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Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

This guy is pretty red pill with some pretty harsh commentary. Some women looked sort of shocked by what he was saying. I laughed. If you get a chance to catch his special running on HBO, I suggest you do it. He looks fairly unassuming so it is a bit shocking when he starts blowing shit up. It isn't super polished special, he refers to notes from time to time including his letter to his 5th grade class, which was a pretty funny close.

Here is a little write-up from the Washington Post.


It’s almost unheard of these days for a comedian to get his or her first stand-up special on HBO — let alone to get Spike Lee behind the camera for it. But Carmichael pulled off both with “Love at The Store” (Sat., 10 p.m., HBO), an expertly crafted hour of stand-up. Lee’s touches are minimal, but the occasional POV-style shots from the stage add to the special’s aura and atmosphere. What’s most interesting about Carmichael’s set is the way he subverts commonly held beliefs about topics like race, morals, wealth and politics. Some of his material might seem controversial — he finds a positive in slavery, noting “If it weren’t for slavery, I’d be in Africa,” and a negative in Beyonce: “Maybe Beyonce’s music is empowering women a little too much” — but does so in a way that makes you laugh and nod in agreement.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

Caught the last parts of it...

Read an article on this cat last week, saying he didn't want to do his 'material' for the special. He wanted it to have a working comedian feel to it.

His delivery feels really off the cuff; funny dude

The MLK sellout joke got me at the end, gotta peep it from the start


Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

MDP, yes it was very informal. He just said a bunch of stuff RVF guys talk about. The laughs were not that loud because a lot of women were probably shocked. He made from of the WNBA. He was all "ya you women care about it, but you don't watch it." Like what we talk about here, people want to seem like they are so amazing because they care, but they really don't.

That Beyonce shit was funny. And calling Canada the Scottie pippen of countries...I shouldn't day more, but catch it if you can.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

Is this posted online anywhere?

Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

I watched the special, but he started very slow. I'd say skip the first 30 minutes or so to catch the best bits.

This is an example of the filler material:


Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

Overall good set but he needs to tighten it up in some areas. I felt he was really funny in some sections and completely unfunny in others. He needs more consistency bu has great potential.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

He was reading from his little book and stuff, it wasn't a tight show. Felt like a rehearsal, but still you can see his potential and some of his jokes were great as is. Seemed like he was trying stuff out to see how it landed on the audience, plenty of silence by the women lol.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

He says "you know" way too much, and like others said, his act could be tightened up. Nowhere near the showmanship that say, Chris Rock or Eddie Murphy showed where everything seemed choreographed to perfection, in comparison.

He's also kind of mentally self-absorbed, where he's just entertaining himself and not saying his bits coherently. His delivery is affected, and in interviews it's clear he's got some awkward mannerisms.

He also does a little too much "house nigga" comedy where he makes gratuitous but not particularly clever or insightful insults of black people - but hey, it's okay, because he's black!

Jerrod Carmichael - HBO Special - Red Pill

The last 15-20 minutes had some great, laugh out loud moments. I dig his rape 'question' and the bit about slavery being a blessing in disguise. Overall he could use a lot more polishing, as everyone here has said. I think he could get alot more laughs and mileage out of some of those jokes. In the special most of his clever material is over very quickly. I don't think he takes full advantage of the initial audience shock, moving from one controversial topic to another too soon. For example, when he's bringing up slavery as a good thing, he might be better off spending some more time on the subject so that the audience isn't so taken aback, more like what he did with his michael jackson bit. I laughed at most of those jokes anyway but you could tell the audience wasn't really feeling it.

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