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The world will always fuck you over

The world will always fuck you over

One of the things that still amazes me about picking up women is how the whole world conspires against you to screw you over. You can pretty much guarantee that if something can go wrong it will and that anything that happens is almost never in your favor. The whole world is your biggest beta nemesis. It hates you with a passion for trying to take one of it's women. And TIME is never on your side. The longer you wait to do anything the more assuredly you can be that something will happen to screw you over.

Let me give you a little example. I saw this girl at the gym and opened her. We had a nice little chat and I let her return to her workout secured in the knowledge that she was going to be around for awhile and we would have another chat. After a while I was looking for her and what do I see, she's working out with some old guy that looks like her father. Where the fuck did he come from??? No idea. One minute she was alone and the next there was this guy. So much for my follow up conversation. Then as I was leaving the parking lot of the gym I saw her walking to her car. I immediately turned around parked my car and attempted to intercept her in the parking lot. I couldn't find her. I had not idea where she went. I then went to the gym for the next three days around the same time she was there before and guess what? She never showed up! Had I number close her immediately I would have still have a shot.

If there is one thing I can always count on is for the world to screw me over when it comes to picking up women. It's the worse cock blocker in the history of mankind. I know that if I wait for just one minute something is going to happen to make it 10X more difficult to approach that girl. When it comes to picking up women time and circumstances are never on your side. Once you accept this sad fact of life, you will act accordingly and push every interaction as far as you can while you can. Nothing every good has ever come from me waiting for the world to show me just an ounce of kindness, to throw me one dried up bone, to give me a little pat on the back for all of my hard work. This is my living nightmare, that the world will fuck me over, and do so royally every chance it gets and I can rest assured that it will! Because it has been doing it my whole life.

The world will always fuck you over

[Image: New_b7717e_890026.jpg]

^^^guy who swooped Nomad's bird

The world will always fuck you over

Damn I thought I was the only one the universe hated.

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

The world will always fuck you over

@McCoy An 18 yr old that I had written off did text me today about wanting to meet up sometime next week because she has been so busy. In my world she might as well have said next year. With all of the shit that can happen in a week, it will be a miracle if she showed up.

@Coldfire The world is a very jealous father of it's women.

The world will always fuck you over

Even though it may seen like the universe may conspire against us men and makes it tough. The ability to push through and still close makes it so sweet in the end. That's why I love for it to be so difficult because of the person you grow into while constantly failing and then succeeding.

The world will always fuck you over

@PrimeTime I would gladly give you all of the shit the world throws my way. The next time it happens I will ask the world to send it your way [Image: smile.gif]

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-06-2014 11:18 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

Nothing every good has ever come from me waiting for the world to show me just an ounce of kindness, to throw me one dried up bone, to give me a little pat on the back for all of my hard work. This is my living nightmare, that the world will fuck me over, and do so royally every chance it gets and I can rest assured that it will! Because it has been doing it my whole life.

You seem to be making a lot of new threads regarding pretty standard concepts such as this "carpe diem" or "don't let an opportunity go to waste" thread.

It's similar if I were to start a whole new thread with a personal anecdote just re-affirming "keep gaming new girls even with a full harem" for a time I didn't bother to approach a girl that was my type.

Maybe I'm just taking a TL;DR view of things, but was this really a necessary or illuminating Game post, or perhaps you just needed to get a negative personal rant out of your system?

The world will always fuck you over

@LeBeau It's more of a rant but take a look at the current crop of Game post and let me know which ones you find to be more illuminating and necessary. And which other threads have you found like this?

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:14 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

@LeBeau It's more of a rant but take a look at the current crop of Game post and let me know which ones you find to be more illuminating and necessary. And which other threads have you found like this?

A few examples:

TL;DR Escalate and establish attraction/sexual intent.

Basically foundational game that people have been doing since they became aware of the Friend Zone. and

TL;DR Don't get lazy, be disciplined and continually work on self progress/maintaining game.

So basically what this forum was founded on and most other Red Pill blogs take as an obvious belief.

To be clear, I'm not hating on you. I remember some of your earlier threads making some quality points and adding value.

Just thought I'd add some constructive criticism since I don't think I'm the only one who's noticed a trend of these kind of threads.

The world will always fuck you over

@LeBeau Oh, I though you were going to pull up some threads that were about how time and circumstances are rarely our friend.

Those threads may be related but there are about different points. While you may not have found those threads particular illuminating or necessary it would appear that others did from the number of likes they received and the insuring discussion that followed. Not everyone is able to extrapolate concepts and apply them to a wide range of situation as you may be able to do. I also know a few things about how people learn and how they process information. We need to keep being reminded of important concepts in order to internalize them. I can read about something important four different times yet not really have it hit home until the fourth time just because that four time it was explained in such a way that I was able to better relate to it.

One other thing, I don't write for the intelligentsia on here. I write for the average guy and I don't expect all of my threads to be good. I think I am allowed some losers once in a while [Image: smile.gif]

The world will always fuck you over

The world is not to blame.
The world is as it is.
You only have agency over your own actions.
Blaming an uncontrollable world is the path to despair.

