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The Joe Rogan thread

The Joe Rogan thread

AJ is just fat with the underlying muscle still being there. He is worth tens of millions - he can afford the best T and the best food. He can go carnivore on an exclusive Kobe steak diet.

PD Mangan at age 65:
[Image: P.D.-Mangan-Fountain-of-Youth-Formula.jpg]

Fat Keanu some time ago:

[Image: 18oa9h66kfu97jpg.jpg]

AJones has good genetics, but obviously he does not care enough to get fully in shape.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-06-2019 06:12 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

AJones has good genetics, but obviously he does not care enough to get fully in shape.

On the last podcast when Rogan pushed him on starting an exercise program he had a couple of BS excuses that we all come up with to avoid discipline. "Every time I start the phone rings"...

I've found the easiest thing to drop weight really quick is eat only one meal a day that is low carb, no sugar and is high in protein then also be active (minimal a decent walking speed) for 15-30min a day.

During the last podcast I was wondering what would happen if he had a heart attack on air because if it's anyone it's going to be him.

The Joe Rogan thread

Wouldn't put it past him, he'd do anything for the ratings [Image: wink.gif]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Joe Rogan thread

PD Mangan looks great at his age but he's gotta be doing some steroids, HGH etc. There's no way he's natural, looking like that at his age.

The Joe Rogan thread

Lol At people posting old pics of Jones and talking about how big he is. I have to seriously question the judgement of anyone who watches the man rally on about fistfighting and not see that there's some major embellishment going on at least there.

Yes, I know what he used to look like. To state the obvious, doesn't mean he can fight. Besides how out of shape he is, there's a huge difference between being a big guy and being a fighter, and I'd think anyone with a bit of common social acuity and especially street fighting experience could see the guy is all mouth.

This is the guy who lips off a bunch and causes a ruckus, telling everyone what a bad ass he is. Then swiftly goes down or backs down as soon as someone takes a swing on him.

Why does this even matter? Because the delusional/misleading way he talks about himself is not only obvious but highly suggestive of his true character.

I honestly find the biggest dents to his credibility to be the constant bragging and humble bragging statements about his fighting prowess and sexual history - it isn't tough to see the guy is full of it. It's like when you're at a campfire as a kid and there's that one guy who has a tall tale about all these fights he's been in and girls who sucked his dick. All descriptions are designed to make himself look like some kind of elite being and everyone knows it's likely none of it ever happened.

Only Jones doesn't seem to have grown out of it. I've got another adult friend who does this and while there are half truths you some of his stories about girls and fights, he'll blow it up times ten while telling people even if I was right there with him when it happened and know he's lying.

I remember a year ago listening to Jones' show when he referred to himself as 220 pounds (or whatever it was) of solid muscle. Said that with a complete straight face. If someone can't be honest with themselves and others about such trivial things, on air no less, it's tough to believe anything they say about more serious matters.

I actually believe there are half truths in a lot of the so called "conspiracies" he talks about, though I don't think the "evidence" (would be next to impossible to get real evidence on much of this stuff) for his version of it is ever quite as conclusive as some of you guys seem to suggest. It's more his character and presentation that makes him seem like a liar.

But listen to the way he talks even about his childhood or teenage years. Every girl wanted to slob his dick. He's a force of nature in street battles that probably only went on in his imagination. Every ancestor or relative of his was some kind of legend in some domain. Even then he supposedly was having all kinds of interactions with the powers that rule this world.

Oh, and of course, all his dreams have always been full on DMT trips, and thus he doesn't need to do DMT. After all, he's the chosen one.

This is half of what so funny about the guy to me. It's like a twelve great old kid constantly trying to impress everyone.

I thought it was hilarious how he told Joe on this interview that one of the reasons he's likes him is because he's always known Joe is one of the only other shows that's not controlled. A week ago he was ranting to everyone that Joe is controlled and making sjw moves like blowing up an old video where Joe was being "racist." Dude can't even keep the stories he tells himself straight.

He's an interesting character that'll go down in history no doubt, and he'd be a riot to drink with. But I don't buy a lot of this stuff for a second. I think it'd have been hilarious if Joe went ahead and let bravo choke him out. Of course, Alex knew that wasn't going to happen either because it would have spoiled the show, hence the macho theatrics. Joe also knew it'd kill the show which is why he kept saying don't do it.

