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The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

^ Nah, Korben. I'm just taking the piss out of the subreddit. It was a game I played with a bang one night as we were watching it in bed - she brought up what happened to Larry - and she got right in to 'spotting clues' with me until we lost interest in the film for more pressing matters.

Or am I?

I mean, look at Gamergate Tranny Brianna Wu's desired heroines, slim, fit, badass:

[Image: gamer-tease.jpg]

So Larry / Lana gets to cast his heroine, what happens? Slim, fit, badass.

[Image: carrie04.jpg]

Perhaps this is some kind of Tranny Empowerment Thing. Strong, sexy and kicking the arse of CIS White Men everywhere.

If this is worrying you, you know which pill to take.

[Image: red-pill.jpg]

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Holy shit, AB just ruined The Matrix.

[Image: 200x200px-ZC-0d7275af_knowshon-moreno-crying.gif]

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Again, this is just showing that these people are overly concerned with labels and not actions and belief systems.

To somehow suggest that Roosh rolling out a label is an attempt to make money is preposterous. The things behind the simplifier (the label) need to be of actual value for that to happen.

Notice how some of the biggest voices in this community and who have brought some of the most value have not been concerned with labels but in putting out content that produces results - D&P, GLL, B&D, etc. Notice too that they all profit, greatly, from their work, because it is very valuable to many people.

That subreddit is basically just effeminacy gawking at something:

Quote:MotivatedMarsupial Wrote:

Roosh, I implore you, read the above paragraph and recognize the folly of your ways. High value men like me and other dudes on here will NOT follow a philosophy that you or anyone else is profiting from.

See? Here he's concerned with labels and that somehow labels will:

A) Produce profits
B) Assuming they do produce profits, that profits are somehow "bad."

Ridiculous black and white thinking, and the fool made clearer by his loudly proclaiming himself a "high value man."

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The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 03:52 PM)Private Man Wrote:  

This has happened before in the Manosphere.

It's happening again.

Roosh has a good point.
Rollo has a a good point.
The Red Pill subreddit has a good point.
All the comments here have good points.

In the great scheme of masculine things, this minor conflict means little.

Agreed. I can very much see where a lot of them are coming from: Return of Kings has devolved to click-baity trash with the occasional passable article. In terms of respectability, it's essentially The Sun or other such trash mags for the manosphere. It's an intensely shyster looking and feeling website. Reaxxion is even worse: I barely kept up for a couple months before giving up reading the articles as they just were written so lazily. Additionally, going onto the Dr. Oz show and claiming that he didn't know he would get slandered intensely seems entirely disingenuous to me.

That being, said, I don't think it's wrong for Roosh to monetize his ventures. The quality of the material that he himself puts out hasn't dipped, as far as I can tell. The same, unfortunately, can't be said of Rollo Tomassi, whom I feel has done nothing but reiterate the same things over and over again for months. Half of the new articles he puts out are just him referring back to his older posts.

One thing I will say is disturbing is the amount of shaming language found in this thread. You all are using the EXACT same language as feminists do when referring to TRP subreddit. Neckbeard basement dwellers? Sexless losers? Does it not give you pause that your words would be gladly shared and supported by feminists?

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 04:21 PM)Socrates Wrote:  

Holy shit, AB just ruined The Matrix.

[Image: 200x200px-ZC-0d7275af_knowshon-moreno-crying.gif]

Guys, that post was written for any TRP lurkers reading, to make them feel very stupid. Don't take my anti-Reddit Psy-Ops too seriously.

My posts are no more serious than this:

Since women live in the realm of fantasy entertainment, this is the sort of clown game you can spin in social situations to keep them entertained. If it's mainstream enough, they can start joining in with things they remember that could match your theory, and you've encouraged 'Us vs Them' intimacy: 'only we're smart enough to get it'.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

"One thing I will say is disturbing is the amount of shaming language found in this thread. You all are using the EXACT same language as feminists do when referring to TRP subreddit. Neckbeard basement dwellers? Sexless losers? Does it not give you pause that your words would be gladly shared and supported by feminists?"

