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Robin Williams RIP

Robin Williams RIP

That's a damn shame. I suspect a lot of comedians are this way, hence the overcompensation via comedy, but I always detected a real sadness about him, even from way back in the day. Suicide is a horrible thing.

Robin Williams RIP

He had suffered from depression for many years.

You always got the sense that he was hanging on by a very thin thread. I didn't get the feeling that he was aging gracefully.

While I never really warmed to him, I respected his comic talents. I could never shake the feeling that I got as a kid from "Mork & Mindy" that he was too over-the-top manic depressive.

His roles in recent years were good (Insomnia, One Hour Photo, Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, etc., etc.) but there was always that feeling like he was suffering.

This is sad.

I had the same feeling a few years back when I heard the actor Spalding Grey had taken his own life. He was a pretty good comedian and raconteur from the late 1980s. He was in the "Killing Fields" and in "Swimming to Cambodia."

Not a good day today.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 07:37 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

He had suffered from depression for many years.

I'm guessing this was the deciding factor. The guy used to swallow ecstasy like skittles and used tons of other hard drugs for years. He exhausted his brain's feel good supply, and what goes up must come down.

I've never used E. I have friends that went through depressive episodes following their rave kid phases, but after a year or so of laying low they were almost completely back to normal. This guy really did a number on himself. It's sad really, but c'est la vie.


U​ of Roosh Class of 2420

Robin Williams RIP

I will miss him. Loved his stand up and him in Good Morning Vietnam.

Rest in Peace, sad clown.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 07:37 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

He had suffered from depression for many years.

You always got the sense that he was hanging on by a very thin thread. I didn't get the feeling that he was aging gracefully.

While I never really warmed to him, I respected his comic talents. I could never shake the feeling that I got as a kid from "Mork & Mindy" that he was too over-the-top manic depressive.

His roles in recent years were good (Insomnia, One Hour Photo, Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, etc., etc.) but there was always that feeling like he was suffering.

This is sad.

I had the same feeling a few years back when I heard the actor Spalding Grey had taken his own life. He was a pretty good comedian and raconteur from the late 1980s. He was in the "Killing Fields" and in "Swimming to Cambodia."

Not a good day today.

I have the upmost respect for his skills and what he accomplished, but I saw this coming from a mile away. I lived in Hollywood 6 years ago and would occasionally see him out at restaurants at which I was also eating. The guy was always drunk too early. It's sad too see someone on their way down like that.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 07:18 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Did I spell that? Soul or sole?

It's not your fault

Robin Williams RIP

Crazy Ironic given his profession.

Happiness is very elusive regardless of your wealth and fame

Robin Williams RIP

His performance in Peter Pan will always be one of my childhood highlights!! As a Red Pill men I can't bring myself to watch Mrs Doubtfire anymore, but his performance in that movie was simply brilliant. Also his performance in Poet of a dead society. I had to do a school project on that movie and was pissed when I read the subject of the movie, but came amazed at the end thanks to the wise wisdom of his characters!


Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 08:20 PM)civpro Wrote:  

Quote: (08-11-2014 07:18 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Did I spell that? Soul or sole?

It's not your fault

[Image: 3by2yxm83s-t.jpg]

In all seriousness, I'm not terribly surprised either. He had a completely manic energy about him, and with people that have highs like that, they usually have some low lows as well. Combine that with a history of substance abuse, financial ruin thanks to failed marriages, and a waning career, and it all comes together.


"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Robin Williams RIP

Depression is a silent killer. Wish you the best wherever you go Robin.

Robin Williams RIP

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Robin Williams RIP

The parallels between his actual death and the story in World's Greatest Dad (an incredibly underrated black comedy you should all see) are bizarre.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Robin Williams RIP

Saw him in a lot of flicks when I was growing up. He gave me plenty of laughs and for that I thank him.

I believe suicide is cowardly but I hope it gave him the peace he desired.

RIP Robin Williams.

Robin Williams RIP

Jumanji and What Dreams May Come are classics. RIP.

Robin Williams RIP


Take care of those titties for me.

Robin Williams RIP

He was extraordinarily talented and I hate to hear this.

Unfortunately I was unable to appreciate him because I always had the same feeling about him El Mech did; there was something about him that made me really uncomfortable. I felt there was something dark and disturbing lurking underneath, the same feeling you get from a scary clown. Maybe it was just the depression

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 06:15 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Didn't he have a horrible ex wife that was taking him for everything he had, so he had to go back to work and took on that terrible TV show?

Maybe I am getting him confused with someone else. But I thought I heard about a year ago he was struggle due to the divorce courts and his ex wife.

Great artist. Family Court claims another victim.

Robin Williams RIP

Don't watch this video now. Save it for Thursday night at 8:00.


Robin Williams RIP

I memorized this monologue. It's brilliant. I like the movie more and more every time I watch it:


Robin Williams RIP

Woke up this morning to this news. Thought it was a hoax at first.

I've found him to be one of those rare cross generational comic geniuses.
Check out his 'In The Actor's Studio' appearance with host James Lipton for some on the spot genius level improvisation.

RIP Robin Williams. You will be missed..


Robin Williams RIP

When someone passes away, we always reflect on what they had contributed before they died. What Robin did best was bring laughter and smiles to our faces. His life's work will continue to do that well into the future.

Quite a unique legacy to have.


Robin Williams RIP

HOOK is one of my all time favorites, infact I think I've seen that movie over 40 times, its just great... there was one he did though where he was like barney or something, never saw it but always wanted to.



Near sighted gynacologist LOL, I can't believe the stuff they put in kids movies. I gotta watch this movie again.

Robin Williams RIP

One of the best comedic actors ever, and a legitimate genius at improv. Search for his interview on Parkinson...him and the other guests (one being Daniel Craig) are just awed by him.

Lots of comedians are extremely prone to depression in their real lives, I know Jim Carrey struggles with it also. RW's financial issues probably haven't helped, but either way it's a huge shame.


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Robin Williams RIP

"A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times;"


Robin Williams RIP

I watched his movies from some of the most remote places in the world when I was growing up. Judge a man for how he lived, not how he died.
Quote: (08-12-2014 01:35 AM)Htownanddown Wrote:  

"A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times;"



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