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Robin Williams RIP

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 06:25 PM)Professor Fox Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2014 06:15 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Didn't he have a horrible ex wife that was taking him for everything he had, so he had to go back to work and took on that terrible TV show?

Maybe I am getting him confused with someone else. But I thought I heard about a year ago he was struggle due to the divorce courts and his ex wife.


After 2 divorces broke Robin Williams to return to TV


Robin Williams reveals he is having some major financial issues and has been forced to downsize since his two divorces. Williams claims he is selling his big house, and will be returning to steady work on a weekly television sitcom.

Williams, 62, claims he has been left on the verge of bankruptcy after two costly divorces, and must now sell his $35 million estate just to pay his bills.


“Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it ‘all the money’, but they changed it to ‘alimony’. It’s ripping your heart out through your wallet,” Williams said.

But being twice divorced hasn’t stopped Robin Williams from going for that third marriage, Williams is currently married to graphic designer Susan Schneider whom he married in 2011.

That's depressing.

Robin Williams RIP

RIP Jerry Seinfeld.

[Image: tB7golJ.jpg]

Robin Williams RIP

I didn't care for his stand up. Guy always rubbed me as a bit off.

But i did enjoy his acting. Rest in peace my friend!

Robin Williams RIP

Somehow I bet his $30 million in alimony played a major role in his suicide.


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Robin Williams RIP

Imagine waking up everyday, having a great attitude and putting that into your life's work to actively get other people to change their attitude.

Then one day that attitude changes so significantly that you can't do that anymore because something inside you changes so much that you go so far as to kill yourself.

It's fucked up.

Robin Williams RIP

I enjoyed his acting growing up especially as the Genie in Aladdin [Image: biggrin.gif] RIP dude

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Robin Williams RIP

If he left a suicide note, I wonder if he mentioned the divorces and completely unfair alimony settlements. And even if he did, I bet out system will do the best to hide it or completely ignore it.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 10:45 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

He was extraordinarily talented and I hate to hear this.

Unfortunately I was unable to appreciate him because I always had the same feeling about him El Mech did; there was something about him that made me really uncomfortable. I felt there was something dark and disturbing lurking underneath, the same feeling you get from a scary clown. Maybe it was just the depression

Lack of congruency between his happy words and the obvious inner sadness. Our BS detectors see this in other people all the time - you like/trust/appreciate the people who walk like they talk and there's something "off" about those whose body language does not match their words. Fake smile, painful body language, awkward voice tone are all tells.

Agreed MrXY, he was very talented. With inner peace he could have been a king at the level of Bob Hope or Johnny Carson. RIP.

Robin Williams RIP

Yep. Good Will Hunting is a top 2 or 3 movie for me. The unclipped scene on the park bench where he gives Will the speech is great.

The Genie made Aladdin. The intro in the cave is pure comedic genius.

Edit: There's a good interview with him here on wtfpod. Very raw introspective with him in 2010.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 05:24 AM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Somehow I bet his $30 million in alimony played a major role in his suicide.


Someone needs to write a Return of Kings article based on that link and title it "Robin Williams and Alimony: This is Why You Don't Get Married."

I don't know how many of you know about '50s singer Ricky Nelson, but this same thing is what killed him. He got so slammed in his divorce settlement that he was forced to tour the oldies circuit constantly. He had a New Year's gig when his plane went down. It was his insane alimony payments that forced him to have to take gigs like that.

The real media isn't going to cover this angle, so it's up to Tom Lekyis and the manosphere.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 02:51 AM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2014 01:35 AM)Htownanddown Wrote:  

"A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times;"




I have lots to say about this:

1- This guys comedy has made me laugh so hard that I refuse to feel bad about his death. I particularly remember one skit about having 3 balls and him saying that nobody wanted to look like a pawn shop. I was rolling on the floor while my friends where giving me puzzled looks.

2- Good Will Hunting was such a great movie that it exhausted Matt Damons and That Other Dudes talent. I dont know how they got Williams to be in it, but for them it would have been like going picking up chicks with Bill Clinton.

3- 30 million in alimony? I wonder how much THEIR lawyer charged. What good is 30 million if it cant buy the joy of sending your ex home empty handed?

4- And lastly, nobody dies from depression. Sure, it sucks, it saps every drop of willpower from you, it makes you want, wish, desire death. But it doesnt kill you. A belt around your neck does. An overdose of hot lead kills. Depression is a terrible disease, a chronic one, hard to diagnose and harder still to treat.

But please stop saying he died from depression. He didnt.

Robin Williams RIP

Pussy slayed another great actor.

Deus vult!

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:12 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2014 05:24 AM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Somehow I bet his $30 million in alimony played a major role in his suicide.


Someone needs to write a Return of Kings article based on that link and title it "Robin Williams and Alimony: This is Why You Don't Get Married."

I don't know how many of you know about '50s singer Ricky Nelson, but this same thing is what killed him. He got so slammed in his divorce settlement that he was forced to tour the oldies circuit constantly. He had a New Year's gig when his plane went down. It was his insane alimony payments that forced him to have to take gigs like that.

The real media isn't going to cover this angle, so it's up to Tom Lekyis and the manosphere.

Prenup good enough, or can they sue through that?

