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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 06:08 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

The ladyboys in Colombia are almost non existant compared to Manila/Bangkok.

Great this is what I was thinking. People on this forum have not been mentioning about them so looks like feedback from this forum makes me feel a lot safer! I have not even run into many except seeing them on the street in Asia so it is that much more likely to be a nonissue once I am in latam.

On another note. Anyone use pocket wifis in Colombia/Peru?

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 06:21 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 06:08 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

The ladyboys in Colombia are almost non existant compared to Manila/Bangkok.

Great this is what I was thinking. People on this forum have not been mentioning about them so looks like feedback from this forum makes me feel a lot safer! I have not even run into many except seeing them on the street in Asia so it is that much more likely to be a nonissue once I am in latam.

I've seen some of them in the Dominican Republic. Never in Colombia.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 07:09 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 06:21 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 06:08 PM)Shimmy Wrote:  

The ladyboys in Colombia are almost non existant compared to Manila/Bangkok.

Great this is what I was thinking. People on this forum have not been mentioning about them so looks like feedback from this forum makes me feel a lot safer! I have not even run into many except seeing them on the street in Asia so it is that much more likely to be a nonissue once I am in latam.

I've seen some of them in the Dominican Republic. Never in Colombia.

I also never saw in Peru while I lived there. So I think south america overall looks safe from that then.

The Colombia Master Thread

I was living in Venezuela from Dec.2015 - July.2016.. I can answer any questions you have about the situation there. I will start with this though. Don't cross the boarder from Cucuta. If you really want to go, fly into Caracas. Your biggest threat is not thieves, Its police. In my opinion Don't go.

The Colombia Master Thread

Sure will cost more by doing that. Will they demand an onward ticket for this?

And what is it that the police do that is threatening?

I think I will use up too much money by plane. Unless it proves impossible to cross the border, which I cant see why it has to be, I will push my limits and use the land crossing! Alla voy!!!!!

I will go to Cututa and let you know how it goes!

The Colombia Master Thread

I also never saw in Peru while I lived there. So I think south america overall looks safe from that then.

Lima is full of trans, the Miraflores area especially, Tinder too. As a proportion, Tinder Lima has way more trans than any latam big city.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 09:10 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 08:53 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

So would you say the girls seemed easier than Colombia, Ecuador or how did it compare? Maybe it is hard to tell without going, but I am intrigued to see how easy it is. I don't imagine I will find them ugly or anything so now the only thing to find out is if they are easy.
Colombians are much easier. Ecuadorian girls, even if they are 30, have to be home at 10 pm at dad's house. If Ecuadorean girls are single, they're living with mama and papa, and they have a curfew. And they're very catholic and conservative.

I believe someone here got banned before for saying Ecuadorean girls were conservative. Apparently that moderator has never been to fucking Ecuador.

The Ecuadorean girls will do it, but it ain't worth going to meet their daddys and going to Catholic mass and shit. Just hang out in the hostels and bang loose ass UK girls that are too drunk to see straight.

True. Ecuadorian and Peruvian women are very conservative, especially the high class ones. It does not mean that they are hard to get, unless you are a US backpacker, which never runs well with any girl from any country who has the smallest amount of class. Their cultures are full of guilt and shame. The poorer ones are less conservative, they are ready for anything for a gringo but they are mainly quite average in bed.

What is my point here? I would choose Colombia 10 times out of 10 over Peru and Ecuador because their women actually look like humans and are feminine unlike the other 2 places.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 09:18 PM)MegaCreep Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 09:10 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 08:53 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

So would you say the girls seemed easier than Colombia, Ecuador or how did it compare? Maybe it is hard to tell without going, but I am intrigued to see how easy it is. I don't imagine I will find them ugly or anything so now the only thing to find out is if they are easy.
Colombians are much easier. Ecuadorian girls, even if they are 30, have to be home at 10 pm at dad's house. If Ecuadorean girls are single, they're living with mama and papa, and they have a curfew. And they're very catholic and conservative.

I believe someone here got banned before for saying Ecuadorean girls were conservative. Apparently that moderator has never been to fucking Ecuador.

The Ecuadorean girls will do it, but it ain't worth going to meet their daddys and going to Catholic mass and shit. Just hang out in the hostels and bang loose ass UK girls that are too drunk to see straight.
The poorer ones are less conservative, they are ready for anything for a gringo but they are mainly quite average in bed.

