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ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I want to have one done when i'm not broke[Image: dodgy.gif] to find out more about my bloodline. Anybody here ever had this done before ? what company did you use for the test ? what was your experience doing so ? what did your result look like ?

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Take it with a grain of salt.

Dna testing can only do so much.. with migration and intermixing in the world...You might get a idea.. but its possible that you only get markers from one place and not another.

8 generations is suppose to be 256 8X grandparents attributing to DNA

ometimes genetic tests aren’t as useful as you think they will be. For example, if President Obama were to take a common ancestry DNA test, it would almost certainly come back as 100% Caucasian. Useful, huh?

This sort of test, a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test, can look into the deep past but it can only see mom’s side of the family


The most useful tests, the autosomal ones that look at all our DNA, can only go back four or five generations before becoming hopelessly jumbled. For most African-Americans, this isn’t far enough back to find their African ancestors.

The other kind of test, the Y chromosome test, can go as far back along the paternal line as the mtDNA test can along the maternal line but it suffers from the same problems. In fact, a surprising number (35%?) of African-American men actually have Caucasian Y chromosomes (well, given plantation life, maybe not so surprising). None of these men will learn anything about their African heritage with this test.

ignoring the total point of this video for the threads sake^ the information it shows comes from a 60 minutes interview

I am the cock carousel

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I can't speak to the cost because it was a gift, but I did "23andme."

I'm obviously not a scientist, but it was a cool thing. Though the accuracy of my results may have been aided by the fact that - like sourcecode said above - both sides of my family haven't been in the US for more than three or four generations. Even then, it'll narrow your ancestry down to a country as best as you can, but a person will get something like the following:

68.8 percent German
10.2 percent British/Irish
20 percent northern European
1 percent Iberian/Spanish

If they can't get the exact country they'll give you a directional continent. I just looked at the website and they said the following:

"Break European ancestry down into distinct regions such as the British Isles, Scandinavia and Italy. People with mixed ancestry, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans will also get a detailed breakdown. "

So, depending on your background they might not be able to go into as much detail.

Off topic, but the fact that they lumped British and Irish as one group caused some discord amongst culturally Catholic and culturally Protestant sides of the family.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I have done one and it was fascinsting and 100% worth it. I used which cost $100. If you buy multiple tests at once they knock off 10 dollars from the cost per unit.

My ancestry was mostly unsurprising, but I did find one big surprise. I am white and Jewish, but my mother always said she was a small part Native American. She had the name of her Native American ancestor, his tribe, his city, but it was jot true. However I did discover that I was a small part black, exactly the proportion you would expect if that "Native American" ancestor was replaced by a black one. Someone somewhere along the line invented that lie and it carried on for possibly 200 years.

The above poster states that some tests might find Obamaa to be 100% white. That is misleading.

If you use 23andme you get a pretty extensive review of your ancestry by descent of particular regions on your chromosomes. This gives you a full picture, and would show Obama to be half black and half white, unless his parents had some interesting surprises in their past.

Seperately, you will get analysis of your Motochondrial DNA and your Y chromosome DNA. This is different than your nuclear DNA, because neither representsa mix of your two parents.

Your Y chromosome came unmixed from your father. His came from his father, and so on. Your mitochondrial DNA is passed down to you from your mother alone, hers from her mother, etc. You will not pass your mitochondrial DNA on to your children, only their mother will.

Throughout time, our DNA accumulates mutations. Many mutations are functionally useless, they do nothing for our survival, good or bad. But scientists are able to look at specific mutations to your Y chromosome and Motochondrial DNA and determinewhen and where they arose, through studies of old bones.

These mutations that they look at are called Haplotypes. So if Obama had his Y haplotype analyzed, it would be an African one, since it came from his paternal line. And his mitochondrial DNA haplotype would be a "European" one. This is assuming both his parents truly are fully blooded African and European.

But many haplotypes originated tens of thousands of years ago, and the people who carry them today are not living where it originated. For instance, parents are White but both their haplotypes originated something like 40,000 years ago in the Middle East. That doesnt mean they are middle eastern, just that they have ancestors long long ago who were.

