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NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 01:44 AM)Agastya Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2015 12:56 AM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Quote: (10-20-2015 09:24 PM)Agastya Wrote:  

People like heavy, Fast Eddie, and Samseau are often the first to speak up about anti-white discrimination when a fraternity gets banned or some landwhale publishes an article about "white privilege", but when a black man gets subject to real and potentially dangerous discrimination, they immediately try to explain it away and pin the blame on the entire black race.

And yeah, everyone has their racial biases...but that doesn't mean it's morally alright to blatantly insult or profile other races. The vast majority of the school shooters in the U.S were white. However, I wouldn't snitch on some weird/quiet white kid because he "fits the profile" of a school shooter...because that would make a human piece of garbage.

You may wanna ease off the throttle there buddy and work on your reading comprehension skills before making bullshit false accusations. Show me one post where I pin everything or anything on the "black race." Else keep your mouth shut accusing me of shit I've never done.

Here is my one comment I made on this thread that people can judge for themselves:


How much coverage will this "story" get compared to that other racial phenomenon that afflicts Milwaukee, the "flash mobs" of youths that gather in the hundreds to violently assault white men, women and children for the sake of sheer racist hate?

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. Exactly. It was a rhetorical question.

Am I "pinning blame" on the "black race" here? No, not unless you call bringing up a verifiable fact (black flash mobs) to make a larger point about media double standards pinning blame on black people. The entire point of my post, which is clearly obvious to anyone who isn't a complete half-wit idiot, is to call out media hypocrisy. And media !=black race. So I have to ask, Agastya: are you a half-wit idiot, or is it that you just like to name and shame people you disagree with through the use of false accusations? It's got to be one or the other, and I'm not sure what's worse. Funny you just made a thinly veiled insult about "human garbage." Must have never heard the old saying about throwing rocks when you live in a glass house.

I made that statement when referring to people who passive-aggressively support profiling against one group, while vehemently reacting to the merest hint of discrimination against their group.

This was a story about an accomplished athlete who got the cops called on him simply for being black...and you immediately responded by saying "well, here's a worse example of discrimination against whites!" This is the equivalent of me visiting a thread about Boer farm murders in South Africa and Zimbabwe and saying "oh, you white people think you have it bad? here's an article about slavery!" Or better yet, it would be like you telling me that you got a beer poured on you by a radical feminist, and me replying "oh yeah? well I broke my arm last week!" Why is your gut reaction to an act of antiblack discrimination to try and one-up it?

Listen, this shit is equally bad both ways. I personally think the entire apparatus of the country is fucked up, and it's harming people of all colors. But I also think that is important to point out these acts of discrimination, regardless of race, and to recognize their negative effect. It's immature to start throwing tantrums about how "white people have it worse!", and it's flat out fallacious to argue against discrimination against your own group, then excuse an act of racial profiling because "maybe a tall black guy robbed them before?" I am not saying that you did the latter, Fast Eddie, fair enough, but I still take issue with your response.

As for wi30's post, I honestly have no clue what you're talking about. Yeah, black people have it hard...I wasn't at all doubting that. Similarly, I'm only calling out those who adhere to a racial double standard when judging acts of discrimination. And no, I'm not at all arguing that black-on-white racism doesn't exist, nor am I trying to excuse any acts of discrimination that have happened to you personally. But no, I do consider people who call the police for fun and actively discriminate based on race to be despicable, and my stance will not change on that.

"This was a story about an accomplished athlete who got the cops called on him simply for being black"

- Bullshit. He got the cops called based on his vehicle. I know two black guys that I sometimes party with that got their Rolex watches at this exact store. Both deal drugs and somehow made it in the door.
Out of every jewelry store I've ever shopped in my life -- this specific shop which I've personally shopped at multiple times has the classiest owner I've ever met.
You're simply throwing the race label around at others due to your own disgusting brand of racism.

Is it theoretically possible that one of his female employees hired for looks over brains acted a bit racist towards a black guy in the supposedly-suspicious vehicle on her own accord after the store was robbed by non-white individuals three times over 18 months even though the community is over 90% white? Yes... ...but until you've personally been to this store and met the owner yourself spare us your fabricated bullshit.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

There's blacks in Milwaukee?

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Why do people not understand fitting in?

I've been arrested for being white in brown and black neighborhoods, both in the US and internationally. Most of the time, it was because I was doing some borderline behavior, where a local gets the benefit of the doubt, but a non local doesn't.

So I've adjusted my behavior accordingly.

I try to learn the language, especially local dialects. I match how people dress, walk, space themselves, use hand gestures, etc. Because this is what a person does to fit in, especially when you are of a drastically different feature type than the locals.

Locals don't have to accept your culture, when they already have their own. Learn their culture, and they'll treat you better. Don't learn and you get profiled.

