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31 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-30-2016 06:00 AM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

You are right, but there's no need for people to dance on a woman's grave for things not working out for her due to society's lies, and then killing herself. Unless she was a man-hating feminazi who ruined lives with countless false rape accusations I see no need to be triumphant about her death.

Even if you resent or hate the pussy pass/disproportionate attention given, imagine how this poor woman's parents must feel. It's not her fault that she was born a woman - with it's privileges and also the lies that society tells them - and it sounds like she just wanted to be with one man but couldn't. No need for people to speculate that she's some evil whore who had it coming.

This is not 4chan.

But therein lies the rub. If this woman did commit suicide primarily as a result of not being able to attract a man, it could be only as a result of either having a horribly fucked-up personality or her being an alpha widow with impossibly high standards for a potential partner, given how her default range of options would still have been bountiful. The extensive amount of time I've spent with online dating, including spoofing female profiles of various ages and attractiveness, has convinced me that even a fat woman of her age has many, many more options than the average chump in the Anglosphere. So, purely on this basis, it's hard to shed a tear for a woman who couldn't get a premier league footballer or local businessman to commit to her, when the hypergamy that she's engaged in has led to countless number of men going home of an evening with nothing but their right hand a hard drive full of porn for company.

Which brings me to an even more compelling reason why I think most men on here will find it difficult to summon up any particular sympathy for this woman: Where are the similar reports in the mainstream media about men who commit suicide as a result of not being able to find a partner or, for that matter, for other reasons? You simply won't find any, unless the guy happened to already have had a widespread media presence to begin with. What this story reveals in a stark light is how disposable male lives are in the Anglosphere, not just in the sexual market place but in general. 90% of all suicides in the UK are at the hands of men and yet this is hardly given any mention in the MSM and, if it does get a mention, features almost as an aside to the general issue of suicide. Were the tables to start to reverse and women started to commit suicide in larger numbers, let alone be responsible for 90% of all cases, there'd be a hysteria in the media, government commissions set up to urgently investigate this and so on. But for men? Nothing, nada, nichts, other than a footnote. This fact speaks volumes and reveals a profound misandric double standard inherent in the society of countries such as the UK.

The flipside of the coin to this alpha widow's sob story is the increasing number of men, most of them decent and hard-working, who are increasingly finding themselves locked out of the dating market altogether, as even 4s and 5s regard themselves as too good for average guys. So if you're in the top 10% of "alphas" that the woman feature in the OP have been riding, you get to keep an increasingly bountiful and varied soft harem of totty, but if you're in the remaining 80-90% of the male population, you find yourself getting shafted, hard.

Asking for sympathy for this woman is akin to a woman asking for sympathy because she feels aggrieved that she could only obtain a divorce settlement of 10 million pounds when divorce raping a rich guy, when she had expected 15 million, despite having brought nothing to the table previously other than her pussy. Sorry, call me a heartless cunt, I don't give a shit, it just won't wash with me any longer: Zero fucks given.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
"An inquest, however, concluded that Ms Saul's death was misadventure rather than suicide. Coroner Jean Harkin said there was not enough evidence to prove that she had died as the result of a deliberate act."

"It is clear that her family don't believe she intended to take her own life."

"A post-mortem exam revealed Ms Saul had 162mg of alcohol in 100mg of blood, more than double the legal driving limit - raising fears she 'impulsively' took the decision as a 'cry for help'. No note was found with her body."

And why is double the legal driving limit significant? People get that drunk, and more every weekend, and don't commit suicide.

"Ms Harkin recorded a conclusion of death by misadventure."

So the coroner didn't think it was suicide, but the authors of the article are twisting it to make it seem like it was.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
A little too much lecturing and moralizing here from you, Beyond Borders. I don't agree with your most recent post.

This story is fair game for comment, and no one is going to shame me from commenting on it.