In the Philippines the poorest were the most shy and conservative. The easiest here seemed to be those working office positions and other higher positions. Poor were too shy with me. I will be surprised if I find the exact opposite in Peru.

I still did not see anyone comment on what rooshv said in that thread "If she is ugly it is basically guaranteed action" I bumped that thread trying to see what people say.
If Peru is conservative, I wonder where is all the easy action from? Is the easiness from the native ones? And the non-native looking ones are the difficult ones?

That bang map about how easy to bang, Peru is darker green than Colombia labeling Peru and Bolivia as easier than Colombia. You think it was right labeling Peru/Bolivia as easiest to bang?

The Colombia Master Thread


In the Philippines the poorest were the most shy and conservative. The easiest here seemed to be those working office positions and other higher positions. Poor were too shy with me. I will be surprised if I find the exact opposite in Peru.

I still did not see anyone comment on what rooshv said in that thread "If she is ugly it is basically guaranteed action" I bumped that thread trying to see what people say.
If Peru is conservative, I wonder where is all the easy action from? Is the easiness from the native ones? And the non-native looking ones are the difficult ones?

That bang map about how easy to bang, Peru is darker green than Colombia labeling Peru and Bolivia as easier than Colombia. You think it was right labeling Peru/Bolivia as easiest to bang?

Peruvians are way easier to bang than Colombians but NOT for the right reasons. Peruvians have major inferiority complexes on several levels, they are easy to bang because they have very low sense of self worth. Even the white upper class girls who act like a million dollars secretly know that they are not competitive against normal women from other countries.

Peruvian women are easy to bang because they know that they ought to try to improve their looks. I mean that they know that they have short legs, flat asses, the ugliest faces in Latin America.

Even the sexy chicks are insecure. I do a lot of game in Lima, it is actually full of sexy peruvian outlier girls of the model tv show type. They themselves know very well that they are not competitive against colombian and venezuelan chicks and they have major complexes about it.

The Colombia Master Thread

I don't doubt for a second that both Peru and Bolivia are easier than Colombia and I can say from experience that Costa Rica is easier than Colombia. Colombia is easier than many places, including Argentina and Mexico.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:42 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I don't doubt for a second that both Peru and Bolivia are easier than Colombia and I can say from experience that Costa Rica is easier than Colombia. Colombia is easier than many places, including Argentina and Mexico.

I would like to stress that Colombia seems to be difficult but it is actually not this way at all. You just need to adapt your game to local expectations. I personally found that it really helps to say that you are staying in Medellin/Bogota/Cali for a few years. This changes the entire atmosphere and brings their guard down.

The Colombia Master Thread

In the Philippines the poorest were the most shy and conservative. The easiest here seemed to be those working office positions and other higher positions. Poor were too shy with me. I will be surprised if I find the exact opposite in Peru.

I still did not see anyone comment on what rooshv said in that thread "If she is ugly it is basically guaranteed action" I bumped that thread trying to see what people say.
If Peru is conservative, I wonder where is all the easy action from? Is the easiness from the native ones? And the non-native looking ones are the difficult ones?

That bang map about how easy to bang, Peru is darker green than Colombia labeling Peru and Bolivia as easier than Colombia. You think it was right labeling Peru/Bolivia as easiest to bang?

Peruvians are way easier to bang than Colombians but NOT for the right reasons. Peruvians have major inferiority complexes on several levels, they are easy to bang because they have very low sense of self worth. Even the white upper class girls who act like a million dollars secretly know that they are not competitive against normal women from other countries.

Peruvian women are easy to bang because they know that they ought to try to improve their looks. I mean that they know that they have short legs, flat asses, the ugliest faces in Latin America.

Even the sexy chicks are insecure. I do a lot of game in Lima, it is actually full of sexy peruvian outlier girls of the model tv show type. They themselves know very well that they are not competitive against colombian and venezuelan chicks and they have major complexes about it.

A notch is a notch for me. Who cares if that is why they let you bang them easily. If they let you bang them easily because the sky is blue in Peru, then so be it! lol
My problem has always been girls in north america NOT being easily because they think they are too entitled and just get downright bitchy!
Peru Girls being opposite and not making things hard at all is like a breath of fresh air after fighting bitch shields all the time!

