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Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 10:01 AM)Speculation Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2015 09:37 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

This entitlement doesn't exist in a vacuum the reason why the women are so shitty is also in part of the men in those countries who enable that behavior. Australia is a tiny country with only 20'ish million population. The men could easily revolt especially in that region but..for the most part they don't. They stick with the narrative and are content with competing over increasingly fatter and a stupider female populace.

This is why things are the way they are in these countries too. The men simply don't do what is necessary.

I wonder why this is sometimes. I think Australia, being an isolated island nation with a small population and restrictive immigration scheme, doesn't have exposure to enough women from other cultures to give competition to the entitled hamsters that we have here.

We are multi-cultural, but how many 1st generation feminine women come here Fresh off the Boat and stay long enough to get seriously involved with the local men?

Immigration is still strongly male biased which means you get a majority of hard up men from all immigrant nations. Australia is also known for accepting a large number of immigrants from southern europe, the subcontinent, and various middle eastern origins. This means thirst is magnified intensely.

This means a hard up population constantly competing for scarce female resources. All this is probably done intentionally though.

Keeping the men sharp, thirsty, and angry is a tool of the elites.

This trend could easily be reversed overnight in Australia though. The proximity to nations with plenty of women and also Australia's infrastructure is very adaptable.

It's just that the elite blueprint prefers cultural adaptations which create young, angry, and jacked men.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 10:12 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Immigration is still strongly male biased which means you get a majority of hard up men from all immigrant nations. Australia is also known for accepting a large number of immigrants from southern europe, the subcontinent, and various middle eastern origins. This means thirst is magnified intensely.

This means a hard up population constantly competing for scarce female resources. All this is probably done intentionally though.

Keeping the men sharp, thirsty, and angry is a tool of the elites.

This trend could easily be reversed overnight in Australia though. The proximity to nations with plenty of women and also Australia's infrastructure is very adaptable.

It's just that the elite blueprint prefers cultural adaptations which create young, angry, and jacked men.

A few years ago there was a push by the Australian government to promote population growth through a 'baby bonus' of several thousand dollars paid to the parents of new borns. We WANT population growth right now, preferably from locals rather than immigrants.

And young angry men is a recipe for disenfranchisement and cultural unrest.

I don't know why they'd want these men unmarried as married men leads to cultural stability, but also economic growth and increased revenue for the government.

Unrest I kind of get, because a population fighting amongst itself over meaningless issues isn't looking too closely at the decisions being made by the government/elites, but passing up economic growth, more tax revenue and population growth?

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:49 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Man up or Miss out on the Dating Scene

Kind of irks me. Earlier this year, I asked out and took a coworker out on a date, payed for her meal, only to listen to her insult me with a backhanded Neg tactic and other garbage. Was the last straw that led me towards looking abroad for a girlfriend.

Is this for real or a joke?

Assuming the picture that people found of the reporter, I think it would be obvious why no one was asking her out. She seems like mid 30s, but has a 'fat face' of someone in their 50s. (At least in the 'western world'.)

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

I did man up. But after manning up the proper way and seeing what women (at least in the Western world) offer and demand in return... I've chosen to miss out.

Romans 8:31 - 'What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?'

My notes.

Mike Cernovich Compilation 2015 | 2016

The Gold from Bold

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Australia just needs to allow visa free travel of ukrainian women. Problem solved.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

This is eerily familiar.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

I didn't know that when I avoid kaijus, it means I'm afraid of rejections.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 06:21 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2015 12:54 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

In talking to other American chicks it's never any better, they always speak with this automatic dismissive arrogant tone, and maintain it throughout the conversation. They also love making statements as they turn their head or body away too, and are quick to just spontaneously walk away because they heard something in a conversation they didn't totally like. The other day one of them even said "if you said something like that in America you'd be punched out".

I wish Tinder included a filter functionality so I could filter out all American, Brit, and Aussie chicks on vacation in asia. I'm tired of seeing them doing some quirky pose and their fat faces everytime on Tinder and i'd say 1 out of 10 is too much for me. I'd prefer to just have them auto filtered out instead of just swiping left all the time.

Damn Loco ain't playing no more Games with these hippos! He wants to take them straight up to the

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Australian men on average seem to be what only a small percent of American men are. What we can deduce from this, even if the men step it up, it doesn't have much effect on the quality of the women or them wanting to look better for the men. It could simply be a matter of ratios as well.

From the ones I have met visiting the US (mainly in Vegas & LA) they generally seem in shape, well-dressed, and socially confident.

