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Regarding Compliment & Cuddle

Regarding Compliment & Cuddle

Quote: (08-10-2011 01:11 PM)boxwino Wrote:  

This should be a free bonus to compliment and cuddle:

John Stamos' Guide To Cuddling:
Guy on guy stuff again Mr. Boxwino? I'm really starting to scratch my head now!!

Regarding Compliment & Cuddle

A different perspective , but perhaps not popular with the so called" alpha to the death" males.

This Beta bullshit is overblown. The objective is what matters. THere is a time and a season for everything in life. How many of you get your clothes washed, food cooked, and dick sucked clean while she is doing her chores? Do you think you will get this because you are some hard core asshole with your chest puffed up like a rooster that's been trained by the "ringmasters of the alpha game"?

My goal is to fuck ,and get as much gifts/trinkets/favors as I possibly can without appearing to not really give a fuck. I play the "beta" card all the time and it works wonders for me. There are a lot of men on here who, if they fell in love and then got dumped, would turn into the biggest "beta" bitches, snotting from the nose and crying a fucking river. "Beta" works just the same as "Alpha" and I think it can be complimentary once you understand the objective and who you're dealing with.

Beta= a view or opinion you hold , until you find out something that changes it.

Regarding Compliment & Cuddle

Quote: (08-12-2011 09:18 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

A different perspective , but perhaps not popular with the so called" alpha to the death" males.

This Beta bullshit is overblown. The objective is what matters. THere is a time and a season for everything in life. How many of you get your clothes washed, food cooked, and dick sucked clean while she is doing her chores? Do you think you will get this because you are some hard core asshole with your chest puffed up like a rooster that's been trained by the "ringmasters of the alpha game"?

My goal is to fuck ,and get as much gifts/trinkets/favors as I possibly can without appearing to not really give a fuck. I play the "beta" card all the time and it works wonders for me. There are a lot of men on here who, if they fell in love and then got dumped, would turn into the biggest "beta" bitches, snotting from the nose and crying a fucking river. "Beta" works just the same as "Alpha" and I think it can be complimentary once you understand the objective and who you're dealing with.

Beta= a view or opinion you hold , until you find out something that changes it.

I agree fully with the PussCrook. The whole point of the alpha mindset is to get what you want and not compromise your emotional state to get it. I don't know necessarily if alpha is a behaviour but more of a perspective.

In some environments, you cannot go around thumping your chest and bashing lizards over the hair to drag them back to your lair in order to fcuk.

It will NOT work. You have to be calculating, logical and indifferent. Focus on what you want and look at what works and doesn't. See what is time efficient and what is not.

There is no point being 'alpha' if you sit at home with blue balls, seething and hating on women. In fact, being outwardly emotional, enraged is a feminine trait.

Men don't get shyt done by yelling and swearing. If you try and build a house and you don't get the parameters right, it falls to the ground..will yelling and calling the wood and stone a fcuking bitch suddenly cause the house to erect itself?

No, it won't. You sit back, think about what worked and what failed and come back.
Be results driven. If alpha works in some cases, do it. If alpha fails in another place, fall back.

Obviously, you don't want to compromise yourself too much. If it is NOT in your nature to deal with drifters and time wasting lizards, then change your circle. Bypass the drifters and time wasters.

Some dudes here mentioned that Russian women cut to the chase and direct. That seems to me that alpha behaviour would be more effective amongst Russians.

Find your niche and settle within it.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Regarding Compliment & Cuddle

Quote: (08-12-2011 09:29 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2011 09:18 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

A different perspective , but perhaps not popular with the so called" alpha to the death" males.

This Beta bullshit is overblown. The objective is what matters. THere is a time and a season for everything in life. How many of you get your clothes washed, food cooked, and dick sucked clean while she is doing her chores? Do you think you will get this because you are some hard core asshole with your chest puffed up like a rooster that's been trained by the "ringmasters of the alpha game"?

My goal is to fuck ,and get as much gifts/trinkets/favors as I possibly can without appearing to not really give a fuck. I play the "beta" card all the time and it works wonders for me. There are a lot of men on here who, if they fell in love and then got dumped, would turn into the biggest "beta" bitches, snotting from the nose and crying a fucking river. "Beta" works just the same as "Alpha" and I think it can be complimentary once you understand the objective and who you're dealing with.

Beta= a view or opinion you hold , until you find out something that changes it.

I agree fully with the PussCrook. The whole point of the alpha mindset is to get what you want and not compromise your emotional state to get it. I don't know necessarily if alpha is a behaviour but more of a perspective.

In some environments, you cannot go around thumping your chest and bashing lizards over the hair to drag them back to your lair in order to fcuk.

It will NOT work. You have to be calculating, logical and indifferent. Focus on what you want and look at what works and doesn't. See what is time efficient and what is not.

There is no point being 'alpha' if you sit at home with blue balls, seething and hating on women. In fact, being outwardly emotional, enraged is a feminine trait.

Men don't get shyt done by yelling and swearing. If you try and build a house and you don't get the parameters right, it falls to the ground..will yelling and calling the wood and stone a fcuking bitch suddenly cause the house to erect itself?

No, it won't. You sit back, think about what worked and what failed and come back.
Be results driven. If alpha works in some cases, do it. If alpha fails in another place, fall back.

Obviously, you don't want to compromise yourself too much. If it is NOT in your nature to deal with drifters and time wasting lizards, then change your circle. Bypass the drifters and time wasters.

Some dudes here mentioned that Russian women cut to the chase and direct. That seems to me that alpha behaviour would be more effective amongst Russians.

Find your niche and settle within it.

Spoken like a refined prime minister of gaming pussy. Wood on!

Regarding Compliment & Cuddle

Quote: (04-19-2011 03:28 AM)CJ Wrote:  

The more I read this, the more I want to slap the next person that responds. This thread is deceiving, this OP is female (more than cupcake) and this is the backlash that comes with a site's growing popularity.

well seeing as cupcake turned out to be a dude shows how much u know

i personally like cuddling and that hasnt stopped me getting laid ever, sometimes theres nothing more i want to do then lie down and have this sexy girl in your arms just embracing them , this does not make me beta but had i only been getting these cuddles as opposed to fucking them aswell then yea it would make me beta

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