Remember that it was the news media that portrayed the story as "Girl XYX commits suicide because she couldn't find a boyfriend." It was the media who laid out the frame for this story. Read the fucking article.

Since that was how this story was framed, the door was opened for comment along those lines. Is some of the comment here tasteless? Maybe. But no one here is "glad" that someone lost a life. What people are doing here is using this sad example to make a point about what we see going on in society today. That's the difference.

Now get ready for some real lessons, if you can handle it.

In past centuries, suicide was considered a serious crime. I know in France in the old days, there were statutes on the books that said suicides had to be carried through the streets, to be mocked and ridiculed. It was a requirement.

Why? Because under the old religion, suicide was considered a crime. Your life was not your own to do what you pleased with it. If you killed yourself, you were denied the right to have last rites in the Church, to be given a Christian burial, and your property was forfeit. It was a serious thing. So there were powerful social conventions that kept people like this in check. All that is gone now, to our detriment.

Islam and Judaism had the same prohibitions.

Does that sound harsh to our 21st century ears? Judging from some of the sanctimonious comments I'm seeing here, the answer is yes.

Harden the fuck up. You think you're the only one who lost someone you love? We've all been through it here...only I have a different view of some of these things.

If this rule seems harsh, think of the fact that maybe if more of these lost souls thought they were going to Hell, that they were going to disgrace their families, and that they would have their memories ridiculed, then they wouldn't contemplate suicide in the first place.

Fear saves lives. Maybe if our society placed more emphasis on different things, this woman's life would have been preserved. Instead, our society feeds these delusional women a diet of lies and bullshit that ruins their lives.

When I read this article, I was disgusted by the whole scenario, for reasons that I've already stated.

I am not required to emote, cry, and wring my hands over someone like this. And I have every right to comment on it, as I see fit.

Life is hard. Life is not a fucking game. Fight till the last rag is on you, then fight some more. That is life. And any weak sister who's not up to accepting that reality can expect no sympathy from me. She was an egoist, a typical product of the modern age, an age that feeds delusion and lies at the expense of responsibility and discipline.

And I'm going to comment on it. And if that bothers people, then tough shit.

Take a good read of that article. That's what weakness and delusion are like. Learn to recognize it, and let it be a lesson for all of us. And if saying this makes me a hard-hearted bastard, then so be it.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
A. Believing the lies of feminism doesn't make her a victim worthy of pity. And it CERTAINLY doesn't take away her ability to make choices - absolving her of all wrongdoing.

B. This wasn't a suicide - it was called misadventure. Isn't that legal-speak for autoerotic asphyxiation?

This is a sad case, no doubt, but it's sad that a silly girl made bad decisions throughout her entire life and finally died - and no one cared to even check up on her for 3 days. That alone tells you how big of a raging cunt she was to everyone.

If it's wrong to point out her bad choices, then it's wrong to learn game - because that's what drove her over the edge. Her ex gamed her into sex and gave her the same pump and dump treatment we learn on this site.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-30-2016 10:06 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

A little too much lecturing and moralizing here from you, Beyond Borders. I don't agree with your most recent post.

This story is fair game for comment, and no one is going to shame me from commenting on it.

Remember that it was the news media that portrayed the story as "Girl XYX commits suicide because she couldn't find a boyfriend." It was the media who laid out the frame for this story. Read the fucking article.

Since that was how this story was framed, the door was opened for comment along those lines. Is some of the comment here tasteless? Maybe. But no one here is "glad" that someone lost a life. What people are doing here is using this sad example to make a point about what we see going on in society today. That's the difference.

Now get ready for some real lessons, if you can handle it.

In past centuries, suicide was considered a serious crime. I know in France in the old days, there were statutes on the books that said suicides had to be carried through the streets, to be mocked and ridiculed. It was a requirement.

Why? Because under the old religion, suicide was considered a crime. Your life was not your own to do what you pleased with it. If you killed yourself, you were denied the right to have last rites in the Church, to be given a Christian burial, and your property was forfeit. It was a serious thing.

