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Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.


Well this is a big step. I was weary about making a post like this for a few reasons.
I don't want to clutter up the newbie game forum, and secondly I was scared of committing to the game. Once I post this thread its a commitment to begin my journey into the game world, and there is no turning back.

In a way it's like posting a fitness Instagram. It keeps you responsible and can also motivate you with positive and negative outside influence.

Let's start with a backstory, shall we?

Im 28 years old, and I live in the Northeast corner of the fine country of 'Merica. Im a Connecticut resident. There's about 3.5 million of us so that shouldn't be too specific.

I have OCD. This is a huge part of my life and will play a recurring role in a lot of posts. Im not talking about being obsessed about cleanliness or any of these things people talk about like yeah Im OCD about being organized. Nah.

Im clinically diagnosed by a therapist, OCD. We're talking about life altering, day ruining attacks. When I was younger I used to talk to myself and have a voice in my head. I got to a point where I said sorry for virtually everything, including saying sorry too much. The disease was ruining my life.

One day during sophmore year, I woke up out of bed, and due to my OCD, I had to jump off my bed and twist a certain way, and if I didn't do it right, I had to go back and do it again. Failed the first try, got back on for a second.
Second try, I smashed the ceiling dome light in the middle of the room with my left hand. I basically super mario'ed right into the motherfucker. I covered my hand and ran to the sink, I knew I fucked up but I didn't know how bad. I uncovered my hand, and after viewing the wound, I had to hold my hand over the sink and hold my head over the toilet and dry heave. I almost hurled.

I cut a 3 inch long gash in my index finger direct and straight to the bone. My skin was loose on my flesh, which was severed clean and opened up. I never knew how much muscle was actually on a finger until that day. My blood was pouring out of a vein with my heartbeat, never stopping but shooting further then lower in tune with my pulse. I screamed for my parents.

I took 16 stiches. 8 in the flesh and 8 in the skin, double looped. I came millimeters, I mean millimeters from severing my index finger tendon that runs over my knuckle. I was told I would need to go to physical therapy to re learn how to use my finger. It was immobile for sometime. I never took the therapy. The finger is not a big deal in my day to day life at this point aside from a gnarly long ass scar that I get to make up cool stories about because no one, absolutely no one knows the truth.

This was the turning point in my life with OCD. I decided not to let it control my entire existence. I ignored the urges, and they got less and less urgent... it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. At this point, OCD now affects me by not being able to let go of things and thoughts which are negative to me and my self esteem. It's not as bad as it was, and I'm still getting better with it, but it does haunt me.

Now to the women.

Shit man, before January of this year, I had a notch count of 5 at 27 years old, and 1 wasn't even a true finish. Between my sheltered life and my OCD, I made it out of highschool a kissless virgin. I kissed a girl in private school but that was so young I don't even count it. There were girls interested in me, and I was scared to talk to them. I was scared to kiss a girl that I knew was into me. I was a mess. My self confidence was shit. I over thought and over analyzed everything.

Landed in an LTR at 22. Moved in with the chick. Second bang, really first true one. OCD killed my first bang with a hot Puerto Rican. Dumped her. Felt like an old man at 22, was thinking, ok we moved in, whats next? Get married? No way. Not ready. Broke my heart to dump her but it was the best thing I ever did. I almost got buried there.

Landed a good job that gave me a career since I never went to college and was working dead end jobs. That job turned me into a man. I got to travel around the world, and to this day, I have been to 6 countries, just guessing off the top of my head. I honestly think its more. However, I never took advantage of these opportunities bang wise. I hooked up with a girl in Singapore once, but that was LTR oneitis again. It was a good experience though, almost movie like. I had a few more LTRish relationships, ending with one girl I legit fell in love with. My cousins best friend. I travelled during the relationship to singapore, posted a pic of my old singapore flame on Facebook during a "just friends meeting" which it really was, and passed up banging 3 chicks on that trip.

I came back to the states and she ignored me over that facebook picture. Super, duper regret. She bombed the fuck out of me, and I took it really hard. This was another pivotal life event for me. I was 24. I decided it was time to work out.

My height and weight have always been a sore spot for me. Im 5 foot 7 inch, no doubt due to my Puerto Rican mixed heritage. At 24 I was 135 lbs. Dainty. I started with P90X for a few months, got nowhere, and finally got over my anxiety of joining a gym and did it. I hit it hard, hard as fuck for 3 years. I gained 40 lbs at my heaviest, but I was surely a little chubby. I put massive amounts of weight on all my lifts. People who haven't seen me for years are shocked when we meet.

Sadly, a streak of bad luck hit me during that time. During those 3 years, between my inability to make the first move, and just pure bad luck, I managed to be completely sexless. Since this post is like 3 chapters long, I wont go into all the missed changes. I would say I screwed up or life took away about 7 potential bangs. I had one move to Korea. One get too drunk and throw up for 2 hours.... insane. I have a running joke that universe plots against my penis.
I moved back home at 24 for financial reasons. This also is NOT helping at all.

Fast forward to today. I've been in china on a business trip since Jan. I went back to the states for one week since then. First 4 months I worked 7 days a week for the most part. I convinced myself the english barrier was too large and the culture not well suited for fucking locally. I do work 55-70 hours every week, and it is a huge deal. But I did have small amounts of time to invest. I now take sundays off which helps.

We took a trip to macau to celebrate a milestone in the project before I went back to US for a week. I got a little drunk. I banged a filipina hooker. I didn't have time, I knew I was coming back, and fuck, 3.5 years of no sex will do crazy shit to you. My self esteem had dropped to all time lows. I actually HATED and AVOIDED women at this point. I fucking railed that bitch. Then I got hooked on hookers.
I fucked 2 more of them, 3 times each. Another Filipina (Im a sucker for them) and a hot ass Indonesian. Each one hotter than the last. I picked up the second ones phone number, and the thirds. I caught oneitis with the second one and she fucked with me. Thats when I discovered this forum. I forgot what google search brought me here. But I read and started reading and haven't stopped since. I tried game techniques on the third chick, just for fun. Now she's hooked on me.
I'm not condoning P4P here, I know its frowned upon and a bannable offense. I only mention it due to the relevance with my story. Anyone who has read this far has to agree, while I did overdo it slightly, it was completely justified. I needed to get back on the horse. I recently told the Indonesian chick I'm done paying for sex. I've got to work on me.

It's time for me to earn a China flag, and carry this momentum back to the USA and follow through.

Let me also say this, once I get past my initial anxiety with a woman, and it comes to kissing, and fucking, I am the fucking man. I have supreme confidence in my banging repertoire, I truly and honestly believe to a fault there are very, very few men who can rival my bedroom skills. This has been confirmed for me a few times. I don't care what you say or what you think. I am the fucking man. I don't consider it a good night unless the girl has come more than 3 times. Once I get the kiss, it's a wrap. If I can kiss a girl in isolation, the bang is right around the corner.

I need to apply this thinking in prebang.

Im going to start posting my approaches and experiences, which are now in China, and will then be in the philippines hopefully after this trip, and continue on to America. They are too long winded and I like to set a good story, I will clog up the players log thread and approach thread if I start posting there. This will also keep me motivated to keep going in my game.

It's time to change my life, before I die an old man with regrets.

