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Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-29-2018 11:24 AM)Eddie Winslow Wrote:  

I'm seeing a girl who is a lot of fun, but who I also know was/is a big slut. I think she's a bit ashamed about her past, and overcompensates for her insecurity by constantly, "proudly" letting me know about other guys I know that she has fucked, unnecessary sex stories, porn/masturbation habits, etc. in the most vulgar and tryhard ways.

Yesterday we went to brunch with a big group of guys and girls who she was friends with, most of who have met me before and treat me like I'm dating her. Another girl mentions how she wants to go to a gay bar for her birthday. My girl has a couple drink in her at this point and says this:

"Ok so I know this is going to sound bad...but I think I just can't get excited to go out to those places because subconsciously I know there aren't going to be any straight guys to fuck."

It was pretty shocking, and no one really knew what to say. The subject was changed pretty quickly. I can't even imagine what was going through her head, maybe trying to be funny?

Even if I'm not dating her, this should be taken as disrespect, right?

She did you a big favor (making her slutty past obvious) but her personality sounds like one giant turnoff. I wouldn't get involved with this broad for anything besides casual sex.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (09-17-2017 12:51 PM)Lermontov Wrote:  

I agree with what Distant Light is saying. I won't repeat the things he wrote.

A 23 y.o. girl with pierced tits who fucked and sucked dick like a pornstar and easily had vaginal orgasms once said to me : ''It takes a lot of practice to become great at sex.''

There is a fascination for virgins and women with limited sexual experience here. Do most guys realize the gamble that they are taking on their sexlife in the long run when they begin a long term monogamous relationship with a woman with no/minimal sexual experience?

I don't think so. I met a great, beautiful and conservative woman who was a virgin five years ago. I took the gamble for the sexlife to come. I said to myself, I'll be patient with her. Five years later I definitely lost that gamble. It's not a matter of ''training'', you can't predict how a woman will evolve sexually. If you begin a relationship with a woman who has significant sexual experience, you know what you are going to deal with right off the bat.

Before that relationship, I used to fuck many of those women who are sexually experienced aka ''sluts''. Great at sex, high sex drive, confident with their body image, etc. I'm experienced and was both in LTRs and had my fair amount of ONS, hookups, flings, etc. Well I'll never get the same quality of sex I used to have with the woman I'm with now.

Now I'm deeply bonded to a beautiful green eye blond, young, smart woman with a very low sex drive and significant sexual issues that I think are non-fixable. If I break up, I'm in for some serious emotional pain.

Take your gamble. If you think that it's a matter of ''training'' your inexperienced girlfriend with very low notch count, to become a great sexual partner, go for it. You might be in for a suprise though after a lot of time invested. If you have a low sex drive and average sex is okay for you, by all means, go for it.

Or maybe, there are other things in a partner and life that matter more than sex. Sure crazy whores are way more fun for a short time, and fuck like pornstars... but then what happens when you want to settle down and get married or have kids? You need a woman with more qualities than "deepthroats like a champ" or "anal on the 1st date".

It's a sacrifice you have to make, and many wiser men have come to the same conclusion. You can't make a Ho a Housewife. And if you want to talk about gambles, I guarantee you the gamble you make on wifing up a sex-fiend will be far more dangerous than wifing up a virgin. It's much better for your long term mental and physical health to wife up a low notch count girl or virgin, and what you lose in sexual excitement, you gain in peace of mind and a drama free life. You can always learn to re-direct the high sex drive into other activities, hobbies, home improvement projects, family, children, vacations and new areas of your life.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Seconding Damien's post. The sign of a culture in decline is the over-emphasis on sexuality vs. creativity. The West is in decline, and this mentality has affected all of us. Roosh wouldn't have started his blog or this forum or written his books if he could have gotten into a solid, monogamous relationship with a feminine virgin and had guarantees that society and her family would support that union (and her fidelity). None of us would be here if that were the case. How many of us are actually happier fucking hos? I'm certainly not.