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:42 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I don't doubt for a second that both Peru and Bolivia are easier than Colombia and I can say from experience that Costa Rica is easier than Colombia. Colombia is easier than many places, including Argentina and Mexico.

How about Panama vs Colombia?

The Colombia Master Thread


A notch is a notch for me. Who cares if that is why they let you bang them easily. If they let you bang them easily because the sky is blue in Peru, then so be it! lol

Well we all have our tastes so its fair enough. I am a little biased because I have been living in Peru for a while and I am quite affected by the ugliness all over the place, its like living in a Lord of the Rings movie.

The Colombia Master Thread

A notch is a notch for me. Who cares if that is why they let you bang them easily. If they let you bang them easily because the sky is blue in Peru, then so be it! lol

Well we all have our tastes so its fair enough. I am a little biased because I have been living in Peru for a while and I am quite affected by the ugliness all over the place, its like living in a Lord of the Rings movie.

I see your point. Peru seems to be dominated by people of andean indigenous origen. Even though most foreiners hate the andean indigenous looks, do you have any knowledge of their easiness? Can a white person bed them within 24 hours like Colombia/DR/Philippines does?

I forgot to say that in my statement, the reason was simply because I am one of those notch people. I am more after notches. Thats why I am looking at Peru.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:55 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:42 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I don't doubt for a second that both Peru and Bolivia are easier than Colombia and I can say from experience that Costa Rica is easier than Colombia. Colombia is easier than many places, including Argentina and Mexico.

How about Panama vs Colombia?

Colombia is easier, although I'm not sure by how much. All other Central American countries are easier than Panama. Panama is a strange place in that average there is bad, bottom of the barrel is horrible, but the best girls there are some of the best in the world, in my opinion, way better than most other Latin American countries. I don't know what that is all about.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-21-2016 12:02 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:55 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:42 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I don't doubt for a second that both Peru and Bolivia are easier than Colombia and I can say from experience that Costa Rica is easier than Colombia. Colombia is easier than many places, including Argentina and Mexico.

How about Panama vs Colombia?

Colombia is easier, although I'm not sure by how much. All other Central American countries are easier than Panama. Panama is a strange place in that average there is bad, bottom of the barrel is horrible, but the best girls there are some of the best in the world, in my opinion, way better than most other Latin American countries. I don't know what that is all about.

Even the average in Panama which you said was bad is not as easy as Colombia?

I am looking at trying out Panama still!

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 11:30 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:56 PM)MegaCreep Wrote:  

A notch is a notch for me. Who cares if that is why they let you bang them easily. If they let you bang them easily because the sky is blue in Peru, then so be it! lol

Well we all have our tastes so its fair enough. I am a little biased because I have been living in Peru for a while and I am quite affected by the ugliness all over the place, its like living in a Lord of the Rings movie.

I see your point. Peru seems to be dominated by people of andean indigenous origen. Even though most foreiners hate the andean indigenous looks, do you have any knowledge of their easiness? Can a white person bed them within 24 hours like Colombia/DR/Philippines does?

I forgot to say that in my statement, the reason was simply because I am one of those notch people. I am more after notches. Thats why I am looking at Peru.

In that case Peru is your place. If I were you I would go to Lima and the jungle (Iquitos, Tarapoto). Lima girls: middle class, lower middle etc - they are begging for gringo sex. To them its about status, self worth, proving that they too deserve to be something [Image: smile.gif] Very easy, you can bang twice per day if you wish.

The jungle is recommended because some of those girls are actually good in bed, unlike most peruvian women.

The Colombia Master Thread

Cool thanx. I heard that selva girls are more "caliente" I dont know if it was on this forum they said that but I think someone said that to me right in Peru.

I will certainly be doing this then! I think I have decided what country I am doing! Especially since the other countries like Colombia and Venezuela are accessible to the north and Bolivia to the south. And I will definitely try out Iquitos!
For Selva girls I am looking at:
Plus try out some of the smaller cities around. I think most of my focus will be on Lima though.

I am also interested to see how things will go in the off the beaten path cities in Colombia where the girls get less attention from foreigners. I will be heading there in a pursuit of places where I can get high exotic status. I have a feeling that Colombia will be a place where I will be having the time of my life in 2nd/3rd tier cities. Due to my ample time, I will be putting heavy focus on 2nd/3rd tier cities in Colombia since there are tons of foreiners in the main cities of the country, but not in Peru, Venezuela where foreigners apparently skip a lot anyways due to looks (Peru) and safety/stability issue(Venezuela).