Islam and Judaism had the same prohibitions.

Does that sound harsh to our 21st century ears? Judging from some of the sanctimonious comments I'm seeing here, the answer is yes.

Harden the fuck up. You think you're the only one who lost someone you love? We've all been through it here...only I have a different view of some of these things.

If this rule seems harsh, think of the fact that maybe if more of these lost souls thought they were going to Hell, that they were going to disgrace their families, and that they would have their memories ridiculed, then they wouldn't contemplate suicide in the first place.

Fear saves lives. Maybe if our society placed more emphasis on different things, this woman's life would have been preserved. Instead, our society feeds these delusional women a diet of lies and bullshit that ruins their lives.

When I read this article, I was disgusted by the whole scenario, for reasons that I've already stated.

I am not required to emote, cry, and wring my hands over someone like this. And I have every right to comment on it, as I see fit.

Life is hard. Life is not a fucking game.

Take a good read of that article. That's what weakness and delusion are like. Learn to recognize it, and let it be a lesson for all of us. And if saying this makes me a hard-hearted bastard, then so be it.

I agree with QC, even though I of course understand that this story is sad and unsavory, and fun should not be made out of this poor woman, we all agree with that.

But posters who call for absolute sympathy for this woman, forgot to answer a post that I wrote earlier on this thread:

"More troubling is the fact the former boyfriend will blame himself with some (unknown) intensity, probably forever, because she committed suicide just the day after they'd met again.

I mean, this woman had maybe some right to take her own life (it's a sin by the way, but never mind), but, she had no business doing it the day after she met her old flame... it's like saying to him: hey by the way, you absolutely killed me!

Generosity and politeness would have be for her to wait 2 weeks before offing herself. So that the ex-alpha BF wouldn't feel (very) bad about it. I know depressed people "cannot think straight" but still... she fucked her ex-BF mind's (and heart?) forever."

I maintain that this woman (may she rest in peace), by committing suicide just a few hours after being reunited with her old flame, has willingly fucked this man's mind and heart forever! It is almost unforgivable. Her former bf will have nightmares and pain all his remaining life because of her selfish, untimely decision.

I have huge sadness and even a fair amount of respect (even though almost all religions condemn them, as QC explained, and for good, concrete societal reasons) for suicide victims, but, NOT for females who commit revenge-suicides: revenge-suicide, it's when ex-gfs threaten to commit suicide to fuck your mind, and carry on, thus putting the burden of their deaths onto you!

Anyway... If you want to remember one thing from QC's post, remember this: Fear saves lives. Religions shame suicides, to save lives!! Religious people are not "heartless monsters", on the contrary they want to dissuade feeling-bad, depressed people from taking the ultimate step, by shaming suicide.

(By the way, as other posters noted, this story might possibly be... very different from what it seems, if this woman actually died while doing erotic auto-asphyxiation, as the coroner maybe discreetly hints at - unless the coroner is white-knighting? We'll never know)
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
I'm sorrynotsorry, but I stand by what I wrote.

This girl likely, without knowing her specific story, had her choice of any man she wanted for 16 years or so, and spent all of those years saying "NO! YOU DON'T MAKE ENOUGH MONEY FOR ME! NO! YOU'RE BOOOOORING! NO! YOU HAVE SOME MINOR PERSONALITY QUIRK THAT I'M GOING TO USE AS AN EXCUSE! etc."

Just as likely, when she did find someone she deemed worthy, she shit tested him until he either got fed up and left, or buckled under the pressure of her more insidious shit tests ("you don't need to go to the gym, I love you the way you are") and became someone she didn't want to fuck with anymore.

She did this kind of stuff all the way into her early 30s when the wall was staring her in the face, and all her friends were getting wifed up around her.

And I'm supposed to be sympathetic when someone catches it in the butt for following a sustained pattern of that kind of behavior and life choices for 16 years or more? I couldn't be if I wanted to. It just doesn't fly with me anymore.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
I love threads like this...