Contrast that to the typical American male, he's probably 15 pounds overweight and dresses about the exact same as he did in his 8th grade school picture. Then you have the SWPL's in some cities who at least wear fitted clothes but behave like clowns in their own right.

American culture is also very against male self-improvement for whatever reason (besides the pursuit of money). This doesn't seem to be true in Australia.

Of course, these are only generalizations, but there is definitely some truth to this one.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 06:17 PM)Ivan_ Wrote:  

This is eerily familiar. Manned up 4 times in my life. Regretted each and every time more than the last one. All white western women, all entitled bitches. All the women in between I ditched promptly after getting what I wanted, never regretted.

Not trying to be too nosy but when you say manned up do you mean married?

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 12:54 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:49 PM)blacknwhitespade Wrote:  

Earlier this year, I asked out and took a coworker out on a date, payed for her meal, only to listen to her insult me with a backhanded Neg tactic and other garbage.

That's because you're living in America. I put American women firmly in 'sociopath' territory. I went on a date with one a few weeks ago, just for shits and giggles. Fucking jesus man, they're horrible! What's wrong with them? They keep doing this looking around dramatically to emphasis their lack of interest thing, kept dropping arrogant insulting statements like "that's not something you're ever going to know", kept talking about negative things and complaining, always talked in this dismissive arrogant tone, and didn't have a drop of femininity or capability of emotional connection in her whole body. Like a "cold robot of horribleness". And this was from a chick who'd approached me!

In talking to other American chicks it's never any better, they always speak with this automatic dismissive arrogant tone, and maintain it throughout the conversation. They also love making statements as they turn their head or body away too, and are quick to just spontaneously walk away because they heard something in a conversation they didn't totally like. The other day one of them even said "if you said something like that in America you'd be punched out".

I've decided that the next time I meet one, I'm going to engage with the following:
"Hi, where are you from?"
"America, you?" [dismissive tone]
"Australia, so what are you doing in this city?"
[answer with more dismissive tone]
"Is there any particular reason you're talking to me in that dismissive arrogant tone?"
[blah blah]
"I understand that you're American, but luckily we're not in America where your unpleasant behaviour is the norm, and if you don't talk to me in a pleasant and friendly tone, I'm going to stop talking to you and talk to one of the many locals. Am I understood?"
[!!! snark + leaves]

I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Thank god you don't live here. Even cashiers can be dismissive and arrogant. But I think there is a solution to it. They'll respect you if you convey to them you don't give a fuck about them and consider them below yourself. Problem is that I can't always pull this off.

A whore ain't nothing but a trick to a pimp. (Iceberg Slim)
Beauty is in the erection of the beholder. (duedue)
Grab your life by the pussy.
A better question to ask is "What EXACTLY do I want out of life and what EXACTLY am I doing to get EXACTLY that? If you can answer that question truthfully you will be the most Alpha motherfucker you will ever need to be. (PapayaTapper)

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 12:10 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:57 PM)CRR Wrote:  

A quick google search says that this is likely the author:

Man up everyone [Image: rolleyes.gif][Image: dodgy.gif]

Yeah, we already addressed one of her brain sharts last year:

[Image: Angel620x150.jpg]

My thoughts then:

Wall women are 'worthy', red pill men are 'charmless' sydney edition

Time has not been kind (Author on right)

Good stuff as always.

It's so strange that we now live in a world where a status-obsessed, fat, middle aged woman asks "Where have the good men gone? They need to man up" and she is taken seriously as opposed to being put in an insane asylum, or at the very least mocked for having the audacity to present herself as a spokesperson for desirable single women.

Don't men have any say at all in what that they are looking for in a woman? What if a comparable man said the same thing?

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 10:49 PM)CRR Wrote:  

Good stuff as always.
It's so strange that we now live in a world where a status-obsessed, fat, middle aged woman asks "Where have the good men gone? They need to man up" and she is taken seriously as opposed to being put in an insane asylum, or at the very least mocked for having the audacity to present herself as a spokesperson for desirable single women.
Don't men have any say at all in what that they are looking for in a woman? What if a comparable man said the same thing?

While I imagine he wouldn't want to do it any time soon.
As he deserves a well earned break after the Canada Conquest.
If Roosh want's to boost his profile & recreate the Canada Conquest.
All he'd have to do is hold a couple of seminars in Australia.

The howls & shrieks from the 'establishment' would provide for some good entertainment.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Articles like this are just another indication of how dire the sexual marketplace is in Australia (and other Anglosphere countries as well).