I also think some of his recurring mannerisms and facial expressions are pretty indicative of drug use.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-07-2019 01:51 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

PD Mangan looks great at his age but he's gotta be doing some steroids, HGH etc. There's no way he's natural, looking like that at his age.

Nah - that is realistic. That pic must be post-workout, he doesn't look very big. There are natural lifters who keep that kind of muscle up to the mid 70s - all without juicing. And there are studies backing it up. Most people simply stop lifting, have a terrible diet that catches up to them. Mangan has a keto-mostly carnivore diet on top of good supplements and just 2 high-intensity workout days per week.

I think that he is 62, so it's all legit. 60 isn't that old nowadays if you know what to do and you do it.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-06-2019 06:58 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

During the last podcast I was wondering what would happen if he had a heart attack on air because if it's anyone it's going to be him.

Between the state of his body and the ranting, his blood pressure must be through the roof. Simulating heart attack would be the obvious way to take him out.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

The Joe Rogan thread

Let's be real here.

Alex Jones unleashed is like a meth-crazed chimpanzee.

I mean look at that thing.

He would bite Eddie's face right off.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-06-2019 01:06 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I suggest never ruling these barrel-chested sacks of ugly muscle out of contention. That core strength is not to be fucked with if they get a hold of you.

Normally once you've fought a couple of times in the streets you have learned to never rule anyone out, period [Image: smile.gif]

The Joe Rogan thread

The Alex Jones episode makes me want to go on a 4 week DMT/LSD/mushroom bender to peek behind the curtain (the most hardcore thing I’ve ever taken is Modafinil [Image: tard.gif] ). Alex Jones is either a complete maniac in a permanent psychosis, a master storyteller who’s making serious mint cooking up half-plausible stories, or he’s somehow accessing things he’s not supposed to. Either way, I realize I have a very impressionable mind after listening to AJ’s stream of (über)consciousness.

Nonetheless, entertaining as hell.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-09-2019 11:40 AM)Vienna Wrote:  

The Alex Jones episode makes me want to go on a 4 week DMT/LSD/mushroom bender to peek behind the curtain (the most hardcore thing I’ve ever taken is Modafinil [Image: tard.gif] ). Alex Jones is either a complete maniac in a permanent psychosis, a master storyteller who’s making serious mint cooking up half-plausible stories, or he’s somehow accessing things he’s not supposed to. Either way, I realize I have a very impressionable mind after listening to AJ’s stream of (über)consciousness.

Nonetheless, entertaining as hell.

I'll save you the hassle.

Alex Grey :
[Image: Alex_Grey_dia-de-los-muertos2-400x400.jpg]

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-06-2019 01:26 AM)Malone Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2019 07:49 PM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

For all you guys getting uppercut by the inter-dimensional aliens/elves stuff, I highly suggest reading some DMT trip reports from other people who have experienced similar mental activity. It sounds crazy, because it is, and also because it's not understood why the experiences are so common.

Here's a random report I plucked out:

Yes, here's another one. It's a collection of screen caps of some DMT board, analyzed in a "Christian" perspective. Very interesting stuff.

I was about to pull the trigger on a plane ticket to Peru to do some aya ceremonies but after reading through both of those I am utterly TERRIFIED of doing it. It seems pretty clear that doing so could completely ruin your life. I was expecting to read some Christian perspective from a guy who had never done it and gave the usual rant, but those are coming from people who directly experienced it.

I have definitely had some similar experiences. I've had sleep paralysis thousands of times and have seen a lot of the SAME ARCHETYPES as those stories. Such as the elves/jesters who look exactly the same as pictured and were described to a T of being in groups, having a dark sense of humor etc.. This also reminded me of a terrifying experience I had forgotten about the only time I smoked DMT. A malevolent fox spirit possessed me. It was laughing and mocking me. I could feel it flying around different parts of my body and it said it would be in me forever and I couldn't get it out. The rest of the trip was freaking out trying to get it out to no avail.

The Joe Rogan thread

In one of his latest podcasts with David Wallace he goes over climate change.

Here is a clip of the exchange between then and how climate change would effect areas around the world.

Got me really thinking how some of these areas are all affected by overpopulation. For heavens sake Bangladesh has a population of 167 million on an area that is almost as big as Florida (excluding city states Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world). So if these climate woes actually happen then where will these people go once when 2/3rds of Bangladesh is gone? Is it crazy that these places have so many people?

