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White knight brewery

White knight brewery

Here is a link from a Daily Kos article about White Knight Jordan Gleason coming to the rescue of his bar wenches because of remarks from a 60 year old man.

[Image: brewery4_copy.jpg?1459873763]
Captain save a hoe

He took to Facebook for his "righteous" virtue signalling, and of course with all the shares, I'm sure all the snatch dried up along with it. Here's what sexist slaying server had to say (I'll bold the best parts):


This is a longer post, so bear with me...

Today I had to explain to a 60 year old man why he was banned from the pub.

In January he made several sexist remarks about the female staff that were working. He told them to their faces that that he liked looking at their tits while they washed dishes, and their asses while they were pouring drinks. He was told to leave and not come back. He came back last month, and was told we wouldn't serve him. He came back yet again today, and when told he wouldn't be served demanded to talk to a manger.

I sat with him for a few minutes as he explained that what he said would have been okay 20 years ago, and that it was just some off colour remarks. He told me he had apologized, and that he guessed my servers were too sensitive. He then told me that if what he said was a problem, then I should tell them not to wear low cut shirts, and that I should face the dish washing sink away from customers. But since he apologized, he should be allowed to drink in my establishment because he lives in the neighborhood and will bring in business.

I told him flatly that wasn't happening, and that what he said to those ladies was incredibly offensive. The simple fact that he couldn't understand that just because they were were working didn't mean they deserve his disrespectful language. That these ladies were part of my family, and were human beings that deserved respect. They aren't objects, and they certainly shouldn't have to wear different clothes because he can't be bothered with showing them any decency or respect. "But we're men and they're females. Is cleavage just not a thing anymore?"
I told him yeah buddy, it's not, and I won't be changing my mind about having him served. He threatened bad publicity, I told him I didn't care, and he left.

I work in the service industry, and we get the sheer joy and pleasure of meeting and talking to so many great people in our city. I've met some of my best friends here behind the bar. I live for it man. Connecting people who haven't met, making sure people can relax from a shitty day, or celebrate a great one, or just to simply enjoy a few beers with friends. I've seen wedding proposals, birthday parties, political discussions, deep philosophical debates, neighborhood organization, the absolute works. The best of humanity coming together and bonding. That's my JAM. It's one of the biggest reasons I get out of bed in the morning to come in to work day after day.

As absolutely insanely fun as that is, the dark side of this business is we run into some pretty horrible goblin people. Folks who think that just because we're serving, we don't deserve any basic decency or respect. I've been snapped at, mocked, threatened, and insulted about not having a real job. Anybody in this line of work gets used to a degree of it and develops a thicker skin. Here's the thing though, women in this field get infinitely more disgustingly treated. The sheer number of times they get groped, or harassed, or treated like objects would blow your mind. The worst of it is how normal their harassers think their behavior is. Every single lady in here handles it with grace and aplomb, and I applaud them for it. I've had their backs as we've bounced people out for that trash, but countless times they just deal with it before it even gets to me.

Sometimes the dudes get so worked up that they demand to see a manager, and I get called in to speak with them. Every single fucking time they attempt to appeal to me solely because I'm a man. They try to weasel in with me about how the women are asking for it. That women shouldn't dress that way if they don't want to be stared at. They attempt to explain it away as just "dudes being dudes." It's expected for men to stare at women's breasts and make jokes about how much they want to fuck them. Wink Wink. Of course you'll understand they think, because you also have a dick. What terrifies and enrages me is how every one of them thinks that this is normal behavior, but also that other men will agree with them.

Men, we often don't see the level of filth that our friends, sisters, and mothers go through every day. We hope to surround ourselves with people who would never treat a woman like that. We live in a safe little bubble. But the reality of this thing? It's an insidious disease that's happening every single day, several times a day and it turns my fucking stomach.

So why am I writing this? I want to acknowledge the struggle of every single woman who will read this. You deserve our respect and to be treated with decency. I want to stand up and say, I'm fucking sick of this. To every dude out there, we need to fucking combat this disease like its the god damned plague that it is. If one of your friends says something shitty about a woman, tell him to shut his fucking mouth. Don't just laugh it off or ignore it. We need to listen when our sisters talk about this, and not just blame it on some bad apples. Not just say "not all dudes do that" or "well no one I know would ever do that." Nah man. This is an endemic cultural problem. If we want to start taking our status as gentlemen seriously we need to do more than just avoiding being a sexist prick ourselves. We need to open our eyes and fight it everywhere we see it, because the only way this thing gets better is to start calling it out for what it is.

Edit: Sorry for so many edits. I keep finding typos. Writing in anger isn't so conducive to well typed responses.

[Image: 200w.gif]

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

White knight brewery

His conclusion should actually read:

"Edit: Sorry for so many edits. I keep finding typos. Writing with blue balls isn't so conducive to well typed responses."

White knight brewery

These craft brew places are popping up at an alarming rate, at least 2 just opened near me within weeks. They seem to attract the most lame types. Both proprietor and customer.

