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Dating Guide for Mainland China

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Good lord yeah that is worrying.

I mean if it's true love, of course...

But sometimes western guys just don't know how to get a good deal. And they don't realize the whole thing is a negotiation (it always is, but especially so in asia). Sad to see guys settling like that. You see it ALL the time in Asia... expats marrying the housemaid, the first washed up foreigner-hunter they meet, etc etc.

Their frame is like "Quick! Found one that likes me. Lock her down..." and the girl must be like "OMG. How did I pull this off?!?!"

I knew a very average-looking somewhat annoying girl in SE Asia who had dated a western property developer.

Guy was early 30s, and getting paid $30k/month by the biggest local conglomerate to run part of their property development. Spoke fluent local language, and also a fitness fanatic. So this guy was rich, very connected in government and business, fluent in local language, fit, young.... By any local standards this guy is a 9.5. Yet dating very average-looking somewhat chubby boring chick. In SE Asia.

This has to stop! There should be a leaflet or something for new-arrival expats that gives them an overview of the dating market, their actual value, and what they could get if they positioned themselves properly.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

I think there should simply be a rule that a person should sleep with 10 women in East or SE Asia before they consider marriage. Would solve a lot of problems.

At least for me when I first came over and started sleeping with this petite, sex crazed, expert deep throating college student I nearly lost my mind. I couldn't believe my change in fortunes compared to fat Midwestern chicks with bad attitudes. Luckily I didn't marry her. Some other rich guy swooped in and married her. Thank Jesus!

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Except my friend has been in Asia for ten years, 2 in HK and the rest across the border in China. We had the talk tonight.

I don't feel like he's going to marry her, but that just further enhances support for my conclusion that he should just send her packing, literally and metaphorically. He told me that he's still making her move out, that she's not been manipulative.

He's not seemingly beta in any other way, but here, I just shake my head. One thing that may have sunk in - I told him that as he tries to further his business interests in Asia, how will he bring this single mother of Henan without her college education into mixed-race social circles in the higher levels of society without people thinking he's entirely without judgment. No Chinese man of means would consider her, and they won't begin to understand why he would. I can't even, and I'm a fairly liberal American, particularly by comparison.

That hook may have stuck. We'll see.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 01:47 AM)Global Entry Wrote:  

I still see a lot of guys in Shenzhen dating down 1-3 points. I'm not just talking looks, though that certainly figures fairly heavily in the equation as income inequality is pretty standard for those who aren't English teachers, at least. My rating for the LTR would consider looks, wealth, age, family background, and even temperament. And I see guys dating down still, much more than on their level or up (error margin +-1 is just differences in opinion).

I have a friend, another attorney, made more than 200K USD in 2015 while living in Shenzhen. Lives in a baller apartment. Its shared, but its still baller, and he has only one roommate in 4 BR place. He's tall, in good shape for his age, works out almost daily, late 40s. He's regularly dated girls in their early to late twenties, sometimes older.

He's dating a single mother (she was married when she had the kid, to a foreign guy, but since is divorcing). She's from a Henan village. She's decent looking but no superstar. She speaks pretty good english but didn't go to college. In her late twenties, working as a management trainee at a high end hotel's restaurant.

She's been staying with him, with her kid, and the mother.

We're about to have a serious talk tonight.

That's painful to read. It's one thing when I know guys that marry Chinese moms that are 5 and below, but they work at a Sprint store in Los Angeles, and it is another thing when educated men that make more than 6 figures do shit like this.

One thing we do not discuss much here if not ever, is how crafty or strategic Chinese women are in a marriage sense. If that dude goes through with that marriage, I would bet serious money she would try to get him out of there as soon as she could. I guarantee you she wants him out of there so that she can get that kid prepped for having an American education. Another major reason she would want him out of SZ, is because Chinese women know when they have hacked the system and know how to cockblock or play for keeps. She would be foolish if she let him stay there too long. Eventually he will see what a mistake he made and get an ernai or a xiaosan, then she would be fucked.

Filipinas are well known for strategic relocation techniques as well. I don't know about all other Asians, but it is an issue you have to deal with when you are similar to your lawyer buddy. Only the mugs are stupid enough to bring that shit up while talking online or during the dating phase. Those are the obvious green card hunters/anchor babies. Others are much more patient than that. They are playing chess and dude is still playing checkers. These women know living in Asia can be rough for foreigners. They been there their whole lives, so it's okay for them. They just need you to give up once. Almost certainly single mothers make up the vast majority of these women. Single ones make a small percentage. The reason is crystal clear. You will never be number one to her. Her kid was first to come into her life and her number 1 priority, never you. The thought of being number 2 in any woman's heart bothers me to death. Why even blue pill men cannot see this shit personally bothers me deeply.

