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The Colombia Master Thread

The Colombia Master Thread

You'll get laid in Venezuela. They'll lay you in the river and watch your dead body float downstream.

Fucking go for it man. I wanna hear some stories. And you're GONNA have some stories. But my semi-old ass isn't a Marine anymore and I'm not coming down there to get you out when it all goes to shit.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 07:38 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 06:48 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 06:10 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Venezuela may just be the place for me.
Well, tell us about the place for sure. If you live through it, you can then go to Tehran or Mogadishu or Pyongyang and tell us about those tourist hotspots.

Joking aside, I wish you have a happy trip with no troubles.

Lol pyongyang is actually a lot safer than anywhere in N south america. They require surveillance of foreigners, but in return, the place is extremely safe. It is like Davao, higher security but is just so secure and safe.

But yes, Looks like border with Colombia will be dangerous. Since I will be doing Venezuela-Colombia I will be doing the border with Cututa. But it looks like the border with Cucuta should have enough security. San Cristobal Venezuela to Cutucuta Colombia is where I will always cross.

When I get to S america, will I stop finding girls asking: "can you bring me chocolate? its my favorite!" blah blah I hear that too many times in the Philippines Everyone says that!
Breathing air on Earth is my favorite! *sarcasm*

Venezuela has every ingredient needed to make a pussy paradise:
Devoid of annoying backpackers!
Overall dearth of foreiners
It is poor so bitch sheild is absent like most similar countries.
Lots of people there.
Does not look like it is among the most conservative countries like Bolivia/Peru/Vietnam.

Go for it and then hit me up for beers when you get to Ecuador. I've been with quite a few Venezuelan girls and the country interests me a lot. Maybe not go to the big cities but to the smaller ones? I don't know, I'm considering making a short trip there within the next year and see what the investment possibilities are, but probably won't go alone (either with buddies or with a girl so her family has my back upon arrival).

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 08:45 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 07:38 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 06:48 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 06:10 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Venezuela may just be the place for me.
Well, tell us about the place for sure. If you live through it, you can then go to Tehran or Mogadishu or Pyongyang and tell us about those tourist hotspots.

Joking aside, I wish you have a happy trip with no troubles.

Lol pyongyang is actually a lot safer than anywhere in N south america. They require surveillance of foreigners, but in return, the place is extremely safe. It is like Davao, higher security but is just so secure and safe.

But yes, Looks like border with Colombia will be dangerous. Since I will be doing Venezuela-Colombia I will be doing the border with Cututa. But it looks like the border with Cucuta should have enough security. San Cristobal Venezuela to Cutucuta Colombia is where I will always cross.

When I get to S america, will I stop finding girls asking: "can you bring me chocolate? its my favorite!" blah blah I hear that too many times in the Philippines Everyone says that!
Breathing air on Earth is my favorite! *sarcasm*

Venezuela has every ingredient needed to make a pussy paradise:
Devoid of annoying backpackers!
Overall dearth of foreiners
It is poor so bitch sheild is absent like most similar countries.
Lots of people there.
Does not look like it is among the most conservative countries like Bolivia/Peru/Vietnam.

Go for it and then hit me up for beers when you get to Ecuador. I've been with quite a few Venezuelan girls and the country interests me a lot. Maybe not go to the big cities but to the smaller ones? I don't know, I'm considering making a short trip there within the next year and see what the investment possibilities are, but probably won't go alone (either with buddies or with a girl so her family has my back upon arrival).

Big cities and small I think for sure.

So would you say the girls seemed easier than Colombia, Ecuador or how did it compare? Maybe it is hard to tell without going, but I am intrigued to see how easy it is. I don't imagine I will find them ugly or anything so now the only thing to find out is if they are easy.

The Colombia Master Thread

Long time reader first time poster Im looking to hit both Peru and Colombia while I'm down here in SA currently lucked out and I am studying down here in Brazil in florianopolis untill January and will post a data sheet of what I have gathered the last three weeks in the Brazil thread after this post. My Spanish is decent just below conversational and my game is not bad. I'm 26 and have traveled to lima before and will post in that thread as well. I'm wanting to hit Colombia when I can with a solid wing because the other gringoes I'm studying with are horribly immature in both alcohol tolerance and situational awareness and may get me caught up. Anyone headed there November or maybe first week or two of January. Thanks for the feedback

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 08:53 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

So would you say the girls seemed easier than Colombia, Ecuador or how did it compare? Maybe it is hard to tell without going, but I am intrigued to see how easy it is. I don't imagine I will find them ugly or anything so now the only thing to find out is if they are easy.
Colombians are much easier. Ecuadorian girls, even if they are 30, have to be home at 10 pm at dad's house. If Ecuadorean girls are single, they're living with mama and papa, and they have a curfew. And they're very catholic and conservative.