Around 10,000 years ago, people from the fertile crescent, who were among the first people to develop agriculture, spread in to Europe. Southern Europeans are largely descended from these people, so it is common for Italians, Greeks, etc. To have haplotypes that originated in the middle east.

As you can tell I love to talk about this so feel free to ask away.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Like Sonsowey said, you can find out some random, surprising, small-percentage heritage that you would've never suspected. One of my cousins did it and found that he was 1% Korean. It sometimes also lists some famous people to whom you might be (distantly) related.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Like the other posters above, I got mine done through 23andme. It breaks it down either speculatively or conservatively, and goes down to sub-regions of each continent. Mines was mostly as expected, with a 0.1% surprise from halfway around the world. I'll need to look into that one day, but having afterwards visited that very remote place it added a bit of adventure to the journey.

It's only $100 so if you're not on a tight budget it's worth doing to satisfy your curiousity. Not to mention your predicted neanderthal DNA percentage. (3.2% for me)

And of course, you find out a lot of other stuff about yourself as well.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-15-2014 06:12 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

I have done one and it was fascinsting and 100% worth it. I used which cost $100. If you buy multiple tests at once they knock off 10 dollars from the cost per unit.

My ancestry was mostly unsurprising, but I did find one big surprise. I am white and Jewish, but my mother always said she was a small part Native American. She had the name of her Native American ancestor, his tribe, his city, but it was jot true. However I did discover that I was a small part black, exactly the proportion you would expect if that "Native American" ancestor was replaced by a black one. Someone somewhere along the line invented that lie and it carried on for possibly 200 years.

The above poster states that some tests might find Obamaa to be 100% white. That is misleading.

If you use 23andme you get a pretty extensive review of your ancestry by descent of particular regions on your chromosomes. This gives you a full picture, and would show Obama to be half black and half white, unless his parents had some interesting surprises in their past.

Seperately, you will get analysis of your Motochondrial DNA and your Y chromosome DNA. This is different than your nuclear DNA, because neither representsa mix of your two parents.

Your Y chromosome came unmixed from your father. His came from his father, and so on. Your mitochondrial DNA is passed down to you from your mother alone, hers from her mother, etc. You will not pass your mitochondrial DNA on to your children, only their mother will.

Throughout time, our DNA accumulates mutations. Many mutations are functionally useless, they do nothing for our survival, good or bad. But scientists are able to look at specific mutations to your Y chromosome and Motochondrial DNA and determinewhen and where they arose, through studies of old bones.

These mutations that they look at are called Haplotypes. So if Obama had his Y haplotype analyzed, it would be an African one, since it came from his paternal line. And his mitochondrial DNA haplotype would be a "European" one. This is assuming both his parents truly are fully blooded African and European.

But many haplotypes originated tens of thousands of years ago, and the people who carry them today are not living where it originated. For instance, parents are White but both their haplotypes originated something like 40,000 years ago in the Middle East. That doesnt mean they are middle eastern, just that they have ancestors long long ago who were.

Around 10,000 years ago, people from the fertile crescent, who were among the first people to develop agriculture, spread in to Europe. Southern Europeans are largely descended from these people, so it is common for Italians, Greeks, etc. To have haplotypes that originated in the middle east.

As you can tell I love to talk about this so feel free to ask away.

Welcome aboard Bruh!

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I have to do that test as well. I had some bloodwork done recently, and my doctor who is Jewish told me that I have a gene that's usually seen in Jews around the Mediterranean.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I did 23 and me as well. It showed I some blood from a part of the world I didn't expect. I asked my dad about this, and found out that HIS grandfather on his mothers side came from there! He never told me this before but did after I asked. All in all I really enjoy 23 and me.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

My sister had it done. I'm 1% African American.... That 1% is in my dick. BWC

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

@Sonsowey most if not all Middle Eastern ethnic groups have some level of gene flow from sub-Saharan Africa, so if you're half Jewish that should not be surprising at all. Same goes for people with any ancestors from Spain, Portugal and Sicily, either from their Arab ruled periods for all three or Sephardi Jews in the Middle Ages for the former two.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Thank you all for your comments. The main reason why i want to have this done is that my great grandparents came to suriname from india and very little is known about them and where from india they cam from.