I had been running into problems trying to decide where I will go, DR or S am. But now that it looks like all areas have good prospects anyways, I will just just go wherever it looks more comfortable and kick off latam in Peru where adjustment will be easier. I already witnessed the great climate and affordability of Peru before and can attest to how easy it is to adapt there so I think I go there first, it is not time yet for DR. The time can come a bit later where I can jump into DR.

My condo is full of flies that zoom in from the parking lot here in Manila. You have no idea how much I can't wait to get to northwestern S am where a environment free of heat, humidity and little black pests awaits me! I can't handle this at all!

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-21-2016 12:16 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2016 12:02 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:55 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2016 10:42 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

I don't doubt for a second that both Peru and Bolivia are easier than Colombia and I can say from experience that Costa Rica is easier than Colombia. Colombia is easier than many places, including Argentina and Mexico.

How about Panama vs Colombia?

Colombia is easier, although I'm not sure by how much. All other Central American countries are easier than Panama. Panama is a strange place in that average there is bad, bottom of the barrel is horrible, but the best girls there are some of the best in the world, in my opinion, way better than most other Latin American countries. I don't know what that is all about.

Even the average in Panama which you said was bad is not as easy as Colombia?

I am looking at trying out Panama still!

I don't really bang average girls, so I'm not completely sure. I'm quality over quantity and it's not even by design. The average ones usually reject themselves. See my many Mexico posts.

The Colombia Master Thread

seems like you won't listen to reason so I will give you advice.

#1. the boarder crossing can be closed so you might arrive to Cucuta and they will not let you through. If you bribe them it can be possible

#2. there are police security checks every hour of driving. No way around it. When they see you they will search every inch of your bag and detain you for hours looking for a reason to extort you. If you have USD they will try and take that from you. If you are on a bus then the bus will leave without you while you are being searched and you will need to find another bus once the interrogation stops. I have been detained and searched multiple times while trying to reach a destination. If i ever went back I would avoid all road travel.

#3. You need to bring USD with you. You will trade these USD on the black market. todays rate is 1010 bs per $1usd. You will never get that rate. Don't accept less than 950 bs per Usd. If you take out money from an atm or use credit card you will be charged at a rate of 15bs per $1usd making a can of coke over $100.

#4. buying flights in and around venezuela once you are inside is very cheap, around $12. to buy your flight on short notice is almost impossible. you need to buy in advance.

#5. can't say for san cristobal but girls in merida are more traditional. In colombia I fuck on first date more often than not. In merida getting shot down for a kiss by a girl who was clearly into me was not uncommon.

#6. without spanish steps 1,2,and 3 will be very difficult.

Having said all that, I do think Caracas has a lot of untapped potential. It is a complete shithole of a city but there are hot girls comparable with Colombia. Its the worlds most dangerous city though so use your street smarts. Finding regular things like toothpaste or toilet paper is almost impossible so bring everything you need. Should be funny to hear your horror stories afterwards. And you will have some...

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-21-2016 04:27 AM)Vancity29 Wrote:  

seems like you won't listen to reason so I will give you advice.

#1. the boarder crossing can be closed so you might arrive to Cucuta and they will not let you through. If you bribe them it can be possible

#2. there are police security checks every hour of driving. No way around it. When they see you they will search every inch of your bag and detain you for hours looking for a reason to extort you. If you have USD they will try and take that from you. If you are on a bus then the bus will leave without you while you are being searched and you will need to find another bus once the interrogation stops. I have been detained and searched multiple times while trying to reach a destination. If i ever went back I would avoid all road travel.

#3. You need to bring USD with you. You will trade these USD on the black market. todays rate is 1010 bs per $1usd. You will never get that rate. Don't accept less than 950 bs per Usd. If you take out money from an atm or use credit card you will be charged at a rate of 15bs per $1usd making a can of coke over $100.

#4. buying flights in and around venezuela once you are inside is very cheap, around $12. to buy your flight on short notice is almost impossible. you need to buy in advance.