I agree that embodying game principles is essential to success in life, but acting as though sex is always the outcome is missing the depth and beauty and potential for life (which really is a man's purpose). Satisfying sex is the reward for living a meaningful life, not the other way around. That's my opinion at least, and our biology wires us to crave deeper attachment to a woman beyond casual flings.

Lermontov, if you have a woman who was a virgin when you took her, and is devoted to you, then I suggest it's your lack of purpose that is causing her to deliver less than you want in bed. She may feel your lack of true grounding in your mission. If she really does have personality issues, then find a good counselor / therapist and help her work through those issues. She might need more exercise, more time in nature, more feminine activities - it's not just about talking to someone but filling in part of her life that's missing or underdeveloped.

Roosh wrote 'What is Your Campaign?' and that's the essential question.

Watch this Deida video (just you, without her) and see how or if it resonates. Women are a reflection of the most important man in her life, and the men around her. I'd also learn to let your sexually adventurous past go, stop comparing what you don't have and appreciate what you do. You may have had 'quality sex' but that's really an oxymoron if you're banging sluts. It was 'low quality love-making.' What really matters to you? You see how deep this corruption has gone, where we replace 'hot sex' with 'clarity of purpose.'

Take Dominion over your Life.

Take Dominion over your Woman.

Make children with her, give HER her purpose and fulfillment. Raise your children well. This is the path nearly all of us masculine men want to embark upon.

You could be one of those rare men who was both the FIRST and the LAST man she fucked - and the only man she'll ever be ravaged by. The latter is more important, and you can't ravage a woman if you don't know who you are at a spiritual level. When you're seeing the whole universe in your woman's eyes, feeling it in her body, breathing it through her moans and gasps, exploding into you through her orgasms, then you know what sex REALLY can be - the ultimate union of Masculine and Feminine, the exploration of what it means to actually be alive, to be a human being, and to be deeply committed to someone while also pursuing your unique path. This is the potential of true love-making, the sacred sex that woo-woo people try to emulate but don't really get, and that players will never achieve with a plate.

You have a lot to be grateful for. Act like it. Make yourself into the best fucking version of yourself that you can be. Your woman is almost certainly going to respond in kind. She is a reflection of your clarity - or lack of it. Don't blame her, blame yourself and do something about it.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (05-27-2015 10:36 AM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (05-26-2015 12:23 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

The difference between guys and girls notch counts though is that the pussy get's damaged and loose. I refuse to believe the crap that doctor's say about how it will get back to it's normal shape, heck no. Oh, and God forbid that a girl has a kid(s) and go's back to the dating market, the pussy will never look or feel the same to the next beta who ends up banging her.

This is the reason why guy/girl notch counts can't be compared as male anatomy doesn't really change due to more/fewer notches while the female one get's damaged.

Men are the penetrators. Women get penetrated. They take it. We give it. Their vagina's turn into a side of roast beef with flaps hanging out over the course of years of taking too many cocks so you're right.
In addition to the fact that sex has more of a physical impact on women, it also has more of a spiritual and emotional impact. Women who have had too much sex with too many guys reach a 'breaking point' where they develop the 1000 cock stare. They completely lose their ability to pair bond with a man. They become, in one sense or another, insane.
A man with a high notch count can still be a good husband and even loyal later in life. A woman with a high notch count likely can not.

Dude idk what ya'll are talking about. I dated a girl for 2 years and she was a virgin (we were teenagers in HS). Best believe we fucked multiple times a week for 2 years. If she were single and took 30 cocks in 1 year it would be far less sex than we had. What if she now marries the next dude? This pussy being loose argument is irrelevant for anyone who isn't a virgin bc one dick 100 times = 100 dicks once (excepting STDs).

I'm not going to contest the psychological point

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

I was sure I posted this story already, but I guess I didn't.

Freshman year at university. I was in a large dorm building in a large dorm complex. There was this crazy (and I mean actually crazy redhead) who made it publicly clear that it was her intention to screw every guy in the building. There were three male floors x about 40 guys per floor. So, 120 guys. In one academic year. Needless to say, she was very active in the first few weeks of classes.