BTW i don't look like the indian dude holding the phone in the pic when fun is made of the indian race troll.

instead i look like this dude but with light brown skin:
[img]" loading="lazy" alt="[Image: 20p7cdv.jpg]" class="mycode_img img-responsive" />[/img]

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-15-2014 06:12 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

I have done one and it was fascinsting and 100% worth it. I used which cost $100. If you buy multiple tests at once they knock off 10 dollars from the cost per unit.

My ancestry was mostly unsurprising, but I did find one big surprise. I am white and Jewish, but my mother always said she was a small part Native American. She had the name of her Native American ancestor, his tribe, his city, but it was jot true. However I did discover that I was a small part black, exactly the proportion you would expect if that "Native American" ancestor was replaced by a black one. Someone somewhere along the line invented that lie and it carried on for possibly 200 years.

So many white people in America try to claim they are part Native American via some ability to get a tan better ect.. when rarely are people part native America.
More than likely..they have a bit of black blood in them.
But of course they don't want to admit it, so families pass on a story to justify it.
There are also lots of claims that white bribed people to get put on the
Which gave them some benefits of indians...thus they promoted this lie from them on

Blacks do it also..and claim they have "good hair"
Its usually cause they have white blood somewhere a long the lines and dont acknowledge it.
My grandparents claimed they have indian blood..and that someone in the great or great great family lived in a tepee. as much as I want to believe... I doubt it

I am the cock carousel

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I haven't done a 23andme, but I would like to when I have money to spare. I identify as "black American", but my parents have diverse backgrounds: My father has has some white ancestors and light brown eyes. His Grandmother (a black woman) had blue eyes and his mother has a weird blue/brown combination (I think the outside is brown and the inside is blue). My mother's paternal grandfather was Chinese and her mother's maternal grandmother was Portuguese. So as far as I am concerned my mtDNA is somewhere from the Mediterranean

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-15-2014 09:23 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

So many white people in America try to claim they are part Native American via some ability to get a tan better ect.. when rarely are people part native America.

Not sure the basis of that statement, intermarriage and interbreeding between whites and Native Americans has been common for centuries.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Just ordered a 23andme kit. Pretty excited to see what it says.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

If I had the money to toss.. I would get one too.
Interesting project.

I am the cock carousel

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I did 23 and me and it sort of surprised me. I always end up hanging around with Jews ( They dominate the mental health field) and I thought I might be part Jewish but I am pure European except for 1% Indonesian! I figured it out and my guess is it's about 7 generations back or about 200 years ago.

I'm 1/4 Scandinavian and 1/2 Southern European, so I'm imagining some sailor brought an Indo girl back, or an Indonesian guy came to Europe. How fascinating to know these stories from long ago, now lost forever.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-16-2014 04:36 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

How fascinating to know these stories from long ago, now lost forever.

When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-15-2014 09:15 PM)perverted sage Wrote:  

Thank you all for your comments. The main reason why i want to have this done is that my great grandparents came to suriname from india and very little is known about them and where from india they cam from.

BTW i don't look like the indian dude holding the phone in the pic when fun is made of the indian race troll.

instead i look like this dude but with light brown skin:
[img]" loading="lazy" alt="[Image: 20p7cdv.jpg]" class="mycode_img img-responsive" />[/img]

You should read this website, it's about South Asian and diaspora genetics.

Also read Razib Khan, a Bengali genomicist who has had a lot to do with this site and writes extensively about many topics.

Poke around his site and search the right terms and you'll find lots of interesting stuff. Obviously within India there is a LOT of diversity to begin with. To begin with, most Indians are some level of a mixture between "Ancestral South Indians", ie the people who have been in India since about 40,000 years ago, and who are typified by the darker southern Indians, and "Ancestral North Indian", ie the Vedic/Aryan invaders who came in speaking Indo-European languages and are typified by the lighter northerners.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-15-2014 06:24 PM)tattiemasher Wrote:  

Mines was mostly as expected, with a 0.1% surprise from halfway around the world.