I believe someone here got banned before for saying Ecuadorean girls were conservative. Apparently that moderator has never been to fucking Ecuador.

The Ecuadorean girls will do it, but it ain't worth going to meet their daddys and going to Catholic mass and shit. Just hang out in the hostels and bang loose ass UK girls that are too drunk to see straight.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 08:03 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

You'll get laid in Venezuela. They'll lay you in the river and watch your dead body float downstream.

Fucking go for it man. I wanna hear some stories. And you're GONNA have some stories. But my semi-old ass isn't a Marine anymore and I'm not coming down there to get you out when it all goes to shit.

Lol. This will be some great content for me to share once I get out there! I will be the one user that is staying around these countries for a while so lots to talk about.

I will extend my stuff through Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and drop in for a bit of El Salvador and Guatemala while Im at it! Lots to try out there! Exotic factor could earn me enough attention from girls to stay as long as I desire. But the most action from central america will be Costa Rica, panama.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 09:10 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 08:53 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

So would you say the girls seemed easier than Colombia, Ecuador or how did it compare? Maybe it is hard to tell without going, but I am intrigued to see how easy it is. I don't imagine I will find them ugly or anything so now the only thing to find out is if they are easy.
Colombians are much easier. Ecuadorian girls, even if they are 30, have to be home at 10 pm at dad's house. If Ecuadorean girls are single, they're living with mama and papa, and they have a curfew. And they're very catholic and conservative.

I believe someone here got banned before for saying Ecuadorean girls were conservative. Apparently that moderator has never been to fucking Ecuador.

The Ecuadorean girls will do it, but it ain't worth going to meet their daddys and going to Catholic mass and shit. Just hang out in the hostels and bang loose ass UK girls that are too drunk to see straight.

Another country crossed off my list........ Colombia it is!
Do you know anything about Venezuela? Is it conservative?, should I cross it off right now too?

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 09:26 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Another country crossed off my list........ Colombia it is!
Do you know anything about Venezuela? Is it conservative?, should I cross it off right now too?
Bro, I'm not fucking around right now, I know I jest much. But don't go to goddamn Venezuela. One day, it may fix itself. Now is NOT a nice time. It's a shit fucking hole. I've never been, but I've never been to Iran either, and I'm not fucking going.

There are so many fucking GORGEOUS places in S. America. Stay the fuck in the safe places man. If you're trying to impress girls with the fact that you spent time in Venezuela, think about it... Chicks aren't very bright. They won't know where the fuck Venezuela even is.

It's not worth dying over to say you visited some shithole. And Venezuela IS a fucking shithole.

Colombia and Ecuador, on the other hand, are civilized, incredibly beautiful places with lots of fun stuff to see and do. I had so much goddamn fun in both countries, man. Holy shit. So much freedom and great people.

Definitely get to S. America. But fuck Venezuela. You want to spend time in a place where they like you. Colombians and Ecuadoreans love the gringos. Venezuelans will gut you, rape your carcass, and then rob you for being a gringo.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 10:09 PM)BrewDog Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2016 09:26 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Another country crossed off my list........ Colombia it is!
Do you know anything about Venezuela? Is it conservative?, should I cross it off right now too?
Bro, I'm not fucking around right now, I know I jest much. But don't go to goddamn Venezuela. One day, it may fix itself. Now is NOT a nice time. It's a shit fucking hole. I've never been, but I've never been to Iran either, and I'm not fucking going.

There are so many fucking GORGEOUS places in S. America. Stay the fuck in the safe places man. If you're trying to impress girls with the fact that you spent time in Venezuela, think about it... Chicks aren't very bright. They won't know where the fuck Venezuela even is.

It's not worth dying over to say you visited some shithole. And Venezuela IS a fucking shithole.

