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Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

At this point the accusations aren't going away, and other women are reporting similar experiences. Assume for the sake of argument, some of them are true. What then? How would you say the university should handle this? How would you handle it if you were a part of that college or community? Feminists are doing a good job bending this to their narrative. Got a better one?

I'm not sure what the point would be of accepting unsubstantiated allegations as true even for the sake of argument. That basically plays into their perverse "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. There is a criminal justice system that routinely handles rape charges so I don't see the need to re-invent the wheel unless you accept that due process doesn't have a place on campus.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

portofmanteau, thanks for posting. I figured we had at least on alumn on these boards.

The idea that real rape occurs at frat parties doesn't surprise me. What concerns me is the potential blowback that could occur on men who are not guilty, and that the remedy might be worse than the sickness.

Right now these charges are being pursued through the mob justice rather than criminal justice. I've come to realize that for social justice types this is justice, because they don't believe in objective truth. Whatever the mob thinks is true.

Signs from the recent protest at UVA showed typical "rape culture" and "all white men are the problem" accusations. These statements do more harm then good, and I suspect are the reason many on this board question the story presented in Rolling Stone.

I think it's possible to both accept the idea that there are rapes on campus, and reject the idea that the celibate math nerd in the library is just as guilty as the rapists because "patriarchy." I don't think because some men mistreat women, that every man needs to ask permission at every step of intimacy ("may I touch your breast?") at the threat of imprisonment.

What amazes me on this thread is how feminism has turned off men who naturally want to protect women. If we hadn't been told stare-rape, drunk-rape, and regret-rape are just as bad as gang-rape, we'd give the gang-rape accusations more weight.

At this point the accusations aren't going away, and other women are reporting similar experiences. Assume for the sake of argument, some of them are true. What then? How would you say the university should handle this? How would you handle it if you were a part of that college or community? Feminists are doing a good job bending this to their narrative. Got a better one?

But accusations mean nothing, especially since logic 101 is that it's impossible to prove a negative. It might be true that everything these women are saying is true, but if there's no evidence, there's no foundation to move forward to legitimize these men being labelled as criminals and having their freedoms taken away.

Feminists have made us believe that manipulating public opinion can somehow lead us to truth, how quick we forget that it was the same public opinion that helped us go into Iraq and lose over 4000 American lives, as well as over a million and counting Iraqis.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 06:37 PM)hwuzhere Wrote:  

The main problem I see here is the gangbang. 7 on 1 are you fucking kidding me? How many of you guys would do 7 on 1? Maybe 5 on 1 or even 3 on 1? A lot of guys can barely stomache 2 on 1. I highly doubt 7 frat guys could fuck the same girl for 3 hours taking turns. Unless they were hardcore gay.

Can't see it either.

Though I'm approaching middle age and I don't see the appeal in "pulling a train" as some of the youngsters are wont to partake in, presumably when they aren't doing swag or YOLO or playing with their Pokiemons, or whatever college kids get up to these days.

I'm old fashioned about sex: the only time it's acceptable to have more than two people present is when you're doing two chicks at the same time.

[Image: 2jdggnk.jpg]

I was offered a threesome back in the 90's. But I turned it down and fled, partly because young me was an idiot. And partly because one of them looked like the rather mature and gamey hookers Bob Morton hired in RoboCop.

And partly because the other one was her daughter.

And the incestalicious implications of that did nothing for my libido.

[Image: 302qmp3.jpg]
Wait... you two aren't related... are you???

If one other man is there during consensual sex - never mind seven - that's pretty gay.

A 7 on 1 gang rape though? That's the sort of crime that would be considered shocking in Soweto or the worst slums in third world countries.

That's the sort of crime that would be considered shocking in prison.

And for most men who aren't rapist psychopaths, it would be one hell of a boner killer.

Seven college students from, apparently, nice well-to-do families all had no problem raping the same girl for three hours?

"Your turn at raping, Blanket. But don't take any more than 25 minutes raping her, Armpit's up next and we want to get this gang rape finished within 3 hours. Wipe up the blood from her pussy when you're done with the raping we rapists are all here to do." Anybody see that happening?

And she basically walked it off after regaining consciousness?

Seems unlikely.

A girl who was beaten and raped by six men in India a couple of years ago. She died of her injuries.

At the very least, you'd expect "Jackie" to have required medical attention. And that in itself would have created evidence.