I have talked with several geneticists, and they all cautioned me that something like a .1% surprise could easily just be "noise" and not representative of anything real.

Quote: (10-15-2014 08:26 PM)Deluge Wrote:  

@Sonsowey most if not all Middle Eastern ethnic groups have some level of gene flow from sub-Saharan Africa, so if you're half Jewish that should not be surprising at all. Same goes for people with any ancestors from Spain, Portugal and Sicily, either from their Arab ruled periods for all three or Sephardi Jews in the Middle Ages for the former two.

Well in my case, the African component is on one side of the family and the Jewish (ashkenazi) is on the other side, so they're unrelated.

Ashkenazi Jews from what I know do NOT have any real African ancestry. People in the Middle East who have African ancestry almost all have it because of the Muslim slave trade. Interestingly, if you look at different religious groups in the middle east, almost all non-Muslims (Jews, Christians, others) lack this African element.

In my case though, because I have this Jewish and separate African component, 23andme said the people I was most like globally were actually Palestinians, who have about 2-3% Sub-Saharan African heritage, which is about my percentage as well.

Quote: (10-15-2014 10:49 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2014 09:23 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

So many white people in America try to claim they are part Native American via some ability to get a tan better ect.. when rarely are people part native America.

Not sure the basis of that statement, intermarriage and interbreeding between whites and Native Americans has been common for centuries.

23andme did a study about the ancestry of "white" "black" and "latino" Americans, and found that, in "white" people, somewhere less than 5% have any African or Native American heritage.

I have heard it said that on 23andme, it's very common for a white person to believe that they have Native American ancestry only to find out that they don't have any at all. My own case demonstrates at least one example of how this lie can be passed down generation to generation without anyone questioning it.

Because of my Jewish features and darker complexion, many people would always tell me "Oh yea, I can totally see the Native American in you". It was just completely made up though.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I really want to have one of these tests done as well. I know that my paternal grandfather is full-blooded Polish, and my paternal grandmother is an English/Irish mix with a little Canadian French thrown in. I haven't seen my biological mother since I was a little kid, so I don't know about her heritage. I know that she had blonde hair and fair skin, though.

The funny thing with my last name is that back in Poland, some petty nobles had the name as well as a clan of Jews. It'll be interesting to see which one I am.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-16-2014 07:13 AM)Krusyos Wrote:  

The funny thing with my last name is that back in Poland, some petty nobles had the name as well as a clan of Jews. It'll be interesting to see which one I am.

The funny thing is that we are basically all descended from royalty, nobility, etc.

There is a Chinese saying I believe, that no one has been poor for 3 generations. Because who would marry and have kids with the poor son of a poor father?

In Europe, before the modern era, you see that throughout history, the poor have died off and the rich have replenished society. Names that were 1,000 years ago only among the upper classes, 500 years ago became common among the lower classes. The rich had higher fertility than the poor, and the poor died off, leaving those from the upper classes who couldn't cut it to become tomorrows laborers, etc. Obviously now the poor have higher fertility than the rich so the current situation is quite different.

They say every single European is a direct descendant of Charlemagne, for instance. One of 200 people in the world is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan.

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

Quote: (10-15-2014 07:28 PM)vinman Wrote:  

Welcome aboard Bruh!

Ha! I have told black people this and they're like "Oh, you mean, you have like North African ancestry, like Morocco or something?"

And I'm like "No sub-saharan, like black, African American."

And they look at me funny like ""

One drop rule does not apply here I guess. My mom doesn't look any "blacker" than me, nor did her mom either. If I'm 3% my mom's 6%, grandma was 12%... All considered "white" by everybody, not even a question.

I wonder about one generation further back, my great-grandparents... My mom probably knew them but apparently, up to being 25% black, no one had any idea!

ancestral dna test anybody ever had it done ?

I'm roughly

80% West African / Haitian
11% French
7% Native American / Asian
1.5% Ashkenazi Jewish

I'm traveling so I don't have the paperwork in front of me but that is roughly what it was.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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