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MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

The first suggestion that appears when I enter neo on is "neomasculinity" [Image: wink.gif] Anyway, is "The Australian" the most respected newspaper in Oz?

Neo-puritans strive to find offence - anywhere


... Australia’s self-appointed moral guardians are having a ­heyday doing what they do so often: dividing the world into victims and villains. But can it really be that simple? There is something truly disturbing about the refusal by these self-appointed moralisers to make room for a few boofheads, be they drunk or flirtatious.

You’re a Catholic archbishop from Tasmania who produces a pamphlet that defends the trad­itional definition of marriage that has not only existed for millennia but remains the law of the land? Most would think this is a complete non-story within a healthy democracy where freedom of speech and religion are basic rights. Wrong. Under the hectoring neo-puritanism, the law allows anyone offended by that pamphlet to claim victimhood status and, hey presto, the archbishop and his church are cast as villains by a human rights bureaucracy only too willing to play along.

Last week, the honchos who hand out Australia Day awards tried to further cement the victims and villains narrative into our national psyche when they picked David Morrison as Australian of the Year.

Morrison, a military man, is not regarded as an extraordinary soldier. So why did he get the gong? He gave one famous speech about victims of discrimination (a speech written by his then speechwriter, Cate McGregor, who transitioned from a man to a woman a few years ago).

You might have thought that upon receiving the award, Morrison would defend this great nation, maybe explaining the importance of being committed to Western values such as individual liberty and so on. Wrong again. Morrison’s Australia Day speech was replete with dark talk of victims and villains.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Yes, The Australian is probably the best paper we have, though 'most respected' is more likely The Age.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

I thought Americans didn't need a visa to Australia? Or is it only for aussies in the us, where you automatically get a 3 month tourist visa without applying.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Most respected paper in Australia is The Australian Financial Review hands down

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

The most respected paper in Australia is found on toilet rolls.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

This whole farce is absolutely humiliating for Australia, damn this is good.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Since I can't attend any of these meetings, I've decided I will take on the role of remote disinfo agent and propagandist for moral support of our troops on the ground.

More pictures of the white knights being fielded by the opposition:

[Image: W8oyp7Z.jpg]

These "men" are the ones commenting publicly on the Facebook protest page. Most are also threatening violence. The guy on the bottom right also posted about trying to infiltrate a meeting, but they waffled on the idea because it was posted publicly and many of them don't want their faces to show up on camera as on our side.

Aside from this, there are many people with Antifa pics and buttons on their profiles, one Animal Liberation Front (an actual terrorist organization responsible for bombing labs), and various socialist and communist organizations showing up in these peoples' profiles.

Basically, they are the kind of do-nothing professional protestors, dough-bodied Che Guevarites, and unhinged weirdos we'd see during the dwindling, Progressive Stack era of Occupy Wallstreet in the US.

It's a funny thing if you've never seen these Antifa'ers protest before. On one side you'll have the neo-Nazi skinheads and bikers they show up to oppose: strong jaws, muscled, tattooed, scarred and all wearing shit-kickers. Then across from them you have this gaggle of pasty long-hairs of the above picture's caliber, all wearing either skinny jeans over their chicken legs, or wrinkled and disheveled soviet BDUs that they wear sloppily, reeking of weed. Often talking a big game online or in the march up to the protest point, wielding their flags with thick cudgel staves for poles.

None of this means of course that we should underestimate our enemy. That is never advisable. Particularly when they have popular and media support, and when the women among them can whip up external white knightery from bystanders. But, it is still good to know what you're going up against.

As a parting gift, have this picture of one of the chicks from the protest page which I feel is more apropos than anything. I hope she wears it to protest. [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: MhNDxIp.jpg]

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Quote: (02-03-2016 06:44 AM)Eirykr Wrote:  

Since I can't attend any of these meetings, I've decided I will take on the role of remote disinfo agent and propagandist for moral support of our troops on the ground.