The total lack of evidence in this story is telling. It's less credible than Crystal Mangum's testimony in the Duke Lacrosse witch hunt. Mangum reported her story promptly. She didn't wait two years.

As for the poster claiming this fraternity has a reputation as a "rape factory", and yet girls still want to go there and nobody said or did anything till a SJW authoress wrote about it in Rolling Stone...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This girl's story isn't consistent with a violent gang rape. It's consistent with consensual group sex, probably involving drugs as well as alcohol, that she later regretted.

It's also consistent with feminist rape fantasies.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote:Steve McMahon Wrote:

And partly because one of them looked like the rather mature and gamey hookers Bob Morton hired in RoboCop.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

At this point the accusations aren't going away, and other women are reporting similar experiences. Assume for the sake of argument, some of them are true. What then? How would you say the university should handle this? How would you handle it if you were a part of that college or community? Feminists are doing a good job bending this to their narrative. Got a better one?

That's easy.

Call the police every single time there's an allegation of sexual assault.

Don't treat it as a matter of academic discipline. Universities aren't equipped to deal with serious crimes. Get the local cops to drop by to meet new students and stress the message to them that rape is a crime and crimes should be reported to the proper authorities, and promptly.

Not the Dean. Not Tumblr. Not Rolling Stone magazine.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

^18 here and I don't see any guy my age wanting to partake in a devil's threesome. There's a reason we refer to it as such. Having another male present would more than kill my sex drive. Unless there was no other option I wouldn't resort to it and I would ditch the girl ASAP.

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Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-20-2014 02:08 AM)tarquin Wrote:  

The following stands out from the portions I read. After she calls, her friends picked her up (two guys, one girl). One of the guys wanted to bring her to the police and report the rape. The female friend stepped in and stopped it.


"We have to get her to the hospital," Randall said.

Their other two friends, however, weren't convinced. "Is that such a good idea?" she recalls Cindy asking. "Her reputation will be shot for the next four years."


The three friends launched into a heated discussion about the social price of reporting Jackie's rape, while Jackie stood beside them, mute in her bloody dress, wishing only to go back to her dorm room and fall into a deep, forgetful sleep. Detached, Jackie listened as Cindy prevailed over the group: "She's gonna be the girl who cried 'rape,' and we'll never be allowed into any frat party again."

Here appears an absolutely horrific crime and her "friend" convinces her not to report it so she can keep going to frat parties.

Later, that same friend:


Cindy, a self-declared hookup queen, said she didn't see why Jackie was so bent out of shape. "Why didn't you have fun with it?" Cindy asked. "A bunch of hot Phi Psi guys?" One of Jackie's friends told her, unconcerned, "Andy said you had a bad experience at a frat, and you've been a baby ever since."

Why don't we have more woman CEOs in Fortune 500 companies?

I hate saying shit like this after reading about someone who was legitimately raped, but this is the legacy feminism is leaving with ridiculous anti-rape propaganda. True victims are now considered ones who cry rape because there is such a hot-headed approach to what is rape, that when actual rape occurs, we in the manosphere and elsewhere have to disgustingly ask ourselves, "did it really happen?" When in a just world, we truly shouldn't have to question if someone was raped or not, but with ridiculous policies in places that harm men for engaging in sex that both parties enjoyed, but one later regretted and thus it's rape, we are now downplaying real victims or horrific crimes.

I hope these gentlemen get terrible fucking punishments.

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Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:31 PM)SteveMcMahon Wrote:  

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

At this point the accusations aren't going away, and other women are reporting similar experiences. Assume for the sake of argument, some of them are true. What then? How would you say the university should handle this? How would you handle it if you were a part of that college or community? Feminists are doing a good job bending this to their narrative. Got a better one?

That's easy.

Call the police every single time there's an allegation of sexual assault.

Don't treat it as a matter of academic discipline. Universities aren't equipped to deal with serious crimes. Get the local cops to drop by to meet new students and stress the message to them that rape is a crime and crimes should be reported to the proper authorities, and promptly.

Not the Dean. Not Tumblr. Not Rolling Stone magazine.