#5. can't say for san cristobal but girls in merida are more traditional. In colombia I fuck on first date more often than not. In merida getting shot down for a kiss by a girl who was clearly into me was not uncommon.

#6. without spanish, steps 1,2,and 3 will be very difficult.

Having said all that, I do think Caracas has a lot of untapped potential. It is a complete shithole of a city but there are hot girls comparable with Colombia. Its the worlds most dangerous city though so use your street smarts. Finding regular things like toothpaste or toilet paper is almost impossible so bring everything you need. Should be funny to hear your horror stories afterwards. And you will have some...

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-21-2016 01:35 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Cool thanx. I heard that selva girls are more "caliente" I dont know if it was on this forum they said that but I think someone said that to me right in Peru.

I will certainly be doing this then! I think I have decided what country I am doing! Especially since the other countries like Colombia and Venezuela are accessible to the north and Bolivia to the south. And I will definitely try out Iquitos!
For Selva girls I am looking at:
Plus try out some of the smaller cities around. I think most of my focus will be on Lima though.

Peruvian women from the jungle are hotter indeed, they have a little bit better bodies than the rest too. The important thing is that they are more sexual because most of the others are pretty challenged in that respect.

Iquitos and Tarapoto are enough. In Iqt go visit a nightclub called Noa, they also have two outdoors venues for live music, everybody knows them, just ask.

Tarapoto has a disco called Anaconda where all chicks go to.

Very easy to bang.

The Colombia Master Thread

Pucallpa and Yurimaguas should be worth the try though.

About crossing, this makes Philippines look like a 1st world country. Closing a border with 2 cities on each side is outrageous. This is not Iraq, but they are behaving like it is!

It is like closing the border of Canada and USA so that people from Buffalo can't go to Niagara falls in Canada! It takes a very fucked up country to do something like that! What's wrong with Venezuela, will they ever smarten up!! And in the Philippines we take the wide selection of very well stocked goods for granted. Everything you want and need is stocked up in a reliable manner. Add on the retarded border thing they do and you got the worlds most pathetic country!

Worst comes to worst, I will pick Arauca to cross. What a coincidence because that is the place where I used to live for 2 1/2 months!

I heard that people have been forced to do shopping in Cucuta due to lack of supplies so the border has been opened. So I doubt I will be be stuck on a closed border.
Also I withdrew my money from the ATM without any issues in Philippines and Thailand and got charged 200 pesos/baht for the withdrawel and that was all. Should not be a problem elsewhere. I am used to withdrawing abroad.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-21-2016 05:18 AM)MegaCreep Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2016 01:35 AM)Cogon Wrote:  

Cool thanx. I heard that selva girls are more "caliente" I dont know if it was on this forum they said that but I think someone said that to me right in Peru.

I will certainly be doing this then! I think I have decided what country I am doing! Especially since the other countries like Colombia and Venezuela are accessible to the north and Bolivia to the south. And I will definitely try out Iquitos!
For Selva girls I am looking at:
Plus try out some of the smaller cities around. I think most of my focus will be on Lima though.

Peruvian women from the jungle are hotter indeed, they have a little bit better bodies than the rest too. The important thing is that they are more sexual because most of the others are pretty challenged in that respect.

Iquitos and Tarapoto are enough. In Iqt go visit a nightclub called Noa, they also have two outdoors venues for live music, everybody knows them, just ask.

Tarapoto has a disco called Anaconda where all chicks go to.

Very easy to bang.

I also noticed that natives in the Amazon and those in the coast/Andes look totally different. Coastal looks the same as andean because they originate from the same. They have this very dark skin tone and distinct look. Amazon region ones have some more pale skin pigmentation like you see in Cebu/Manila. Did you notice before that Amazon people are lighter than Andes/Inca natives?

I think I will also tell you what I was told in Peru. They told me that the women were very something like promisuous or something. They are like players. They can go man to man and things like that. And that it was normal for guys to have a girlfriend in different cities. Promiscuity(or girls not sticking to one)/having multiple partners I was told is the norm across Peru. So from what I am told, the women are nowhere near being conservative or traditional. Some said in the Philippines how girls have multiple boyfriends, sleep with forein men while having a bf pinoy and crazy things like that. Seems Peru has similar things going on.
I was told this while in a small city in the Amazon/Amazon area. I am ready to verify more stuff on Peru when Im there soon!

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