I will post up a few of my encounters here that I have posted in other threads, and will continue to post here. 3 approaches a day will probably not happen with my job the way its setup right now, but I will throw shit up as it happens.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Copying from players log thread to here:
I feel like I had one in the bag here and screwed it up. Picked up a cute girl and her sister after approaching at a restaurant (she hit me with "hi" already after prolonged eye contact after walking by") so the opener was easy.

Here's how it went down.

Me: Hey
Her: we are comeback school
Her: i don't speak english?
Me: How long will you be in zhaoqing?
Her: Tomorrow
Me: You're leaving tomorrow?
Her: yes my school is in gaungzhou
Her: Iam come my friends school
Me: Oh. That's no fun. What are you doing tonight?
Her: With my F
Me: Are you going out somewhere? Maybe I can meet you (really need to delete maybe from my vocabulary)
Her: No.
Her: 跟好朋友聊天 Chat with friends
Me: Sounds boring. you should come meet me somewhere.
Her: no i have a BF
Her: i promise his
Me: Oh. Too bad.
Her: Iam goodril
Me: Just be a bad girl for tonight then and come out haha I won't tell

Then I decided to pull back a little to show I was going to be done with it and get her to worry this game might be over and act. I think this is where I fucked up. A better response would have been "if you were a really good girl you wouldn't still be talking to me" and see where that went. I feel like I kind of had her wondering to go out and then lost it.

me: I won't push you. Enjoy your night with your friends. Nice to meet you.
Her: 哈哈哈 笑死我了 Ha ha ha killing me
(Response sent before my I won't push you, it was positive, regret felt here)
Her: sorry
Her: hahahaha
Her: you are good boy (fuck!)
Me: Not really... I'm in the middle
Me: I'm also really bored my friend is leaving me tonight he go back to USA (grasping for straws since I shot myself in the foot)
Her: You life in china
me: no I'm working here for 6 months though

Pretty much it. Still a game newbie, felt a little uncomfortable pushing her but decided to do it since I really had nothing to lose. It was a little awkward at first. I def wouldn't have been able to pull this off in person so smoothly like I did in the beginning, just ain't used to that yet. I feel like I had her going more than I thought an I didn't want to push her too hard... Then I got my positive reaction after i pulled away (shit!!) and she saw the pull away and lost interest. Who knows maybe she wasn't into it but this girl was giving me loads of IOI, giggling incessantly while I was talking with her and getting her wechat. Walked her friends by me on the way out they all said hi. (Friends were cute too. Maybe I should ask for her friends contact info?) her having a boyfriend? The way she was reacting I never would have guessed it, thought I had this one in the bag. I think I lost it after pulling back.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Went to watch a car race at Guangzhou international circuit today. Figured it would be a good place to see some girls and get some approaches in while watching the race.

Primarily though, I was there for the cars. I absolutely love racing and every time I go to the track (quite often) I get upset I didn't go to college and pursue becoming a race engineer. Saw a couple white dudes out there tuning engines and managing and I get insanely jealous. Travel around the world and work as a team to kick ass on the track. I love the feeling the culture.

Long story short, my inner game faltered today. I'm a shorter guy at 5' 7" and it's really eating me up on the inside the last few years. I know there's nothing I can do about it. I always think about how different everything would be if I was just 5-6 inches taller. I've made progress in putting it behind me, but today it ate me alive.

The race series is Korean, and of course there were Korean girls modeling just like you see at the car shows. Some of these girls are auper hot but a lot of them are just good at puttin on makeup. But wow. These girls are tall man. I felt totally diminished next to these girls. I don't think I got any eye contact from any of them, even after they were walking around in normal clothes. I didn't pay an obvious amount of attention to them as they were being mobbed by Chinese dudes, but damn. These girls were easily 6 1, 6 2, and possibly even 6 3 in heels. I felt like a kid next to them. I'm decently built, not huge or anything, but I felt like I had nothing to offer these girls. That wrecked my inner game bad. Fucked up my mood and ended up going on no approaches. I didn't get mch eye contact throughout the day and I'm not sure I was even looking for it. I started to feel a little better after awhile, trying to rush it aside and pep back up. Passing through a hallway I caught long stare from a Chinese cutie, when I turned to follow I got blocked for not having proper badge access to the area. Shit.

I meandered around for awhile after the eve was over, it was borderline drizzly all day. Thought about approaching a set of two, wasn't getting any eye contact and I a got bitch vibe off 1 girl, the other one was cute though. Didn't get any IOIs from them, decided to pass. AA welling up inside again.

The racing was pretty much over except for a few smaller cup style cars, so I started heading towards the exit. My mood was kind of shit as I didn't do any approaches. I got very little eye contact but caught a few of them (including a starting grid Chinese model as she was walking by) looking. One solid eyefuck only today. I also somehow passed on a girl that returned my smile after some brief eye contact... Face was ok, after she passed I saw her great ass in booty shorts and regretted not jumping.

On the way out the last race was going on, and there's an extrance bridge over the track that cars drive in and out of on. It's a great spot to watch the race and it's right on the way out. Missed opportunity booty shorts was seen here. I posted up and watched the race unfold, and saw two potentials coming up the hill towards me in high heels.

Kept my attention on the track but watched them out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly, I felt a pinch. Damn. The hell was that? The girls are walking closer... They seem decent enough. This might be redemption.

Pinch again... This time followed by another. What the fuck?! I look down at my feet and it's covered in small ants and they proceed to tear my ass up. It doesn't hurt too bad but it itches like crazy. Girls are almost on me now. I step out of the ant hill and brich off as much as I can, I look up and they're looking at me, I smile, and manage to pull out a nihao. They smile back and nihao as well. Good eye contact, slight giggles. They keep going by me. Asses look pretty good. Both are solid 5.5-6. I decide to pursue and change my luck for today.

I meet them up on the bridge a little further up. Post up next to them, smile. Ask if they speak English... They speak to me back in Chinese. Fuck. ok, wechat has a translate function. I pull out the phone and ask them if they wechat so we can add each other... But alas, they don't have it. They talk to each other and the taller cuter one pulls out her phone and starts dailing. She gives me her number, and I give her a missed call. Nice. Kind of a ware because we can't talk, but it's my first Chinese number. I say thank you and they start to walk out. I try to walk back in, security guard who was there nearby during the whole incident doesn't let me back in. The fuck? I look back and the girls aren't far away. I decide to continue with them since homeboy ain't letting me in for whatever reason.

I go back after them and we continue to try to talk but we can't get anything across. I finally pull up google translate and tell them I don't know how to get back to my hotel from here. More Chinese follows, but this time I catch enough words to understand what they are asking. I show them my room key with hotel name on it. They say oh, and point to themselves like they stay there. My eyes light up. No way, my luck is never this good. They point to a moti and motion like they will come with me.


For those of you who don't know what a moti/modi however you spell it is, it's basically a small motorcycle taxi. Dudes wait around and drive people on the back just like a taxi, but on a moped. I never rode bitch to another man in my life and i didn plan to start.

I laugh and motion no with my hands... They laugh and point at the car nearby and driving motion with hands. I say yes.. They give me this motion which I take as I will pay, I say yes.
They start walking I follow.

At this point I start second guessing agreeing to pay, but I suppose it's the right deal since I'm refusing the first mode of transportation.

After 2-3 min of walking, we come to the street. More motis are rolling by and pull up. Great I think. The girls start talking and point to them again. I laugh and everyone starts laughing. Fuck it.

I hop the back and put my umbrella on my lap with one hand and hold onto homies shoulder on the other. Girls hop on another bike and we take off.