This. Would end this whole campus assault issue if it was a just a police issue.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 08:35 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:31 PM)SteveMcMahon Wrote:  

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

At this point the accusations aren't going away, and other women are reporting similar experiences. Assume for the sake of argument, some of them are true. What then? How would you say the university should handle this? How would you handle it if you were a part of that college or community? Feminists are doing a good job bending this to their narrative. Got a better one?

That's easy.

Call the police every single time there's an allegation of sexual assault.

Don't treat it as a matter of academic discipline. Universities aren't equipped to deal with serious crimes. Get the local cops to drop by to meet new students and stress the message to them that rape is a crime and crimes should be reported to the proper authorities, and promptly.

Not the Dean. Not Tumblr. Not Rolling Stone magazine.

This. Would end this whole campus assault issue if it was a just a police issue.

Feminists are trying to seize both private and public institutions, the richer the better. It's why they've been trying to muscle in on the NFL for years. They'd rather rape women with police batons, than pass the responsibility of dealing with with rape only to the police.


Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 05:21 PM)portofmanteau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-23-2014 05:16 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

I started a dupe thread, as scorpion pointed out:

While the suspension isn't going to last, it definitely sets a precedent for universities to suspend greek life at their will.

I mentioned before, universities have the right to suspend charter at their discretion. This isn't a "precedent", it's basic public relations.

Yes, I am well aware. I was in a frat for roughly 4.5 years, and my chapter was on probation for about 1 of those. And in this case, no charters were suspended by either the university or the national organization of each greek institution at hand.

My point about setting a precedent was that every single organization was suspended because of the action of 1 fraternity. How often has that happened in the past? To my knowledge, never, therefore it's a precedent.

Also, was the alleged victim compensated in any way by Rolling Stone? If so, then the integrity of the story could very well have been compromised.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

How feminists imagine rape culture:

[Image: 40a80a9426b59600bf3ec14590e0f620.jpg?itok=LRr7n5Qy]

Actual rape culture:

[Image: keyimg20081120-9995250-2-data.jpg]

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 08:58 AM)portofmanteau Wrote:  

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:19 AM)Troll King Wrote:  

Leaving aside some other parts of the story, I have to ask where the fuck her dorm mates or RA was? Hell, at my freshman dorm the female RAs on the female side of the dorm were the biggest cock blocks. If you were found sneaking around after curfew with your gf/fuck buddy or found out in the morning after staying the night, you got into serious trouble even by some of the cooler RAs. No way, at least in my experience, would the front desk night person or an RA allowed a beaten and bloody woman to come strolling in and not say anything. They would have taken her to campus police because if they didn't they would have gotten in trouble. Also, in my experience most freshman dorms, at least the common areas, are going hardcore 24/7. Surely there would have been at least a few people, not to mention all the fucking cameras in the place, to see her coming through the entrance? I find it unlikely that they wouldn't have helped her. Or at least told a front desk person or RA.

The "New Dorms" at UVA are set up sortof like apartments. There aren't RAs living in each one and there's no door person, no cameras, etc. Maybe your roommate isn't around who knows. I lived in old dorms, which are more like what you see in college movies - there's an RA on each floor. Still only saw him a few times a week.

Fair enough. I had a mixture of both types. The freshman, by and large, were concentrated in one large dorm building. A few could get better dorms, that were more like apt buildings, but there weren't many and they were usually reserved for athletes or other types.

Even so, I still find it hard to believe that no one would notice. While, in my experience, the apt-type dorms didn't have an RA on every hall they still had common areas and cameras and other security personnel (usually students/RAs).

Even if this campus doesn't have anything like that for freshman students, I bet they will in the future however, then it still seems somewhat implausible that a heavy battered woman could go to her room and no one on her floor or in the building or room mates would notice.

Even if she didn't need medical treatment, then she would still have to come out of her room to eat, do laundry, etc. Maybe UVA is a bit of a sleepy campus, but at my uni there were always dozens of people awake, in both types of dorms, playing Ping Pong and chess and holding Halo tournaments on the big screen TVs and sitting out front in the common areas smoking. It was hard to be left alone if you even wanted to be as a freshman because almost everyone is away from home for the first times in their lives, even local people, and everyone is trying to make friends and shoot the shit. Especially during the first semester of freshman year...when this supposedly happened. Still seems fishy to me.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

The idea that real rape occurs at frat parties doesn't surprise me.

You could be right. But I want hard proof before we sentence anyone.


Right now these charges are being pursued through the mob justice rather than criminal justice.