The feminists hurl those words indiscriminately, including against men for whom it's obviously false. They also deny that beauty and truth exist, and that truth and beauty ought to be embraced and cultivated. Truth and beauty are virtues central to a masculine positive mind - there is no contradiction in celebrating them - nor in saying that those who don't value them are unfit to be role models. Let basement dwellers be basement dwellers, but don't hold them up as anything more.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 04:36 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Guys, that post was written for any TRP lurkers reading, to make them feel very stupid. Don't take my anti-Reddit Psy-Ops too seriously.

While the analysis of the movie through the trans lens may be specious, I wouldn't completely rule it out. How did I miss the news about the Wachowski "brothers" now being the Wachowski siblings? I'm so tired of the tranny crap society is pushing. Just knowing he's a pink haired tranny actually does ruin the movie. At least for me. It's disgusting.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Let's play a game. Did the following comments come from the TRP subreddit or Jezebel?


I'll go ahead and say it: RooshV is a fraud.


Very first time I ever watched a video of Roosh on youtube, I thought he was gay... I turned off the video when he said the word "fornication"


Return of Kings strikes me as Cosmo for late teen boys.


He needs to be fat shamed for trying to have his cake and eat it too.


I have 0 respect for him as a man


I'm still angry at RooshV over his AIDS article.


Fuck him, I never liked him anyway. His eyes stick out too fucking far.


He's just trying to moneygrab, obviously.


Roosh V is fast becoming a clown who's main goal is benefiting from the anger of men.


Roosh always struck me as a bit of a maladjusted fuckhead.

They're all from TRP. The language I used towards them in my post today was critical but respectful, and compare that to the above, and ask yourself who has an emotional ax to grind. Many of those comments have received plenty of upvotes. Here's an archive link that I'm sure one day we will refer to, perhaps after their community moderator Ellen Pao pulls the switch: .

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

The irony of attacking Roosh when users like RedditMetaCancer has been exposing the SJW takeover of Reddit for the past 9 months is pretty astounding when you thinking about it.

Maybe these guys should focus on the real enemies instead of going after their own? This is hubris, I agree with ya Roosh these dudes will be completely blindsided when their demise comes.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Reddit is Year Zero behavior personified.

On this forum, no matter how old a thread is, if you reply to it, it goes right to the top. Together with vigorous moderation that closes duplicate threads, this ensures a continuity of discussion, and that wisdom on a given topic is concentrated in a single place. If there is too much being shared, or a thread's scope becomes too wide, the thread becomes unwieldy - I feel as much about the OKCupid thread - in which case a Wikipedia approach might be appropriate. But usually, the forum is a sensible medium.

Reddit, by contrast, came to success by specifically rejecting this architecture. Threads on Reddit are privileged for their newness. Continuity of thought and discussion over time is difficult to impossible. I just replied to a topic only a couple weeks old on Reddit (for strictly utilitarian purposes, and not RP related - and not on a highly trafficked page either), and the thread still would not appear on the front page. Instead of deferring as appropriate to those who precede you, as our forum's architecture and moderation encourages, Reddit enshrines the new at the expense of concealing the past. Thus, the non-stop attention whoring, the people asking questions that have long since been answered, because "I'm a unique snowflake and I want to feel good by having a bunch of people catering to me and answering MY questions." Reddit prizes and rewards such behavior, no matter how much its mods may despise it. A man who values history and the accumulation of wisdom quickly tires of Reddit's inherent juvenility, both in its architecture and among its users.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 12:23 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

These people are sniveling chickenshits and losers. Their opinions matter not one iota.

They're all about resentment, jealousy, and hating. Why? Because they've sat on their fat, whiny asses for years without ever having worked hard to do something.

They offer no solutions, no actionable ideas, no inspiration, and no hope.

They are the detritus of history, the occupiers of those swirling eddies on the margins of the river's main course. Nothing can be done with them, and they should be left to stew in their own juices.