There are no special snowflakes.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

^Please explain to me how I must fit in? I see plenty of people that don't fit in and they never seem to have a problem.

You got arrested for being white in a "brown" and "black" neighborhood. LMAO complete BS.

You tried to learn the language, you do realize we are talking about a place in the USA.

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NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

[Image: facepalm3.gif]

Is there any indication that this gentleman was behaving as to not "fit in"?

The article didn't say he was throwing up gang signs, it stated he was simply looking for a watch and confused as to why he was being treated so shady.

Am I missing something here?

Or are we projecting again?


NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Yet another example of police over-reaching. Why did they question him on where/how he got his vehicle? Why did he respond to the BS questioning by the cops? He got his ride at None Of Your Fucking Business. If they want to run the plates, that's fine, but cops in this country think they can hassle anybody for any or no reason. Best to video all interactions with law enforcement using your phone, with an app that uploads the video immediately to the cloud. That way even if they seize your phone, you've still got the video.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 10:24 AM)Mr. Wolf Wrote:  

Yet another example of police over-reaching. Why did they question him on where/how he got his vehicle? Why did he respond to the BS questioning by the cops? He got his ride at None Of Your Fucking Business. If they want to run the plates, that's fine, but cops in this country think they can hassle anybody for any or no reason. Best to video all interactions with law enforcement using your phone, with an app that uploads the video immediately to the cloud. That way even if they seize your phone, you've still got the video.

They questioned him because the store called them. In other words they were doing their job...I'm pretty sure his complaint was about the store -- not the police.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

The real question should be, what was he dressed like? Because that makes all the difference in the world.

If he was dressed like this, then yes I would say it was racist:

[Image: BSJ-Look-your-best1.jpg]

But if he was dressed like this:

[Image: fdlzld6djzzj6xypntyj.jpg]

Then he has nobody to blame but himself.

Black people and Black athletes need to understand that when you dress up hoodish and thuggish like the above image, corporate America and suburbia USA is going to look at you like you just came straight out of prison. Especially if they have tattoos, earrings and everything else. It looks excessive. These young buck athletes think they can do what they do because they're in the NBA and "made it." No, you have to dress in a professional manner, because guess what? You are a professional.

As a Black man myself, who is educated, who has a command of the English language, and who understands the opportunities in this world for us, and we are in a situation where we complain about this as a community about how there is a lack of absence of opportunities accorded to us in comparison to other groups that exist in this country. But what do we do to facilitate that? If the imagery you provide is not something that ingratiates itself with a potential employer or even in a suburb in the Midwestern united states, where does that lead you? Possibly in jail. As a Black man, I have the obligation to react to that and to make sure that I present myself in a orderly fashion that, dare I say, is receptive to corporate America because I understand the importance of imagery. If Mr. John Henson from the Milwaukee Buck went to that store dressed like he was in the second picture, then he has no one to blame but himself because he represents the Milwaukee Bucks organization and the whole franchise.

I work for an accounting firm, and as a Black man, if I showed up to work with tattoos in my neck, a baseball cap on turned backwards, a warm up suit, gold teeth on my mouth, dreads coming down my hair, and come into the company and say "well I'm out here representing the firm" Really? I would be fired faster than you can say costume jewelry.

Black folks need to understand, that whether we like it or not, prejudism exists and the way we carry ourselves matters to combat those prejudices. Are we going to sit here and literally act like we Black folks don't have any prejudices about other groups? Like we don't feel a certain way about certain people or certain people's appearances? And how it makes us raise our antennas? If a Black man goes to places like Mississippi, Idaho or Montana, surrounded by mostly white people from the countryside, will they be comfortable? Black people too would feel uncomfortable in certain geographic locations in our nation. If Black people go to places in the southwest where its indistinguishably Mexican, would Blacks feel uncomfortable? Damn right they would. Whites feel that same un-comfort just like Blacks would feel uncomfortable in certain locations across our great nation. This is just a reality. As a result of this, you don't cause harm to anybody or any pain, but does it raise your antennas and make you a little bit suspicious? Of course it does.

I look at our unemployment rate consistently being doubled that of folks in white America. I do understand that to some degree there's a level of racism that we all have to overcome, and I get all of that, BUT that doesn't mean every single issue is race related. Samseau could very well be right, maybe the owner had Black people steal from them, and because of this they are a little bit suspicious of Black people coming in and buying things from their store. That's where presentation comes in. It really is about how you present yourself. If you're walking around with your pants hanging below your behind and the first words that come out of your mouth are "nah I'm saying, nah I mean," then don't expect to be treated with any form of respectability by anyone. If you don't have the command of the English language, and still want a job and a career, and to be respected, well I'm sorry to say but you're not going to go anywhere. You can't feed into the stereotype if you want to make it in life, it aint going to happen.

