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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Trump is so deep in Hillary's head when he suggested she run she actually fell over and hurt herself.

The Hillary Clinton thread

That's absolutely amazing to hear:


I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (10-21-2017 11:26 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DMtHvroVAAEwzy9?format=jpg&name=large]



Enough of this. Lock the Hag up.

The Hillary Clinton thread

A year ago she was supposed to win the presidency in a landslide. Now she's signing books between 64 packs of toilet paper and 5 gallon tubs of ketchup.

[Image: DLvPw2H.jpg]

Her supporters in line look exactly the way you'd expect.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Reading the coffee grinds here, but it appears Panetta saw the writing on the wall and is trying to ingratiate himself to Trump.

Panetta: Intelligence Committee Needs to Look into Clinton/DNC Dossier Payment


Former CIA Director Leon Panetta said that the Senate Intelligence Committee is going to have to look into the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for funding the controversial Trump dossier during an interview on Thursday.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Panetta how it was possible that neither “the chair of the DNC and the Clinton campaign” knew about payments for the dossier.

“Well, it’s obviously something that the Intelligence Committee is going to have to look at,” Panetta said. “You know, knowing presidential campaigns, they’re big operations and somehow the left hand may not know what the right hand is doing. And that could be the case here.”

Panetta continued, “I really do think that the committee is going to have to get into this, determine just exactly what happened. Who knew what and when?”

Blitzer followed up by asking Panetta why Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias didn’t tell Clinton campaign chair, John Podesta, they had paid for the dossier.

Elias was the lawyer was represented the Clinton campaign and DNC, during the election and is alleged to have paid Fusion GPS for the Trump dossier.

“Well, it certainly makes the situation very awkward,” Panetta said. “If you’re testifying and saying you have no knowledge, and the attorney sitting next to you is one of those that knew what was involved here, I think it does raise an issue that the committee is going to have to look at and determine just exactly who knew what.”

I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: DNKFemgW0AAVuhg.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (10-23-2017 02:09 PM)MOVSM Wrote:  

That's absolutely amazing to hear:


i would question what they are actually saying - you cant tell. also, that is the fake assange account. i know i know, it says 'real'...crazy world we're living in these days.

anyway, i would be just as happy as anyone if this video were real.

The Hillary Clinton thread



[url=]Gowdy: Hillary Clinton Potentially Laundered Money Through a Law Firm to Avoid Transparency Laws

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) discussed the opposition research conducted on President Donald Trump in the so-called Russian dossier.

Gowdy said he was interested in looking into if the Hillary Clinton campaign attempted to “launder all of this through a law firm” to avoid transparency laws.

Gowdy said, “I’m not an election law expert, but the good news is you don’t have to be too understated the absurdity believing you can just launder all of your campaign money by just hiring a law firm. Imagine if you and I were running for Congress, and we just hired a law firm and said ‘Hey, you go to all the opposition, you go buy all the television, you go buy all the bumper stickers, you go higher all the experts, and we will launder all of this through a law firm. I can’t think of anything that defeats the purpose of transparency laws more than that.”

He continued, “I am interested in that, and I am also interested in sharing some memory tricks with folks at the DNC because no one can remember who paid 10 million dollars to a law firm to do oppo research. I find that stunning. $10 million and no one can remember who authorized it, who approved it. So you’ve got two issues, a memory issue and then the lack of transparency by laundering money through a law firm.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

Did Bannon get an H1B off of fivr to make that transcript? Too/to? Higher instead of "hire"?

Come on Breitbart...

The Hillary Clinton thread


Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Hillary Clinton thread


Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I saw that ABC article last night.

Am I missing something or is she clearly admitting to colluding with Russia? I actually read the article (God bless my soul) and it turns out she wasn't colluding - she was just paying for opposition research, which is totally cool and legal. But it's collusion if Trump is in the same room as a Russian. Or something...

The Hillary Clinton thread


[Image: 5GaKIgp.gif]

Edit: it’s not happening. The article is from last year.

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: DNuA2J6U8AEHD2h.jpg:small]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Jimmy Dore savages the Hag.

Comedy Gold! [Image: banana.gif]


The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-06-2017 09:56 AM)Traktor Wrote:  

Jimmy Dore savages the Hag.

Comedy Gold! [Image: banana.gif]

Haha there's no way this is actually real. One hell of an editing job.

Also Dore is a Bernie Bro Commie Cuck who goes on Young Turks all the time. The enemy of your enemy is your friend, I suppose.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The Hillary Clinton thread

Via PrisonPlanet: "Presented without comment"
[Image: DOgk6aTXUAAMo4-.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

This video cracks me up. The wreck called hillary Clinton. Even funnier if you know the original song, "the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".

The Hillary Clinton thread

It's one of my favorite songs! I also remember the excellent adaptation, "The Wreck of the Beta Cuckold" that was featured on Heartiste a few years ago. I hope this one lives up to both...

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

The Hillary Clinton thread




The Hillary Clinton thread

So, the new theory I heard is that the "leg injury" she had 2 months ago is just a coverup for the ankle monitor bracelet she has to wear ? (like a prisoner on parole)

[Image: Hillary-boot-TW.jpg]

Man...if that's true....

[Image: tumblr_lmbp7k2pVi1qdg0u3.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-24-2017 05:11 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  




The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (11-24-2017 06:48 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  



Poor Nick... [Image: icon_lol.gif]
[Image: giphy.webp]

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: E4lcqCtvLX4HpL0stOYpG-sys9JXFsvJHfdLbDCL...37075e83a5]

The Hillary Clinton thread

God bless my sister for posting this story. Another one dead:

US Surgeon, Who Exposed Clinton Foundation Corruption In Haiti, Found Dead

I told her she's a conspiracy theorist and must not understand how common it is to be stabbed to death in your upper east side apartment bathroom with no apparent motive.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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