anyway. I'm Muslim, and I'd take a piss on a Taliban corpse. Hope both these guys and the kid have it less crazier in life.
Where's he selling these t shirts anyway? I want one.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Uncanny. I fucked a Russian girl that was her clone.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

>Killing Taliban soldiers who killed your friends: check.
>Pissing on their corpses: check.
>Not being a white knight: check.
>Sticking your dick in crazy: double check.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot


[Image: 319A620200000578-3466764-image-a-143_1456556431478.jpg][Image: bread-and-breakfast-owner.jpg]

Americans are dreamers too

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

WBBNKHEB Would Bang But Not Kill Her Ex Boyfriend

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Y'all just riled up the MGTOW crowd.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

WBOGD (Would Bang On Groundhog Day).

[Image: groundhog-day-2-o.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-21-2016 10:36 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

This Laura Buckingham murderous and cheating wife, and the Chamblin urine-obsessed, double-crossing, shamed ex-sniper. Cute couple...

In this story, I think I dislike the Chamblin dude even more than the Laura woman... calling the cops to entrap his own pregnant girlfriend (he should've just convinced her to drop her stupid idea)... dude!... and all that to sell more of his urine-themed 20 bucks tee-shirts! What's wrong with these people?

(Also, some people pay 20 usd for a Chamblin's "urine tee-shirt"? no way!?)

Although I'm the first one here to say "Never deal with the cops, ever, unless you absolutely have to" he did the right thing.

Had she executed the plot after she told him and he stayed mum, he could have been charged as an accomplice and/or whatever else the D.A. wanted to hang on him.

Already, this woman's dad is publicly hinting at that. From the story: "Buckingham’s dad, Ron Buckingham, is convinced his daughter was coerced. 'There’s no doubt in my mind that somebody was provoking this,' he said. He's saying this even after tape recordings clearly showed his daughter was behind this! What more proof does he need? For her to shoot him personally?

One thing the men's rights crowd gets correct is that whenever a woman does something wrong, authorities immediately look to blame the nearest man.

I wish I had kept links to various stories I've seen over the years where a woman commits some heinous act, and the newspapers ask -- in all seriousness -- should her husband be charged, too? As if husbands are puppeteers when it comes to their wives. (Does anyone remember these articles? I think some were posted here.)

This guy did the right thing to keep his own ass out of prison, in my opinion.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-21-2016 10:36 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

This Laura Buckingham murderous and cheating wife, and the Chamblin urine-obsessed, double-crossing, shamed ex-sniper. Cute couple...

In this story, I think I dislike the Chamblin dude even more than the Laura woman... calling the cops to entrap his own pregnant girlfriend (he should've just convinced her to drop her stupid idea)... dude!... and all that to sell more of his urine-themed 20 bucks tee-shirts! What's wrong with these people?

(Also, some people pay 20 usd for a Chamblin's "urine tee-shirt"? no way!?)

She could have "dropped it" and either framed him for hiring the hitman or had them both killed since he was sort of a witness. Furthermore, any time during hiring a hitman she could have gotten cold feet, but didn't. I agree with DOBA, he did the right thing here.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Maybe Chamblin's first thought was, "how long before she's looking to put a contract on me?", irrespective of whether or not he convinces her to drop the idea. That's what I would be thinking in his place.

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Also note that she all the men she was involved with were in uniform in some way.

We had a term for this: tag chasers. They're women who are attracted to any guy in the service(or in the case of "ring chasers", want to hook up with service academy guys") and tend to slutty and unstable as is a good example here.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 07:26 AM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Maybe Chamblin's first thought was, "how long before she's looking to put a contract on me?", irrespective of whether or not he convinces her to drop the idea. That's what I would be thinking in his place.

That's an excellent point. Always remember, what a woman will do *for* you is what a woman will do *to* you, once she's found someone better. He did the right thing, but there's a non 0% chance that he did it for selfish reasons too.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

She's a psychopath, plain and simple. Psychopaths literally have no capability to experience emotions like empathy, guilt, remorse, compassion.

They enjoy tormenting their victims for the rush it provides them, much like how a cat will torment it's prey before eating it. In a way they are "feeding" off the mental anguish, and see their victims like a predator sees food. Other people are just objects to them.

I know you guys are just joking with "WB", etc, but anyone whose ever dealt with a BPD or cluster B and managed to escape knows it's deadly serious.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Man, that is messed up.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Quote: (04-22-2016 01:52 AM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

"he should've just convinced her to drop her stupid idea)... dude!."
Because no doubt, she was a reasonable woman at first and was driven and coerced into this.
Come off it brah. This hoe got them crazy eyes, and both of them, one guy literally, dodged a fucking bullet.
Of course take a piss on a Taliban corpse anyway. I'm Muslim, and I'd take a piss on a Taliban corpse. Hope both these guys and the kid have it less crazier in life.
Where's he selling these t shirts anyway? I want one.

Man, I would like to hear active or ex-military men's opinion on this. Pissing on a dead enemy (corpse), then selling strange pics of it on tee-shirts.

Don't get me wrong, I not only advocate killing those terrorists, but also, I have been on this forum strongly advocating waterboarding them (I gave solid evidence on another thread that waterboarding Salah Abdeslam a few weeks ago would have saved tons of lives).

But, urinating on them does not achieve anything. It is counter-productive. A corpse will not talk. And these images, once circulated, will infuriate even more the local population (with no gain from it at all, to compensate).

Back to this dude.

If the woman was pregnant with his own kid, I thought he might possibly have dealt with the situation by other, energetic means (that are better not described). But, reading posts here, I now understand that, American justice system being what it is, he could have ended up charged as accomplice or something, so maybe he did what he had to do, to save his future and legal situation.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Any ex or current Marines can chime in here, but in my experience young Marines have a tendency to girlfriend or wife-up high SMV women who are batshit crazy. The women in question then move from Marine boyfriend to Marine boyfriend and so on. The services, especially the Marines because their enlistees are so young, need to teach their junior enlisted some game and red pill philosophy so they can avoid these situations in the first place.

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

If this isn't the ultimate "bros b4 hos" story then I don't know what is...

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

Anyone else notice how the article was trying to give her the pussy pass with all of that biographical info talking about her troubled life?

Ex-Boyfriend Faked His Death to Catch Marine Beauty in Murder Plot

The sex must be amazing to get him to propose after she threw him a beating.

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