More pictures of the white knights being fielded by the opposition:

[Image: W8oyp7Z.jpg]

These "men" are the ones commenting publicly on the Facebook protest page. Most are also threatening violence. The guy on the bottom right also posted about trying to infiltrate a meeting, but they waffled on the idea because it was posted publicly and many of them don't want their faces to show up on camera as on our side.

Yegads! Apart from 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock, are they men?

People look so androgynous these days.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Quote: (02-03-2016 06:44 AM)Eirykr Wrote:  

...None of this means of course that we should underestimate our enemy. That is never advisable. Particularly when they have popular and media support, and when the women among them can whip up external white knightery from bystanders. But, it is still good to know what you're going up against....

If only we still had Little Dark to protect us... [Image: undecided.gif]

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Decided to wander through the main Sydney location at 7.30pm
Some skateboarders, some buskers, some Asian tourists due to the onset of Chinese New Year, but not much else.
No police, protestors or press.

Wandered through again at 8pm at a distance.
There seemed to be a group of ~15 mixed folk with hand written placards & a couple of speakers on tripods.
Plus at least two police cars had turned up about 50 yards away.

Both the mixed group & the police didn't appear to be doing much.
Once again; if they expected a rally or large mob of some kind, it merely demonstrates how daft they are.

Not to mention. For all the Facebook angst & hysteria about... 'rape'.
There were still plenty of young women roaming about town either on their own or in pairs. Scantily clad or otherwise.

Which just demonstrates this whole drama has been far more a proverbial - "Two Minutes Of Hate" in their minds.
Or people's attention spans today are really that short.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Did anyone roll by the Melbourne meet up spot and see if the protest there went ahead?

I was going to but ended up hitting the beach for a swim with friends instead.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Nah was home taking care of my sick girlfriend, I.e one of those evil things the SJWankers say we do. I didn't notice anything on FB from the many SJ leaning people in my circles though. They probably had their 2 min hate fill.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

I wanted to swing by, if at least to scope out the protestor/police presence. Unfortunately I had to cover a gig at the same time elsewhere.

I met someone I know who's involved heavily in the left activist scene here, and he didn't mention anything about it. No record of any Fed Square protests or heavy police monitoring on my newsfeed either.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations


MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

My guess is it was a complete fizzle at the Melbourne event and no one showed up once they heard it had been cancelled.
I guess they all figured it was too nice a day/evening to waste protesting.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Quote: (02-06-2016 07:25 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

Did anyone roll by the Melbourne meet up spot and see if the protest there went ahead?

I was going to but ended up hitting the beach for a swim with friends instead.

Exactly what I did.

"Pain is certain, suffering is optional" - Buddah

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

The media is now making out we are all paedophiles in Melbourne Australia! This was taken out of the main paper in Melbourne (Herald Sun).

I remind you that the "slut walks" were 5x bigger then Sydney here in Melbourne where we are the capital of Feminism corruption in Australia! Just take a look at the photo below where a photo can tell a thousand stories!

Online forum tells men how to groom Melbourne schoolgirls for sex


A SHOCKING online forum is telling men how to groom ­Melbourne schoolgirls for sex.

The hidden members-only forum, uncovered by the ­Sunday Herald Sun, includes one post from a Melbourne contributor which says: “Teenage girls (16 is the age of consent here) can be won with promises of cheap liquor.”

There are references on how to target “naive” Victorian schoolgirls.

The Sunday Herald Sun has seen the Melbourne data on the forum, where 20,000 worldwide supporters of ­reviled pro-rape campaigner Barack “Roosh” Obama’s sexist Return of Kings movement share ­advice on how to take advantage of women.

A Melbourne-based hacker, who asked not to be identified, described the group as “reprehensible predators”.

Last night Mr Obama was the subject of a demonstration in Federation Square by furious women.

[Image: 12b19e0b60addc5907025ed450c572ad?width=650]

Helen Starr, Kirsty Mac, Tamika Hicks and Jennie Hill last night led a Federation Square protest against the Return of Kings movement, whose website targets Melbourne girls. Picture: Ian Currie


They aimed to disrupt a Melbourne meeting of his supporters. But it — and similar get-togethers of Return of Kings followers in 43 countries worldwide — was set to be cancelled due to safety fears.