(sorry Suits)


"But we're men and they're females. Is cleavage just not a thing anymore?"
I told him yeah buddy, it's not

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Americans are dreamers too

White knight brewery

This is infuriating that people like this exist.

On the other hand, I do have to wonder. It must be kind of obvious things like this might happen by the fact that the bar would be lame. If so, then who gives a fuck about being kicked out. But it would be a shame if any decent venue stoops to this...

Edit: This gif represents my reaction perfectly
[Image: lolwtf.gif]

White knight brewery

A beard means fuck all on a hipster. This is proof. If cleavage isn't a thing, what do you want me to stare at? Her forehead.
How the hell are these kinds of people existing in a sane society and making their bs lucrative?

White knight brewery

[Image: jordan_standin.png]

Aaaand that's all I need to know about this guy.

How do so many hipsters end up with the bodies of 12 year old boys?

White knight brewery

Quote: (04-06-2016 04:08 AM)Faggot Wrote:  

Of course you'll understand they think, because you also have a dick.

In this guy's case, I'm not so sure.

"As wolves among sheep we have wandered"

White knight brewery

I think that if I was in his shoes, I would have handled the situation with 60 year old man the same way that he did.

But this virtue signaling article is totally faggy. I'm confident that he wrote it in the middle of a pegging session with his girlfriend.

I'm the King of Beijing!

White knight brewery

At least these thirsty guys picked a place that serves drinks to argue about all the women they're not sleeping with.

[Image: 721lftd1oj3uE.gif]

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

White knight brewery

Quote: (04-06-2016 07:42 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I think that if I was in his shoes, I would have handled the situation with 60 year old man the same way that he did.

But this virtue signaling article is totally faggy. I'm confident that he wrote it in the middle of a pegging session with his girlfriend.

I was just about to post the same thing. If I were an employer, I would want all of my employees, male and female, to be treated with respect. While commenting on a girl's tits in her presence is acceptable in some situations, it's really not classy to do that to someone who is doing their job and providing you with a service. The 60 year old sounds like a prick and I probably wouldn't want him in my establishment. I think he should have received a couple of warnings given the context of a pub where alcohol is served, but I don't have much sympathy for him.

Is this guy a white knight? Yes, absolutely. His actions in the pub aren't necessarily that of a white knight, since a good employer wishes his staff to be happy at work (within reason), and when it's fair to do so should defend them against inconsiderate customers. However, taking time to post that essay online to show everyone how much of a "good person" he is, and how much he "respects women" is definitely the actions of a white knight. By simply doing what he thought to be the right thing and quietly continuing with his day, he would have earned the respect of his employees. However, by attempting to make his thoughts "viral," I'm sure the employees in question are secretly uncomfortable with the attention, and have lost respect for a man who has proven himself to be a faggot yearning for validation and approval.

White knight brewery


Sometimes the dudes get so worked up that they demand to see a manager, and I get called in to speak with them. Every single fucking time they attempt to appeal to me solely because I'm a man. They try to weasel in with me about how the women are asking for it. That women shouldn't dress that way if they don't want to be stared at. They attempt to explain it away as just "dudes being dudes." It's expected for men to stare at women's breasts and make jokes about how much they want to fuck them. Wink Wink. Of course you'll understand they think, because you also have a dick. What terrifies and enrages me is how every one of them thinks that this is normal behavior, but also that other men will agree with them.

Bolded parts are him trying desperately to signal to the women he works with that he is, in fact, a man and does, in fact, have a dick.

White knight brewery

I too would want my employees to be happy, and I wouldn't expect them to put up with over the top obnoxious crap.

But, do we have any other source besides this proven white knight's word that what the 60 year old guy was doing was actually all that bad? It wouldn't surprise me at all if what the "offender" did was nothing like as crass as this toolbag portrays it. It benefits our knight in shining armor to make his dragon sound as fearsome as possible.

Here's a quote from Mr. Gleason replying to one of the comments on his facebook page:


No thank you Vanessa for being a god damned warrior for social justice. Your posts constantly inspire me to be a better human and think more in depth about my role in our society.



Thank you Paige. It's been a long time since we hung out, but I consider our conversation about gender politics that we had years ago one of the most enlightening and engaging of my adult life. Thank you for inspiring me with your wisdom, passion, and fire for humanity.

Clearly he thinks being a proud SJW is a damn fine thing to be. Most of his other comments are just cringeworthy.

I mean, do we even know there was a 60 year old asshole at all? There are some comments on his post that seem to be from employees, but oddly none of them offer specifics about the 60 year old guy. No anecdotes from any of the servers, for example, sharing specifically what he said to them, or what they witnessed him saying. Hmmmm. [Image: suspicious.gif]

Maybe I'm too suspicious, but this would hardly be the first time SJWs wildly exaggerated an offense--or invented a story out of whole cloth--to advance their cause du jour. This guy is clearly loving the attention he's getting as well, which makes me question his motives even more.

White knight brewery

^^^Good points and well spotted.