Colombia and Ecuador, on the other hand, are civilized, incredibly beautiful places with lots of fun stuff to see and do. I had so much goddamn fun in both countries, man. Holy shit. So much freedom and great people.

Definitely get to S. America. But fuck Venezuela. You want to spend time in a place where they like you. Colombians and Ecuadoreans love the gringos. Venezuelans will gut you, rape your carcass, and then rob you for being a gringo.

Lol if some time next year I slip over the border from Colombia into Venezuela and drop a messsage about it here, they will temp ban me. Reason: "you didn't listen to BrewDog!, get the hell outta there then we lift the ban!"

Anyways, I trust that Ecuador can offer some easy too. As long as Ecuador overall is not conservative like General Santos, Philippines then I should get laid.

When I talk about places that are too conservative I always mention general Santos. That place SUCKS if you want to get laid! Lets hope I dont encounter another gensan in latam.

ps, I got a girl from Iran back at home in the US I am waiting to meet before I head down to Peru lol

The Colombia Master Thread

Brewdog with all due respect but I think your experience with Ecuadorian girls is flawed or at least based on a certain demographic here. I've been here for a couple of years and I banged a shitload of girls here. See my original datasheet:

That being said, without doubt, Colombian girls are better in pretty much every aspect. I just don't agree on the daddy comment. If you live in Quito or Guayaquil it's filled with girls who live alone here, who study here or who basically just send a message to their daddy that they will be sleeping over with a girlfriend tonight like in any other country. And them being catholic haha... maybe in the villages. Ecuadorians are catholic the same way Colombians are catholic, they go to the church every once in a while, but the moral part or restrictive part of religion is complete lost on them. In Ecuador the main rule is the closer to the coast the looser they are (and prettier, near Colombia levels in some places). Avoid Cuenca and every city in the Andes region except for Quito since basically there's just people from everywhere there. That is for girls off course, for other interests there's plenty of amazing places all over as I'm sure you know.

And for Venezuela... yeah probably don't go now unless you have contacts and a minimum would be good Spanish. I don't think the situation is gonna stay for a long time like this, so the more risky adventurous guys here should keep their eyes open and see when it's fit to make moves, whenever that danger threshold is no longer crossed. I'm including myself in that group. And also don't go alone.

Ps. there's Venezuela and Ecuador threads so maybe keep it going there and let's stay on topic here.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 11:07 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Brewdog with all due respect but I think your experience with Ecuadorian girls is flawed or at least based on a certain demographic here. I've been here for a couple of years and I banged a shitload of girls here.
Well, you're right. We're off topic, but there was a question about Ecuador, and I gave my experience. You live there and you've done well with the girls. I spent three months in Ecuador and had loads of fun. I met lots of nice girls in Quito, Banos, and Cuenca, but they ALWAYS had to be home at ten.

So, if I lived there like you do (I wish I did), then perhaps I might see your side of things. But in my three months, it just didn't work out. The Ecuadoran girls were either too ugly to talk to, or if they were nice looking the Ecuadoran guys were smothering them, or if I happened to meet one off to the side that was pretty, she always had to go home at ten PM.

But I had a grand time in Ecuador and would love to just come stay forever. It's very beautiful and I loved the people much.

Banos was my fave. I stayed in Banos for 7 weeks. [Image: smile.gif]

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 11:07 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Ecuadorians are catholic the same way Colombians are catholic, they go to the church every once in a while, but the moral part or restrictive part of religion is complete lost on them.
Actually, I just reread your post, and I disagree with this part.

The Colombians tend to curse a lot. Not like the Mexicans -man, the Mexicans can curse- but the Colombians are way more dirty in their talk than the Ecuadorans. I was in Ecuador for two months before I heard anyone swear, and then I was hanging out with three Ecuadoran army guys at a bar. And when they'd swear, they'd cross themselves Catholic style to pardon the swear.

The Colombians seem way more liberal to me. The girls might have their own house and a good job and will just shack up with a guy on a whim; whereas, the Ecuadoran girls always lived with daddy.

But we all have our own experiences and yours are different than mine. And that's why I defer to you, because you live there while I just spent three months. Maybe I just met the wrong girls.