I smiled the whole way. It was pretty fun. Couple times I slid around a little but nothing wild. It felt good to have your wind in the hair. Girls pass my and wave us on. At this point I'm looking at tthem and it crosses my mind. These might be pros. They are decked out dressed up in heels at the track. It ain't smooth out there. I'm not paying tonight but I'm on a dry streak here and desperately hoping they aren't pros.

Finally we hit the hotel area and they drop us off. Girls get off and talk to the drivers. Wallet comes out and she pays. I try to but in and pay my guy but she refuses. This helps calms my pro worries, I've had a bit of experience and they would never pay.

So now I'm walking with this two girls back to the hotel and I'm feeling good. Both are in great shape, faces are decent but the bodies are on point. I'm like today might not be so bad after all. We arrive in front of the hotel.

They point to the hotel and then point to me. I'm like yeah this is it. "Ok". So they point for me to go and smile. This is when it dawns on me, they just live in the area they arent staying in this hotel. They are trying to leave. Fuck.

I point to them and point to the hotel, as if to say come inside. And she makes a motion with her hand like go upstairs to my room. I laugh. I fumbled here. Mind hits two different speeds.
She's asking if I want them to come up to my room, and her face isn't exactly implying like she's thrilled about it, but then again she doesn't seem upset.

If I say yes, they're gonna think I think they are pros.
But this is a perfect setup.

I decide that it's best to skip saying yes and offer lunch instead since I'm starving.

I tell her no, and then make an eating motion with my hand and point to them. They look confused. Break out google translate again.

I put in "what are you doing tonight? I'm alone here with nothing to do". They look confused. I re type "come for dinner or drinks tonight? Play dice (common game in china)" they look at me and say no. I give them a sad face, they laugh. I say ok, and I walk back to my hotel, alone and confused.

I don't know how, but I'm in my bed alone and still horny as shit. I thought this was going to go at least a little further than that.

Maybe I should have asked them to come up to my room, but if they didn't even want to hang out later, maybe I saved myself from offending them. Who knows, maybe they were game. Communication gap killed me here.

Starting to wonder if all this eye contact and wechat swapping is just curiosity I'm mistaking for interest. This other guy here for a rival company is taller, blonde hair and blue eyes and claims to be getting multiple ONS And they're coming up to him. I feel like I gotta have a shot here despite lacking those features but I start to wonder what's up
With me if he's getting bangs without even trying. Even his older, fatter coworker is killing some pretty hot ass. Shit is eatin my self confidence.

Gotta stay out of my old thought patterns. I have to keep my confidence up and shrug it off. If I can't take failure I won't get far with my approaches, I have to frame them differently and not let them eat at my confidence and start wondering what's wrong with me. That's what got me in this super dry streak to begin with.

Charge it to the game I guess.

I have a good approach from this night after this incident to write up later. Promising hot young 7. I also have a night out zhuhai city doing night game approaches I write up from notes as well too. Stay tuned in.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

You know, looking back at last night I shared a little bit too much in the first post. What's done is done at this point I suppose. I don't have much shame, and it provides at least a backdrop of who I am to anyone who reads it so they know why certain things are the way they are.

After the race incident I was pretty meh. Went up to the room, skipped lunch and my workout, took a nap.

Woke up, hit the shower. Thought about a workout, looked at the time.

8pm. Still no dinner. Yeah that ain't happening.

Went for dinner at the hotel restaurant, usually there's some action in there but tonight it was dead.
Afterwards, I decided I needed a haircut and set out to find a barber, and possibly a bottle of wine for logistics. I also have been drinking a small glass very other night or so. A bottle of red is a must have, just in case.
So set out right after dinner in search of a new hairstylist. I'm in a new area that I've been to before but not for an extended period. Don't know if you guys got your hair cut overseas before but it scares the crap out of me lol. I always feel like I'm gonna get chopped up.

So I start to wander. Chinese urban areas are pretty dense so there's a ton of salons around to choose from. I go through about 3-4 and they all seem pretty dead. My regular spot in my normal area is packed with young hotties, and I've pulled from there before. Not seeing anything like this here.
I continue to head down towards an area of town where I have seen a higher end salon before... I pass it up as it a sausage fest of gay dudes. A few stores down from there, I see an advertisement for wine, and a salon red/white/blue twirly thing. Two birds one stone? I decide to investigate.

The place is up a flight of stairs... I look inside and it's dead, and I don't see the wine shop. I move to turn around and leave, and catch a glimpse of a bottle. Ah fuck it, at least me check out the wine. I continue to go inside and round the corner. There's a guy sitting on a couch with a Chinese tea set, and a super cute girl gets up and says in perfect English "Hello". Fucking no way. She continues to speak in English, and I tell her I'm looking for a red that's not Shiraz, and she points me to a bottle of 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon, Australian. Says it's her bosses favorite. I tell her I'll take her word for it. Now, I'm eyeing the guy in the corner and he's watching me. I'm wondering if this is his wife but there seems to be a huge age gap... Then again, this is Asia. I want to hit on this girl so bad, but I don't know if she's property or not. She's coming off as way too bubbly with me, and I'll be damned if she's not super interested in me. Her face is cute as hell. She goes and grabs yet another dude from the back room for change, and now I'm totally thrown a curveball. I don't want to be stepping on toes in a place were you can disappear forever.
I get my change, the dude says bye, I shake hands, take a last look at the girl, and start to head out.

Fuck. Bad situation. Halfway down the the stairs I stop. I realize I still need a haircut, and it gives me an opportunity for her to come to the other side of the building where there are no dudes it seems like she's attached with. I go back upstairs, turn into the salon, and sure enough, she comes running in to help. As I'm throwing my cape on and getting ready for a head and neck massage (Chinese way of cutting hair in a salon) she's all over me again. This time I suggest for she gives me her wechat. I give her the phone and she adds herself.

Through the entire haircut she didn't leave. Good conversation, for being stuck in a chair wrapped up and not being able to make eye contact. I didn't get her to start qualifying herself, just small chit chat. I ask her age, she says guess.... I hate this game. It's a lose lose battle. I decide to go low and spit 22. Not low enough... 18.
I ask her if the haircut is good, she says I look handsome with a smile.

I pay again, and go say good bye to everyone. Cute girl follows me out and were in the corridor above the stairs and I pause. I see old dude on the couch in the wine shop eyein me from a gap in the window. I adjust accordingly.
I thank her for her help again, and she invites me to come over her shop and drink wine and tea, everyday if I want (this is like the third offer for that). I tell her yeah, but do you have any days off? She gives me a few days, one happens to be Tuesday. I say perfect, we should go out. This catches her off guard and she says "and do what?", she's looking real nervous. I suggest going out to eat some traditional Chinese food, but I don't want to scare the cat too much, so I close it with "well talk later about it". This seems to calm her nerves. Agrees, she looks like she is looking for a hug, I remember old dude, I start to head down the stairs. On the way down she says comes by the store again, I tell her with a smile "We'll see".

Feeling pretty good walking out. She doesn't have a rockin curvy body but her face is really cute and she's in great shape. Her interest seems high. I pull into a store to pick up some water, come out, and I notice it's her walking home right in front of me. I think for about a minute. Let it be? I wechat her a short message, looking back it was kind of creepy.
"Turn around".
Internet is amazing. Less than 30 seconds later she turns around, and is obviously a little shocked. I hold up my bag of water as evidence I'm not a creep. She seems settled.