I don't know if you remember the "satanic ritual abuse" and the "widespread child molestation at day car center" frenzies of the 1980s (in both cases, a lot of people and the press reported lurid crimes which had no basis in reality), but I sure do. When I look at these stories of gang rape, it reminds me of the crazy stuff we had in the 1980s.

Every time one of these stories of gang rape hits the press, once an investigation is done, we find out the story is bullshit. The Duke Lacrosse team? They didn't gang rape anyone. The Hofstra gang rape? A complete fabrication on the girl's part.

Indeed, I would love to hear a credible gang rape of a girl that has happened in the United States in the last five years. Because, as far as I know, there hasn't been one.

And, yes, if this particular lurid story has basis in fact, shut down the fraternity's charter at UVA and put away the guys responsible, giving them the maximum punishment allowed by law.

But make sure the gang rape really happened first. Let logic, not emotion, make the decisions.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:19 AM)Troll King Wrote:  

I was friends with Christian Shannon and her boyfriend (google for the story if you want to read something sick).

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

Quote: (11-24-2014 01:24 AM)placer Wrote:  

I don't know if you remember the "satanic ritual abuse" and the "widespread child molestation at day car center" frenzies of the 1980s (in both cases, a lot of people and the press reported lurid crimes which had no basis in reality), but I sure do. When I look at these stories of gang rape, it reminds me of the crazy stuff we had in the 1980s.

This came up a couple of months ago:

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:06 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  

portofmanteau, thanks for posting. I figured we had at least one alumn on these boards.

Correct. You don't have to agree with someone 100% to value the information and perspective.

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:09 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

portfofmanteau is, very obviously, a hater and a slanderer. Anyone who can naturally use the expression "tone-deaf" about a party is someone who I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw them.

"Very obviously?"

I don't see any hate in his posts, not is it slander unless untrue. The detail in his posts about UVA lends credibility to them.

So he doesn't post much. How about: he went to UVA and decided to post on a subject he is familiar with.

Attack of other points of view by empty rhetoric and accusations of racism rather than facts. Who does that? [Image: dodgy.gif]

If you want to participate in a debate, step up with the facts in rebuttal.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-24-2014 04:09 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

"Very obviously?"

I don't see any hate in his posts, not is it slander unless untrue. The detail in his posts about UVA lends credibility to them.

So he doesn't post much. How about: he went to UVA and decided to post on a subject he is familiar with.

Attack of other points of view by empty rhetoric and accusations of racism rather than facts. Who does that? [Image: dodgy.gif]

If you want to participate in a debate, step up with the facts in rebuttal.

I would say he is extremely credulous and is viewing these unsubstantiated and unprovable allegations through a pre-existing dislike of fraternities. His information on the dorms is useful, his initial post was not:
First paragraph - they are "run by tone-deaf sociopaths" who might be racist so therefore are almost certainly down with gang rape.

Second paragraph - Rape jokes = rape (feminist view). Thinks article reads like a horror movie (i.e. sounds like a fictional situation), concludes "it certainly sounds believable".

Third paragraph - Equates being sat in a car with broken glass for 30 minutes with being violently raped on top of broken glass for 3 hours. Tempered/safety glass standards only reduce the lacerations caused, not eliminate them. Gives benefit of the doubt due to timescale involved, even though every study shows that memory is unreliable to start with and gets worse. Claims knowledge of how frat guys communicate with each other in private despite not being part of a fraternity. Started paragraph decrying use of incidental details as proof of falsity and ends it by using incidental details as proof of truth.

Fourth paragraph - More unsubstantiated allegations sent to a magazine instead of the police = even more damning proof.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Talked to my room mate that went to UVA, he seems to overall think it happened. He said that frat is the most "elite" on campus, so maybe these guys thought they could pull this sorta thing off.

My other room mate, a defense attorney whos red pill as fuck, said it was probably a gang bang that went rough and the girl regreted it so put this spin on it. Seems plausible.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-24-2014 06:20 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2014 04:09 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

"Very obviously?"

I don't see any hate in his posts, not is it slander unless untrue. The detail in his posts about UVA lends credibility to them.

So he doesn't post much. How about: he went to UVA and decided to post on a subject he is familiar with.

Attack of other points of view by empty rhetoric and accusations of racism rather than facts. Who does that? [Image: dodgy.gif]

If you want to participate in a debate, step up with the facts in rebuttal.