My biggest concern is the future conflict that will arise from these disasters. I know China and India (close neighbors and one of the biggest polluters in the world ) will not accept anyone. So these third world problems will come on the Wests shoulders. I mean the West can accept 10 million people (at most limits and I am being generous) but would not be able to handle 100 million people (and this would only be from Bangladesh).

And this got me thinking about the whole climate refugee problem liberals keep preaching that will occur. Why should we care? These people reproduce like rabbits and obviously don't care about tomorrow. So let them suffer. I know I am being cynical but truth hurts. I have seen a documentary on how a Bangladeshi person sold his kidney to pay for his daughter's dowry. Just because you can have kids doesn't mean you should if you cant afford them.

I praise China for the one child policy in order to keep their population under control. The west should be mass sterilizing a generation in these countries if they truly want to help them.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-11-2019 10:15 PM)for.petes.sake Wrote:  

In one of his latest podcasts with David Wallace he goes over climate change.

Here is a clip of the exchange between then and how climate change would effect areas around the world.

Got me really thinking how some of these areas are all affected by overpopulation. For heavens sake Bangladesh has a population of 167 million on an area that is almost as big as Florida (excluding city states Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world). So if these climate woes actually happen then where will these people go once when 2/3rds of Bangladesh is gone? Is it crazy that these places have so many people?

My biggest concern is the future conflict that will arise from these disasters. I know China and India (close neighbors and one of the biggest polluters in the world ) will not accept anyone. So these third world problems will come on the Wests shoulders. I mean the West can accept 10 million people (at most limits and I am being generous) but would not be able to handle 100 million people (and this would only be from Bangladesh).

And this got me thinking about the whole climate refugee problem liberals keep preaching that will occur. Why should we care? These people reproduce like rabbits and obviously don't care about tomorrow. So let them suffer. I know I am being cynical but truth hurts. I have seen a documentary on how a Bangladeshi person sold his kidney to pay for his daughter's dowry. Just because you can have kids doesn't mean you should if you cant afford them.

I praise China for the one child policy in order to keep their population under control. The west should be mass sterilizing a generation in these countries if they truly want to help them.

Why do they have to go anywhere? When the Dutch needed more land, they made it. Same with Singapore. Is it any great feat in 2019 to create a dyke and canal system and get some of their vulnerable infrastructure above the mud?

The idea that single nations or regions need to be responsible for other peoples lack of foresight or corrupted building programs is crazy. If Bangladeshis are worried about their wet/dry seasons, figure out a way to overcome them. But I guess they first need to kick the stupid religion and caste system that keep them in the stone age, then get the balls to string up their politicians who enslave the place.

The Joe Rogan thread

So according to this guy's vid, the entire Joe Rogan Experience is a corporate/intel op and apparently so is RVF and most of the manosphere... he goes pretty deep, putting aside two hours to watch the whole thing is advised!


The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-11-2019 10:15 PM)for.petes.sake Wrote:  

In one of his latest podcasts with David Wallace he goes over climate change.

Here is a clip of the exchange between then and how climate change would effect areas around the world.

Got me really thinking how some of these areas are all affected by overpopulation. For heavens sake Bangladesh has a population of 167 million on an area that is almost as big as Florida (excluding city states Bangladesh has the highest population density in the world). So if these climate woes actually happen then where will these people go once when 2/3rds of Bangladesh is gone? Is it crazy that these places have so many people?

My biggest concern is the future conflict that will arise from these disasters. I know China and India (close neighbors and one of the biggest polluters in the world ) will not accept anyone. So these third world problems will come on the Wests shoulders. I mean the West can accept 10 million people (at most limits and I am being generous) but would not be able to handle 100 million people (and this would only be from Bangladesh).

And this got me thinking about the whole climate refugee problem liberals keep preaching that will occur. Why should we care? These people reproduce like rabbits and obviously don't care about tomorrow. So let them suffer. I know I am being cynical but truth hurts. I have seen a documentary on how a Bangladeshi person sold his kidney to pay for his daughter's dowry. Just because you can have kids doesn't mean you should if you cant afford them.

I praise China for the one child policy in order to keep their population under control. The west should be mass sterilizing a generation in these countries if they truly want to help them.