Small chit chat ensues. She shows me where she lives, and I point directly across the steet to my hotel, and tell her that's where I'm staying. I pop a couple jokes, make her laugh, and cut her slightly short and tell her I gotta run, and to keep in touch. She offers me her hand, I take it and tell her well talk. I turn and leave.

Looking back, that was the perfect time to escalate link with a hug (in the west or Philippines, that's a kiss right there. Hell maybe even in china too but this one might have balked) but a hug, or at the least a lingering hand hold with sultry eye contact would have done better. I have to bridge the comfort building with some attraction and sexual tension. This girl is really attracted to my looks, I can tell that much, so maybe it's not as bad that I held off on kino, but truth be told, I was caught in the moment again and paralyzed.

I need to get over this fear of is it the right time, are people looking, should I do this, etc, and just do it. I get stuck like this on a kiss as well on first dates. This situation in china is a little different, PDAs with a westerner in a small towns/city may not be as acceptable as it would be in say Beijing, shenzen, or HK. But a lingering hug or shake is fair game and no excuse to pass.

Next time I see her, I will open with a hug, and try to escalate kino from there. I hope she's not a virgin.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Just walked past two not bad Chinese girls decked out in heels and dresses. Saw them from aile away. Decided to eye contact them, loosened up my posture, and try a smile. One of the girls noticed me and smiled back. Working on getting my presentation, swagger and smile on point. Also loosening up myself for today, not sure if any approaches will present themselves but if they do I'm already on a high note.

Old me started getting on my ass about not approaching them, and I probably should have, but I'm starting from so far back in the field here. I have to remember that I can't get into the habit of beating myself up over missed chances, it throws off my inner game. Unless she's throwing herself at me, getting myself a little warmed up for the day isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially since I'm just starting out.

Chalk em up to the game, if you're doing things right, in time, the opportunities will keep coming.

I need to apply this to my outcomes as well. I can't get on myself about not every girl. Of working out. It's not me. I may be short, but I'm well built and damn handsome, I've heard it enough to believe it. Even the tallest, hottest dudes in the world don't fuck every girl they meet.

Outcome independence. Do it for the game.

On the way home today I was thinking about where I could go for my 4 day mini vacation where game could work well. Options were:

Started wondering which place would be best for someone with no mandarin ability. Then it hit me.
Hong motherfuckin Kong. I went once for a day trip, and I was like dude I neeeed to come here and party. English is pretty well spoken there, lots of English speaking tourists (I'm not exactly looking for a tourist but pussy is pussy) and lots of good places to party I'm sure.

I think I will go for a 4 day Hong Kong experience. Maybe try to get a custom suit. Input appreciated.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Yeah Hong Kong is pretty dope, there's a lot more hot girls than in Guangzhou in my opinion. Also they're more down to be approached and give better eye contact. I got 2 shopkeeper girls who asked me to hang out, 1 was working in Levi's and one was working in a street stall.

Good job on that tea/wine girl!

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Quote: (05-18-2015 12:48 PM)edtf Wrote:  

Yeah Hong Kong is pretty dope, there's a lot more hot girls than in Guangzhou in my opinion. Also they're more down to be approached and give better eye contact. I got 2 shopkeeper girls who asked me to hang out, 1 was working in Levi's and one was working in a street stall.

Good job on that tea/wine girl!

Thanks dude. Did you have any luck with straight English in guangzhou? I'm out here with no mandarin at all an my 60+ hour work weeks don't allow time to learn.
EDIT: misread your post, your vote was for Hk. Got it now.

I hardly even have time to date.

Was talking to wine girl last night, built some comfort, hit a few language barriers but nothing too bad. Was going to invite her over for a drink after work, she hit me up saying she just finished work. I was texting her from the bed. I passed out and never responded. Fuck! Lol I was so damn tired from staying up late the night before making my original post. Will shoot for a meetup today after work and see how it goes.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Date went well. She was late, text me she wouldn't make it on time but offered a different day or a later time. I took the later time.

This girl is beautiful. Wow. Not much of a body but her face is absolutely stunning. The date went well, as I'm usually pretty good at buildin comfort, but kino was lacking. Made good eye contact, did some teasing. At the end of the date I felt that heaviness of the anticipation of the kiss come on, not good.

Even if I know the girl wants the kiss, I have a hard time delivering it. No issues telling her I like her or anything, but making the move for the kiss is so fuckin hard for me. Her posture at the goodbye wasn't conducive to make out, but as my job as the male to take the lead and fix it.

I freaked. Hugged and bounced. So disappointed with myself. I don't know if a She would have let me have it honestly, but I know it's always better to try try and get rejected than not try at all, but in the moment I was paralyzed. I thought she wouldn't want it, I'm gonna scare her off, she won't do it in public, my mother fukin hamster was going nuts.

I don't think I can fuck this girl. She's too much of a good girl and too sweet to pump and dump.
I don't know. I'm probably leaving this week, and I told her that on the date too. I would probably ruin her life for a little bit if I pump and dump her. She's too much of a good girl to ruin.

Ah fuck. Too late now.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

So today, hit her up again. Couple back and forths.

Shot her an invite to the room.

"Come over and finish this bottle of wine. You won't have to drink much it's almost done."

Got shut down on that.

We kept talking. I bring it up again.

"I'm going to have to finish this bottle by myself now and it's your fault. I'm gonna be drunk."

Got myself successfully ignored lol.
I guess we can call this a screening success? Booking my hotel for honk long tonight. And I'm drunk.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

You're putting in good work.

I used to be hard on myself every time I missed an opportunity in hindsight, whether due to anxiety or my social skills, etc.

Remember that it's a marathon, not a race.

My goal now is to have fun in every social interaction. Give random strangers (old women, random older homo, women who aren't my type, cashiers, etc. compliments. Make small talk. If someone's within six feet of you, give yourself permission to say something to them, even if it's just "hello" or "great weather, huh?" or "what are you eating, it smells so good," or "when's the next bus coming, I just moved here and the transport system is so confusing."

First work to get over your anxiety about talking to strangers. Then, start having fun with it. Once you're feeling more social, talk to more girls.

If you're not feeling up to approaching girls some day, just make small talk like that with people you're not attracted to.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Doing quite badly in Hong Kong. I feel like there is a lot of opportunity here, I mean tons, and I'm just not capitalizing on it. My AA has kicked into full gear.
Blew two opportunities to ask for a number in two days.

Half Spanish half Chinese waitress, chatted her up a bit, couldn't bring myself to go for the number.
Just went to the gym, was re racking after finishing my set, hot Chinese comes up and asks if I'm done. I say yeah, do you want to keep the weight on the bar?
She makes a face and says just leave me the bar.
I tell her ok, but you look like you could have done it. (She's got nice, thick sexy legs)
She says yeah but I'm lazy (I guess she thought I wanted her to re rack)
So as I'm putting away the weight, I tell her "you know I meant it looks like you could do the weight, not re rack it"
"Oh! How much weight were you doing?"
"Not much" at this point I was beginning to walk away, like an idiot because I was tired.
"What were you doing, deadlifting?" She was hooked. I don't know how it happened, but I just continued to walk away. I don't know how or why. I couldn't turn back around. Went on another level to finish my workout, thought about a re approach. Came back upstairs, ready to
Do it, she had moved from the deadlift platform. Fuck I thought oh well.

She pops up right next me unexpectedly. Too many people nearby, I bail out to refill water. She doing hip thrusters, lots of people next to her.