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 11:07 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Brewdog with all due respect but I think your experience with Ecuadorian girls is flawed or at least based on a certain demographic here. I've been here for a couple of years and I banged a shitload of girls here. See my original datasheet:

That being said, without doubt, Colombian girls are better in pretty much every aspect. I just don't agree on the daddy comment. If you live in Quito or Guayaquil it's filled with girls who live alone here, who study here or who basically just send a message to their daddy that they will be sleeping over with a girlfriend tonight like in any other country. And them being catholic haha... maybe in the villages. Ecuadorians are catholic the same way Colombians are catholic, they go to the church every once in a while, but the moral part or restrictive part of religion is complete lost on them. In Ecuador the main rule is the closer to the coast the looser they are (and prettier, near Colombia levels in some places). Avoid Cuenca and every city in the Andes region except for Quito since basically there's just people from everywhere there. That is for girls off course, for other interests there's plenty of amazing places all over as I'm sure you know.

And for Venezuela... yeah probably don't go now unless you have contacts and a minimum would be good Spanish. I don't think the situation is gonna stay for a long time like this, so the more risky adventurous guys here should keep their eyes open and see when it's fit to make moves, whenever that danger threshold is no longer crossed. I'm including myself in that group. And also don't go alone.

Ps. there's Venezuela and Ecuador threads so maybe keep it going there and let's stay on topic here.

Thanks for your info. This is what I thought. Pretty much all the countries in the region are about the same great thing. So back to making it a 4 way division among each country. That can easily make it be just 3 months in each country and it will reach 1 year before I start fresh again. So maybe at this rate I will be in Colombia June through Aug and I will spend ber months in Venezuela next year. So this time next year I will have recently crossed over from Colombia into Venezuela to start there. If it is terrible still I will just go right back over to Colombia. I am more worried about food shortages they have. I am pretty pumped about cities like Pereira, Bucaramanga, and other cities where there are tons of women online, but I think off the beaten path from the heards of backpackers. I will have a blast. It is hard to describe the excitement I have that I will have limitless time going around Colombia and Ecuador where countless women are waiting for me! It is the amount of time I have for this that makes it such a thing to look forward to. If this were with lack of Spanish and 10 days trip, I would not feel any excitement at all! I have time to really slay it next year!

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-13-2016 11:47 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

I am pretty pumped about cities like Pereira, Bucaramanga, and other cities where there are tons of women online, but I think off the beaten path from the heards of backpackers. I will have a blast. It is hard to describe the excitement I have that I will have limitless time going around Colombia and Ecuador where countless women are waiting for me! It is the amount of time I have for this that makes it such a thing to look forward to. If this were with lack of Spanish and 10 days trip, I would not feel any excitement at all! I have time to really slay it next year!
Well, bro, go have a huge time. And tell us about it, please. There's nothing that I love more than South America. Nothing.

But if I may offer you something, just have fun man. Don't get your head in a place where you're aggravated about getting girls. In South America, the girls WILL come. Maybe not every day, but they'll fucking sneak up on your ass and you'll be like, "Damn, I didn't expect that shit!"

Go enjoy South America and hike and raft and go fucking parasailing and bunji jumping and drink lots of beer in hostels. That's the shit you'll remember. I don't know half of the names of the girls I've slept with. I can't even remember many of their faces (I drink a lot, give me some slack).

But I remember all of the cool people I hung out with in Colombia and Ecuador that I didn't sleep with. I even remember their names and email them still.

So I'm saying - Be on vacation and have fun without the grief of worrying about women. And especially don't get hung up on any girl in Medellin. They're fucking nuts. Don't even try to figure out their shit because you can't.

Travel and see the beauty of South America, and along the way, you'll get some nice ass. I promise. If you're a decent looking gringo, they will just get on you. It's not Thailand, mind you. But getting laid in Colombia tends to happen.

I envy you. I miss Colombia so bad. And Ecuador, too. I wish I could go with you. But alas, I have to save some more cash for a few months.

Don't forget about us. Post some stories!

The Colombia Master Thread

Dont worry I will certainly be here all the time as I do each country. I just remembered that I will be near the Amazon. I want to mix up my interest for women with my interest for discovering species in the Amazon. So many kinds of snakes, birds, plants and stuff remain to be discovered in the Amazon. So I can put time for that too. Girls in those cities are great too!

