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Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Jameis Winston’s Rape Accuser Tells All In Sundance Documentary ‘The Hunting Ground’


Erica Kinsman, who accused the Heisman Trophy-winning Florida State quarterback of a brutal sexual assault, opens up about her ordeal in filmmaker Kirby Dick’s harrowing doc.

It was one of the most thrilling finishes in college football history.

On January 6, 2014, down by 4 points with 17 seconds left in the game, redshirt freshman quarterback Jameis Winston, who weeks earlier had become the youngest Heisman Trophy winner ever, executed a beautiful 2-yard play-action pass over the middle to receiver Kelvin Benjamin for the game-winning touchdown, thus capping off a furious comeback over No. 2 Auburn to win the BCS national title for his Florida State Seminoles.

After the game, Winston was ecstatic. “We champions… Through everything that we went through, through all the haters, we came out victorious. And God did this,” he said. Winston was the toast of Tallahassee (and beyond), earning plaudits on Twitter from the likes of LeBron James—who called him “special”—and rapper Lil Wayne.

For Erica Kinsman, however, the praise being heaped on “Famous Jameis” was another in a long line of indignities suffered by the 20-year-old.

Just over one year earlier, on December 7, 2012, Kinsman, a bookish pre-med freshman at Florida State, accused Winston of a vicious sexual assault—but her cries for help fell on largely deaf ears. In The Hunting Ground, a comprehensive and compelling documentary examining the nationwide campus sexual assault epidemic, Kinsman speaks publicly for the first time about her alleged rape at the hands of Winston. The film is directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Kirby Dick (The Invisible War), and made its premiere on Friday at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. It will air on CNN later this year, and will be released theatrically by Radius.

“All these people were praising [Winston]… and calling me a slut, a whore,” Kinsman says in the film.
According to Dick’s film, less than 4 percent of people on campus are student athletes, yet they commit 19 percent of schools’ sexual assaults. Kinsman claims she was one of those victims.

On the night of December 6, 2012, just one week before finals, Kinsman was letting off some steam at Potbelly’s, a popular drinking establishment in Tallahassee. She claims in the film that, after having some drinks, a man was creepily following her around the bar—but she was saved when another man put his arm around her and told the guy she was his girlfriend, and to piss off. Kinsman says the man then bought her a shot, and after she took it, she started to become very woozy. She faintly remembers being taken in a cab to an apartment, and the next thing she knew, the man was on top of her, engaging in vaginal intercourse with her. She says she begged and pleaded for him to stop, and then saw the man’s roommate enter the bedroom and tell his friend, “Stop… What are you doing?”

Kinsman says that the man ignored the roommate’s pleas, and took her to the bathroom, which could be locked from the inside. There, he pinned her head against the tiled floor with his hand, and continued to rape her. When he finished, the man allegedly said, “You can leave now.”

Lightheaded and with no idea where she was, Kinsman says she let the man drop her off on his scooter at a recognizable intersection—because she didn’t want him to know where she lived. Kinsman reported the rape, and was taken to Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare where a rape kit was performed. Semen was found on the woman’s body.

The following month, with her case still open, Kinsman was back for the first day of second semester class at Florida State. The professor was announcing roll call, and when the very last name was announced, she recognized him as the man that allegedly raped her: Jameis Winston.

Officer Scott Angulo handled Kinsman’s case—or mishandled it, if Kinsman’s attorneys are to be believed. Angulo was a Florida State graduate who did private security work for the Seminole Boosters, a major fundraising arm of Florida State athletics. In the wake of her rape accusation, he failed to obtain a DNA sample from Winston, failed to interview him, failed to question the cab driver, failed to demand video footage from the 30 cameras inside Potbelly’s, and failed to question Seminoles defensive end Chris Casher, Winston’s roommate/teammate who allegedly tried to tell him to stop raping Kinsman. According to Kinsman, the Tallahassee Police Department did nothing for 10 months. Meanwhile, she was constantly being re-victimized by her FSU classmates.

“All these people were praising [Winston]… and calling me a slut, a whore,” Kinsman says in the film.

Kinsman’s case finally gained some traction in November 2013, when it was reported that DNA provided by Winston matched a DNA sample taken from her underwear on the night of the alleged assault. The odds of the DNA belonging to someone other than Winston were 1 in 2.2 trillion. She couldn’t fathom why it took 11 months for the case to make its way to local prosecutors.

