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The world will always fuck you over

The world will always fuck you over

I get what you're saying Nomad. In fact, in line with this mentality, I've been pushing every single first interaction I've had as far as possible. I'm sexualizing conversations within the first 5 minutes. Fuck it. Before i was chattin em up about the weather, their hobbies. etc. Sometimes it did lead to bangs but with this method, I'm plowing through like a bulldozer, with some collateral damage. One chick walked out mid-date when I told her I wanted to lick her breasts. Whatever. Moving on.

The world will always fuck you over

I've pretty much adopted the same mentally. I started to caress this girl's leg in my car but her handbag was on her lap. So I told her to put it in the back. She goes why? I said because its difficult to caress your legs with it on top of my hand. I just took it and threw it in the back of the car and pulled up her skirt while driving on the highway. Later that night we got into an argument and I ended up taking her home.

Girls are living in the moment these days and all it takes to fuck you over is a beep on their phone. So we have to live in the moment too.

The world will always fuck you over

In my almost three years of gaming post divorce, I've always felt that the world conspired against me having sex. It truly feels like our life as players mirrors that of a professional gambler. We can do everything we can to even the odds for us by applying proper game, fitness, posture, etc. but in the end the odds are always in the house's favor. I've come to terms with reality but it's still a tough pill to swallow when you see guys who are clueless getting second and third chances or freebies falling into their laps. [Image: dodgy.gif]

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:59 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

The world is not to blame.
The world is as it is.
You only have agency over your own actions.
Blaming an uncontrollable world is the path to despair.

I've always like the George Bernard Shaw quote: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

But I agree I think we as a whole have to adapt ourselves more to the world than the other way around. At least with game and relations. I think with abstract crap like inventions and making money it's the other way around though. I'm not sure. There's a balance of the two I guess.

The world will always fuck you over

Some relevant wisdom from the Terminator movies:

"There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."

It seems like, for other people, things seem to sort of fall in line. Couples just sort of happen, and folks have reasonably happy fates written in the stars.

This is illusion, especially for people like us. We walk the path less traveled. If I were a Taoist and "went with the flow" I would certainly have to accept a fate of a loveless life as a sexual outcast, with my cruel fate clearly apparent since my middle school days. Sometimes it has felt like I was struggling against the stream with a twig for a paddle. Other times, I'm making that river my bitch on my jet ski. Usually it's somewhere in between. As agents of our own destinies, we must seize opportunity and create opportunity.

After all, your time is the most valuable thing you have. Why waste it waiting for opportunity?

The world will always fuck you over

When you can make things happen without the helping hand of fate then everything becomes easier. That's why whenever I hear guys talking about "getting lucky" I laugh. The only luck I have ever had was the luck I created.

The world will always fuck you over

Nomad, you might appreciate this.


The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:49 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

I've pretty much adopted the same mentally. I started to caress this girl's leg in my car but her handbag was on her lap. So I told her to put it in the back. She goes why? I said because its difficult to caress your legs with it on top of my hand. I just took it and threw it in the back of the car and pulled up her skirt while driving on the highway. Later that night we got into an argument and I ended up taking her home.

Girls are living in the moment these days and all it takes to fuck you over is a beep on their phone. So we have to live in the moment too.

What you say about "in the moment" is true. I don't think it's just a function of the times we live in. What I believe it is, is the times we live in that magnify the nature of women.

What I mean by that is, according to "The Way of the Superior Man" feminine energy is all about that which is change, that which is happening right now. Masculine energy is all about the unchanging. This is why women won't honor agreements or promises made in the past as much as men. Because whatever tickles their ginas in the here and now is what counts. It's really just, according to the author, the nature of the feminine. The book argues not to resent or hate it ....just accept that this is what feminine energy manifestly is.
It's also why men want to reference things in the past and think on them as to why a woman should remain faithful. eg "she told me last Monday she adores me and wants to be with, why the hell is she flaking this week" The masculine energy is that which is permanent and unchanging. Hence, a promise was made and an unchanging world....that promise is still valid. In the woman's mind, a promise was made in the past, but the present moment is what stimulates my ( read her ) motives and actions.
I found it a profound book and it seems it distills rather nicely the fact that it all comes down to masculine nature vs. feminine mature. ie. Change/ In the moment energy vs "that which is unchanging and permanent like a mountain" energy. David Deida, the author claims that only once a man accepts this is the nature of his woman and embraces it, can we find true fulfillment.