I can also pass Ciudad Guayana and drop into Canaima park to see the table top mountains. And visit the Yanomami indians in the Amazon. But whether or not I extend getting laid there is unknown LOL!

The Colombia Master Thread

I will make the absolute master statement about Colombia: Medellin is the best city there no doubt.
Now I give you 2 categories of travelers in Colombia
1- doesn't know Spanish well, is under 30, looks gringo, decent looking and very fit
2- knows Spanish well, looks more or less native or even Asian, over 35, and is in ok shape
For number 1 Bogota, Cali and even Barranquilla will reward you well.
For number 2 it is all Medellin....nothing better...obviously if you can combine the best of 1 and 2 you will do great.
Also Medellin is best for those who like 18 to 22 year old women and a better quality of life and climate. I will let the Bogota lovers have their 28 yr. olds who have a career haha.
Pereira is also good for us in the number 2 category.
Barranquilla has gone down just like Cali, but there are always gringo groupies there so you wont be disappointed with a short stay there.
Medellin wins.

The Colombia Master Thread

Barranquilla has been a disappointment this year. Was going to buy a house here but Medellin wins. I was happy in Medellin for 3 weeks and better looking looking women and and nicer people. So will buy an apartment there in November.
In October will go to Salvador to test it out. But the 2 best cities in Brazil IMO are Goiania and Manaus.

The Colombia Master Thread

One last thing... plan your Colombian trip based on the weather. Colombian women change completely when it rains. So always checks Wikipedia for the rain fall in the month you travel. Pick a dry month. Your results will be better by at least 40 percent.

The Colombia Master Thread

Damn it feels good to be back in Colombia.

I just bought an apartment in Medellin to live in part time and AirBnb when I'm not in town. So hopefully I'll have some interesting stuff to contribute soon regarding buying real estate in Colombia, nightlife and girls.

The Colombia Master Thread

choche I am surprised after all that talk about NE Brazil and parts of EE you pick Medellin.

I agree in limited experience in Medellin both Spanish and $ go a much longer way with younger women than Bogota.

Though the only drastic thing I noticed in Medellin is girls have kids and get out of shape much faster in life. If you start going after the 25+ women it starts getting rough compared to what I saw in Bogota on a daily basis which in my opinion had a 25-40yo women quality on par with L.A. and NYC.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 02:23 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

Though the only drastic thing I noticed in Medellin is girls have kids and get out of shape much faster in life. If you start going after the 25+ women it starts getting rough compared to what I saw in Bogota on a daily basis which in my opinion had a 25-40yo women quality on par with L.A. and NYC.

Too much bandeja paisa, not enough ajiaco.

The Colombia Master Thread

Anyone know if you still run into ladyboys like SEA Or are ladyboys much less of a problem in south america? If it is not an issue, this is something I look forward to in switching from Philippines to latam.

It is something I will not miss at all.

Another pest, mosquitos which I just crushed as im typing this in Manila, is this also something you find less in Colombia and the countries beside it?

The Colombia Master Thread

Quote: (09-20-2016 05:15 PM)Cogon Wrote:  

Anyone know if you still run into ladyboys like SEA Or are ladyboys much less of a problem in south america? If it is not an issue, this is something I look forward to in switching from Philippines to latam.

It is something I will not miss at all.

Another pest, mosquitos which I just crushed as im typing this in Manila, is this also something you find less in Colombia and the countries beside it?

If you prefer ladyboys you will have better luck staying in SEA.

In Bogota and other cities with high elevation you won't have a problem with mosquitoes. I can't comment about Medellin or the coast though.

The Colombia Master Thread

The ladyboys in Colombia are almost non existant compared to Manila/Bangkok.

The Colombia Master Thread

So in other words, because I obviously DON'T like them, as noone here does, I am doing myself a favor and leaving Asia.
I want to avoid having happen like in Davao when I saw 'it' walking and immediately knew it was that.

I think the coast will probably have mosquitos for sure. Choco will be "choked" with them!
Here is another benefit of Peru. It is a desert. It has been so long since I was there so I cant remember but I do think that a desert will have a lot less pests than the Philippines.

This is part of a mountain of benefits I have observed there. The weather is not extreme, the pests are more absent, you dont deal with visas as you move between countries. I dont even know why I ended up in Asia! Latam is where I used to travel frequently and I should have just stayed there!

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