I would say he is extremely credulous and is viewing these unsubstantiated and unprovable allegations through a pre-existing dislike of fraternities. His information on the dorms is useful, his initial post was not:
First paragraph - they are "run by tone-deaf sociopaths" who might be racist so therefore are almost certainly down with gang rape.

You're making a polemical argument there. He doesn't draw that inference that tasteless parties = rape at all, in fact the contrary. He says:


there were indeed frats which were occupied and run by tone-deaf sociopaths. To give an example (not rape related) during my time there, there was a "plantation party"

So your argument is misleading there. He says "not rape related."

Quote: (11-24-2014 06:20 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Second paragraph - Rape jokes = rape (feminist view). Thinks article reads like a horror movie (i.e. sounds like a fictional situation), concludes "it certainly sounds believable".

He is talking about apocryphal stories and a mindset he observed. The question is, was he at UVA? No evidence he was not. I don't know if the rape happened or not, I say let the police investigate. The OP gave the RS article some credibility.

Quote: (11-24-2014 06:20 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Third paragraph - Equates being sat in a car with broken glass for 30 minutes with being violently raped on top of broken glass for 3 hours. Tempered/safety glass standards only reduce the lacerations caused, not eliminate them. Gives benefit of the doubt due to timescale involved, even though every study shows that memory is unreliable to start with and gets worse. Claims knowledge of how frat guys communicate with each other in private despite not being part of a fraternity. Started paragraph decrying use of incidental details as proof of falsity and ends it by using incidental details as proof of truth.

He's not making a legal brief based on facts in evidence, he's writing a comment on a message board and sharing some of his observations. Do you think it's totally incredible that frat guys call each other pussy and get drunk and unruly? The glass issue is technical and none of us have all the facts there.

Quote: (11-24-2014 06:20 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Fourth paragraph - More unsubstantiated allegations sent to a magazine instead of the police = even more damning proof.

You're making another polemical argument against him and again having him draw an inference he certainly does not.

He does not say "unsubstantiated allegations sent to a magazine instead of the police = even more damning proof."

He says, judiciously: "- it is all just the words of individuals against other individuals, and you're right, it wouldn't hold up in court."

How does that say "damning proof?"

So your argument against him is misleading there, too. If you're going to make arguments against someone, don't put words in their mouth.

The guy's been to UVA, no need to gang up on him just because his written observations do not 100% support your ideological world view.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

This type of 7 man on 1 girl thing is a frat initiation. I've heard of this stuff going on in all sorts of frats. It's a pledge initiation. Girl gets trashed, but is cognizant. Brothers bring her upstairs and convince her to do a gang bang.

What drunk slut isn't going to say no to 7 big guys going to train on her? The real questions that should be asked is how often she drinks, how illustrious her sexual past was, and how often she goes out to "parties" like this.

The feminists are angry because they're not the ones getting any attention. Crabs in a bucket.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-24-2014 07:03 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

The guy's been to UVA, no need to gang up on him just because his written observations do not 100% support your ideological world view.

My ideological world view is that women should be told to report all rapes to the police, and that only making allegations to a reporter years after the fact is automatically suspect.

Assuming the story is accurate, there is very little doubt in my mind that there would have been a serious police response to rape allegations made by a "barefoot, disheveled girl ... face beaten, dress spattered with blood".

The tone of portofmanteau's post introduces lots of circumstantial statements to suggest the story as written is true. Your criticisms of my criticism shows how much of his post can be considered irrelevant to the discussion.

If portofmanteau had said that based on his experience he thought they were manipulative bastards taking advantage of a drunk and vulnerable young girl by pushing her into having sex with several men, that's a position that could be debated.

This is not a perfect world, but I would rather see rapists go free than destroy the life of innocent men based on gossip.

"I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak." - Arnold

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-24-2014 08:43 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

Quote: (11-24-2014 07:03 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

The guy's been to UVA, no need to gang up on him just because his written observations do not 100% support your ideological world view.

My ideological world view is that women should be told to report all rapes to the police, and that only making allegations to a reporter years after the fact is automatically suspect.

Assuming the story is accurate, there is very little doubt in my mind that there would have been a serious police response to rape allegations made by a "barefoot, disheveled girl ... face beaten, dress spattered with blood".

