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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Oh, fuck.

I've recently posted two articles from the Toronto Star that have suggested to me that the tide may be turning. This third article is an even stronger suggestion. If an a very liberal rag is publishing this type of news even before the name Burns Strider shows up in a search of every thread on RVF, does that mean that even Hillary's normal supporters know that she is going down?

This article was written by NY Times writers and I'm guessing that the Star publication is a reprint.


Hillary Clinton chose to shield a top adviser accused of sexual harassment in 2008

Clinton rejected her campaign manager’s recommendation to fire the adviser, Burns Strider, after he was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a young subordinate.

WASHINGTON—A senior adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign who was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a young subordinate was kept on the campaign at Clinton’s request, according to four people familiar with what took place.

Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Clinton did not. Instead, Strider was docked several weeks’ pay and ordered to undergo counselling, and the young woman was moved to a new job.

Strider, who was Clinton’s faith adviser, a co-founder of the American Values Network, and sent the candidate Scripture readings every morning for months during the campaign, was hired five years later to lead an independent group that supported Clinton’s 2016 candidacy, Correct the Record, which was created by a close Clinton ally, David Brock.

He was fired after several months for workplace issues, including allegations that he harassed a young female aide, according to three people close to Correct the Record’s management.

Sounds like more than just a wild, speculative rumor based on a mere anonymous accusation.


Strider did not respond to an email seeking comment.

A spokesman for Clinton provided a statement from Utrecht, Kleinfeld, Fiori, Partners, the law firm that had represented the campaign in 2008 and has been involved on sexual harassment issues.

“To ensure a safe working environment, the campaign had a process to address complaints of misconduct or harassment. When matters arose, they were reviewed in accordance with these policies, and appropriate action was taken,” the statement said. “This complaint was no exception.”

The woman’s experience and the reaction to it have not been previously reported. Until now, former Clinton associates were unwilling to discuss the events for publication.

But that changed in the wake of the #MeToo movement, in which dozens of men across the country and across different industries, have been fired or suspended for sexual misconduct.

Or maybe they know Hillary is going to jail and they are done hedging their bets.


This account was based on interviews with eight former campaign officials and associates of Clinton.

The NY Times and the Toronto Star are a lot of things, but I doubt either would claim eight sources when there were in fact fewer.


They said the campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, and other senior campaign officials discussed the situation involving Strider and Clinton’s response at the time. Some of them were troubled that he was allowed to remain on the campaign.

The complaint against Strider was made by a 30-year-old woman who shared an office with him. She told a campaign official that Strider had rubbed her shoulders inappropriately, kissed her on the forehead and sent her a string of suggestive emails, including at least one during the night, according to three former campaign officials familiar with what took place.

The complaint was taken to Doyle, who approached Clinton and urged that Strider, who was married at the time, be fired, according to the officials familiar with what took place. Clinton said she did not want to, and instead, he remained on her staff.

The woman who made the accusation against Strider in 2008 has not spoken publicly about it. She, like most campaign staffers, signed a nondisclosure agreement that barred employees from publicly discussing internal dynamics on the campaign, according to two people with direct knowledge of the contract. Reached by a reporter, she declined to comment.

Solis Doyle also declined to comment.

Clinton’s candidacy has been cited as an inspiration for the #MeToo movement, but she has not played a visible role in it. After several Hollywood actresses told The Times and the New Yorker that Harvey Weinstein, a longtime friend and donor to the Clintons, had harassed or assaulted them, Clinton spoke out against his behaviour, saying in a statement that she was “shocked and appalled by the revelations.”

I think they call this irony.


Weeks later, actress Lena Dunham, one of Clinton’s most visible celebrity supporters in her 2016 presidential bid, told The Times that she warned two Clinton campaign aides against associating with Weinstein. “I just want you to know that Harvey’s a rapist, and this is going to come out at some point,” Dunham said she told the campaign.

Definitely a visible Clinton supporter. You can see her largess from outer space.


Nick Merrill, the communications director for Clinton, said at the time Dunham spoke publicly that she was mistaken. “As to claims about a warning, that’s something staff wouldn’t forget,” he said.

Any predictions on what is going to be going down in the next 4 weeks?

I'm the King of Beijing!

The Hillary Clinton thread

16 hours later... and her war room of feminists and soy-latte chugging omega male PR workers came up with this ridiculously stupid (and totally false) response, via tweet.

[Image: T7Vgq1u.png]

Who I am is just the habit of what I always was, and who I'll be is the result

The Hillary Clinton thread

Just another warning shot across Hillary's bow telling her to shut up, avoid the cameras and quietly enjoy the fruits of her corruption until she dies.

People in her position have to be constantly reminded of this. Celebrity status is like any of the other drugs they routinely enjoy and it's hard for them to quit it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I cannot believe I am the first person to post this. It must be somewhere else too.

She looks like a witch. She has the cackle down.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (01-27-2018 01:08 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I cannot believe I am the first person to post this. It must be somewhere else too.

She looks like a witch. She has the cackle down.

James Woods tweeted this about HRC:

The Hillary Clinton thread



Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

She would kill us all without a second thought if she was leader of this country. What a medusa.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The Hillary Clinton thread

Sick Hillary can’t walk down a flight of stairs;

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-12-2018 06:45 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Sick Hillary can’t walk down a flight of stairs;

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Is that really Hillzy?