I heard that she became pregnant at least twice and had abortions in both cases. Some administration types came in and lectured the guys on our floor about it, although they didn't mention any names (obviously).

At some point (say, October or November), I was on the girls floor and I ran in to a guy from my floor. He was just standing in the hallway looking really nervous. I start talking to him and asking what he was doing, when I hear what are obvious sex noises coming from the dorm room he is standing next to. I'm just staring at him thinking "What the hell?", and the door opens. Another guy I recognized (but didn't know) comes out. Red faced. Sweaty. Smiling. The room was dark, so I couldn't see inside. But, the smell was disgusting. It was a mixture of old alcohol, weed, and the grossest of sex smells. About thirty seconds later, redhead pops out the door wearing a ratty man's housecoat and grabs my friend by the collar. She starts to drag him in to the room and says something to me about how she's happy that I finally decided to show up. As soon as the door was closed, I took off.

I went to see the TRA (who was like the head of the whole dorm). I knew her and we were cool. I essentially "reported" the girl, because she was clearly crazy. She was exhibiting multiple psychiatric issues aside from the obvious hypersexuality. They couldn't do anything. And, yes, I know that I effectively tried to cockblock over 100 guys that I knew. But, this chick had serious issues.

Currently out of office.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

I met this girl on tinder, she gave the best head I have ever had the pleasure of receiving. She was one of the best fucks I've had. Three holer girl that would take the dick like a champ.

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men. She had sex daily with different men, if she ever skipped a day she would fuck two different men the next day and she had the calendar on her phone with all the names. This started when she was 15 and she was now 25. She had been involved in countless orgies and threesomes.

She also said she masturbated at least 5 times a day and could do 20 times also. She would flick the bean in the morning as soon as she got up, with breakfast, several times at work etc.

She was from a super wealthy family and was a highly educated woman who spoke several languages. Just goes to show even if they look good on paper most women are still whores.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

3000? Fuuuuuuck man. I'm not exactly surprised but that must be pretty fucking rare. I think I'm one of the only dudes left that multiplies girls # by 3 and then doubles it if I think the bitch is lying and I regurely run into bitches I think that are approaching triple didgets but 3000? Three-fucking-thousand. Jesus christ, that pussy got more miles than my car, fuck my last 2 cars, and one of those was a used honda fuckin civic

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:52 AM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men. She had sex daily with different men...

Dude, she was trying to tell you she's a prostitute that enjoys her job

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-29-2018 10:18 PM)Tiger Man Wrote:  

I went to see the TRA (who was like the head of the whole dorm). I knew her and we were cool. I essentially "reported" the girl, because she was clearly crazy. She was exhibiting multiple psychiatric issues aside from the obvious hypersexuality. They couldn't do anything. And, yes, I know that I effectively tried to cockblock over 100 guys that I knew. But, this chick had serious issues.

You bastard. I was next.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Naw she wasn't a prostitute. I smashed her off tinder no BS. Picked her up from her work and brought her home to smash. Just a first class nympho

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:52 AM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men.

Being with a nympho sounds great in theory but how you manage your time says a lot about who you are. Show me a nymphomaniac and I'll show you a woman who has nothing going in her life otherwise. There's just no way to bang that hard without it totally consuming all your free time. It's what women fall back on by default now that there's no social stigma.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-30-2018 08:56 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:52 AM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men.

Being with a nympho sounds great in theory but how you manage your time says a lot about who you are. Show me a nymphomaniac and I'll show you a woman who has nothing going in her life otherwise. There's just no way to bang that hard without it totally consuming all your free time. It's what women fall back on by default now that there's no social stigma.

I find 3000 hard to believe for a 25 yr old, who isn't a pro.

I gamed and picked up a porn star recently, who bragged about having slept with 1000 people. 1/2 of those women, and the other 1/2 men. This was a pro, who also does escorting (and charges a lot of money).