Australian women have no idea how good they have it in Australia. If a woman like this lived in pretty much any other country, she would be invisible to men. Instead, in Australia, fat, arrogant, post-wall women can confidently demand that men need to "man up" and give them more attention.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Apparently there is even a man drought in Australia. The fun states anyway. Women live longer than men, so it could just be a lot of older women me thinks.

[Image: 844899-eaae8c9a-92c2-11e3-831f-628faee552fc.jpg]

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

The actual male / female ratios don't really matter so much in terms of raw population percentage.
What matters to the harpies is how many men can imitate Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling or whoever
else is the current Hollywood heart-throb.

Women don't throw their panties at used car salesmen.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

You can't do much but laugh at articles like this, especially if you've ever travelled overseas (especially FSU countries). The women here are meh, there are a couple of diamonds amongst the rough but even if she looks moderately attractive, her personality, sense of entitlement and masculine attitude quickly diminish's any initial physical attraction.

After having lived Eastern Europe, there's no comparison.. its down-right depressing. Sure a women's SMV is heavily weighed in her physical attractiveness, however that is either amplified or negated depending on her cultural and traditional upbringing. I found the company of women in EE a pleasurable experience; conversation was stimulating and I felt respected as a man, you still needed game but there was SO much less bullshit for a much higher value woman.

This mentality here won't shift, it will only get worse.. i realized while abroad, even if i'm wealthy, great city, weather and job. If the women around me are shit, it brings everything else down.. when that to which your biological imperative is drawn towards is constantly attacking you, it becomes damn near impossible to be optimistic.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-14-2015 07:41 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

The actual male / female ratios don't really matter so much in terms of raw population percentage.
What matters to the harpies is how many men can imitate Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling or whoever
else is the current Hollywood heart-throb.

Women don't throw their panties at used car salesmen.

In reality Channing Tatum and Ryan Gosling would struggle in Australia if they weren't famous. The guy that's a 7-8/10 is in a real struggle zone.

For a ONS - Most girls of a 6 and up are looking for a 9+ Male.

When you're just below that you either settle for a 5 or jump through excruciating hoops to get the lay.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-14-2015 06:50 AM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

Apparently there is even a man drought in Australia. The fun states anyway. Women live longer than men, so it could just be a lot of older women me thinks.

[Image: 844899-eaae8c9a-92c2-11e3-831f-628faee552fc.jpg]

These gender ratios really need to be broken down by age range to be meaningful in any way. The male/female ratio is often quoted as being balanced in the U.S. as well but when you break it down by age it's readily apparent that America is a huge sausage fest until you get way into middle age and granny age territory.

In most anglo countries there seems to be a serious shortage of dateable young women in the 18-25 age range.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-14-2015 12:13 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2015 06:50 AM)zombiejimmorrison Wrote:  

Apparently there is even a man drought in Australia. The fun states anyway. Women live longer than men, so it could just be a lot of older women me thinks.

[Image: 844899-eaae8c9a-92c2-11e3-831f-628faee552fc.jpg]

These gender ratios really need to be broken down by age range to be meaningful in any way. The male/female ratio is often quoted as being balanced in the U.S. as well but when you break it down by age it's readily apparent that America is a huge sausage fest until you get way into middle age and granny age territory.

In most anglo countries there seems to be a serious shortage of dateable young women in the 18-25 age range.

This is especially so, given the fact that in much of the Anglosphere 50% of the women are overweight to the point of being undatable. Even when adjusted for the higher male/female ratio at birth, China ends up being less of a sausage fest for men than most of the Anglosphere, despite some academics' fixation on China as posing a particular security threat due to the out of whack dating market there.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-14-2015 12:52 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

This is especially so, given the fact that in much of the Anglosphere 50% of the women are overweight to the point of being undatable. Even when adjusted for the higher male/female ratio at birth, China ends up being less of a sausage fest for men than most of the Anglosphere, despite some academics' fixation on China as posing a particular security threat due to the out of whack dating market there.

In China's biggest cities the gender ratios actually skew significantly towards having more dateable women then men. The gender ratio gets more extreme the more rural you go though. I've spent a lot of time in both the L.A. area and also stayed in one of China's biggest cities for awhile.

China in my opinion had way more dateable women. It wasn't even a contest there. L.A. was and still is a big ole' sausagefest. It's pretty apparent when you just walk around and see dudes everywhere doing stuff and hanging out together. In China's bigger cities at least the population seemed way more gender mixed and not crowds of dudes clusterd everywhere looking thirsty.