[Image: 55d3dc9587176902eef7a2414e4b0c42.png]

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-12-2019 06:41 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

So according to this guy's vid, the entire Joe Rogan Experience is a corporate/intel op and apparently so is RVF and most of the manosphere... he goes pretty deep, putting aside two hours to watch the whole thing is advised!

Joe has changed a bit over the past six years. Yet so has his life's circumstances.
Either way.
Best not to put females, celebrities, politicians or any walking meat-bag on a pedestal at the end of the day.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-12-2019 06:41 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

So according to this guy's vid, the entire Joe Rogan Experience is a corporate/intel op and apparently so is RVF and most of the manosphere... he goes pretty deep, putting aside two hours to watch the whole thing is advised!

According to some the entire internet is a corporate/ intel op.

Reasons why the manosphere probably isn't:
1. Name a guy other than Joe Rogan who we could broadly call a part of the manosphere who has gotten a positive media reception
2. Immensely fragmented with a plethora of different messages/ factions
3. No overall leader, no charismatic leader
4. Very small viewership, generally speaking
5. Many in the community de-platformed, or soon to be de-platformed, see: Roosh
6. Anti-Soy
7. Anti-globalist
8. Anti-big tech (at this point)
9. Pro-masculine. Is there anything more diametrically opposed to corporate america and the military-industrial complex?
10. Becoming noticeably more pro-religion and traditionalist/ reactionary by the day
11. Anti-Feminist
12. Many in the movement are anti-consumerist
13. Not PC.
14. Finally I would posit that people in the manosphere are pro-truth, which is something truly dangerous these days.

If someone can bear listening to a 2+ hour podcast without diversion they are probably more intelligent than your average NPC, and thus aren't the target of the elites who are looking for people to easily influence.

The Joe Rogan thread

I tried listening to this on my way into work this morning.


I enjoy some client science debate but this guy sounds like he is promoting that Hollywood movie about "all cool CGI disasters hit in the same day!".

"Six major catastrophes in ONE PLACE!!!!!"

Rogan: "Like what?"

Climatebro: "Uh hurricanes, floods, cyclones, Godzilla, bugs, plague"

Also, "Ive been studying up on reddit about climate science"


The Joe Rogan thread

This one is good:


The Joe Rogan thread

Russell Peters is fucking funny.
We don't get indians like him here.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-04-2019 05:03 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2019 03:53 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2019 03:11 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

Been listening to the Alex Jones one today. Never really listened to Alex Jones before. High energy crazy mofo

Upon further listen, this occurred to me. What if we wake up one day and Alex Jones is right?

Can you think of a single case where he's been wrong?
Do you really think Sandy Hook was a staged event with "crisis actors?"

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-17-2019 12:23 PM)Scorpio Rising Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2019 05:03 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2019 03:53 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2019 03:11 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

Been listening to the Alex Jones one today. Never really listened to Alex Jones before. High energy crazy mofo

Upon further listen, this occurred to me. What if we wake up one day and Alex Jones is right?

Can you think of a single case where he's been wrong?
Do you really think Sandy Hook was a staged event with "crisis actors?"

You don't deserve a response, ankle biter. But I will provide one for the edification of others.

AJ merely read the initial reports that were coming out; he discussed the fact that some people thought it was crisis actors. He never claimed that it was a staged event, and since more information has come out he has concluded that it was a real event.

Though as I recall, there were some crisis actors interviewing with the media; same as with this Mosque shooting. They seem to show up even when the events are real, presumably so that the news stations can get the precise quotes they want.

Now crawl back into your little hole, disinformation shill. Nobody likes you or your kind.

The Joe Rogan thread

I personally lean prettying heavily towards Rogan being a shill. Most of the big time psychedelic pushers are.

The Joe Rogan thread

Quote: (03-17-2019 02:49 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

I personally lean prettying heavily towards Rogan being a shill. Most of the big time psychedelic pushers are.

Rogan is a total shill, I was listening to the video above with Lennox Lewis and Peters and there were two whoppers from Rogan after Lennox raised the subject of conspiracies:

1- Rogan unequivocally states that there is no concerted effort of population control by the elites. Lennox mentioned China's one child policy.

2- Rogan is instead shilling hard for the "Russia hacked the elections" hoaxpiracy.

here's the segment:

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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