Even she thinks he is too soft or weak to cheat or leave her, that is a bad move on her part. Wimpy Chinese men that get money almost always turn into standard dudes with enough time. A lot of it is just the environment. Hoes come out of the woodwork like crazy when you do not expect them. Being married or seen with Chinese women can get you chased or opened on. These women know this even if you do not. This is why it is very hard to marry or LTR 5s and 6s, when you are tallish (~ 5'7"-5'10"), look ~6-7 for a man, and have good education/job/careers. Alot of good women that flake on just mere dates, that are average as fuck looking, don't want your dick to scramble their brains hardcore because they know you are completely out of their league. Banging poor good girls like this is even harder than this too.

Bad/jaded girls don't give a shit. Eventually he will run into one that will promise to turn him out. All it will take is for his gal to cut off the pussy while pregnant or any of the other bad behaviors that can drive him crazy. If she hits the wall early, the 9 dollar cotton skirts on 18 year olds he will see everyday on the street will torture him too. Unless she is smart enough to bronco bust his ass and swallow on demand, she is gambling hardcore herself. The odds are just not in your buddy's favor though because he is not winning and is playing from behind. Right now in his life, it is the 3rd quarter, he has 1 time out left, and the score is 3-24. Doesn't look good....

Another thing we don't discuss here in regards to Asian women is female managers. Chinese are not the only ones, I know from experience and close friends. I dated or fooled with 2 managers in China, might have been another but I forget what her job was exactly. Anyway, one was a divorced Alpha widow whose husband dumped her for a 20 year old. They had no kids together. Super sweet gal but obsessed with my looks. She actually approached me. I think she just like bald black men. I'm still not sure to this day, but I could tell she likes men alot despite her bad past. She wanted to stop dating me after a week because she was too scared I would run off on her long story short and I thought it was a good idea because I had that 9 I talked about before, a steady 6, and I eventually met my now wife and we were just talking.

I'm not making this shit up. She had a new white guy boyfriend in 2 days. Sent me a picture of them doing yoga. Dude was fat, bald, and dumpy. I kept talking to her because fuck it, I was learning alot from her game wise. Basically she ended up marrying him because she was marrying down and could control him. This chick was a senior manager of a tobacco company in China. She probably made the same or more than I made. I've talked about her before I think, but not to this extent.

Peep the game fellas. She never said she left her husband because he cheated. She said he divorced her for a 20 year old (xiaosan). She never said she never fucked around or didn't mind him fucking around. Just because she might minds me cheating her, doesn't mean that she minded him cheating. He was a rich dude and she had strong money too. Bald and fat white dude English teacher and I may not get a pass like that with her.

Manager girl number two was definitely super into black men and RnB singers. I've talked about her before plenty of times but in this context, she was absolutely a slut. She was with me and had a Russian boyfriend she was supposed to be living with. This chick is singing for me K-Ci and JoJo Tell Me it's Real, but will fuck me, this Russian live-in boyfriend, and God knows who else. She begged me not to break up with her because she would dump him for me, but she never told me about him before. Oh yeah by the way, this one approached me first too. Chick was a mid level manager of a large cement company. Peep the game fellas. Who lets a 28 year old woman be a manager of stuff like this and it's not a family run company?

I've told this story to some of you privately before too. I had roses delivered to my now wife's job for more than just one reason.

1. She had a coworker that was trying to holler at her and she disliked him so much she told me about him.
2. She was being considered for management by her boss and he was planning to have her meet the owner and executives of the company. They were going to take her out for drinks and more guanxi meetings.

After I sent those roses, all that bullshit stopped. In fact the beta orbiter got really upset and told my wife, out loud in front of others, that he lost alot of face in the office. I bet you she still did not catch what happened 100% to this extent to this day. I peeped that game and made a checkmate like move. Her whole office knew a laowai sent those roses. Chinese men don't do stuff like that. I made her basically radioactive. It was very risky at the time, but I was willing to take the risk. If we did not work out, I would have been responsible for fucking up her career, but I had a good feeling about this girl. Turned out to be right, but if you guys are not serious like that, deliver roses to her house instead.

I bring these three stories up to say this. Women that are managers in China are pretty likely to have fucked their way up there. These kind of women, if willing to do stuff like this, is not wife material at all.