Bailed out. I was all psyched to do it where I thought she was I and it threw me off when my plan crumbled. I was worried other people would over hear and look at me.

Not a good update. Need to get my shit together out her me and man the fuck up.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Paradigm shift.

I'm a good looking dude, who's got a hotel room with a dope view, a sick ass job, funny, have a good body and a nice cock.

Going out to have fun tonight, with outcome independence and not regretting shit. Can't dwell on the past.

Argentinian beef steakhouse is first up in what will be a good night. Storms will make it easy to open as everyone will be more chill.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.


Well I guess no regrets but still a little bummed out. I thought I had two in the bag tonight and they both escaped. Motherfucker. Invested 4 hours, and they both passed screening. First one, I don't know what happened. Maybe I didn't escalate the kino fast enough, she bailed.

I got the number but that's not what were looking for.

Second girl I thought was all over me, like rubbing on my chest, conversation went sexual fast, friend wasn't cockblocking, it was a dream come true. She was not really attractive (5/10) but she was super skinny. Not really my type but some reason WB. I even got her to buy me a drink. Ran kino. She starts asking why some dude from Singapore she likes won't fuck her. She laid in bed with him almost naked 3 times and won't fuck. I gave her redpill advice and said find another dude, like the one that's sitting right here next to you. I thought this would be flawless. She says she doesn't doesn't do one night stands, I tell her "a gentleman sleeps with a lady at least twice" which was on the shirts of the bar staff and was a joke earlier in the night. She laughs hard.

She talks to her friend in Cantonese, walks away, and her friend tells me not to take it that hard but the girl isn't into western guys. Imagine my shock. I had taken my button down off and the girl was rubbing my chest, my kino was going unavoided, I got a drink bought for me. I invested about 2 hours cause I thought this was it. Nada.

At this point between girl one and two I had invested about 3.5 hours. It was 3ish am. I could have kept partying but maids day was on the plan for tomorrow. I couldn't bring myself to invest the energy again and start over with a new girl and I was a little pissed. I bailed out and went to bed.

At least I don't have regrets.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Read OP's posts, realized I have OCD.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Quote: (05-23-2015 11:14 PM)h3ltrsk3ltr Wrote:  

Read OP's posts, realized I have OCD.

Can't tell if serious orrrr...

Last night was truly an EPIC fail, both epic and fail. Maids day is a little crazy.

Met up with RVF member selambo, cool dude, and hit up wan chai for maids day. These girls are crazy. You have to watch out for the pros but they are pretty easy to tell apart from the maids. A lot of these maids are pretty busted. But you can find some winners in there, and they are not so few and far between but will take some work to spot.

So in my experience, a lot of these women want to fuck but they are scared to do it. I ran the most epic dance floor game ever after me and selambo split up, I have neverrrrr had so much success dancing. I was Killing it on the floor, and being the only one who keep up with the ladies was an awesome feeling.

Girl 1: Indonesian 22, 6 face with an 8 body. This girl was super shy at first. Got her on the floor, opened her ass right up. After 20 min she's kissing me on the dance floor, im feeling up all her fun spots, and she's grabbing my
Junk. This girl had me so turned on. I was grinding from behind and kissing neck and rubbing her pussy at the same time... She move my hand away but she never moved away. We made out like 4 times and she kept saying there's other girls in the bar and I'm so handsome why her. No matter how hard I tried, I coudlnt get this girl out of the bar. She left at 4.30 to go back home for work. If I tried to pull earlier maybe it would have been ok.

Girl 2: Indonesian, much older, 5 probably but with a nice body. Wearing a dress. Just walked up to her and started dancing with her. Moved slowly at first, started grinding her, and got handsy. Bought her a drink on the premise she would leave with me. Say the bartender hand her a "lucky" coupon with the drink, my suspicions were aroused.
I asked her "is it your day off?" "What time do you have to be back?" Easy screening questions. So she said yes, then wanted to
Dance some more. I kept pulling her dress up on he dance floor and rubbing her ass. Got her to feel my junk. She started trying to take my shirt off. And feeling on my chest. Went for the through the panties pussy rub, no resistance. Now I'm playing DJ scribbles with this woman's clit and I decide to go more aggressively for the pull. I grab her shoulders, and start steering her towards the exit. Hit the stairs out, she freezes. Totally not in the mood, I tell her "I'm leaving. You can either come with me and have fun or stay here." She looks at me, looks back at the bar, looks at me, and goes back inside. Fucking joke. I walk out.

By the time I've had two decent chicks rubbing on my dick, my rubbed on two pussies and almost fingered one, and made out mutiple times hot and heavy while grinding and feeling up tits. I dunno if anyone else here suffers, but I have a mean case of blueballs at this point. Usually that's game over, I can't keep that bad boy up. But I was totally semi and almost full on dancing so I had courage.

I post up outside and 3 filipinas come nearby for a smoke. They are 5,6,7 respectively. I start talking to the 7. Not in the mood for games I spit out "let me
Offer you guys a deal. Let's go to hotel room, I have a view and a bottle of wine. Lets not waste time." They laugh at me and say no. At this point I decided an knew I would get these girls back to my room. It was a challenge.

Her ass looks magnificent in these jeans she has on, her legs are about to bust out. She seems receptive. Indian guy walks by spitting game at the 6, in my head I'm laughing. I'm like dude, these are mine but I don't say it. They ask me why I'm not inside, I saw I'm cooling off from dancing. They don't believe me. I tell them I'm the best dancer in there, bar none. 6 takes me on for the challenge. I proceed to out dance her, but don't put get too handsy with her. I want that 7 bad. She says toilet and i lose her.

Now I'm really bout to go. Girl ditched me on the floor. On the way out, I spot the 7 going to the toilet. Ass is insane. I see her come out and roughly gauge where she goes. Target acquired.

I find the group sitting down and plop righ next to them. I look at the girl I was dancing with and shrug like "what happened" laughs, excuses. I say so am I good or what? She agrees. I grab all of them and drag them to the floor. 5 is going absolutely wild. I manage to keep up with her but she's throwing that ass all around hard. I'm doing my best to keep up and we start getting really close. I get denied for a kiss but she rubbing me hard, biting my stomach while winding low. I keep feeling her ass, grab her hips and lead her. I put her hand on my junk. She grabs. This move always works. I rub her pussy through her shorts. She puts her hand down my jeans and full on grabs my semi. We make out. This one is wild. She's got a decent body, face is not horrible but she's passing the boner test.

We walk back to the seating area. I'm likemlets get out of here looking at the 5. She says ok. I say where to? She says where ever. I say ok, my place. I lead. All 3 of the girls follow. No way.

We get outside and they smoke again. Random dude smoking starts hitting on my 7. I just post up and let it happen. These bitches are already comin with me so I just let nature sort it out. He gets discouraged. Poor guy, you were out from the start. I hail a cab. All 3 get in. Were off. Life is too good at this point. It would get worse.

Were in the room and I can't believe it. I don't know where to start. They laughing amongst hemswlves, playing music. One girl throws her self on my bed while I'm in the room but she's not my target. The 6. Looking back I should have made a move there. I go back to the main group and decide that if something is going to happen I need to start it. I caveman the 5 and pick her up and bring her to the room. Mad LMR. She wants it but is holding back. Can't get past it. She goes back to friends.