Now we can get a spirited dialogue going...
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
BB, if some incel dweeb killed himself (happens every day) and we mocked him, would you see it necessary to launch into a moralizing lecture about how cruel we all are?

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Beyond Borders, I heartily endorse your statement about "cackling like 15 year old girls when somebody does a face plant"; I absolutely despise the schadenfreude that manifests on the Internet at times, celebrating another person's misery when the misery was nought but bad luck; laughing at the misfortunate for no other reason than hate. The correct action when somebody falls is to offer them a hand up - but if they then go to bite your hand...

But my thinking on this matter aligns more closely with Quintus Curtius.

While I don't know this woman from Eve - and so any judgment is speculative, based merely on what the media has reported thus far - I do not have tears nor blood to shed for those who have made themselves into my enemies. Those who reek of entitlement, and would use the law to silence me. Those who play the perpetual victim while abusing all around them. Those who are traitors to this ancient civilization. Those who would harm me simply for the sake of harming me.

I have no time for those people; no charity. Nothing but disgust and contempt.

If they come to me with repentance in their hearts - I will embrace them as surely as the father embraced the prodigal son, and celebrate their return with great joy. But so long as they remain errant, my sympathies are reserved for those whom they've harmed.

Quite frankly, people who are suicidal don't need sympathy; what they need is a smack in the head. A reminder of how selfish the act would be, and that the life they're living is the one they chose. Don't like it? Choose differently! Take some responsibility and fix things, instead of dumping your bad karma onto the world. Yeah, things are tough all around - and it's a shame that the world pushes people into this - but ultimately she had the free will to do otherwise. I was once suicidal myself - quite close, actually - and Thank God that I resisted that temptation and chose otherwise.

I will not dance on her grave; but neither will I pity her. She chose evil, and she got evil. That, my friends, is called justice.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
@RedPillage, oh yeah, buddy, you must be on to something. BB is a white knight who pawns for dead women so someone will have sex with him.

Meet anyone from this forum who has met me and they will tell you I'm a sincerely nice guy - albiet, a very un-PC, no apologies kind of one - who constantly reaches out to men and women alike in goodwill every single day of my life. And a guy who, while not the best on this forum by any means, has little issue getting laid, anywhere in the world...without catering to women, buying into the way mainstream does it, or jumping on any bandwagons.

I protect both men and women whenever I get a chance. I'd look out for you if you were walking by the restaurant I'm sitting in right now and someone wronged you (even if you're more capable than me). That's who I am.

Like it or not, I've done more moralizing (unlike some of you, I don't see that as necessarily a bady word?) on various issues on this forum, calling you guys out for misguided groupthink just like this over and over again, for men and women alike. Because of my morals, and because of nothing else.

Even for an environmental hippy in Thailand everyone was hating on - and even for a certain member who was accused of being someone on PUAhate, when he was not, and being hung out by all yous to dry, with guys going out of their way to "expose" them (cannabilizing your own damn people, for godsakes). I've been consistent throughout the life of my "career" on this forum. I just haven't been very active on here for a long time so I haven't been around to go against the grain.

And actually I have called out guys who supported incel dweebs, if you must know, who were actively hurting others. Or who had murdered someone. And you know what - guys here were supporting that....So who is it with the double standards - not me. It's y'all that feel a need to support every swinging dick while pointing your ha ha finger at every female and develop this us vs them attitude to life.

There's a lot of truth here, yes, but there's a lot of bullshit too.

In any case, I do not gloat and giggle along with you folks at deaths in the media (incel fag or cat lady or "alpha" alike), nor will I ever.

Have I ever smiled when someone offed themself or got their brains blown out? Sure. When they were a menace to others.

You boys don't want to check yourself and your "21st Century" behavior. Cool. But just keep in mind how that looks compared to a lot of other shit you preach.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
I found the posts gloating about this woman's death to be unsavoury. I found the memes of cats playing with dead hanging bodies to be particularly unsavoury.