The current times we live in ( girls getting texts left and right, Facebook updates, phone calls, likes on Twitter, whatever) feeds into her "in the moment" feminine nature and just amplifies that which she already is. Maddening I know but the world we live in.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


The world will always fuck you over

I think night/day game is a Rehearsal for us to be ready for the Live show.

You always run into a girl of your dream when you are not expecting it. (running into her at grocery isle)

This girl opened the door for me (girls usually open it and walk inside first) and gave me a good smile at a coffee shop.

I already had a coffee and walked inside just to grab something n leave. It would've been easier if I stood in line with her to get a coffee.

So I couldn't do anything because the situation was not right for me. (pretty good excuse)
When I think back, I could open her by asking her about her yoga class (had a yoga mat) as I walk in front of her, have some brief chat and see how far I could talk with her.
Of course, I had to make a move in 2 seconds and I couldn't.

I think that separates an experienced person from average joes. Anyone can approach a random chick by saying 'fuck it, I am going to talk to her' but few people can open a girl in such limited time constraint with a public pressure. It's hard to practice those situations too.

The world will always fuck you over

@Sebastian You are absolutely right. It's one of the hardest thing to do consistently because it requires that you always be ON. One of the hardest thing to respond to immediately is when a girl is giving you coming on signals because you are never expecting them and they always throw you off. But in this case you had time to recover because the girl was going into a place.

The world will always fuck you over

Life is just like a girl. She is a bitch that is *sometimes* capable of being nice. Learn to be the asshole and fuck that bitch while slapping her and showing her who is boss.

We as men dont have the luxury of getting it easy unless you are born rich talented or handsome. Thats women privileges. I was talking to my classmates today and there's this slut who complains about having to retake all her failed classes, because she was goofing off the entire year. The way she talks about it reeks of entitlement but there's this bit that's true "I'm only 23, I have the time. I can just take a few more years getting my degree and take things slow". Yes, girls can take it easy their entire lives doing whatever they want and the world will always give you a pass. If she was a guy people would give her a serious sit down "what the hell are you doing with your life"

Its not negativity to acknowledge the truth that the world sucks. Both the strong and the weak know this and may complain about it, but the strong keeps on going while the weak is stuck at complaining. We all know Nomad is not sitting there just bitching. But I dont think we can get a rest Nomad; at least not for as long as your dick is active. That privilege is for girls.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

The world will always fuck you over

Stephen Crane wrote a nice poem apropos to Nomad's observation that always makes me chuckle inside.

A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”

The world will always fuck you over

I have to share a recent story of a seduction gone wrong that perfectly fits the theme of this thread. I live in SoCal but travel to suburban STL for work fairly regularly. On my last night there I knew I would be on my own so I fired up Tinder early in the day and started swiping like crazy. I matched up with a cute 30 year old 6.5 Asian milf and we quickly moved to texting. Based on the subtext of her messages I knew she would likely be DTF.

We met for drinks at a local restaurant/bar that showed 12 miles from my hotel. The night went well and she seemed to be very comfortable with me and giving lots of positive IOI’s. After about an hour and a half I suggested we meet back at my hotel to check out some of my photos on my iPad. She agreed to follow me back. I punched in my hotel address to google maps on my phone and off we went. About five minutes in I’m near the freeway onramp and there’s massive road construction, it’s pitch black and nothing is marked. I miss the freeway onramp! I make a quick U-turn, she follows me and we enter the freeway. Shortly after we’re on the freeway she falls way back and I lose track of her. I try to call her and no answer so I figure I’ll just meet her at the hotel since I told her where it was. After arriving at the hotel I call again, still nothing. Finally 15 minutes later she texts me saying that when we made the U-turn her phone fell under her seat and she had to pull over to find it and now that it’s late she’s “just going to go home”
[Image: fuckthat2.gif]

The world will always fuck you over

Wait until Bojangles gets back on here. We have a fucking shit load of cockblock stories from our 2 months in Croatia. I've honestly never seen cockblocking so bad.

There are honestly so many stories I don't know where to start. It was so bad, I honestly thought there was an unseen force trying to tell us not to bother, such was the frequency of it.

The world will always fuck you over

The world is what it is and if you follow it or sit around and do nothing to overcome it, you'll get swept up into the same shit that your peers, your parents, and your neighbors have all gotten themselves into. The vast majority of people are like driftwood; they haven't the first clue of how things really work, how to get what they really want; they fumble through life and then take the easy way out. America is full of losers, full of toxic ideas. The best you can do is focus, focus, focus on what you believe is right, set some good, feasible goals, and work to accomplish what you want, live more closely to how you want to live.