I go back. 6 is making plans to leave, 7 is eating my cookies out of the minibar. Bitch those aren't free. 6 leaves. 5 starts drinking, comes back and looks like she decided she wants to fuck. All over me. We go to the room, I hear 7 leave. Heavy makeout, going well. She wants to shower (we are sweaty). I undress her and bring her to the shower. I whip out great white and she starts sucking. Knock on the door, it's 7. I open the door dick swinging.. She giggles and walks by me. Should have made a move here, but my plan was to get fucking and pick up the 5 and bring her to the other room and fuck her in front of her friend and get it popping there.

Hop in the shower, finger bang her, she's soaking wet. Nice pussy, really a+ looking twat. Small saggy tits but not bad body. Pussy is great looking.

Move it to the bed, and here where the night went downhill. Couldn't stay hard. She gets annoyed. I flip her over an grind crotches. This works, I get hard. I'm running her clit with my junk. I'm there. She jerks me off while I open the condom, get it on, go in, soft again. Wrap city. She ones apeshit but. I'm not pretty enough, it's me, she actually slapped me. I love crazy. She's still cuddly with me but obviously mad. She asks for my number. I'm totally embarassed and my ego is shattered. This has happened to me 3-4 times before. OCD may be to blame, once I focus on not losing it, it's all I think about, and I lose it. It could also be 4-5 beers beforehand, and blueballs are still there.

I pay for taxi to leave.

Depression is heavy on me. What could have been one of the best nights of my life turns into an utter failure. I am so good in the sack, but so many obstacles to getting there. Damn it man. So, it truly was an epic failure of a night.

I'm embarassed to post this.

The 5 is messaging me very friendly and is willing to give it another try but it has to be subdays. I want to re fuck this girl so bad I will probably do it and I won't touch my dick until then lol. If I would have went raw I probably would have smashed. But with blueballs and std risk, I probably would have leaked and who knows what this girl is fucking.

What a fcking bitch last night was. No flag.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

I was going to say I felt like I read this before (but just noticed you're posting from the player's log). This last story sounds like a big accomplishment anyway...despite not banging any of the chicks. You got three girls back to your room and one naked in the shower. Remember how far you've come from where you used to be. Go forth and make more progress. I enjoy reading your logs and can't wait for some of the latest.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

So after making out with 3 girls on Sunday I picked up a sore throat. Sweet.

I'm with a new coworker here again in the mainland. Super awkward kid (34 years old) really aggravating lol. We were eating dinner and I message my hair salon girl. Hey.

She responds where are you? I tell her I'm back in town, just arrive. She tells me her birthday party is today, and invites me.

Damn. I was kind of feeling like shit and was planning on taking it easy and going to bed early. I tell her nah, probably not I have a little sore throat. I ask her where it is going to be just for shits and gigs.

It's the KTV attached to my hotel. I tell her ok, I'm gonna come by for a little bit.
Change from shorts to nice new Lacoste pants ($$$$) and aw at used to be a tight white v neck. (I've lost 20lbs here in 5 mos, probably 15 was fat still no abs wahhh).

I bring super awkward coworker along and we hit the KTV. I'm hoping he doesn't throw off my game. We get there the welcome is good. Three Chinese dudes and her, no guys clinging to her, I sit, she sits next to me. Legs crossed my way, leaning in. Body language is good.

Two more girls come in, cute but my bitch badder. Through the night we flirt, I start kino. During Chinese dice game i tease her, poke her ribs. Give her faces like "bullshit" we she makes a call.

During KTV tabes singing a love song and keeps making eye contact and singing at me. Lots of lingering eye contact that night. She keeps sitting next to me. Durin a selfie I casually throw my arm around her. Shits going swimmingly.

Me and my coworker hit out backstreet boys songs on KTV. I reach over and grab her hand during the song playfully (almost all BSB songs are appropriate for that lol).

I look at my watch (read) phone. It's 11pm. I got work early in the am. I gotta skiddoodle, and I drank a little more than I wanted. I start to make my goodbyes and I have coworker in tow, I'm thinking about how to transition to isolate this girl. I think about sending her a wechat message to come outside to the hall after I leave. She leads us out of the room anyways. I feel pre kiss anxiety building up. I follow her out while awkward co worked is shaking hands.

I spin her around in the hallway.
And kiss her awkwardly on the fucking cheek. I started to think about my sore throat, and I told her about it. Fucking OCD produces my anxiety. It seems to be getting easier though.

Coworker comes out into the hall. Opportunity over. She walks us clear out of the building and there's a Chinese dude smoking nearby. Awkward coworker is lingerining like a motherfucker. I place a more controlled kiss on her cheek this time. We leave. Then I do a real beta thing. I start to regret panic not kissing her and send her the following we chat messages:

Me: Come back outside so I can give you a real kiss for your birthday now that my friend has left. If you want it (tongue smiley ughhh)?.

Her: really?no thanks.You like fun

Me: I like fun?
Me: Ok. No problem. See you next time. It was fun thanks for invite us.

Her: that is all right
Her: I'm so dizzy head, drink

Me: Take it easy... Don't lose your stomach on your birthday! Drink water

Couple back and forths and were done.

I regret not kissing her, I regret sending the message more. It's eating me up all day today, it's affecting my work. This is my issue with OCD. I focus hard on my mistakes, which I make a lot of, I get into my own head and sart ruining my confidence. It also gets me agitated and upset and I car focus at work because I'm so mad at the stupid things I did yesterday and how I'm gonna blow another one.

Now I'm calm, cooler, and relaxed. It was a mistake. I will make more. She's still talking to me, let's see where it goes. I'm baby stepping my way through this OCD issue but I'm making progress. I need to get to a point where I don't obsess over my mistakes and preferably make less of them, and I can only do this by continuin to make mistakes and learning.

I'm also having a hard time figuring out mainlanders. I don't know if PDAs are acceptable or not and I keep getting stuck on first kiss on date. I don't know how far to push it, and I almost never have isolation. Not sure where I can find it. Anyways I'm sure I'll figure it out. This contributes to my anxiety. In HK it's more open and easy, here not so much.

I think i can see her again. Next time I have to go for that kiss at least and begin the ramp up to closing.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Side note: stuck on decision between Philippines or HK for two weeks.

HK really stole my heart this weekend. Lots of SE Asia girls, gorgeous city, amazing food. Great gym.

Lots of tall, rich, well built moneyed dudes here though. I still think I can hang, but competition here is rough. I'm no slob myself but noticeably shorter and less muscles than these dudes.

More things to do outside gaming. Pretty clean. I really want a custom suit. Metro system is great. Clubs/bars are poppington. Way safer. I really like the vibe of HK, right now it's favorite city in the world so far.

Or go for the unknown and try Philippines. The pussy paradise stories sound great, it's another stamp in my passport (I have a shit load of Chinese ones) and it's a new culture to see.

Less shit to do outside game. Food is notoriously bad (I've lost a lot of weight already) can't buy name brand things or quality food. I've been to places like this before and I enjoy them because they are a great experience.

Time to spend in either place would be about 2 weeks.

Selembao told me HK no doubt. I feel like I could kill it in the Phils and HK would be more challenging. Right now I'm undecided but leaning towards HK... I really, really like that city.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Haven't updated in awhile. Busy as hell at work.

Last Sunday recap:

Found a university nearby while out with some friends. I knew it was here but never though to look.

First time around was with a girl who I'm friends with at work. Good recon mission. Wasn't getting much eye contact for some reason. My coworker kept telling me they were looking last minute but I wasn't seeing it. Thought it a bit strange. We made a mental note to come back.