But on December 5, 2013, State Attorney Willie Meggs announced that the case was over, and no charged would be filed against Winston. In Dick’s film, Meggs is interviewed on camera and claims that while he did not have sufficient evidence to convict Winston, “I think things that happened that night were not good.”

And on December 21, 2014, in the wake of his National Championship and Heisman Trophy wins, and with a huge Rose Bowl game less than two weeks away, Winston was cleared of violating FSU’s student conduct code in connection to the sexual assault allegation.

“I kind of just want to know… why me?” asks a teary-eyed Kinsman in the film. “It doesn’t really make sense.”

Despite this alleged miscarriage of justice, Dick’s film earned a standing ovation following its Sundance premiere—and one of the audience members who rose to their feet was none other than Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who makes a brief appearance in the film.

For those not familiar the case against Jameis Winston fell apart when:

1.) She tried to extort him for 7 Million

According to the letter -- obtained by TMZ Sports -- the alleged victim's lawyer, Patricia Carroll, demanded $7 MIL to settle her client's claims against FSU and Winston, telling Cornwell, "If we settle, you will never hear from my client or me again -- in the press or anywhere."

2.) She claimed she never slept with, or would sleep with, a black guy. When her boyfriend was black

Cornwell also says Carroll claimed her client's sexual encounter had to be rape, because she would never sleep with a "black boy." Fact is ... the alleged victim's boyfriend at the time was black

3.) She had multiple semen on her.

Meggs said there was a 2ND MAN'S DNA discovered ... insinuating the accuser slept with another person around the time she had sex with Jameis. Meggs said the 2nd man's DNA belonged to an unidentified person.

Meggs says Jameis' DNA was on the accuser's underwear ... and the 2nd person's DNA was on her shorts. He also said there were no outward signs of trauma.


4.) She stated she was very drunk. She lied about that

Meggs said the accuser's blood alcohol level was .04 at the time it was taken ... which Meggs described as "not very high."

Take this into fact that this is on the weekend that reminds us that Former USC coach Pete Caroll, who is in the superbowl, was going to sign Bryan Banks before he was falsely accused of rape and served time at the prime of his life and lost out in untold millions not included the freedom he lost in a barbaric environment.

He is doing OK for himself now, and here is a story about his job in the NFL today

We need to link the NY Daily News Article to every single comment on the Jameis Winston Story above, and tweet it to every feminist who is mum on the Bryan Banks story

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

What a fucking attention whore.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

What recourse would Winston have against both the false accuser and the film maker in a situation like this? Would he have a strong case for libel/slander see my as he was cleared for the reasons above?

"Nothing comes easier than madness in the world today
Mass paranoia is a mode not a malady"
Bad Religion - The Defense

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Sue the bitch for defamation

You don't get there till you get there

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

It's starting to seem like there's a whole industry for this false rape stuff. It's really getting out of hand.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

I was wondering what else she was going to do after the University dropped her claims in their own kangaroo court. Attention whore for a book or a movie, just like mattress bitch.


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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

And I know we give SJW types a lot of shit for getting bent out of shape over words on the internet, but damn if reading the Brian Banks story isn't hard. I can't imagine the anguish that man must have gone through.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Quote: (01-25-2015 01:21 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

Sue the bitch for defamation

Immediately what I thought. More men should start doing this when stuff like this happens to them.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Could she explain why there was multiple semen on her while she was not drunk on Prime Time Tv? Don't watch much TV but I'd like to watch that!

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Not my joke, from a friend so I can't take credit:

Next we'll hear Manti Teo's girlfriend was raped.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

One of Roosh's rules proving true yet again. Any girl who whores her "rape" out to the media is lying about being raped. And what's the deal with all these stories always being the exact same. It's like these sluts went to a false rape seminar and forget to change the words on the template they were given out. Even in the Bill Cosby "rapes" it's the same. Always something about being given a drug in their drink then passing out and waking up in some room while the rape is going on. Then claiming they wanted it to stop and passed out again. And of course they were to drunk/drugged to consent but have a vivd memory of the night

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Quote: (01-25-2015 02:25 PM)iamdegaussed Wrote:  

And I know we give SJW types a lot of shit for getting bent out of shape over words on the internet, but damn if reading the Brian Banks story isn't hard. I can't imagine the anguish that man must have gone through.


“Did he rape you? Did he kidnap you?” the investigator asked.