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-30-2018 08:56 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:52 AM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men.

Being with a nympho sounds great in theory but how you manage your time says a lot about who you are. Show me a nymphomaniac and I'll show you a woman who has nothing going in her life otherwise. There's just no way to bang that hard without it totally consuming all your free time. It's what women fall back on by default now that there's no social stigma.

I we could, we would. Gay dudes are proof that a lot of guys would if they could. I would have taken me till 40 to stop.

What was your sex drive and maturity 15-25?

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:53 AM)Eugenics Wrote:  

3000? Fuuuuuuck man. I'm not exactly surprised but that must be pretty fucking rare. I think I'm one of the only dudes left that multiplies girls # by 3 and then doubles it if I think the bitch is lying and I regurely run into bitches I think that are approaching triple didgets but 3000? Three-fucking-thousand. Jesus christ, that pussy got more miles than my car, fuck my last 2 cars, and one of those was a used honda fuckin civic

3,000 is really, really high for a woman. Like astronomically, far under 1% of the total female population, high. There was an excellent in situ study done in Colorado several years ago. They actually embedded researchers with the vice squad, who then followed prostitutes around in an attempt to calculate the average professional lifespan of a pro and the average John/Pro numbers. They found the average street pro has around 5,000 individual tricks during her professional lifespan.

3,000 for a civilian is insane. Female pornstars don't hit those numbers. High-end escorts don't hit those numbers. It's entirely possible for a woman to get there, but this girl has to be a hypersexual manic. Sounds like a crazy.

Currently out of office.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

3,000 can be done by a woman who bangs one different man a day for 300 days every year (not the full 365 because of her periods), but she'd have to sustain this for 10 years. A prostitute? I can see that happening. But a civilian? Sounds far-fetched. When did tinder start again? Certainly not 10 years ago.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-31-2018 12:11 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2018 08:56 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:52 AM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men.

Being with a nympho sounds great in theory but how you manage your time says a lot about who you are. Show me a nymphomaniac and I'll show you a woman who has nothing going in her life otherwise. There's just no way to bang that hard without it totally consuming all your free time. It's what women fall back on by default now that there's no social stigma.

I we could, we would. Gay dudes are proof that a lot of guys would if they could. I would have taken me till 40 to stop.

What was your sex drive and maturity 15-25?

But there is a question of basic biology to that one. It makes no biological sense for a woman to sleep with 100, or 500, or 5,000 guys. On the other hand, theoretically, if you or I banged 5,000 girls we could get a large number of them pregnant. So, it makes sense for us to spend our time doing that, from a reproductive standpoint. If a woman desires to do that she has a dopaminergic disregulation or something. This isn't a question of female agency or some other bullshit that they would undoubtedly argue. If a man could only release a limited amount of sperm during his life the same argument could be made for a us. But, we are made to be cheap, expendable, but of (almost) unlimited reproductive use.

Currently out of office.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-31-2018 12:11 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

I we could, we would.

I'm just saying that a woman who has nothing on her mind besides sex is shallow and therefore isn't worth anything to me other than being a sex toy. It's not about wanting prudes either. The ideal is to find someone who is still really into sex...but still has other interests.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

@Truth Tiger and @DamienCasanova, I appreciate your input.

My post was one year ago (geez time flies...).

Things are better now and I appreciate what I have more.

More and more I realize that it'd be difficult to find someone more suited to have a family with and to live with... Emotionally stable/very low in neuroticism, no baggage from previous relationship (since she was a virgin), low level of narcissism, good listener, reliable, curious, never goes out in bars or clubs, likes to cook, 0 male friends, like to stay at home, doesn't post anything on social media, never got drunk/did drugs, intelligent, cultivated, refined, wealthy family, thin, goes to the gym, etc...

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-31-2018 12:33 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

3,000 can be done by a woman who bangs one different man a day for 300 days every year (not the full 365 because of her periods), but she'd have to sustain this for 10 years. A prostitute? I can see that happening. But a civilian? Sounds far-fetched. When did tinder start again? Certainly not 10 years ago.