The tone of portofmanteau's post introduces lots of circumstantial statements to suggest the story as written is true. Your criticisms of my criticism shows how much of his post can be considered irrelevant to the discussion.

If portofmanteau had said that based on his experience he thought they were manipulative bastards taking advantage of a drunk and vulnerable young girl by pushing her into having sex with several men, that's a position that could be debated.

This is not a perfect world, but I would rather see rapists go free than destroy the life of innocent men based on gossip.

I think it's not ideological as much as it is common sense.

I think however, like the Sophists of Ancient Greece, feminists actually don't want women to provide immediate evidence, since it doesn't benefit the rhetoric of anti-patriarchy. They'd much rather use these ladies' suffering to achieve a much bigger power grab over the entire culture, which is why you can see a feminist say that she got raped, and go on a tirade about culture, institutions and the legal system, but talk very little about herself or her thought process dealing with it.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-23-2014 10:21 PM)Seth_Rose Wrote:  

Yes, I am well aware. I was in a frat for roughly 4.5 years, and my chapter was on probation for about 1 of those. And in this case, no charters were suspended by either the university or the national organization of each greek institution at hand.

Double Secret Probation?

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Quote: (11-24-2014 08:43 AM)Benoit Wrote:  

My ideological world view is that women should be told to report all rapes to the police, and that only making allegations to a reporter years after the fact is automatically suspect.

This was once a major principle of Common Law.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

This author also did a hit piece on the Catholic church when that was the trendy thing to hate on, utilizing the same type of graphic shock tactics. At least in that piece she had the decency to throw in a couple of "according to the grand jury" rather than relating an anecdote as fact.

"Billy" was a 10-year-old student at St. Jerome School in 1998, and an altar boy just like his older brother before him. A sweet, gentle kid with boyish good looks, Billy was outgoing and well-liked. One morning, after serving Mass, Rev. Charles Engelhardt caught Billy in the church sacristy sipping leftover wine. Rather than get mad, however, the priest poured Billy more wine. According to the grand jury, he also showed him some pornographic magazines, asking the boy how the pictures made him feel and whether he preferred the images of naked men or women. He told Billy it was time to become a man and that they would soon begin their "sessions."

Beyond that it gets pretty graphic and gay. The church issued a response calling her out on a bunch of lies, mostly through omission -


When Hagner and another staff member went to “Billy’s” house for more information, he initially balked, but then agreed to meet them outside by their car. At that point he got graphic. But was his account true? This question must be raised because “Billy” admitted that when he made these comments he was flying high on heroin.

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:26 PM)SteveMcMahon Wrote:  

A girl who was beaten and raped by six men in India a couple of years ago. She died of her injuries.

I think it's only right to point out that it was not just a punch and rape which killed that girl. She was beaten with a pipe and had it shoved inside her so viciously that it ruptured her abdominal wall and intestines. Allegedly one of the attackers actually pulled some of her intestines out through her pussy. She died of septic shock and multiple organ failure. Not much of a parallel to this story injury-wise.

Quote: (11-23-2014 07:26 PM)SteveMcMahon Wrote:  

This girl's story isn't consistent with a violent gang rape. It's consistent with consensual group sex, probably involving drugs as well as alcohol, that she later regretted.

I agree, strong possibility. Assuming "Jackie" even exists.

Rolling Stone: Brutal Rape at UVA

Fraternities have been raping drunk girls by 'pulling a train' on them for decades and decades. I have no idea if this RS story is true or not, but I've been told by frat guys in the past that they did this, and also by a friend of mine who was gangraped upstairs at a frat party while very drunk. She also came back to her frosh dorm bruised and bleeding and never told the cops. Back then cops wouldn't believe most girls who admitted going up to a guy's room in a frat, while drunk, anyway.

To think she was asking for it or consenting in some way just because she'd had 6 red cups of 'purple punch' and couldn't physically resist the 5 guys that did it is crazy. And we're talking about long before the recent wave of feminist rape hysteria about drunk sex.

According to the CSA study from 2005-07, if we ignore women who were drunk/using drugs, we get 3.4% of women at the 2 large state universities surveyed who admit to suffering a physical forced rape, while dead-sober.
42% of women at both universities participated in the study. 67% were white, 63% were 18-20 at the time of the survey.

That number seems a bit high to me, but not way offbase.

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