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Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 07:28 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Here is something that not everyone understands: good people like Trump who have had happy successful lives and are not subject to the despicable Year Zero ideology of nihilism love simple everyday normal life in which people just go about their business and enjoy their time out in a coffee shop or on the street; they love how life can be when you don't have bloodthirsty monsters in your midst who want to chop off heads and blow off limbs. So their instinct is to protect this life and keep it safe.

However, the Year Zero cadres that have come to dominate the media and academic elites of today secretly (or sometimes not so secretly) hate life and hate the world as it is -- and they hate the human being because it is the being that has become aware of the truth of "meaninglessness" all the way down the line. So deep in their hearts they delight in the spectacle of terrorism and destruction, because to them it represents truth; they think of normal people just going about their day and enjoying their lives as zombies who are living a lie, pretending that everything is just fine and dandy and distracting themselves with trivial everyday pleasures; but the "migrant" suicide bomber wakes them up from this lying dream and confronts them with the "truth" of death and "meaninglessness" that we all must acknowledge sooner or later.

QFT, the leftist SJWs are despiccable people, dark, dark souls, they might have had a chance to become happy human beings once, but years of lying and deceiving, years of envy and loathing, turns them into gouls, unable to find joy in simple life. Unable to find beauty in a peaceful sunny day, unable to find pleasure in simple honest love and affection, unable to find pleasure in the happiness of others.

They show it in everything they do, they build awful ugly architecture such as Brutalist Architecure, which incidentally is where every refugee or immigrant was housed in Europe. Soul destroying surroundings, common in Eastern Europe, meant to break the spirit of the humans inhabiting them:


In its ruggedness and lack of concern to look comfortable or easy, Brutalism can be seen as a reaction by a younger generation to the lightness, optimism, and frivolity of some 1930s and 1940s architecture.

[Image: 440px-Trellick_Tower2.jpg]

Which human being can prosper in such a setting?

It shows in their art too, twisted, distorted, perverted shapes and objects. Here is the painting of a famous danish painter, Michael Kvium, the most cherished of leftist painters in his country:

[Image: foolsblogbanner.jpg]

What a sick mind painted this portrait?

A healthy human feels disgust at both Brutalist Architecure and Post-Modern Art.

Awful and sick these people are.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:41 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Pretty much everything that happened after paris is happening now with brussels. Its hard to feel sorry for the europeans cause it seems like they never learn and will never learn. At this point i could care less about europe. For me it's a lost cause as harsh as that may sound. It's the same lighting up buildings, "Je suis this and that", flowers and candles and stupid written messages about how they make peace not war, People changing their profile pictures to be a belgian flag. No policy changes, no enhanced security... basically nothing will change.

It's like watching an Obese person eat themselves to death after getting multiple heart attacks and having tons of problems with their health or a smoker who gets lung cancer and still smokes. At this point its impossible for me to feel sorry for them.

I'm convinced now that there are only two things possible in western europe

1) Europeans become a minority on the continent and eventually Sharia law comes and they're Killed off by the migrants they let in.

2) Things get soo bad in europe that eventually they put stop all immigration from Africa and Mid. East and put current muslims in camps like America did with the japanese.

It sounds crazy but i genuinely can't see another path for europeans going forward. They are literally hopeless.

In addition to continued clashes with Islam, I think severe economic decline will be the saving grace for Europe. It's already starting with national debt and high unemployment in several countries, but not just high unemployment rates will fully awaken, but seriously noticeable decay in standard of living combined with increased reality and frequency of Jihadist bloodshed. Outright failure of the secular welfare state will cause ordinary European citizens to look back to their Christian faith. When you reach a point where your best daily prospects often involve nothing more than going to various government and private charity establishments, the last thing you'll wanna see are Muslims flaunting their Islamic nationalism while you're waiting in line at the soup kitchen to get your din-din.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 06:39 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

So, I went back to Germany. I had job opportunities here for a few months, and the reality is it's safer than Rural Australia. Might as well have a front row seat for the fall.

You know Australia is fucked when the Humungous is willing to move to Germany. [Image: biggrin.gif]

[Image: humungus2.jpg]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:41 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Pretty much everything that happened after paris is happening now with brussels. Its hard to feel sorry for the europeans cause it seems like they never learn and will never learn. At this point i could care less about europe. For me it's a lost cause as harsh as that may sound. It's the same lighting up buildings, "Je suis this and that", flowers and candles and stupid written messages about how they make peace not war, People changing their profile pictures to be a belgian flag. No policy changes, no enhanced security... basically nothing will change.