Robin Williams RIP

Aladdin will forever be one of my favourite Disney movies because of the Genie and the age defying comedy Robin Williams did for him. You could've been two and still laughed at his character much later in life. RIP

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

Robin Williams RIP

Tortured Genius

Always loved his impressions



Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 12:54 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

HOOK is one of my all time favorites, infact I think I've seen that movie over 40 times, its just great... there was one he did though where he was like barney or something, never saw it but always wanted to.



Near sighted gynacologist LOL, I can't believe the stuff they put in kids movies. I gotta watch this movie again.

You and I are so alike it's creepy. That was my fav movie growing up. I probably saw it more than 40 times as well. The video game Hook was also in my top 3 at that time. I think it was on SNES. Anytime Peter Pan ran out of lives, he turned into a fat Robin Williams and shrugged his shoulders and fell off the screen with a sad face.

Typing that just made me kinda sad just now...

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Robin Williams RIP

Great interview here on wtfpod. Very introspective and raw from him where he talks even touches on some suicide thoughts in 2010.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Robin Williams RIP

About 12 years ago, Robin Williams was cast against type as the bad guy in a couple of underrated movies:

"One Hour Photo", where he played an obsessive stalker, and "Insomnia", where he played a murderer being tracked down by Al Pacino.

For my money, these were the performances of his career. He was spine-chillingly brilliant in both films.

May he rest in peace.

Robin Williams RIP

Suppose there's an outside chance he was "playing" the choking game. There has always been speculation that Michael Hutchence didn't commit suicide but died from auto-erotic asphyxiation. Maybe something simmilar here.

Was never a big fan of his work. A bit too try-hard for my taste, just like Jim Carey, but if it was suicide that's too bad. People with a terminal illness committing suicide is understandable, but others really need to try harder.

Robin Williams RIP

No one's mentioned "Awakenings" yet. Robin Williams, as part of a fantastic cast that included Robert DeNiro, was excellent in it.


“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:12 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2014 05:24 AM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Somehow I bet his $30 million in alimony played a major role in his suicide.


Someone needs to write a Return of Kings article based on that link and title it "Robin Williams and Alimony: This is Why You Don't Get Married."

I don't know how many of you know about '50s singer Ricky Nelson, but this same thing is what killed him. He got so slammed in his divorce settlement that he was forced to tour the oldies circuit constantly. He had a New Year's gig when his plane went down. It was his insane alimony payments that forced him to have to take gigs like that.

The real media isn't going to cover this angle, so it's up to Tom Lekyis and the manosphere.

According to TMZ, there was no suicide note. (That's pretty fucking sad that I'm citing TMZ as a reliable source).

Found an article suggesting that money troubles were part of it: http://www.mercurynews.com/entertainment...icide-note


A family friend, who reportedly spoke with Williams recently, told the website the 63-year-old "Good Morning Vietnam" actor was upset he had to work so much insure his family's financial security, especially after two pricey divorces.

"All he could talk about (was) serious money troubles," the friend reportedly said. "There were clearly other issues going on and Robin sounded distant during the telephone conversation."


Williams joked last year about losing so much money via two divorces.

"Well, not all," he told Parade magazine last September. "Lost enough. Divorce is expensive. I used to joke they were going to call it 'all the money,' but they changed it to alimony. It's ripping your heart out through your wallet."

Robin Williams RIP

I'm old enough to remember how robin Williams first came on the scene. It must have been the late 70s. Happy Days was the top show. Back then cable was not huge so everyone watched the same shows. So in this one episode, mork from Orc pays a visit to the Cunningham family on happy days. People went nuts - who is that guy, he's hysterical! He was an unknown up until then. I remember talking about it with the kids at school the next day, and the teachers talking about it. He was an overnight sensation and became a big star after that. They made a show for him then, mork and mindy.

Take care of those titties for me.

Robin Williams RIP

Dusty, I was reading about that story in my local paper today.

One really cool glimmer of genius that stood out went something like this.

When the producer of Happy Days was casting for the role of Mork, an alien, a then relatively unknown Robin Williams was called in to his office to audition.

The producer pointed to a chair.

Robin Williams then proceeded to climb into the chair upside down, head first.

He was cast immediately. The rest, as they say, is history.

I've always felt sad when a childhood celebrity dies, but that pain never lasts for more than a few days. This one, however, actually got to me. I will miss this man.

Robin Williams RIP

If he got depressed because of his divorce settlement, then this would be a case of how being beta can be a deadly state in the USA.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 01:08 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm old enough to remember how robin Williams first came on the scene. It must have been the late 70s. Happy Days was the top show. Back then cable was not huge so everyone watched the same shows. So in this one episode, mork from Orc pays a visit to the Cunningham family on happy days. People went nuts - who is that guy, he's hysterical! He was an unknown up until then. I remember talking about it with the kids at school the next day, and the teachers talking about it. He was an overnight sensation and became a big star after that. They made a show for him then, mork and mindy.

Ha. Just read an article and the guy said pretty much what I said:


No superlative can begin to describe the one-of-a-kind genius and talent of Robin Williams. I saw it the moment it happened, in that 1978 episode of "Happy Days" when Williams guest-starred as Mork from Ork. In those days with only three or four channels, television was a national communal experience. The next day at school we were all Mork. Williams was just 26 years old when he became a national phenomenon, and for the next 37 years he did right by all of us.

Take care of those titties for me.

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