However there was truth in some of the posts in that there are lessons to be learned from this. I don't know the reasons that this was a news story since suicides of non-famous people are rarely reported, but since her suicide was reported I see no reason why it can't be held up as an example of the consequences of the choices people make in the context of our depraved culture.

Most women with a similar experience to this woman won't go to the extreme of hanging themselves. But there are many, many women of her age with similar experiences who are miserable and emotionally dead as a result of making the same choices that seem to have led to the death of this woman.

When Elliot Rodger committed his atrocities, his life was scrutinised and we learned lessons about how the choices we make in the context of our culture can lead us to despair, even if most people in his situation wouldn't react in his extreme manner. This story is similarly an example of how the choices that women make will lead them into despair. Hopefully someone will learn from this.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!

Your little post about "spirited dialogue" there was cute, but I didn't delete mine because I didn't want you to see it, so don't flatter yourself. I could care less. I deleted it for the sake of the forum, since we've agreed we don't behave that way here. I"m happy to repeat it via pm or in person if you like, and I'm on the verge of caring less if I'm here anymore or not, so if you like I can post it again.

I also deleted it to slow down and actually give your response a chance.

But harden the fuck up?

Get ready for some "real lessons?" From who - you?

Give me a break...

If you think I'm some 21st century softie, you are very misled. I grew up harder than most of you, and I currently don't even live in the same century as most of you guys either.

Simply put, your post reeks of rationalization (not that I was talking to you or your quite reserved initial post in the first place, which I wasn't), and second of all, I'd wager that half these guys spouting their "hard talk" couldn't elbow their way out of a wet paper bag and certainly don't know what "life is hard" means at the cold, dirty cusp of it. So, let's not fool ourselves here.

I mean, we've got guys on this forum who rant about avoiding fights at all costs because it'd dangerous illegal, and then next breath saying things like this that would most certainly get them a swing or five in person - only because they're behind a keyboard? Great.

I am well aware that life is hard. As I tried to lay down in the personal story I dropped in my post, you treat people with compassion and understanding anyhow - as many of the deceased men you propose to follow did.

I didn't say I supported the media's view of the woman or her means of killing herself. Nor do I disagree with the idea that suicide - and especially putting a guy in a position of feeling like its his fault - is pretty fucked up. Nor do I disagree with the idea that she was a victim of her own choices regarding the depression that bought her in the first place. There are ways to discuss these issues, and while I said waiting a bit would be nice, that was hardly the point of my rant.

What I said is let's not act like a bunch of 15-year-old girls about it. You can disagree with these people without spitting on their graves, acting a fool, shitting on their family, and pretty much embarassing yourself. Again, if these guys would do it in person, fair enough and I guess they'll just have to face those consequences - but we both know that won't ever happen. So why not take that same code of basic human conduct to the webs?

Re-read the posts in this forum. This is how alpha males act? Come on.

Maybe you were not one of the ones acting like an internet troll, but plenty other guys were, and you pretending they weren't is a case of going to ridiculous extremes to support your community over the truth. You want to be a leader here - I get it. If minimizing what's right there in the text is your way of doing it, I wish the best of luck to you.

And if commenting "honestly" on these tough issues in the midst of men who all think like you really makes you feel like a hard man, by all means, have at it.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Damn't it, I'm getting all heated. And me the guy talking about emotional resilience...

Fuck all you guys - all these waitresses are wondering why I'm getting all bug-eyed and mad-dogging my computer. I'm going to go to the club and slam some 19 year olds.


(Kidding on the fuck you and assholes part...kind of [Image: biggrin.gif]).

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Thread status:

[Image: circles.jpg]
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
^ Touche.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
If you didn't care or respect someone while he or she was alive why would the suicide make any difference?