The fact that Roosh is being attacked means that progress is being made, and made rapidly. People are now standing up and taking notice.

This should be a teaching point for us. Any time you try to do something positive, expect hate and negativity from losers. Even from your own family. Because your action, your positive action, holds up a mirror to them. Your action reminds them of their own shortcomings. It reminds them of their own unwillingness to take action.

What have these guys ever done, except caress their keyboards?

Remember: everyone wants to see you fail.

Now would be a good time to read this:

O, you haters and deniers, choke on your rage! Great things will come, but not through you!


I tend to agree. While I don't frequent that site, I have frequented many men's rights groups that were full of losers. I even got banned from several for calling them out on it. The theme tends to be "we can never win against feminism, so lets just cut our nuts off now!". It's an excuse, a way of pretending "the reason you never see me with a pretty girl is because I just don't want that". LOL. It's just like the fattie feminists who can't get a man so want ALL women to avoid men, thus somehow, perversely, normalizing the fatties. I really do imagine 40 year old virgins living in mom's basement. And that's NOT the image real red-pill men need. Most of us know the dangers of marriage and family courts and HR bitches...but that doesn't mean that when we see a hot piece of ass that we're not in it!

Also, this nonsense about "he made a dollar off it!" sounds very ...millennial to me. So WHAT? If Roosh (or anyone) has content or products that other people see value in, and are willing to pay for in an arms-length transaction, how is that not good for everyone involved?? It's not like Roosh has cornered the market on protein and is charging $1,000 for a pound of it. It's just ideas, opinions, philosophy...people should be able to make up their own minds about whether his content is worth $10 a pop. The day it's not, the price will drop to $8 or $6 or whatever. No faggoty 25 year-old millennial needs to worry a lick about it.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

The various factions of the manosphere will never see eye to eye on everything. But I would have hoped that the reddit TRP participants wouldn't so lose sight of who the true enemy is - namely the SJWs promoting their toxic views.

When one side of the sphere engages in ad hominem attacks against a leading figure in another side over nothing more than some short criticism no one benefits but the SJWs. They are probably eating popcorn and shouting squeeeeee right now.

TRP users, if you don't agree with Roosh's criticism, make your arguments. Make them logically and use facts, not feelings. Most of you are using the same kinds of "arguments" SJWs use, which aren't arguments at all but simply vitriolic outbursts and personal attacks.

So disappointing.

EDIT: seeing Rollo pile on is saddening to me. I genuinely respect his body of work. In a just world, he and Roosh should be a united front.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 05:35 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

(quotes cut)

They're all from TRP. The language I used towards them in my post today was critical but respectful, and compare that to the above, and ask yourself who has an emotional ax to grind. Many of those comments have received plenty of upvotes.

How many of them are genuine comments, and not deliberate SJW brigading designed to cause a schism between groups that would be stronger working together?

This comment is telling, from 'Emo Geek', a name which sounds so hardcore Alpha As Fuck that I'm trembling in my gym shorts:


MGTOW and the Red Pill are successful because it embraces men from all walks of life and that includes gay men.

"Diversity is our strength."

[Image: facepalm.png]

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity


How many of them are genuine comments, and not deliberate SJW brigading designed to cause a schism between groups that would be stronger working together?

One of the hate comments is by veggie_girl who is a welcomed regular on TRP... for years, even though she's clearly an SJW. They give her free reign, and even bestowed a "SENIOR ENDORSED" badge for her.

You haven't been to TRP in a're seeing what is has become.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

^ I suppose that most easily explains the adoption of SJW non-argument tactics.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Also, Rollo throwing himself with reddit strikes me a serious lapse of judgement. He should apologize at some point in the future or else people are going to have a difficult time taking him seriously.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

I dropped TRP a while ago....someone remind me, do they still endorse fags being red pill?

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:06 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

I dropped TRP a while ago....someone remind me, do they still endorse fags being red pill?
While it's retarded that people there are touting SJW-esque "diversity" as some noble value, I really don't think being gay necessarily precludes you from being red pill.

