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Robin Williams RIP

Robin Williams RIP

Not to change the subject from somber reflection on this great man's untimely death, but shouldn't the media be highlighting this as a call to action against overly-aggressive divorces?


Jezebel? Huffpost? Anything?

Robin Williams RIP

Sounds like his second wife was the nanny during his first marriage, then she becomes the wife, then a producer, runs non profits and makes speeches. Tell me how often a man gets to ride the coat tails of his spouse to obtain status?

Oh and she raped the shit out of him during the divorce.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Robin Williams RIP

Looks like the news is now reporting the details how how he died.

Damn, this just gets worse and worse.

Robin Williams RIP

Step back and think about it.

These bitches he married, they came from nothing with no talent. They hitch their wagon to a talented guy who's a top earning. They divorce him and take half his money and drive him to despair.

He's dead now and these bitches are sitting on a pile of money that came from Robin's talent and all because they were the lucky ones who gave up their vaginas when he needed to nut.

Take care of those titties for me.

Robin Williams RIP

I must say it does seem like this guy was on the verge of third divorce. " It was not known when Williams went to bed in a separate bedroom" The personal assistant boyd who discovered the body seem more concern about him than the current wife.. What ever happen to "goodnight honey" or " good morning" .

Quote: (01-06-2015 04:37 AM)Kingsley Davis Wrote:  
You can bring broads to logic but you can't force them to think.

Robin Williams RIP

O captain, my captain, your face is blue and red,
With self-asphyxiation, you've vacated your head.
You talked so much, of such and such, the people's laughter bawling
A teacher, genie and a clown, for coke you're surely trawling
But O heart! Heart! O putrid wafting fumes!
In Marin county where Robin lies
Stinking up his rooms


Sorry. Couldn't resist. But yeah, it's sad.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-11-2014 07:07 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I respect.

I've been around a long time and hate to use the word but he really 'creeped' me out. I know it sounds weird but I think it started on mork from ork and that reverse aging thing where his baby was an old man and he was reverse aging into an infant. I was a kid watching this but he never stopped rubbing me the wrong way.

God rest his sole

I agree with el mech here. The only other entertainer who ever freaked me out like that was the wife from the Jeffersons. When I was a little kid, something about that lady's voice scared me to death. I remember hearing people rave about Good Will Hunting and I was at first unwilling to watch it because I heard Robin Williams was in it. I'm glad I watched the movie, though. It's one of my favorites.

If Robin Williams read the forum or even knew of its existence, I honestly believe this tragedy wouldn't have happened and that he would be doing well now. This just goes to show you that whether you are a broke high school/college kid or a wealthy celebrity, the forum can have a profound impact on your life. If you never learn or find the information which is posted here, some seriously bad things can happen.

Robin Williams RIP

Watching Dead Poets Society is mandatory for every boy growing up.

Robin Williams RIP

Those bitches destroyed him.

Robin Williams RIP

Of course feminists aren't going to say any thing about this. They don't care about equality- all they care about is themselves.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:14 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

Pussy slayed another great actor.

Unfortunately, this reminds us that pussy can kill

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 11:01 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:14 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

Pussy slayed another great actor.

Unfortunately, this reminds us that pussy can kill

Pussy doesn't kill. Being beta is becoming not only financial suicide but is also leading to actual suicide.

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 11:01 PM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Quote: (08-12-2014 09:14 AM)Glaucon Wrote:  

Pussy slayed another great actor.

Unfortunately, this reminds us that pussy can kill

And can be quite expensive.

Take care of those titties for me.

Robin Williams RIP

Robin Williams getting divorced raped is getting a little bit of coverage. Here is another article about it:



Robin Williams had serious money problems. Divorce had made him broke

It has been revealed this morning that what may have precipitated much loved actor and comedian Robin Williams taking his own life via asphyxia was the claim that Robin Williams had in the recent months come to suffer serious money problems.


All he could talk about were serious money troubles. There were clearly other issues going on and Robin sounded distant during the telephone conversation. Robin was known for being so generous to his friends and family during the height of his success, and would help anyone out that needed it.’

‘There was also frustration that Robin expressed at having to take television and movie roles he didn’t want to take,but had to for the paycheck,” the source said, referencing his recently announced decision to film Mrs. Doubtfire 2. “Doing sequels was never Robin’s thing, and he wasn’t that excited at having to reprise the role of Mrs. Doubtfire, which was scheduled to start filming later this year.’

Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-12-2014 03:25 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  

Not to change the subject from somber reflection on this great man's untimely death, but shouldn't the media be highlighting this as a call to action against overly-aggressive divorces?


Jezebel? Huffpost? Anything?

Seems like every concern troll hitched onto Williams's death to preach about getting therapy and help for depression.

Robin Williams RIP

A friend of mine worked at a hospital where Robin Williams would check-in. This was some years ago and I remember my friend telling me he didn't really recognize him at the time because he looked so old and sick. RIP.

I think this weekend I will watch Dead Poets Society.

Robin Williams RIP

Of course, some jackass on Fox News calls him a coward at about 53 seconds into the video. Thanks again for reminding me of why I will never be a conservative:


Robin Williams RIP

Another sad case of a comedic talent who struggled with mental illnes and substance abuse. It is hard to understand how someone who brought so much laughter was so empty inside.

Mork and mindy was one of the first tv shows i watched a as a kid. Whether you like his style or not, he was certainly unique.

Robin Williams RIP

Dead Poets Society was really a great movie.

I liked everything from the period story to the casting.

I didn't think a lot of his humor with the "funny" noises was that great but he was a damn good actor.

I grew up with RW on the TV and always liked seeing him have success.

Sad to see someone that brought so many laughs and moments on screen go out in a way that must mean he was feeling hopeless and alone.

Robin Williams RIP


"He signed up to do them purely out of necessity. He wasn’t poor, but the money wasn’t rolling in any more and life is expensive when you have to pay off two ex-wives and have a family to support.”


So it sounded like he had bunch of leaches living off him, and he couldn't retire and felt pressure to keep working hard and doing shit he didn't want to do to keep the money flowing to the leaches.

Take care of those titties for me.

Robin Williams RIP

I've seen a lot of people talk about how sad he was, but not many talk about his anger.

Hanging yourself is an angry gesture, not a sad one. The media should talk more about the possible reasons for why he was angry before focussing on him being sad.

Robin Williams RIP

A question for the lawyers. I just read this bit and I wondered what happens to those alimony payments etc now that he is passed? I am not trying to be cold about the matter, I enjoyed his films, he was a talent. But I wonder if it was a final fuck you to his wives and his estate passes to his kids? Not sure what his will looked like. But oftentimes, I hear that wealthy people who are on their 2nd or 3rd marriages make sure to carve out assets for their kids from previous marriages.

"The Mrs Doubtfire star had put his beautiful California ranch with a five-bed villa and vineyard on sale due to the divorce payments to ex-wives Valerie Velardi and Marsha Garces. Friends also said he was an incredibly generous person who gave cash to help others."

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Robin Williams RIP


I heard he had to take out a life insurance policy as part of the divorces, so the money keeps flowing to them.

Take care of those titties for me.

Robin Williams RIP

^^ Fucking vultures...at least he could have picked prettier women to marry.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Robin Williams RIP

Quote: (08-13-2014 12:12 PM)soup Wrote:  

I've seen a lot of people talk about how sad he was, but not many talk about his anger.

Hanging yourself is an angry gesture, not a sad one. The media should talk more about the possible reasons for why he was angry before focussing on him being sad.

I don't know where I saw this but depression is considered anger turned inwards towards the self.

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