I always ask myself what I have learned from every interaction, be that interaction excellent or truly horrible and painful.
I think back over the interaction and say 'what mistakes did I make? what did I fail to notice? how could it have been improved? why was I beaten?'. Often I can work out what those things are, and take note accordingly for next time.

In this case, you were assuming you would get another chance. I never assume this now because 90% of the time you don't see the girl again or you don't get another chance to interact. Get contacts (or fail to get them) before the conversation ends. You can still talk to a girl again after you get her contacts.

The world will always fuck you over

@Phoenix I am not blaming the world. It would be nice if the world helped you once in awhile though wouldn't it [Image: wink.gif] I am laughing at the irony of life not despairing about it.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 12:59 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

The world is not to blame.
The world is as it is.
You only have agency over your own actions.
Blaming an uncontrollable world is the path to despair.

+1 Phoenix.

Shit happens.

Shrug it off.

There will be other girls.

There could still be this one, and you now have the advantage of familiarity when your timetables collide again.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 01:01 AM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

@Phoenix I am not blaming the world. It would be nice if the world helped you once in awhile though wouldn't it [Image: wink.gif] I am laughing at the irony of life not despairing about it.

Let me tell you somethin' you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows; it's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits! And not go pointing fingers that you're not where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!

...Er. [Image: blush.gif]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The world will always fuck you over

Thanks but sometimes, just sometimes, it would be nice to catch a break...

Many times it has nothing to do with acting quickly. You can do everything right and still get fucked over. Let me give you some more examples:

Took out this Mexican girl, figured since she was here for a few more days I didn't need to push her too hard and things were going well. Call her the next day and she tells me she's in pain - her period had just started. A few days later I took out a Chilean girl. This time I said to myself, I am not waiting until the next day. Guess what? This girl was already on her period! Maybe I just have bad luck but this kind of shit happens to me all the time.

The world will always fuck you over

The thing is that young and beautiful girls have so much shit going on for them that they simply don't have time in their lives to for any particular man. Any beautiful girl has so many opportunities that from economical viewpoint they are a failure if they don't become a minor celebrity.

Once the girls were groomed to appear pretty and be industrious to be selected for marriage early by a wealthy and caring provider. Social events involving dancing were organized to show off young ladies and this is where any man could meet the talent and the whole society was interested in a successful pair bonding .

Today a young and pretty girl has her job, her education, her fashion tendencies, her facebook, her smartphone, her girlfriends, her gay friends, her army of thirsty beta orbiters, her alpha booty calling ex-boyfriend, her gym, her landlord, her grandmother who lives in home and must be visited, her volunteer recruiters, her church, her women's study activism group, her free weekly breast cancer check ups, her modelling agency, her club promoter and her porn talent recruiter all fighting with you for every minute and second of her time and objectively speaking they all can offer her something more solid and substantial then you and your "game".

The fact that you still manage to get her attention and even get her to bed under these circumstances is to be taken as a clear sign that God exists, miracles happen and spirit rules over matter.

The world will always fuck you over

I stopped a girl on the street a few months ago in Croatia and was vibing really well with her. Out of nowhere, some old American dude starts tapping me on the shoulder noticing that I can speak English and asks me for directions. I told him I didn't know and immediately started chatting to the girl again as if nothing happen. He hung around and tapped me on the shoulder again trying to ask where I'm from and started telling me what he's doing.

I didn't want to appear like a dick in front of the girl so kept my answers short and he eventually fucked off. Stupid dickhead. God, that really pissed me off when it was obvious as hell I was hitting on this girl.

Thankfully I got her number, though I've no idea how.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 04:35 AM)MattC Wrote:  

I stopped a girl on the street a few months ago in Croatia and was vibing really well with her. Out of nowhere, some old American dude starts tapping me on the shoulder noticing that I can speak English and asks me for directions. I told him I didn't know and immediately started chatting to the girl again as if nothing happen. He hung around and tapped me on the shoulder again trying to ask where I'm from and started telling me what he's doing.

I didn't want to appear like a dick in front of the girl so kept my answers short and he eventually fucked off. Stupid dickhead. God, that really pissed me off when it was obvious as hell I was hitting on this girl.

Thankfully I got her number, though I've no idea how.

He probably wanted to talk to that girl but was afraid so choose you as a medium, hoping he would get a chance to exchange a word with the girl too. Everything in the world revolves around young and pretty women, that is completely true and underestimated.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 04:35 AM)MattC Wrote:  

I stopped a girl on the street a few months ago in Croatia and was vibing really well with her. Out of nowhere, some old American dude starts tapping me on the shoulder noticing that I can speak English and asks me for directions. I told him I didn't know and immediately started chatting to the girl again as if nothing happen. He hung around and tapped me on the shoulder again trying to ask where I'm from and started telling me what he's doing.

I didn't want to appear like a dick in front of the girl so kept my answers short and he eventually fucked off. Stupid dickhead. God, that really pissed me off when it was obvious as hell I was hitting on this girl.

Thankfully I got her number, though I've no idea how.