Milo Yiannopoulos: very much a fag, very much red pill.

Dudes that run this place also seem pretty red pill.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 06:18 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Reddit is Year Zero behavior personified.

On this forum, no matter how old a thread is, if you reply to it, it goes right to the top. Together with vigorous moderation that closes duplicate threads, this ensures a continuity of discussion, and that wisdom on a given topic is concentrated in a single place. If there is too much being shared, or a thread's scope becomes too wide, the thread becomes unwieldy - I feel as much about the OKCupid thread - in which case a Wikipedia approach might be appropriate. But usually, the forum is a sensible medium.

Reddit, by contrast, came to success by specifically rejecting this architecture. Threads on Reddit are privileged for their newness. Continuity of thought and discussion over time is difficult to impossible. I just replied to a topic only a couple weeks old on Reddit (for strictly utilitarian purposes, and not RP related - and not on a highly trafficked page either), and the thread still would not appear on the front page. Instead of deferring as appropriate to those who precede you, as our forum's architecture and moderation encourages, Reddit enshrines the new at the expense of concealing the past. Thus, the non-stop attention whoring, the people asking questions that have long since been answered, because "I'm a unique snowflake and I want to feel good by having a bunch of people catering to me and answering MY questions." Reddit prizes and rewards such behavior, no matter how much its mods may despise it. A man who values history and the accumulation of wisdom quickly tires of Reddit's inherent juvenility, both in its architecture and among its users.
Their method has its merits, but I am glad I have never really gotten involved in that dump.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:17 PM)Ziltoid Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:06 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

I dropped TRP a while ago....someone remind me, do they still endorse fags being red pill?
While it's retarded that people there are touting SJW-esque "diversity" as some noble value, I really don't think being gay necessarily precludes you from being red pill.

Milo Yiannopoulos: very much a fag, very much red pill.

Dudes that run this place also seem pretty red pill.

Those gay conservatives are the 20%... the other 80% are helping the west march to its Doom.

Gay Conservatives:

- Appreciate and love straight masculine men
- Agree that marriage is between a man and a woman
- Understand they suffer from a problem but kindly ask you do not hate or ridicule them for it
- Do not believe the gay lifestyle should be promoted
- Do not believe gays should be let around children or donate blood

I have a few gay conservative friends... they are as good as just about any man on this forum, with one key deficiency. When it comes time to talk about women and get laid, they have nothing to offer.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

It's really too bad that TRP has gone downhill. Although having an "outpost" on reddit might "financially support" feminist CEO's and shit, it serves as a gateway. I found this place through ROK, then /r/theredpill, then RVF. It's really too bad seeing all of this bitterness on their side being directed towards us...definitely a value that I'm glad is not embodied too much here, outside of EE.

If I'm not wrong...I think some Roosh articles used to be in the sidebar of /r/trp and a lot of Roosh articles were shared. Anyway the main takeaway here is that all of the bitching over this is very feminine. Men are about action.

I swear I say this everyday...but...the best way to accomplish something is to vote with your wallet. (or on the internet, vote with your page views, since views = advertising money).

Don't like Roosh's books? Think he's a swindler? Don't buy it.

Don't like that Firefox fired their CEO over some donations to anti-gay marriage campaigns? Don't use firefox.

Wish McDonald's gave their employees more money? Stop going to McDonald's.

Think CMQ is a ripoff? Don't go to his page.

Hate how girls are attention whore on social media and online dating? Delete your profile.

I don't know numbers off the top of my head, but I know for a fact that while all the gays were protesting Chick-fil-A, they saw record profits. The people spoke.

Voting with your wallet will accomplish more than any internet whining. But, in today's beta society, everybody just wants to complain about issues to project an image to others. No one actually wants to do something.

I'm disappointed that Rollo is badmouthing Roosh. I read Rational Male a year and a half ago and keep it for reference, but I now know that I will 100% not be buying his new book. And guess what?