It's like watching an Obese person eat themselves to death after getting multiple heart attacks and having tons of problems with their health or a smoker who gets lung cancer and still smokes. At this point its impossible for me to feel sorry for them.

I'm convinced now that there are only two things possible in western europe

1) Europeans become a minority on the continent and eventually Sharia law comes and they're Killed off by the migrants they let in.

2) Things get soo bad in europe that eventually they put stop all immigration from Africa and Mid. East and put current muslims in camps like America did with the japanese.

It sounds crazy but i genuinely can't see another path for europeans going forward. They are literally hopeless.

It's hard to feel sorry for Europeans? What the fuck man? Normal good Europeans have no influence here, it's the elites and cucks who have ruined what was a beautiful place! There are good people here, we are not all cucks! This is exactly why people here on this forum are important, because we can change people's brainwashed minds and, as I think a European Trump would say, make Europe great again!

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:30 PM)Silver Wrote:  

Sounds like their immigration policy just blew up in their faces.

[Image: ba-dum-tish.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Europe already has it's own Donald Trump:


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 12:07 PM)mikado Wrote:  

However I still keep the spirituality side and I believe in the Quran (at least spiritually).

Mikado, this is all I'm going to say. I don't want to get into a back and forth here.

Look who the allies of Islam are. Very heavily r selected Left wing globalist freaks whose prevailing ideology is atheism. Men and women whose very own religion is propelled and motivated by a hatred of God. Or the concept of God. Men and women who advocate for a society of do what thou wilt where they and people can be their own gods in their own worlds with no accountability and no honor. Why are these people the cheerleaders of Islam? This observation alone should make any rational Muslim take a step back and raise his eyebrows. The artillery canons may be pointed at the Arab world for geopolitical reasons, but they are not pointed at Islam itself.

Mohammed was no holy man. You shall know a man by his fruits. Look at the life he lived. He was a man driven by pure lust and for dominance over others. A man who claimed to be God's greatest gift to earth (literally) and who obviously used this claim to satisfy his own worldly desires of the flesh.

There is no doubt Islam is a very powerful religion. But from who is it deriving its power? God or Satan? You shall know them by their fruits.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

And despite having IQs somewhere south of three figures, they somehow managed to magically avoid Western law enforcement and all its panoply of "counter-terrorist" infrastructure. Fuck, the survivor of the Paris bombings was living 150m down the road from his parents' house.

That aside: these flatheads were obviously not intending to come back, being, y'know, suicide bombers, so they probably didn't give a shit if the cops tracked them back to their house. More interesting will be if they left any intel behind of who they were in contact with.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

^ That nearly sounds to good to be true. If it is true then yes what idiots. Are they really that dumb.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 06:39 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

- However, the cops mention in the same breath that any vigilante groups will be arrested and punished with 'the full force of the law'.

^^^Increasingly, this is the only relevant impediment to the restoration of civilisation in the west.

Forward thinking entrepreneurs will be setting up private security/investigation firms that function as lawful vigilante groups.

Preferably set up two companies. The first employs entry level people at minimum wage to do generic overwatch like a normal security company.

The second company employs more generously and only from the proven members of the first company, focussing on "response and investigation". Strict and ongoing physical fitness requirements can keep out the progressive dregs and betas.

Snatch up the better members of the police force and you'd leave only a hollowed out institution of fatties and idiots. Public support for them would drop out and they would be cut out of the loop.

Under those circumstances the forces that undermine our society would become very easy to deal with.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:02 PM)AquilonBE Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 05:41 PM)zigZag Wrote:  

Pretty much everything that happened after paris is happening now with brussels. Its hard to feel sorry for the europeans cause it seems like they never learn and will never learn. At this point i could care less about europe. For me it's a lost cause as harsh as that may sound. It's the same lighting up buildings, "Je suis this and that", flowers and candles and stupid written messages about how they make peace not war, People changing their profile pictures to be a belgian flag. No policy changes, no enhanced security... basically nothing will change.

It's like watching an Obese person eat themselves to death after getting multiple heart attacks and having tons of problems with their health or a smoker who gets lung cancer and still smokes. At this point its impossible for me to feel sorry for them.

I'm convinced now that there are only two things possible in western europe

1) Europeans become a minority on the continent and eventually Sharia law comes and they're Killed off by the migrants they let in.