You'll meet a lot of resistance, since your values and interests are in contest with much of the world, and the world is not very well-designed to be conducive to your values and interests. A friend of mine recently said he feels like "the door has been closed" to him in one area of his life. I told him sometimes you've just gotta kick down the door and bust your way through. That's how it goes often with women, you'll have to get bold, take evasive action, do whatever it takes to get yourself in front of them, corral them into a date with you, none of it is gonna fall into your lap, and your best right now probably isn't good enough, you need to get better. Don't count on the world/other people, some of them may mean good but they're way off and will only bring you down. Ignore the world, and focus.

The world will always fuck you over

LOL...this topic is great ... and sad at the same time. We have to take it with humor and stay calm... otherwise you can go nuts .
Another recent story to emphasize your point:
I was out with a friend and he approaches a girl in a nightclub. For some reason he managed to make out with her within few minutes. I was really impressed and it seemed like a surefire thang. Hew kept dancing with her a bit and you could clearly see how horny she was. My friend came to me just to say goodbye. I wished him good luck and quickly gave him some advice. We just spoke for a couple seconds and when he turned back to continue gaming the girl SHE WAS GONE [Image: huh.gif]. He looked for her in the club within the next 20 minutes or so and couldn't find her NOWHERE. After reading your post for me it came across like the world thought it was too easy for him to get laid like this and the world had a reputation to lose [Image: biggrin.gif].

However there are times where things can go easy, too.

The world will always fuck you over

Once in a while the world will throw you a bone but more often than not it will give you a dick instead.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-08-2014 02:04 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Once in a while the world will throw you a bone but more often than not it will give you a dick instead.

I would rather the world throw shit at me. The way it's going, its fucking throwing me a bone on a chain. Right when I'm about to grab it Life fucking pull the bone away as I jump after it like a confused dog.

There are just a few things I will never understand:

Now that I have more game, I actually do better with average girls but much much worse with 7s and 8s than compared to my first few days in game.

1. Way back there I was at a bar, dancing with this Kazakhstan-Sicilian girl. That is the most beautiful cross-bred non-model I've seen. Beautiful thin bodies with starry eyes, small features yet blonde hair and blue eyes. Within minutes she was all over me. I GRABBED HER BOOB and made out with her. You gotta imagine that at that time I was a complete virgin and noob, so I was still reeling in from the shock. We didn't even understand each other since she spoke neither French nor English. Later she threw me the ultimate "I dont have to go home to9". As the noob I was I froze and told her I would be back (needed to consult my friends). When Im back she was gone....

I still break my head against the wall now. Now that 9 months have passed she is still the most pretty girl I've ever tried to game that showed me interest.

2. Was at Aikido. There was this really really cute chick, 18 years old. I was showing her some stuff and it soon escalated to massage. Then I told her to go grab a drink. She followed everything I said without even saying anything back, and was a complete soft good kitten. Most feminine girl I've ever been with. We ended up spending 3h together. In the end I was so fucking arrogant and stupid I thought I'll see her at Aikido again, so I didn't get her number. She never came back to class.

Sometimes I just can't understand how opportunities fell on me while I was a noob and couldn't take advantage of them, whereas now that I'm a bit better the world seems to be throwing me the most ungrateful and entitled bitches in the world. It's almost like the saying "youth is wasted on the young", so shall "pussies be wasted on the betas"

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

The world will always fuck you over

Exactly, the world loves to tease. It's the biggest tease you will ever encounter. It loves nothing better than to get your hopes up only to shatter it. It's just a worse form of screwing you over. It's gives you a taste of the sweetest only to take it away.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 09:02 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

The only luck I have ever had was the luck I created.

You got that right.

If anything, I totally agree that we make our own luck and also, increasingly, in Murphy's Law these days. If things can go wrong there's a good chance they will. If anything I now expect things to go wrong more and more, and to prepare for the worst. No expectations.

There's a poker analogy that says something like you can play your best game 24-7 for years and years but, due to variance (bad luck) you can still be a losing player but eventually the odds will even out. In game there's a grain of truth in that I think.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The world will always fuck you over

What I think is happening is that as girls become more impulse, helped by their smartphones, they become more unpredictable and their behavior more random. So now every interaction amounts to a crap shoot or just rolling the dice. I've had a young girl recently tell me, I hate making plans even for the next day.

The world will always fuck you over

I was thinking of a variation of this. Something like, "The universe can be a cruel teacher when it wants to teach you a lesson."

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The world will always fuck you over

Girls are like busses. Miss one and another one is just around the corner.

Wait till Murphys Law is kicking your ass when you no longer have to worry about women. You would rather have missed a girl by then.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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