The Melbourne section of the forum provides detailed information on dozens of bars, shopping centres and beaches, telling members the best places and times to find young women.

The Melbourne hacker who infiltrated it said its members were mostly aged 18 to 30, and he likened their practices to how paedophiles communicate on the web.

The almost 20,000 men who have signed up are highly active, with more than one million posts so far.

Members are ranked for their contribution and earn titles including International Playboy, True Player, Alpha Male and Stealth to signify their status.

The hacker said: “It’s not happening where cops can see it, they organise stuff quietly, making it difficult to be tracked and infiltrated.

“There are a lot of commonalities to how paedophile rings operate, it should be taken just as seriously.”

Victoria’s Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, said the forum’s views were “repugnant” and undermined the safety of women and girls.

“The right to free speech does not extend to advocating violence or inciting violence,” she said.

“The views which include identifying bars and strategies for members to find under-age girls and get them intoxicated in order to have sex with them are repugnant.

“They stand ­directly at odds with the community-wide strategy for ­advancing gender equality and preventing violence against women.”

Jennie Hill, leader of an anti-Return of Kings group demonstrating at Federation Square last night, said Mr Obama preyed on men who were social outcasts.

“These young guys get very aggressive and very, very angry towards women who aren’t dating them. That’s the bigger danger,” she said.

[email protected]

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

I guess the truth about us isn't offensive enough.

I'm the King of Beijing!

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Er..., last time I checked, 'the left' were actively trying to 'normalize' paedophilia...

So they, may have to take a look in the mirror on that one...

Or maybe it's a case of projection on that writers part?

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Quote: (02-07-2016 04:32 AM)muscless Wrote:  

[Image: 12b19e0b60addc5907025ed450c572ad?width=650]

Helen Starr, Kirsty Mac, Tamika Hicks and Jennie Hill last night led a Federation Square protest against the Return of Kings movement, whose website targets Melbourne girls. Picture: Ian Currie


I guess this "hacker" hasn't seen the rules against posting/discussing under age girls.

Also news to me that there is a "Melbourne section" of the forum.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Quote: (02-07-2016 04:32 AM)muscless Wrote:  

The media is now making out we are all paedophiles in Melbourne Australia! This was taken out of the main paper in Melbourne (Herald Sun).

Just another battle in the information war. These groups are grateful to find something equating to the boogeyman which they use to sell their own relevance.

If you guys haven't seen the live UK parliament stream yet from a couple of days ago, I advise you to do so (starts from 10:35am). In particular look for how the Minister for Women spins the threat of a 'Pro-Rape' group to justify the need for her own department and links it to the work she's done on people trafficking. Other regional MPs talk about how anti-violence against women groups 'helped them' in responding to the ROK menace - Govt sanctioning of threats and intimidation.

The groups in the articles have an agenda which they wish to promote. Its a grab for resources/support, along with myopic self-confirmation of their biased beliefs.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

@Roardog - the "Melbourne section" is actually Deluge's datasheet on the city.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Quote: (02-07-2016 09:01 AM)fokker Wrote:  

@Roardog - the "Melbourne section" is actually Deluge's datasheet on the city.

Yeah, I figured that. I was more laughing at their choice of words. Saying Melbourne Thread wouldn't have had quite the impact.

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

Starts off bad, making Roosh to be a monster then it starts talking about 'freedom of speech,' and that Roosh has every right to come to Australia.


“People shouldn’t be denied a visa to Australia simply because they have an unpopular idea.”

Wilson was appalled. It “would be disgraceful if a representative of one political party used their discretionary power, without a serious and credible justification, to block a visa for someone seeking to promote an alternative political party.”

MEETUP DAY: Australia information and operations

The actions of the MSM here in Australia over the last week have really provided me a moment of clarity as to how far the SJW narrative has corroded Australian society.

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