2) Things get soo bad in europe that eventually they put stop all immigration from Africa and Mid. East and put current muslims in camps like America did with the japanese.

It sounds crazy but i genuinely can't see another path for europeans going forward. They are literally hopeless.

It's hard to feel sorry for Europeans? What the fuck man? Normal good Europeans have no influence here, it's the elites and cucks who have ruined what was a beautiful place! There are good people here, we are not all cucks! This is exactly why people here on this forum are important, because we can change people's brainwashed minds and, as I think a European Trump would say, make Europe great again!

There are good people there. However the majority of europeans are welcoming the refugees. When attacks like this happen the majority from what i've seen are on twitter talking about peace and don't blame islam and this and that. Right now expecting europeans to magically change and do the smart things to secure themselves is like expecting Kasich to get the 1237 votes needed for the nomination.

The funniest part of it too is that the majority of europeans are rude and condescending looking down on "stupid, sexist, bigoted, racist trump supporters" as they get raped and blown to pieces.

Sorry man I literally have zero fucks left for europe. And this from someone who wanted to spend a year in germany after experiencing its beauty in 2014. Maybe eastern europe is where i need to be.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

[quote] (03-22-2016 07:59 PM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

[quote='AnonymousBosch' pid='1257563' dateline='1458689994']
You know Australia is fucked when the Humungous is willing to move to Germany. [Image: biggrin.gif][/quote]

It's hard to explain. The violence and crime is everywhere, but the majority of the population just completely ignores it and carries on like nothing is wrong. Should it happen in front of them, they just zone out, pretending not to see, hoping they won't be noticed. So you could ask 50 people how they think the town is and 35 of them would say "It's fine, everything's fine." The rest are sharing worried comments in news articles and on Facebook. Oddly though, the other 35 would rather Netflix and Chill than go out in the evening.

Things are accelerating though. I remember watching a stupid movie with friends last year - "Housos vs Fat Pizza" - and thinking "This is the first time I've seen anyone in the media acknowledge that there are Sudanese and Somalian Gangs in this country."

At Christmas, the media was speaking of 'mass gang violence' at train stations and outside nightclubs in Melbourne, but avoiding naming the perps. Now, a Normie site like is actually discussing Somali vs Islander gang violence on their home page; mentioning the racial makeup of bikie gangs; and mentioned the Immigrant Gang problems that led to the Cronulla Riots. Something's changing - they never would have done this even a year ago. The narrative would have been protected.

I'm not in Germany for very long, but I have no interest in ever returning to Oz either. I'll probably just vanish into Eastern Europe. There's a bridge I want to visit.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Funny thing is I took greater precautions to cover my tracks during the meetup outrage than these terrorists before they blew themselves up.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

I know this is a hugely sensitive topic, but in the light of the Brussels attacks I felt like I should let my fellow rvfers know.
I'm a Muslim. At times I feel damn isolated because I'm one of the only people I've seen openly condemn Islamic terrorism. I'll be honest with you, I've heard many sermons by Imams in my country. I've not heard them openly advocate terrorism (although it's done in every other country without a doubt) but I've never heard anyone condemn it either. Most Muslims are quick to seize on Israeli atrocities, but are silent when it comes to the crimes by followers of Islam.
I still maintain that a lot of rvfers, whom I probably agree with on mostly everything else, are misinformed when it comes to.Islam. The translations most have read are incredibly erroneous, and some still believe the Prophet was a pedophile. People believe what they want to believe, and I'm guilty myself. I haven't been exactly rosy eyed.when it comes to religion, but I could almost certainly have been mistaken on certain things. However, it is foolish to think arabs rape out of devotion.
However these are all minor details when it comes to the real issue: These acts are perpetrated by followers of Islam, barbaric Arabs who will never assimilate. The MSM is lying their asses off to cover this up, its so blatant. Arabs are indoctrinated with anti-western ideology since birth, and come with their natural bestiality and sense of pride and entitlement. That's disastrous.
Man, I realize this is one long-ass bs vent, but I was driven to do it. Just wanted to let you know, when push comes to shove I will stand on the side of humanity and the truth. I'm still amazed at how I, a 20 year old so far removed from Europe and the US, found the manosphere. I've seen what you and the others battled, and I'm riding with y'all man. I will sound off in public forums and social media and defend our ideology of neomasculinity, nationalism, and whatever else we stand for. Amd if it comes to it, I will take up arms on the side of western civilization. We can debate the nuances of religions all day long, and in better times I'd be open to it. However, I'm on the side of building civilization not destroying.
Does this mean I will relinquish my faith? No
Does this mean I'll eat pork or take alcohol if I'm threatened? No
And if I go to hell anyway for casual sex, lol.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

^courageous and interesting post by cubanlinx, offering "insider" perspective.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

I figured there are some Muslim guys on RVF. I really wanted to hear their take on things.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Funny thing is I took greater precautions to cover my tracks during the meetup outrage than these terrorists before they blew themselves up.