[Image: I_17f62d_1270335.jpg]

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:32 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:17 PM)Ziltoid Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:06 PM)redbeard Wrote:  

I dropped TRP a while ago....someone remind me, do they still endorse fags being red pill?
While it's retarded that people there are touting SJW-esque "diversity" as some noble value, I really don't think being gay necessarily precludes you from being red pill.

Milo Yiannopoulos: very much a fag, very much red pill.

Dudes that run this place also seem pretty red pill.

Those gay conservatives are the 20%... the other 80% are helping the west march to its Doom.
I don't think a greatly more flattering statistic can be said about the heterosexual population these days. If anything, due to being a privileged class, gays have a license to think and say things that are normally verboten. I can't even fathom the amount of shit Milo would be in if he wasn't gay.

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:32 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Gay Conservatives:

- Appreciate and love straight masculine men
- Agree that marriage is between a man and a woman
- Understand they suffer from a problem but kindly ask you do not hate or ridicule them for it
- Do not believe the gay lifestyle should be promoted
- Do not believe gays should be let around children or donate blood

I have a few gay conservative friends... they are as good as just about any man on this forum, with one key deficiency. When it comes time to talk about women and get laid, they have nothing to offer.
It's unnatural and fringe, sure, but I don't think seeing yourself as a "problem" is a necessity to call yourself a conservative, nor do I don't really care if they advocate for civil unions and whatnot (for property/divorce reasons).

How about this,

Gay Conservatives:

- Believe in conservative/libertarian policies
- Aren't advocates of LGBT-feminism victimhood Olympics nonsense

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

We are falling in the same trap as the feminists here: Attacking our own kind. Red pill and other manosphere groups should be our allies.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 07:02 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Also, Rollo throwing himself with reddit strikes me a serious lapse of judgement. He should apologize at some point in the future or else people are going to have a difficult time taking him seriously.

My initial gut reaction when I first saw this start to go down, was that it was some kind of elaborate prank/trolling of TRP to make them all look like morons. A "masculine" community built on a SJW-owned site...well, these points have already been made.

This entire "PT Barnum of the manosphere" line of criticism is so baseless and hypocritical to the point of utter ridiculousness. It reeks of ulterior motives.

Rational Male helped me get through one of the darkest times in my life last year. I was staring into the abyss, and that book really helped me see things clearly and do what needed to be done. So needless to say, I held Rollo in extremely high regard. This sucks.

The Red Pill subreddit attacks me and neomasculinity

Quote: (05-22-2015 12:09 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So yesterday MGTOW shared their beef with neomasculinity. And today it's the Red Pill, where people come out to share their long-held grievances with me.

Their entire argument is that I'm doing this for a money grab. Considering that in today's blog post I strongly criticized those who are fleecing men, and that straying away from PUA will certainly cause me to forgo significant amounts of money, they are desperate to find some avenue to attack me when I've been open as a book with all my actions. Considering that no work of mine costs more than $10 on Amazon, I must be doing a poor job at fleecing men for such trivial amounts of money.

They also pointed out my lecture tour as another way I'm earning "profit", when it's unlikely I will earn a dollar on it. I have stated that doing a lecture tour is a really stupid way to make money, but I wonder if anyone here really objects to me making some income off the value I do give which I labor on daily. If you do think I am taking advantage of men, or charging too much for anything I offer, please share it with me. And if you insist that I do everything for free, then I ask that you provide me with reasonable food and shelter so that I can continue my work along with $2,500+ in monthly expenses to maintain the operation of all my sites along with content production on ROK and RXN.

It's also telling how defensive they are in me "slamming" the red pill. I calmly and merely pointed out their collective mentality and ongoing direction. It was a description of the reality, not a slam, because if it was a slam, I could come up with other means that they would feel more harshly.

Reddit, the beta male sperg factory has a red pill sub-forum. It should not surprise you that it takes on the flavor of reddit. Even when dealing with game, masculinity and evo-psyche, it is still part of reddit. It shows.

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