You can apply this to whoever you like

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
What is "misadventure"? If it wasn't homicide, and the coroner doesn't think it was suicide, then what is it?

If it was suicide, then she should be mocked, especially since she is a woman. Life is setup for her to not want for anything, for her to never need to work hard in life, she was nothing but completely selfish in the act. We have fat shaming and slut shaming, but not suicide shaming? You're just giving her what she ultimately wants in pitying her.

If it was auto-erotic asphyxiation gone wrong, no sympathies there either. Just another darwin-award for someone who can't get their rocks off in the normal way, like od-ing on heroin.

Celebrate correct life choices, mock idiotic decisions. She should have 3 kids by now and happily taking care of them and the household, but noooo, she made her own empowered choices to eventually end up like this.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-30-2016 12:01 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

You should see her as a victim of our times, and that's very very tragic and should give you more cause to fix it. Being heartless and cruel about it certainly doesn't make people want to listen to what you have to say.

Once a man came and attacked me in a bar with the members of a truly dangerous criminal organization. Over something that had zero to do with me

This stranger then had a hit put on my life, and when I tracked down his number and called him on the phone, he refused to back down because he already had the ball rolling. I could sense he knew he was in the wrong, but admitting so would have made him look like a fool in front of his gangster buddies.

Did I go online and post anonymous comments talking shit about him on news stories about the incident (like I saw a lot of other people doing)? Fuck no.

I walked down to my favorite beach bar, sat down and ordered a beer for him. Shook my head and said, that's a tragedy. I even said a sincere prayer on his behalf.
I really wanted to respond to this message, i'm surprised it got so many likes.

Compare this line of thought with the ones from european sjw who are still willing to support terrorist immigrants saying it's not their fault.

Im sure if anyone checks the names of the guys that liked that post you would find many of them making fun of cuck europeans on the terrorist attack thread.

Come on BB saying a prayer for someone who tried to murder you just to look like a badass in front of his friends doesn't make you a better person.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-29-2016 10:21 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

When did she move to Manchester? How far away is Preston?

The papers say she was an Alpha widow. Maybe she was getting banged out by one of the players at Manchester United or Man City and whoever it was ditched her for younger. Then no one else wanted to go for it because they could also all get something younger than 31 and that sent her over the edge. Ronaldo left town in 2009. If she had that guy's dick there's no way she'd be settling for anything less than a player in the starting lineup.

Hypergamy kills.


Preston is a good 40 mins from manchester realistically. I have to go there every two months for business.

Utter shithole. I can't say I'm hugely surprised she couldn't find what she was looking for living there. No different to guys here who cry about women but don't leave their location.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-30-2016 12:46 PM)dog24 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-30-2016 12:01 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

You should see her as a victim of our times, and that's very very tragic and should give you more cause to fix it. Being heartless and cruel about it certainly doesn't make people want to listen to what you have to say.

Once a man came and attacked me in a bar with the members of a truly dangerous criminal organization. Over something that had zero to do with me

This stranger then had a hit put on my life, and when I tracked down his number and called him on the phone, he refused to back down because he already had the ball rolling. I could sense he knew he was in the wrong, but admitting so would have made him look like a fool in front of his gangster buddies.

Did I go online and post anonymous comments talking shit about him on news stories about the incident (like I saw a lot of other people doing)? Fuck no.

I walked down to my favorite beach bar, sat down and ordered a beer for him. Shook my head and said, that's a tragedy. I even said a sincere prayer on his behalf.
I really wanted to respond to this message, i'm surprised it got so many likes.

Compare this line of thought with the ones from european sjw who are still willing to support terrorist immigrants saying it's not their fault.

Im sure if anyone checks the names of the guys that liked that post you would find many of them making fun of cuck europeans on the terrorist attack thread.

Come on BB saying a prayer for someone who tried to murder you just to look like a badass in front of his friends doesn't make you a better person.

It doesn't mean I wouldn't have shot him in the face.