Banks said she laughed it off and said, “Of course not. If he raped me, I wouldn’t be here right now. We were just young and having a good time, being curious, then all these other people got involved and blew it out of proportion.”

This shit makes me feel fucking sick. The girl laughs it off? You put a man in jail and take away his life and laugh it off?

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Quote: (01-25-2015 03:21 PM)EuphoricWizard Wrote:  

One of Roosh's rules proving true yet again. Any girl who whores her "rape" out to the media is lying about being raped. And what's the deal with all these stories always being the exact same. It's like these sluts went to a false rape seminar and forget to change the words on the template they were given out. Even in the Bill Cosby "rapes" it's the same. Always something about being given a drug in their drink then passing out and waking up in some room while the rape is going on. Then claiming they wanted it to stop and passed out again. And of course they were to drunk/drugged to consent but have a vivd memory of the night

Here's the thing that I don't understand. How common are roofies anyways? I know I could find most drugs, and other illegal things, around a top university campus fairly easily but roofies, like crack, have never seemed like one of those "cool" type of drugs. Coke, sure. Acid, definitely. Weed, Shrooms, Ecstacy, yup. But roofies?

From what I understand it usually isn't actually a roofie in the traditional sense but is instead things like sleeping pills. I also understand, that it is more likely to happen to men due to there being a somewhat vulgar group of gays who are interested in turning out straight men.

I actually think I might have been drugged at one point. I was out drinking with some friends, and I was a heavy drinker back then and still am somewhat today, and I had had my typical pregame beers and I had one mixed drink that a friend of a friend of a friend got me after I had bought a couple of pitchers for the group.

Next thing I know I really was much drunker than I should have been. This wasn't a case of me mixing beer and liquor and not knowing my limits or drinking on an empty stomach. I have done enough drugs in my life to know that something was up. It actually freaked me out and I stopped drinking and ate a bunch of food so I wouldn't black out. Then I left and I ended up spending more than an hour trying to get into someone elses locked car because it was the same color and make of the car I was driving which was parked across the street.

I called my brother and he came and got me. I barely remember any of it. I especially couldn't put together any real timeline of events and if I had eaten to sober up some, I would have been blacked out and probably hurt myself.

So, I guess the point is that I believe this shit happens to some degree but far less often than these women claim. Besides. WHY WOULD SOME HIGH STATUS BALLER NEED to drug bitches? Everyone knows that they have the easiest time out of all men as far as getting some goes. I might believe that there are frats, I know of some, that intentionally spike punch with far more cheap liquor than they should with the intent of getting girls black out drunk due to being inexperienced drinkers. But even they are a minority from what I have seen and it is usually only a few of the newer and less experienced members resorting to this shit. Or to be more accurate the few omegas that make it into the lesser frats.

I don't even really have a problem believing that there might be a few bad apples in sports/entertainment/etc. but to the degree that this shit gets publicized. NO!

More likely these are cases of slutdom and alpha widows.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

In regards to roofies, I don't remember the article, but there was one about a hospital testing 95 girls or something like that who claimed they were drugged and I think it was not a single one that came back positive.

Anyone have that article?

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

That test was done in the UK from memory, I have no link though.

False rape accusation is supposed to be a crime (at least for perjury if nothing else) and you cannot legally profit from a crime, which this bitch is doing, in this case.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

How hard would it be go get a good film maker to make a legit documentary on this "rape" industry and the lies that women know they can get away with. Spread it around like wild fire and screen it in every city

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Kinda wild that there is a movie coming out--I thought this case was pretty much over.

Anyone know whether she was tested for date-rape drugs? Presumably if they took blood samples she was.

Wouldn't slipping drug into a shot be pretty hard? I mean, he orders shots for him and the girl. The bartender puts the shots down in front of them. They do the shots. At what point does he slip the roofie in? I guess if the drug was in liquid form and he had it in a little bottle up his sleeve, but it would take some serious slight of hand.

I think and hope this will be another SJW overreach, like the Rolling Stone article and Lena Dunham's supposed rape. They push too far, make claims that are too public and too verifiable, and get spanked when the claims fall apart. It'll be interesting to watch.

Edit: Key paragraph from the NY Daily News: "Kinsman filed a civil lawsuit this month in federal court in Orlando claiming FSU had knowledge of her alleged sexual harassment and discrimination by Winston, and that it created a hostile educational environment for her."