We came back the next day lol.

Went there with the intention of usin the gym, so we shot out around 2pm. I figured I was goin to find some hot chicks like the ones that were all over the place last time I went and ask them to show me the gym.

We roll up to the spot, hop out the taxi and walk onto campus. Not even 5 minutes and two cuties are walking towards us. I see the last minute eye contact and give them a nihao with a smile. Latter they walk by I hear them giggle. They were a little tall for me but still pretty damn cute. Little did I know these would be the two hottest girls I would encounter all afternoon. Campus was dead. It was so dead that I actually had to ask a dude where the gym was and found out it doesn't open until 8pm. China, it's weird.
As a side note, I have to stop taking warm up swings at good looking chicks and hit those. These warmups are costing me in regret.

So I shoot out to the town gym. It's fuckin brutally hot and humid. It's maybe 90 deg but like 90% rel humidity. I'm pouring sweat. I see a Chinese broad that's nice and has some ass, but he's talking and seems to be with some dudes. I end up near by her for dumbbell step ups since there is no squat rack. I start hogging the fan since I'm totally soaked and the only one not with my shirt off in the gym (couple mediocre but ripped Chinese dudes and a martial artist who was insanely ripped) and I look her and just say "hot" as an English test. She giggles. Girls my height but we body is so nice I want to give it a shot. I go to re rack some bitch ass 30 lb weights, somehow miss the rack and pinch my ring finger on the bar of the dumbbell and the angle iron of the rack. I didn't think much of it, it didn't seem so bad at the time. I pulled the weight back off and this time hit both the pads instead of missing one. Then I decide to look at my finger and see how bad I got myself.

To my surprise, my hand is gushing blood. Quite a bit. Fuck! I cup my other hand under my pinched finger and the blood begins to pool. I ran to the front desk and the chick sees all the blood and freaks. She gets on the intercom. The whole fucking gym pours out. lo and behold, hot booty chick speaks the best English and is trying to help me, while I'm bleeding like a bitch. Sofa king embarassing. Her and her 2 guy buddies walk go me to the clinic. I was scared shitless they were going to give me stitches. I really got myself pretty good after I inspected it slightly. I didn't want it to be this way... And it was my first time in this new gym anyways.

Finally after applying some pressure the bleeding stops. I'm super afraid I will need stitches. My three news friends walk me across the street to a clinic where I get an I done bath, some hydro pero and some brown cake shit. It gets wrapped up. It's not as deep as I though but it's pretty bad. Nonetheless it doesn't hurt, but I won't be doing and pulling excercises for awhile.

Let's fast forward to dinner.

We decide to hit the university for dinner and test our luck a but later in the day. We snag a bus over there and 2 yuan and 10 min later were at the ill foodie spot. Tons of street food. We grab some kebab style Chinese wraps, which I order with body language (I'm damn good). We make a scene. I catch some cute girls giving us eyes in a crowded eating area. These girls are probably 5s maybe 4s but tight bodies. Theres two. Bingo. I get my two kebabs and my boy is waiting for his so I initiate.

I walk over to the table, grab a stool, pull up and ask "can I sit here?" As I'm sitting down with a smile. Of course I can.

"A little, not good"
"Better than my Chinese" (never gets old)

My boy comes over and sits as if on cue. Perfect, he didn't make it awkward. He blows a little mystery out of the water by dropping the bomb on what we do (program industrial robots) but it's not that bad since it's a good convo starter. I rather drop bait, but I roll with it. These girls are giggling like crazy, typical. They recommend this area for food. Easy money.

"Sounds good, but we don't know our way around. You will have to show us."

They ask for wechat. I'm in there like swimwear.

I'm sweating like a fat kid in a pez factory. Southern china in summer is no joke, shit is humid. I suggest a venue change. They insist on treating us. Chinese are stubborn with this.... They don't make much but will not be denied as host. I give in, but with a money hook I discovered (not a western practice because if a bitch wants be buy some thing she can go right ahead but these girls earn nothing and my money is 6x as valuable as theirs it's a kind of dickhead thing not to try)

"OK, but next time is on us"
"But that means you have to come out with us again"

We hit a coffee shop. They dial up their other roomate, prolly to show us off.

Were sitting across from them. Not ideal but it allows me to make observations. I decide not to try digit ratio and save for isolation later, but I do notice both girls have very long ring fingers, and relatively short pinkies. One girl has a decent amount of arm hair (not disgusting, it's black and stands out). These girls are high T, which is a good sign for us. I already make the judgement these girls are DTF and it's just a matter of time. We give one of the girls and English name since she doesn't have
one. They mention they will travel after finals, invite us to their hometown.

One if their birthdays is Friday, we make plans for KTV. I try to get them to te LTV right behind my hotel for a logistics master plan but they won't bite, even with my offer to pay for her birthday. At about 9.30 we been hanging for 2 hours, I decide to wrap it up. We walk towards the bus stop. On the way there I notice tees girls have slamming bodies. Nothing overly large but nice curves and very feminine looking bodies. This one girl is like 4 10 and I can already imagine scooping her ass up and nailing her to the wall. As I'm lookin at her thinking this she asks me I I want to go to the movies with her. I tell her sure and she starts giggling, I laugh and throw me hand on her shoulder, then run it down her back. I tell her friend she's shy and she wants me to come to the movies. More giggling.

As we leave, in public, I hug all 3. This is unexpected for them and they love it.
I feel like a bith for not kissing but I'm not getting this vibe. These girls are into us but I don't think the make out is there, especially not in public. This is a small town, not a big city. I'm still feeling this out. Not sure if it's hurting me yet or not.

I'm gonna fuck the dogshit out of that tiny bitch.

Birthday girl from previous stor is still talking with me. I downloaded tantan (Chinese tinder) that shit is giving me quality leads, 3-4 already but at a 45 min driving distance it's weekend territory.

Pinay from failed threesome is all over me and wants to fuck, but is harping about spending time. Gonna give her the girlfriend for a day treatment, after if ailed to perform I want to revenge fuck her so bad. She ain't all that but she had a gorgeous pussy and ass. Girl works so hard, I'm gonna fuck her dirty and hard, then take her out for a nice meal, a glass of wine, then fuck her dirty and hard again.

I got a bad bitch on tan tan I played right. I'll post a log later, it's midnight. These events are a few days old already, work is slowing me down.

I have so many girls I'm talking to now it's startin to get a little hectic.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Attachment sums up this whole thread. But good shit in here for those willing to put in work.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

I recognize your ability to put in the work AND post on the thread.

Shows both Action and Accountability.

You're alright in my book.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

I did have ADHD when I was young but the points below has basically cured me

* Learn to meditate bro, it will help you control you mind instead of your mind controlling you! At least an hour a day...

* Don't forget to exercise as well, it's more powerful then any kind of medication a doctor can give you.

* Eat very healthy, wholemeal, fish, fruits & vegetables, you are what you eat where stuff like junk food and coffee just makes your mind go nuts.

You mind is like a rough ocean, these points above will help it stay calm!

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Tonight is one of the worst nights I've had in recent years.

When I get back to the states I think it's time to see a shrink about depression. I've been putting this off for a long time. I'll expand later on this.

Going to bed on the best party night in HK without going out.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.


+1 pinay flag on Sunday. Interesting story.