Most of the time, we Blacks our are own worst enemy. Presentation matters, how you look matters, how you carry yourself matters. And for anybody that wants to act like it doesn't they're full of shit and they know it. When people see you dressed up in gold chains, hoodish and talking ebonics with a hoodie on, they have that unalienable right to be fearful of you and as a result of that they can decide to walk in a different direction to get away from you as much as possible. They're not bothering you, but they're fearful that you're going to bother them based on your presentation and appearance. Black folks want to act like it doesn't matter, but it does matter. It doesn't matter whether you're Black, Hispanic, or White, or whatever the case may be, but we have segments of our society that are uncomfortable with that, and this makes you look at you in a different way. This is a serious problem in minority communities and people want to act like its not. How you look matters. That may not be something Black America is comfortable with, but it happens to be 100% true.

I don't know the backstory of Mr. Henson, but if he was dressing hoodish, then I have no sympathy.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 09:03 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

There's blacks in Milwaukee?

Yes. Quite a lot actually. Almost 30%.

The Milwaukee suburbs have almost no Blacks however.

Big cities are always going to have large Black populations, especially in the midwest like Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Gary, as a result of the great Black migrations of the early 1900s.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

EL Chapo - what you fail to realize that store probably wouldn't have let you in either.

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NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 11:54 AM)EL CHAPO Wrote:  

I don't know the backstory of Mr. Henson, but if he was dressing hoodish, then I have no sympathy.

WTF is dressing hoodish? I've never lived in the hood nor to I dress like I have yet women and men will lock their car doors, clutch their purses and put their hands over their wallets all the time. People don't care if your dressed hoodish or not, must white people wouldn't know either way.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

He should've trolled them by marching up menacingly and drawing from his pocket a stack of benjamins, shoving it in their face and yelling "gime all yo watches!".

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 12:00 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

EL Chapo - what you fail to realize that store probably wouldn't have let you in either.

I've noticed a number of his other posts and likes of other posts, so I'm not surprised by his point of view as it pertains to this discussion. Before I would have taken the time to drop the napalm, but at this point of the game, I've reached a certain level, so I'll just leave it at the fact that I've observed.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

A multimillionaire who gets paid to chase a ball gets briefly questioned by police?

What a terrible, evil country we live in.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 10:09 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^Please explain to me how I must fit in? I see plenty of people that don't fit in and they never seem to have a problem.

Never said you had to fit in.

Quote: (10-21-2015 10:09 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

You got arrested for being white in a "brown" and "black" neighborhood. LMAO complete BS.

And you wonder why you don't fit in.

Quote: (10-21-2015 10:09 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

You tried to learn the language, you do realize we are talking about a place in the USA.

Wash/warsh, you's/you all/y'all/you guys/you's guys, car/cah, idea/idear, ask/axe, etc.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

I hope you lot saying that he should dress better to avoid racially profiling should also look at instances where a white guy shows up in a store dressed like a bummy farmer from Idaho or Utah with overalls and a straw in his mouth saying "Arrh".

What if a white guy that look like Hank Hill's neighbours (Boomhower or Bill) show up there? By your rationale, they should also receive discriminatory treatment. As far as I'm concerned, those guys also represent a lower tier of society (if one is to apply the same litmus test). I wager however, that they will get benefit of the doubt.

One must also realise that white guys are dressing like that in the hordes..especially in the suburbs. That is hip hop clothing and those guys wear that stuff in the truck loads. I went to a battle rap event a few years ago and the place was flooded with white guys. 90 percent of these guys who love hip hop were dressed with Jordans (red and black), sagging jeans shorts, bandanas and dripping with tattoos.

For many of you commentators that live in your isolated community, realise that this fashion is not limited to black guys from the streets. I was the cleanest guy in this battle rap event (no tattoos, fitted jeans and no brand name basketball sneaks)!

I bring this up to say that if a guy looking like Eminem or Paul Wall showed up in their attire at the jewellery store, would they get the same treatment? If not, then why not?

I don't mind cats to have a preference or grudge against race (that's why I thumbed up Krauser for being frank) but I chuckle when it's masked behind 'logic' or reasoning.



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NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 02:09 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2015 12:00 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

EL Chapo - what you fail to realize that store probably wouldn't have let you in either.

I've noticed a number of his other posts and likes of other posts, so I'm not surprised by his point of view as it pertains to this discussion. Before I would have taken the time to drop the napalm, but at this point of the game, I've reached a certain level, so I'll just leave it at the fact that I've observed.

What are you surprised by?

I as a Black man want to see fellow Blacks leave this degenerate rap and hip-hop culture that has plagued our communities. I want Black people to appreciate what they have by knowing what true hard work really is like instead of adopting this gangster thug culture that has destroyed our image and our communities where we have embraced criminality and violence. We are never going to be taken seriously until we leave that gangster culture and become serious about our lives.