In the Kinsey study back in the 40's there was a man with detailed records of thousands of sexual encounters. I was trying to find out which publication it is in, but I cannot easily find it. In any case, a woman can easily rack up 10-15 bangs at an orgy. If you live near a major city center there is probably a few orgies every weekend once you find the scene. With that being said I believe that this woman had 3,000 bangs.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Quote: (10-31-2018 12:35 AM)Tiger Man Wrote:  

Quote: (10-31-2018 12:11 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2018 08:56 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-30-2018 04:52 AM)Balls_Hang_Low Wrote:  

The second time we met up after talking for a bit she told me she had fucked several thousand > 3000 different men.

Being with a nympho sounds great in theory but how you manage your time says a lot about who you are. Show me a nymphomaniac and I'll show you a woman who has nothing going in her life otherwise. There's just no way to bang that hard without it totally consuming all your free time. It's what women fall back on by default now that there's no social stigma.

I we could, we would. Gay dudes are proof that a lot of guys would if they could. I would have taken me till 40 to stop.

What was your sex drive and maturity 15-25?

But there is a question of basic biology to that one. It makes no biological sense for a woman to sleep with 100, or 500, or 5,000 guys. On the other hand, theoretically, if you or I banged 5,000 girls we could get a large number of them pregnant. So, it makes sense for us to spend our time doing that, from a reproductive standpoint. If a woman desires to do that she has a dopaminergic disregulation or something. This isn't a question of female agency or some other bullshit that they would undoubtedly argue. If a man could only release a limited amount of sperm during his life the same argument could be made for a us. But, we are made to be cheap, expendable, but of (almost) unlimited reproductive use.

Who knows, maybe infertile and is going for the urge? Maybe type 1 bipolar? It seems that there are not doctors claiming regularly that prostitutes have dopaminergic dysregulation (this does not mean that you are wrong). Probably a personality disorder and psychotic disorder of some type. I have met a lot of bipolar women and they seem to bang randoms like rabbits.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Intense Hypersexuality is one of the major symptoms of bipolar disorder in both males and females.

That said, each person will have different degrees of intensity, and you have to account for variables based on location, culture, looks, age, etc....but on a general basis you get the idea.

Obviously, for a decent looking girl under age 30/35 in today's day and age, it's a lot easier for them to get the high notch counts compared to men.
However, keep in mind that bipolar people tend to exaggerate a lot and sometimes outright lie/or have this is actually 1 case where a girl might actually give you a crazy number, which is higher than her real life notch count.

Also...after a few hundred, what person can actually keep count anymore anyway ?

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

Pretty Croatian girl I know ran through appx 80 dudes. Granted she did most of her fucking when she was a fat ass at 205lbs but still that number flabberghasted me because she's only 27 going on 28. She's since slowed and slimmed down ironically. We hang out regularly because she adds to my SMV. Recently we hung out and I looked at her tinder and bumble matches and they were all nice guys. Not a single stud. She said she's matured and doesn't like high SMV men cause we are players and assholes. She doesn't kiss on the first date now. How insulting is that? A woman who genuinely likes you won't kiss you on the first date despite letting 80 dudes hit it.

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

I've never gotten a straight answer out of a girl and I've (almost) never wanted one. This is kinda funny:

girl I was just friends with: "I've slept with ten guys"
same girl a few months later, after she and I fucked: "I've slept with seven guys"

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

I hate when things seem to be going well with a girl I like on a date and then she drops her sexcapades and slut stories on me as if to impress.

I just smile back and nod whilst thinking to myself "Well bitch you're only good for pumping and dumping now"

Vile Sluts Who Accept More Dick Than a Urinal [re-titled 3.0]

600+. Admitted to working as a prostitute and a dominatrix to fuel her drug habit. Never got to bang her except with my finger. Probably over a thousand by now as that was 5-6 years ago.

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