Kinsman's lawyer throughout has been her aunt, Patricia Carroll. Her profile on a find-a-lawyer site lists as areas of practice
Criminal Law
Estate Planning
Foreclosure Defense
Insurance Claims
Car Accidents
She is a former social worker and prosecutor who was chosen "Advocate of the Year" by the Sunrise Spouse Abuse Shelter.

So into Carroll's little general-practice law office walks the case of a lifetime: a rape case against a high-profile, soon-to-be multi-millionaire athlete. Even better, abuse of women is one of her hobby-horse issues.

Notice how the emphasis has now shifted from Winston himself to FSU creating a "hostile educational environment." "Meanwhile, she was constantly being re-victimized by her FSU classmates....'All these people were praising [Winston]… and calling me a slut, a whore,' Kinsman says in the film."

Carroll has probably figured that the case against Winston is too weak. But FSU has deep pockets. If she can prove that Kinsman suffered sex discrimination, maybe she can collect a hefty settlement from the university without ever proving Winston did anything wrong. I don't remember any statements about other students calling her names in any previous report. The case wasn't even investigated for months, and even when it was her name should have been confidential.

I think Carroll's the one driving this thing, perhaps from SJW outrage, more likely in hopes of a big payday. Kinsman probably wishes the whole thing would go away.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Quote: (01-26-2015 03:29 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

How hard would it be go get a good film maker to make a legit documentary on this "rape" industry and the lies that women know they can get away with. Spread it around like wild fire and screen it in every city

One of the problems with society is the belief only women can be victims and they are credible. Men can never be victims and we are also liars when it comes to these sort of things. I don't remember who posted this on Rvf but it was something like

Women judging men = ok
Men judging women = misogyny, patriarch, how dare they blah bla blah

Whereas women can easily raise money because they lock their kids in a car while they bomb an interview. Raising money for such a film would be pretty hard plus anyone who would like a long prosperous film career would really think long and hard before making this. Because it could do long term damage. The guy who created this documentary boosted his value in the eyes of his peers.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

The film industry must love a story like this. They do not care how factual her account was, they care about how the movie will make the people feel and how much money they can make off of it.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

There is another movie here called "the mask you live in". It talks about how we are raising boys. Another women trying to take away masculinity. I was sort of tempted to see it but fuck it.

On a cell so here the link to story.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Quote: (01-25-2015 12:14 PM)PhilE Wrote:  

1.) She tried to extort him for 7 Million

According to the letter -- obtained by TMZ Sports -- the alleged victim's lawyer, Patricia Carroll, demanded $7 MIL to settle her client's claims against FSU and Winston, telling Cornwell, "If we settle, you will never hear from my client or me again -- in the press or anywhere."

LMAO! The moment a lawyer gets involved it goes from extortion to a plea agreement. Thats justice.

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

It's amazing how many "minor" details Erica leaves out that can easily be verified by reading the reports (which are a fascinating read by the way). Like how her own friend testified that Erica asked if it was ok that she go with the guys. How on that night there were hundreds of people at the bar including a half dozen of her close friends who would have noticed if she left in a coerced fashion. How the cab driver didn't notice anything wrong to make a judgement call.

Erica never called the cops. Her friend did after Erica told her she was hit in the back of the head (which was a lie). After her friend also called her parents against her will did the story escalate. There are pictures of Erica going to football games with her sorority sisters which is just as odd as getting on the back of a scooter with your "rapist."

The fact of the matter is that she didn't want to continue with the case and that's why she didn't cooperate with the police. It was only after Jameis started becoming a star that her aunt leaked the case information to a reporter in Tampa. The rest, as they say, is history.

Jameis Winston (false) Rape Accuser Creates Tell All Documentary for Sundance

Quote: (01-26-2015 11:03 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2015 03:29 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

How hard would it be go get a good film maker to make a legit documentary on this "rape" industry and the lies that women know they can get away with. Spread it around like wild fire and screen it in every city

One of the problems with society is the belief only women can be victims and they are credible. Men can never be victims and we are also liars when it comes to these sort of things. I don't remember who posted this on Rvf but it was something like

Women judging men = ok
Men judging women = misogyny, patriarch, how dare they blah bla blah

Whereas women can easily raise money because they lock their kids in a car while they bomb an interview. Raising money for such a film would be pretty hard plus anyone who would like a long prosperous film career would really think long and hard before making this. Because it could do long term damage. The guy who created this documentary boosted his value in the eyes of his peers.
is Larry Flynt still alive

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