On the other hand in the U.S. the situation is just not good anywhere. In New York you will get a slightly better skew but mainly because there's a lot of foreign students and tourists too. This is a very transitory population though and when you look at locals it's still a sausage fest.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Quote: (10-13-2015 07:26 PM)shayneToxic Wrote:  

Australian men on average seem to be what only a small percent of American men are. What we can deduce from this, even if the men step it up, it doesn't have much effect on the quality of the women or them wanting to look better for the men.

From the ones I have met visiting the US (mainly in Vegas & LA) they generally seem in shape, well-dressed, and socially confident.

Contrast that to the typical American male, he's probably 15 pounds overweight and dresses about the exact same as he did in his 8th grade school picture.

American culture is also very against male self-improvement for whatever reason (besides the pursuit of money). This doesn't seem to be true in Australia.

I would agree that the average Australian male makes the average American male seem 'try-hard', insular and uncultured - this is largely because Australians travel more than Americans, plus most American men dress like dorks. But I would disagree that regarding your point of self-improvement - Americans are much more into this than Aussies, just look at the self-help industry, and how Americans are more extroverted and better leaders. This is due to Australians:
- Extreme Laid-back Mentality = Everything is "no worries" AKA why bother.
- Egalitarianism = it's considered not cool to show you're better than someone else.
- 'Mateship Larrikinism' = Men are encouraged to talk shit, tease and laugh at each other during most of their male bonding time because it's deemed uncool to talk about anything personal, important and serious.

Quote: (10-14-2015 07:56 AM)malakaix Wrote:  

You can't do much but laugh at articles like this, especially if you've ever travelled overseas (especially FSU countries). The women here are trash, there are a couple of diamonds amongst the rough but the majority are terrible even if she looks moderately attractive, her personality, sense of entitlement and masculine attitude quickly diminish's any initial physical attraction.

After having lived Eastern Europe, there's no comparison.. its down-right depressing. Sure a women's SMV is heavily weighed in her physical attractiveness, however that is either amplified or negated depending on her cultural and traditional upbringing. I found the company of women in EE a pleasurable experience; conversation was stimulating and I felt respected as a man, you still needed game but there was SO much less bullshit for a much higher value woman.

If the women around me are shit, it brings everything else down..

OMG, what you said is 100% true - I have literally just returned from the FSU to the west, and it's absolutely shocking. I never realised how important it is for society to have beautiful women in it, it had me feeling high on life the entire time, they treat a real man like a real man. Now being back, I have post travel depression - I realise just how wrong the system and culture is, and how blind the men in my country are.

Quote: (10-14-2015 08:57 AM)Rush87 Wrote:  

In reality Channing Tatum and Ryan Gosling would struggle in Australia if they weren't famous. The guy that's a 7-8/10 is in a real struggle zone.

For a ONS - Most girls of a 6 and up are looking for a 9+ Male.

I can vouch for that statement - in Aus my male friends are late 20s, good-looking, sporty, funny, successful, cultured and based in a trendy part of town - and they do well from time-to-time with hotties, they're generally scoring a point or two under themselves.

Quote: (10-14-2015 12:52 PM)Feldeinsamkeit Wrote:  

This is especially so, given the fact that in much of the Anglosphere 50% of the women are overweight to the point of being undatable. Even when adjusted for the higher male/female ratio at birth, China ends up being less of a sausage fest for men than most of the Anglosphere, despite some academics' fixation on China as posing a particular security threat due to the out of whack dating market there.

Exactly. Obesity rates have a much larger role to play than people think. If at least 50% of the women in the Anglosphere are fatties, then you are eliminating half of the women in society from the dating market. Then if a further 25% will hit the wall and gain excessive weight gradually from age 23 to age 40 due to toxic lifestyle factors. Then you are left with 25%, and then there's a range of other issues which render this subset as unattractive, such as lack of empathy, lack of femininity, terrible fashion and over-entitlement etc etc.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Why are Anglo-America women (Australia, USA, Canada) terrible? Is it just feminism? Or since the countries are rich they care less about appealing to men since Big Daddy government will pay them? Only in America do I see 10 thirsty dude competing for a whale.

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

Must be lots of massaging of statistics in the Man Drought map, because the fun Eastern states are huge sausage fests.

I suppose if they strictly count the elderly, the obese, the overweight and the ugly feminists as valid options for the dating market, technically they might be right...

Aussie Woman: Man up or Miss Out

I love these Australia threads, it's like when I used to watch Lock Down on TV, reality TV about U.S. maximum prisons to feel better about life during grad school.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

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