White knight brewery

Quote: (04-06-2016 10:40 AM)Horus Wrote:  

^^^Good points and well spotted.

If the old guy is being a classless lecher, take him aside, have final words with him, and then kick him out for a period of time. This is a quiet matter between two men, nothing more.

The virtue signaling here is pathetic. He's a white knight with a megaphone and wants the world to know what a good person he is. Don't tell us, you hipster ass, just run your establishment with low-key efficiency and you might actually get some respect from other men while not having to pander to women.

White knight brewery

I could attack Suits here, keeping it civil.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

White knight brewery

Quote: (04-06-2016 12:21 PM)Private Man Wrote:  

If the old guy is being a classless lecher, take him aside, have final words with him, and then kick him out for a period of time. This is a quiet matter between two men, nothing more.

And that's how it's done.

White knight brewery

Getting a tattoo on arms smaller than 15 inches cold flexed should become a Federal Crime.

White knight brewery

[quote] Men, we often don't see the level of filth that our friends, sisters, and mothers go through every day. We hope to surround ourselves with people who would never treat a woman like that. We live in a safe little bubble. But the reality of this thing? It's an insidious disease that's happening every single day, several times a day and it turns my fucking stomach.[quote]

Lovely bubble he is living in, to make some proclamation of the evils of men on facebook to show the world how worthy he is for female affection. In the service industry you going to meet up with assholes work for assholes, and serve assholes. That fact of life. As Horus, said he better off just tell the guy off and continue his day. Instead, some guys are going to avoid his brewery so they don't have to be in his next post of he evils of men after someone with game gets a girls numbers.

White knight brewery

As other posters have said, nothing wrong with the guy kicking out the 60 year old man for constantly harassing employees and making their jobs difficult and uncomfortable. "Look man you're always sexually harassing my female employees even after being repeatedly asked to stop. This is 2016 and that shit doesn't fly anymore. We can't allow you back at this bar". And that should be the end of it. Case closed.

The fact that this guy posted that to Facebook makes him an unbelievable fucking faggot. As Joe rogan says, this pathetic male feminist is just looking for social brownie points from women.

"Men, we often don't see the level of filth that our friends, sisters and mothers go through every day"... " We live in a safe little bubble."

No pussy, you don't see any filth because you're a bartender and have never worked a hard job or had to struggle a day in your sheltered life. 99% of filthy dangerous jobs are done by men. 99% of war casualties and horrific injuries are men. Most homeless are men. Most prison inmates are men. I think it's safe to say that every one of those men would rather have a safe, comfy life and be hit on and made to feel uncomfortable by older men sometimes at work.

"So why am I writing this? I want to acknowledge the struggle of every single woman who will read this. You deserve our respect and to be treated with decency".

What this dickless excuse for a man doesn't realize is that these very same women complaining about getting hit on by customers all the time are going to complain about being invisible to men after they hit 35 or so. I wonder how he's gonna suck up to women when he starts hearing those complaints?

Also, yes cleavage is still a thing you low T mangina. No amount of SJW brainwashing is gonna change tens of thousands of years of human biology.

White knight brewery

I've been running pubs and hotels for nearly two decades, and there's a 10% chance this happened as written- weambulance called it right. I've had to bar a few people for obnoxious behaviour in my time, but I've yet to hear such exact box-ticking offensiveness. Any time I've had to step in it's between me and the guy (or gal), no more. He's like the guy who gives to charity then posts all over social media about it.

Just look at this guy...Holy shit, what a stereotype. This post will not help him get laid.

White knight brewery

I'm going to bet at least one or more of the waitresses were women the proprietor of this fine establishment had his eyes set on or he had some secret hard on for if he's in a relationship. The old man was just an excuse for him to try and flex nuts like a little authoritarian pussy simp does when he thinks he can impress women.

Take a good close look at the guy who runs the place.

Does he look like a man who stands up for principles or higher moral ground. He's a poser with a cheesy beard and a dopey hat on what is probably a premature balding head. He's dopey as fuck and all the SJW virtue signaling he's doing is additional proof that there's nothing real about him or his intentions.

White knight brewery

What a faggot.

Beer used to be manly, now every time someone mentions "craft beer" I automatically think = Faggoty, SJW, Hipster.

Edit- It doesn't bother me that much that he banned some old guy that was probably a loser anyway. It bothers me how he did it and how he had to post about it on facebook.

White knight brewery

Reminds me of this scene:


White knight brewery

A Colonel I knew had a motto he repeated to me for four years:

"Praise in public, punish in private."

It's stuck out as one of the most profound things someone has said to me, though I didn't first realize it. Any time a someone makes a public spectacle out of punishing or chastising someone I question their motives and the extent of the offense which they profess to be reprimanding.


White knight brewery

Is white knighting specifically about white guys acting like this, or is it race independent?

What if a black guy did the same thing, what is he called? A black knight?
What if an Indian did it, a Curry knight?
An Asian, Noodle knight.
Arab, Sand knight.

Why white knight?

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