I saw something similar while in Thailand, on a ferry. There was this big kind of fat guy that looked like a biker, and there were two asian (I assume chinese) girls that were near the rail where you can see outside of the ferry. He approached them and he began talking with one of them, all of them were probably 30+.

The girl (or woman) seemed very nice and receptive and they even took a picture together, taken by her friend. Who the whole time didn't even bother to cockblock or anything, and just stayed near them while playing with her phone.

Then out of the blue comes a guy and starts talking with the biker. You could clearly see huge passive aggressive cockblock. Us usual, the biker probably didn't want to come off as a dick and just tried to keep minimal talk, but the cockblocker was gaining ground. 10 mins passed and they were still talking, the girls then just left. You could see the bikers face of defeat, trying to conceal it while still talking with the other fucker.

Then the ferry arrive and the biker saw it as an opportunity and ejected. The other guy just kept this damned smile on his face and went to sit somewhere, still wearing it.

Me and my friend just watched the whole thing. And I swear, hell as a circle in it just for motherfuckers like this.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 05:00 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Then out of the blue comes a guy and starts talking with the biker. You could clearly see huge passive aggressive cockblock. Us usual, the biker probably didn't want to come off as a dick and just tried to keep minimal talk, but the cockblocker was gaining ground. 10 mins passed and they were still talking, the girls then just left. You could see the bikers face of defeat, trying to conceal it while still talking with the other fucker.

Then the ferry arrive and the biker saw it as an opportunity and ejected. The other guy just kept this damned smile on his face and went to sit somewhere, still wearing it.

Me and my friend just watched the whole thing. And I swear, hell as a circle in it just for motherfuckers like this.

What is the current 'best practice' for combating this?

I've had this happen once or twice. The last time I basically mustered up my rudeness and took a stride that put me between the cockblock (old douchebag 'deliberately trying to ruin my interaction' guy) and the girl I was talking too, with my back directly facing him.
I'm aware of the 'keep responses to him very short, and don't give direct eye contact' rule. But in some places (I hear Japanese cockblocks can be like this), they will just keep standing there or move around from behind you.

The world will always fuck you over

Quote: (10-07-2014 05:19 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2014 05:00 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Then out of the blue comes a guy and starts talking with the biker. You could clearly see huge passive aggressive cockblock. Us usual, the biker probably didn't want to come off as a dick and just tried to keep minimal talk, but the cockblocker was gaining ground. 10 mins passed and they were still talking, the girls then just left. You could see the bikers face of defeat, trying to conceal it while still talking with the other fucker.

Then the ferry arrive and the biker saw it as an opportunity and ejected. The other guy just kept this damned smile on his face and went to sit somewhere, still wearing it.

Me and my friend just watched the whole thing. And I swear, hell as a circle in it just for motherfuckers like this.

What is the current 'best practice' for combating this?

I've had this happen once or twice. The last time I basically mustered up my rudeness and took a stride that put me between the cockblock (old douchebag 'deliberately trying to ruin my interaction' guy) and the girl I was talking too, with my back directly facing him.
I'm aware of the 'keep responses to him very short, and don't give direct eye contact' rule. But in some places (I hear Japanese cockblocks can be like this), they will just keep standing there or move around from behind you.

I think the best way to deal with this is isolate the girl to another not so far place. Like when you pull someone out of a group to have a quick private chat or say something.

You can easily use this maneuver to even use some kino and lead her at the same time. Although this doesn't guarantee that the cockblocker will go away.

The world will always fuck you over

You need to be ignorant Nomad. How can something like that old guy bother you if you're an ignorant asshole after the girl?

Completely unrelated to game experience here but it is an example of how I become an ignorant asshole.

I was talking to an employer of a rather large local company and I really wanted his views. The next thing I know I catch sight of this blonde girl trying to edge into my sphere of conversation and to catch this guys eyes.

It was so painful to observe that I literally went into my ignorant way of thinking and move straight in front of her. I moved from my original position by 45 degrees. I was that pissed off.

I got what I wanted and gave her a smirk as I left.

You're right about the world wanting to fuck you over. Thats why you gotta fuck it first.

The world will always fuck you over

There is another way to look at this. Sometimes when you miss an opportunity you dodge a bullet and get a better opportunity. How do you know this girl wouldn't have been a disaster?

I remember when I was 17 and a group of us got together to play mini golf. The girl I wanted to go with, Jaime, couldn't make it. I was really bummed, but one of the girls in the group randomly called her (female) friend last-minute.

That last-minute replacement ended up being my longtime g/f and the girl I'd lose my virginity with a few months later. The original girl, Jaime, hit the wall by 19 and was trouble in other ways.

So, missed opportunity = better opportunity. This also happened with jobs. It's hard to see this stuff until you have some hindsight.

The world will always fuck you over

I was about to give my 2 cents but phoenix summed it up better than I could.

Sometimes its just the coincidences and what is out of your control showing itself.

The world will always fuck you over

Guys, I was pretty much venting here so don't take this thread too seriously. Life is what it is, I have long ago accepted this. Thanks

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