Girl is a 3-4/10 facially with an 7/10 body and a 9/10
Ass. I am quickly realizing my tastes here. I don't give nearly as much of a fuck about the far as th body. Maybe I'm gonna make butterfaces my new thing. I'm only saying this so people don't get the impression or feel like I'm going the impression I'm laying quality.

That being said, here's the story.

After swinging and missin in Hong Kong, one of the girls wanted my number still. So I gave it to her, after all, why the hell not right? I clearly establish another at bat in our first exchange, and she's game. I get sick that week, and postpone until this weekend.

So this weekend rolls around. I travel from mainland china to HK and rent a hotel room. I've invested entirely too much in this one broad. I'm afraid of not keeping my dick up again, so I stay in sat night and have a mental breakdown (see above post) over it. I had a self esteem crash. I'm seriously considering a T level test when I get back. Lots of wacky shit going on, but a big part my life is my love hate relationship with my job and right now I'm under a ton of work related stress. Anyway, I fucking cracked sat night.

I really wanted to revenge fuck this girl, and I had been no fap for 7 days and I really wanted to team this chick to make up for a no show. So I went bed sat morning, woke up early and hit the gym hard Sunday am. I tell shorty I'll be ready around 10-11am. I leave the gym at 10.30am to hit a shower and realize I didn't buy a bottle of wine. I head back down the escalators to hit the early morning wine spot. I start gettin messages from her. I will just post the log here:

Her: beep me tym so i know when to get up
Her: tired of waiting. Ughhh
Me: I'm buying wine right now and I'm going to take a shower
Her: tsk
Me:Are you ready to go now?
Me: I'm nearby to central but no shower yet. I can pick you up first then shower
Let's do this.
Her: ah go.take ur shower
Me: Come I will pick you up first. You can watch me shower... I'm almost in central anyways.
Her: awww
Her: gogogogo
Me: Serious. I'm going to look for mrt station now. I will tell you which one.
Her: then we will go in ur hotel for ur shower and out again for lunch??? duuuhhh
Her: u better go and have ur shower!
Her: come to mrt wen u can
Me: Don't be pushy.
Her: pushy? Ok fine. Wait me there now. I get my ass out here.
Deal or no????
At this point I already started going back to my hotel, and didn't check my phone. I see the above messages and sigh.
Me: Too late I'm already almost back to hotel. I will shower and come get you but if you demand one more thing or tell me what do one more time this whole thing is off. I'm treating you remember don't invite yourself to lunch. I decide when it's time. That's rude.
Me: I will shower and come we can go to lunch. Yes or no
Her: no. good day!
Her: spoiled my day! fcuk! cancellng evrythng for this freak'n hookup! fuck!!
Me:You spoiled it by being a brat. Don't bark at me and tell me what do, I'm the one paying for everything. You want a sucker go find another white guy who'll be your bitch.
Her: im not demanding u!! u gve me a choice so i tell u go and take shower first then uuuh!! well thnx!
Her: then go back again in bar and find ur slave to fuck ur bed!
Her: uuuhhhhhh!!!! i always wait dayoff!! but shiiittttt u made me irritated this day!!! out of mood! grrrr plz die!
15 min pass. Radio silence.
Her: jetlaggged!!!! ok sorry! were not lovers or frnds to have fight/argues like this.! ✌?️✌?sorry fir vulgar words
15 more minutes of silence.
Me: Ok. So I will ask again do you want to go come with me?
Me: I just finish my shower.
Her: ok
Me: Ok I'm dressing now. Are you hungry still?
Her: yeah but evrythng is up to u.. we can or we cant hve lunch thats totally fine
Me: Leaving in a few minutes. We can go to lunch.

Not sure if that's how frame is held or not, I feel like I overplayed it a little but damn she was getting pushy and she's for a fiery attitude. I had to find a way to keep her in check.
I gave in a little at the end but I didn't want her to be totally demoralized. I told her we could go out for lunch earlier but I didn't like how she picked the time and was dictating the schedule so I let her have it.

During lunch she was one her phone like crazy. We talked a little but I really just touched her a bunch, have her lingering fuck me / I want to fuck you eyes, and told her that being on her phone is rude. I even grabbed it at one point, but after being a dick earlier and knowing the pussy was mine, I let her ride a little. I had killed her attitude and I kind of didn't like it. She was totally submissive.

We had decent pizza and I fucked her 5 times, hard as fuck and good. I was so horny once we hit the room i just passionately made out with her and went animalistic. Heavy breathing, yak bing her clothes off, pinning her arms down pretty forcefully. She was super into it. I KILLED her pussy. She bled on the first fuck.

I have to thank userdagnasty for putting me on nofap. I had a stuffy at lunch I wanted to fuck so bad.

She was a freak. I grabbed her had and fucked her mouth during BJ, a little choking. I slapped her ass so hard she stop fucking me and turned around half laughing. I said ok, that one was a little hard. (I have totally removed sorry and maybe from my vocab with women).

I needed that shit. She was actually pretty fun to be around. I would beat again, pussy was gorgeous and what an ass. Lots of fun.

Hopefully I can keep the momentum moving. Got some Chinese mainlanders getting setup for this weekend. I went to a birthday party for the university girls, it was a total mess game wise. Big public space, lots of friends no isolation no alcohol. Back burner. Got some online dates to see, howl fully this is a running start.

Jetlagged's "Time to change my life" Thread.

Chat log from tantan to wechat game:

Me: Hey
Me: your English is pretty good.
Her: Not very good
Me: But not bad.
Me: I'm getting quite tired already.
Her: Why
Her: You have been working?
Her: Where do you live anyway
Me: San zao town in zhuhai
Me: We should meet next week. You look like fun.
Her: [chuckle smiley]

Time out. Not the reaction I wanted. If you haven't seen the chuckle smiley, its pretty funny but in this situation I didn't like it.

Me: Hahaha... You were supposed to say yes that sounds great
Her: Hahahaha ok...
Her: how I do look fun exactly.
Me: I saw a picture of a glass of wine and a cigar
Me: personally, I love red wine
Me: And I've never seen a woman smoke a cigar, ever.
Her: Well
Her: just learning from my friend
Me: So I will see how my work schedule is next week and I'll tell you the day. Weekends are better because I get out of work at 7pm and I'm quite dirty and hungry.
Her: What do u do
Me: I'm an international spy, working under cover in a huge hot factory with no air con
Her: am I know too much?
Her: you have to kill me now?
Her: I won't tell
Me: only if you can't keep a secret
Her: your secret is safe
Me: By the way, where do you live?
Her: (Chinese place)
This was on weds. Sat night I'm In HK and left my charger so I threw the phone on airplane mode to save time. Sat night I turn on my phone and get this:
Her: Wanna meet?
Her: spy
Me: Lol. I've been in HK with my phone off since I forgot my charger. I just turn it on. Heading back to china now... I think next Saturday sounds good.
Her: lol.
Her: sounds good.
Her: what will we do
Me: Saturday night. Wine bar. Although I don't know anything about zhuhai so I can't pick the place
Me: Maybe bar street somewhere... Something that's not too crazy loud where we can talk and sit next to each other.
(Fuck I just now realized I broke my maybe rule)
Her: Yep

Working on the girl I met on the ferry back for a Sunday day date. I have another girl from tantan I may try to work in too. Boat girl is a 7/10, spy girl is 6/10 I think but I bet most would rate 5/10.

I have a really good pic from Sunday I want to attach but file too large. Trying a work around

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