In any case, I did my fighting when they jumped me. One got a poolstick across his face. I don't think you understand the level of people I'm talking about - there was no logical way to win; I even had a lot of hard people backing me but wouldn't tell them where I was because it would have gone bad for everyone.

Holding people's smallness against them is a refusal to accept the world as it is. It poisons you. You don't have to bow to it. Yes, fight against it. But don't let it steal your dignity. Praying for an enemy, or like a native American would have done, solemnly honoring a kill - as much for your soul as theirs.

I've knocked people out and given them medical help on multiple occasions. In a war of course I wouldn't do that. But I think you get the point. Understanding ignorant people, even finding ways to respect them, is not a weakness. Letting ignorant people trample you is. I may have folded my hand and walked away, but I was not trampled.

As I pointed out, Marcus Aurelius forgave a would-be assassin. I don't have his patience and never will. But I'll at least say a prayer for an misguided enemy. The least we can do here is not pee on the grave of this girl and be a bit tactful with our I told you so's. I just think it's strange the community embraces half of stoic philosophy and throws out the rest. Seems too convenient.

Common civility not going to happen online anytime soon but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-29-2016 10:21 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

Ronaldo left town in 2009. If she had that guy's dick there's no way she'd be settling for anything less than a player in the starting lineup.

Hypergamy kills.

It is staggering how some people's heads explode when they have an interaction with a celebrity or star. Aside from getting banged one, but some people who meet one all of a suddent think they are best buds. There is a difference between being good enough for one night or a slump buster and worthy of an LTR.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at her or taking joy in her downfall, I just have no sympathy. This was a result of her life choices.

I literally feel nothing.
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
I think 'misadventure' meant that she didn't mean to kill herself (probably a cry for help like most female suicide attempts), but because she was so drunk she fucked up and actually did it.

I don't agree with the woman's life choices - ultimately they led to her doing this - but like every blue-pilled man, she has been lied to her entire life. She thought she was doing the right thing in being a 'strong, independent woman', when all she wanted was marry her alpha ex and have a family.

She was lied to literally her entire life and couldn't handle it. I have sympathy because I think many are judging her by our own standards; as a woman she doesn't have the logic and rationalism to just say "Oh well, I might as well find a dutiful beta on since alpha ex isn't interested", or the mental fortitude to deal with the harsh reality of life as a 30-something cat lady. Remember, as men we develop skills, mental toughness, the ability to adapt and create our own reality. As a woman she is trained to be weak and in denial of reality until it's all too late. That is why I have sympathy, not because she deserves her alpha fux, beta bux life fulfilment but fucked it up. Same with blue pill men - just because he should know better than to get fucked over doesn't mean I won't have sympathy. Nor will I judge that just because she wasn't married and pregnant at 21 that she must be an evil spinster whore out ruining men's' lives on pure speculation. We just don't know that.

It's an incredibly sad case but one that has much to teach us (well, women actually), so maybe that should be the focus of the rest of the discussion rather than getting emotional and angry (says the guy on 60% warning for just that!)?
1 y.o. beautiful career woman, can't get a boyfriend: hangs herself!
Quote: (03-29-2016 10:40 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

That cat Gif with the person hanging from a rope is utterly reprehensible.
Have some respect.

Quote: (03-30-2016 11:15 AM)Horus Wrote:  

I found the memes of cats playing with dead hanging bodies to be particularly unsavoury.

My cat gif was gallows humor--a common (and arguably healthy) response to the fact of human mortality. And while it may be a minor distinction, the gif was not in direct reply to the fact this particular woman killed herself, but to the tangent topic of cats starving in proximity to hanged bodies.

Regardless, it goes without saying this woman is mourned by those who loved her. As I would hope most of us will be when out times come (self-inflicted or otherwise). But the inescapable fact is that every single human being will die, one certain day. It is not reprehensible or unsavoury to laugh at the absurdity of human mortality, any more than it is to weep over it.

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