Image is everything in America. But if we're going to sit here and tell Black people and coddle and say "hey its ok, you can dress how you want to dress and everything will be ok," we will be doing huge damage to our kids. No one is going to hire them with all of that baggage.

This conversation reminds me of this, when loc dog would come in wanting a job dressing all hood-rattish:

I'm looking out for Black folks. I want them to do well! I'm probably looking out for them more than many of you.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

[Image: 5UC3JF3.jpg]

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

I live and have lived in Milwaukee my whole life. The city is booming and better than ever and the racism is vastly over rated. Truthfully if anything the races pretty much keep to themselves by their own accord and everyone seems to be ok with it. this instance is a big deal in Milwaukee because it is out of the ordinary. It'd be way more expected in the western suburbs tho

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-20-2015 08:27 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (10-20-2015 08:22 PM)EatMee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-20-2015 01:22 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Why not give the jewelry store the benefit of the doubt? Perhaps they've been robbed by a tall Black guy before?

WTF!?!? I guess if a tall white guy robbed the store, then they would start profiling tall white guys too!

Lets be realistic here.

Come on guys, this is Samseau!

That's right, this is Samseau. Stormfront Samseau giving the benefit of the doubt to a situation he only hears about through the news and it turns out to be right.

The people who accused me of racism the loudest incidentally revealed their own racism quite clearly. In this thread they were angry with me for not condemning someone of "racial profiling" when in fact the cops were called regardless of the man's color, as Wastelander shows. Because someone wouldn't start howling about the imaginary White Supremacist threat and considered that there could be other causes or simply a case of mistaken identity.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-22-2015 04:27 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

That's right, this is Samseau. Stormfront Samseau giving the benefit of the doubt to a situation he only hears about through the news and it turns out to be right.

The people who accused me of racism the loudest incidentally revealed their own racism quite clearly. In this thread they were angry with me for not condemning someone of "racial profiling" when in fact the cops were called regardless of the man's color, as Wastelander shows. Because someone wouldn't start howling about the imaginary White Supremacist threat and considered that there could be other causes or simply a case of mistaken identity.

Yeah, because a self-serving statement filled with unverifiable information and plausible deniability made after the fact completely washes their hands of the incident.

John Henson is such a "valuable member of the Milwaukee community" that even though he's been a member of the Milwaukee Bucks for four years and he's an abnormally tall human being, not one person involved in the incident recognized who he was.

One of the problems with this racism shit is that people who aren't affected by it are still trying to convince the people who are that it's all in their heads.

If other people want to buy into that level of intellectual dishonesty, they are welcome to do that, but I'm not a member of that team; I prefer to think for myself.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Happened to Oprah, but I guess they don't get her show in Switzerland.

Not that it should matter!

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NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-22-2015 05:07 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (10-22-2015 04:27 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

That's right, this is Samseau. Stormfront Samseau giving the benefit of the doubt to a situation he only hears about through the news and it turns out to be right.

The people who accused me of racism the loudest incidentally revealed their own racism quite clearly. In this thread they were angry with me for not condemning someone of "racial profiling" when in fact the cops were called regardless of the man's color, as Wastelander shows. Because someone wouldn't start howling about the imaginary White Supremacist threat and considered that there could be other causes or simply a case of mistaken identity.

Yeah, because a self-serving statement filled with unverifiable information and plausible deniability made after the fact completely washes their hands of the incident.

It's not just plausible deniability. Have you ever bought and sold cars before? When you have dealer plates cops will pull you over all the time. Many small town cops do not recognize dealer plates and pull them over just to make sure the vehicle is legal. My father, who is a dealer, has had this happened to him dozens and dozens of times while delivering vehicles to clients.

Again, they did not even know if the driver was White or Black. The fact that people jump to accusations of racism without knowing anything is utterly destructive to America's social fabric and only increases hostilities. People need to be more generous to others and stop assuming evil intentions of others by default (unless they're muslim [Ed: This is a joke!]).

Without knowing all the facts of the situation, it is always best not to become too committed to any explanation. Stay calm, stay rational.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Dude your arguments are weak, please stop.

Our New Blog:

NBA Player Gets Racially Profiled At Jewelry Store in Milwaukee

Quote: (10-21-2015 04:49 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I hope you lot saying that he should dress better to avoid racially profiling should also look at instances where a white guy shows up in a store dressed like a bummy farmer from Idaho or Utah with overalls and a straw in his mouth saying "Arrh".

What if a white guy that look like Hank Hill's neighbours (Boomhower or Bill) show up there? By your rationale, they should also receive discriminatory treatment. As far as I'm concerned, those guys also represent a lower tier of society (if one is to apply the same litmus test). I wager however, that they will get benefit of the doubt.

You are correct, they will get the benefit of the doubt. Partially because Idaho farmers aren't committing 50% of the nation's violent crimes.

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