This means that leftists took more caution towards you than they did to terrorists.
Smart priority, as usual.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 09:50 AM)Baphomet Wrote:  

Europe did this to themselves. This is the price of political correctness. Europeans, Americans, Canadians, and Australians, have dropped to their collective knees to worship at the alter of political correctness.

Boston, Paris, Brussles, etc etc.. "Tolerance and Understanding" will not stop it. The idiot groups mentioned above simply cannot grasp that this IS a Religious War fought by people who do not take their religion as "something they do on Sunday and forget about the rest of the week."

Europeans, Americans, Canadians, and Australians, have NO CONCEPT of how deeply these people believe. Every other phrase out of their mouths is "Allahu Akbar" - "God is greater."

They DO NOT want to "coexist" in peace, they will take nothing other than absolute surrender and subjugation to Islam and Allah or Death. There is no middle ground with them or for them.

The Euros et al. do not have the moral capacity to understand this mindset. So they (we) attempt to appease via political correctness. This is viewed as nothing other than weakness by the islamists, and bombings are the result.

Europe did this to themselves. I pray for the victims, their healing and strength, but this will be a rinse and repeat for as long as it takes the islamists to establish their Caliphate.
This is 100% spot on. Europe's ultra liberal tolerance is being used against them and yet all that we will hear about in the next few days will be excuses and demands that we respect and try to understand Islam. There is going to come a time when there will be serious discussions in the West about banning the practice and worship of this religion.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Haven't read the whole thread sadly (will do later)....but wasn't there a terror simulation in London today or yesterday? Why is it that every time there one of these "simulations" something always happens "nearby". Makes you wonder.....

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

My liberal friends (I do have SOME left) have gone awefully quiet on the internet.

I also seem to have good taste in women, the majority of women i've slept with are outraged, or maybe i just raised them well...

There was a pretty weird atmosphere when i was running errands too.

Everywhere i went people seemed different ( it's a small town, everyone knows everyone) more open and concerned.

The lady at the pharmacy who used to be a member of the socialist party literally said this to me : "you might've been right after all.'
To which the only response i could come up with was: "ya think?" (i thought i was dreaming)

I do see people attacking right wing groups on facebook, after everything that happened today (which is yesterday for us now) people are fighting eachother instead of directing their anger in the right direction.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Alex Jones displays very high energy concerning the terrorist attack. Starts at 15:38. Paul Joseph Watson maintains poker face. [Image: lol.gif]

Good video overall...


Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Whats really troublesome is that someone without enough brain matter to take TWO cabs is able to build a bomb. They are a horde of brainwashed imbeciles, fighting a war they will not win.
Which is precisely what makes them dangerous, they have no intention or aspiration of winning. They want to die, and take as many of us as they can down with them.

Terrorist attack against Brussels airport and subway, 30+ dead

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:52 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2016 08:18 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  


We are lucky that these guys are complete amateurs. So they prepared 5 suitcases with bombs with metals and glass for more damage. However they did not make any plan for transport (can you imagine?) so they took a cab. Only three suitcases fitted in the trunk so they left the rest behind in their house in Schaerbeek (imagine if you would be a terrorist, what the fuck?). The cab driver was the first to respond when he saw the picture, so he led the police to the house where he picked them up (yes they let the cab come at the exact same house), where the police found the bombs, chemicals and an IS flag.

We are under attack by savages and radical idiots, however that does not prevent them from making a lot of killings it seems.

Funny thing is I took greater precautions to cover my tracks during the meetup outrage than these terrorists before they blew themselves up.

of course this doesn't make any sense. why is anyone (especially us) believing the official narrative that is coming out of the MSM is beyond me. Coz the MSM are so trustworthy I suppose. Funny how the official story and culprits come out so quickly. Even CSI miami don't figure stuff out for yonks, yet MSM and GOVT got it all worked out within hours.

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