Doesn't look fat enough.

I'm the King of Beijing!

The Hillary Clinton thread

I'd say she's drunk off her ass. She's known for drinking a lot. That's not a direct health issue per se, but it is bad for your health, and if you have known existing health problems, and are old, it's a real bad idea.

I saw a link somewhere this morning predicting that Hillary will be the Dem candidate again in 2020. I don't see how her health will allow it. Even if she is delusional and thinks she should be the Dem candidate, I don't think the party apparatus and the donors will support her.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-12-2018 08:26 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

I'd say she's drunk off her ass. She's known for drinking a lot. That's not a direct health issue per se, but it is bad for your health, and if you have known existing health problems, and are old, it's a real bad idea.

I saw a link somewhere this morning predicting that Hillary will be the Dem candidate again in 2020. I don't see how her health will allow it. Even if she is delusional and thinks she should be the Dem candidate, I don't think the party apparatus and the donors will support her.

[Image: d3b0d7ba8d384bd9fb18034e7a767307a5955770...d7a7bb.jpg]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-12-2018 06:45 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Remember it well. Any question of Hillary's heath was sexist, inappropriate, and uncalled for according to the media. Then the next segment they were talking about how bad Trump's health was including some reporters and pundits saying it disqualified him to run.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:34 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 06:45 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Remember it well. Any question of Hillary's heath was sexist, inappropriate, and uncalled for according to the media. Then the next segment they were talking about how bad Trump's health was including some reporters and pundits saying it disqualified him to run.

They are still calling Mike Cernovich a conspiracy theorist for reporting on it.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

The Hillary Clinton thread

I’d say she was drunk. During this same India trip she was giving a talk to the street shitters and doubling down hard on deplorables.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Cause that worked so well for her the last time. [Image: lol.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:59 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:34 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 06:45 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Remember it well. Any question of Hillary's heath was sexist, inappropriate, and uncalled for according to the media. Then the next segment they were talking about how bad Trump's health was including some reporters and pundits saying it disqualified him to run.

They are still calling Mike Cernovich a conspiracy theorist for reporting on it.

That's because Mike Cerno has consistently proven himself to be a conspiracy theorist by consistently reporting on conspiracy theories.

I'm the King of Beijing!

The Hillary Clinton thread

It's only a theory if you are theorizing.

For example, circa 2012 it was NOT a conspiracy "theory" for myself or quite a lot of dudes with military backgrounda to say that the US government had an agenda to invade Syria. We knew.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Is she wearing a boot to hide her house-arrest anklet or are her ankles really that fat?

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 08:34 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

Is she wearing a boot to hide her house-arrest anklet or are her ankles really that fat?

Exhibit A, your honour..

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 02:51 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:59 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:34 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 06:45 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Remember it well. Any question of Hillary's heath was sexist, inappropriate, and uncalled for according to the media. Then the next segment they were talking about how bad Trump's health was including some reporters and pundits saying it disqualified him to run.

They are still calling Mike Cernovich a conspiracy theorist for reporting on it.

That's because Mike Cerno has consistently proven himself to be a conspiracy theorist by consistently reporting on conspiracy theories.

Cernovich on the whole has been a positive contributor to society/men (love the pdfs someone put together of his forum posts for example) but his punditry is weak.

He follows the standard alt-lite model of railing against Jewish influence by way of euphemism, but aggressively enforcing the taboo against using the word "Jew" to describe the perpetrators of any given scheme.

The alt-lite has gotten so aggressive with their shilling (probably being paid, there's little income to twitter posting as far as I'm aware) that they are scoring massive own-goals left and right.

Cernovich, for example, is posting dozens of videos of Louis Farrakhan, a master propagandist (and if I was black I could very well see myself buying what he is selling.)

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 02:51 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:59 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 10:34 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2018 06:45 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Remember during the campaign the MSM said discussing Hillary’s health was not allowed?

Remember it well. Any question of Hillary's heath was sexist, inappropriate, and uncalled for according to the media. Then the next segment they were talking about how bad Trump's health was including some reporters and pundits saying it disqualified him to run.

They are still calling Mike Cernovich a conspiracy theorist for reporting on it.

That's because Mike Cerno has consistently proven himself to be a conspiracy theorist by consistently reporting on conspiracy theories.

Stop repeating fake news please. Post a proof or don't post at all. Pretty much everything Cerno has reported has been accurate.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 09:12 AM)Bienvenuto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-13-2018 08:34 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

Is she wearing a boot to hide her house-arrest anklet or are her ankles really that fat?

Exhibit A, your honour..

Exhibit B...

The Hillary Clinton thread

We dodged the biggest bullet of our lifetime

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

The Hillary Clinton thread

How on earth is this thread still going ?

The election was over 1 year and half ago.

US presidential loser candidates usually are forgotten within weeks after the election. Without looking it up online, (off the top of your head) can anyone remember the names of the 2 different candidates Obama was up against in the elections of 2008 and then in 2012 ?
Or the candidate Bush was up against in the election of 2004 ?

Most people won't remember....but it seems no one can forget and get over the evil witch of the east.

Quote: (02-09-2018 12:39 PM)rpg Wrote:  

She would kill us all without a second thought if she was leader of this country.
What a medusa.

Even if you cut its head off, it's still not dead.

[Image: tumblr_m723us8u1F1qdezf9o1_500.gif]

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