China is a Man's World. Some women can join in, but they gotta pay up somehow. Either schmooze the clients or the bosses. I have not seen an ugly woman in management in China. Even the old ones I have seen have tons of young hotter ones at the front desk and in sales underneath them. Men are not the only pimps in Asia.

The bad part of wanting an educated woman is that if you get one too educated and she builds a career out of it up to management, you are going to be getting a slightly to heavily jaded version of whatever Asian girl is available to you. It's a rough balance because you don't want a dumbass either. Is it possible either one of those women would have made a good wife? What about a great wife? It's possible, but red flags exist for a reason. You should not have to whip out Jariel's post on Red Flags or Loser Females for every chick you date or meet. The red flag itself to warn you about the unknowns you cannot calculate in the future, to help you make efficient decisions.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 09:30 AM)Global Entry Wrote:  

Except my friend has been in Asia for ten years, 2 in HK and the rest across the border in China. We had the talk tonight.

I don't feel like he's going to marry her, but that just further enhances support for my conclusion that he should just send her packing, literally and metaphorically. He told me that he's still making her move out, that she's not been manipulative.

He's not seemingly beta in any other way, but here, I just shake my head. One thing that may have sunk in - I told him that as he tries to further his business interests in Asia, how will he bring this single mother of Henan without her college education into mixed-race social circles in the higher levels of society without people thinking he's entirely without judgment. No Chinese man of means would consider her, and they won't begin to understand why he would. I can't even, and I'm a fairly liberal American, particularly by comparison.

That hook may have stuck. We'll see.

Damn, I forgot about that as well. Amazing point there. I have had factory owners talk with me because they saw my wife. When Chinese ask you if you are a doctor, engineer, lawyer or scientist, it's a compliment that they think you are intelligent and a man of value/means. Appearances are a fact of business and life. Chinese men trade up all the time and this is one of major reasons why they do that. They even have to have good looking ernai that are young otherwise lose face with their peers.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

^ It sounds like we need to immigrate powerful Chinese businessmen to teach men in America how to deal with business and life as tribute to Trump's discounted tariffs.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 12:12 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

^ It sounds like we need to immigrate powerful Chinese businessmen to teach men in America how to deal with business and life as tribute to Trump's discounted tariffs.

Teach us what? Americans been doing this before the Chinese. Problem is they let women cuckold them and forgot the reality of life and business. Men in America are paying the price for fighting each other over women, instead of collaborating with their fellow man. The Chinese can teach many things. They cannot however teach you how to recover your country and culture if you run it into a tree on purpose.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

One thing we do not discuss much here if not ever, is how crafty or strategic Chinese women are in a marriage sense.

I'm always concerned when I see guys posting in this website (and elsewhere) about how much better Chinese wives are. I see them as just another side of the same coin.

Women everywhere are in it for what they can get. If anything, Chinese women are far more tactical than Western women. Even if you meet a sweet girl who lacks the cunningness to play the game, that doesn't mean that her family won't put pressure on her (to put pressure on you) in a variety of ways that will make your life miserable.

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Another thing we don't discuss here in regards to Asian women is female managers.

No one lives a life that complete embraces reality. However, most of us are somewhat isolated from reality and we can entertain any delusions that we wish to.

The cost of getting ahead by working ones way into upper management is that you can't get there without acknowledging certain realities that it's better not to have to face.

Most women can tell themselves that the reason they always have a 100 dudes lined up to do them favours is because they "have friends" and they are a "nice person." They can conveniently ignore the fact that the only reason these betas are lined up to do them favours is because they are hoping for a taste of pussy.

A woman in Chinese upper management can't live this lie, because unless she has highly competitive and rare skills, the cost of her promotion (or an equally qualified person's) was paid for in pussy, even if indirectly. A woman can only get so far by ignoring how the game is played. To go to the top requires actively playing the game, because if you don't, someone who is willing to acknowledge reality and play the game to the best of her ability is going to knock her out of the competition.

One management type that I fucked after about a year of refusing to give her free attention knew the game. She was a retired pro dancer who understood that the only reason she had her position at a small investment firm was so that she could use her boobs to convince clients to not pull their money after the fund didn't perform for two years straight.

Although she usually dressed professionally, I once met her at the end of a long day of visiting clients in person and she was dressed like a total slut.

She disappeared after we fucked a few times and ended up discovered that I still couldn't be manipulated even with the potential of pussy on the table.

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Peep the game fellas.

What the fuck does this mean? Is it English?

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

1. She had a coworker that was trying to holler at her and she disliked him so much she told me about him.
2. She was being considered for management by her boss and he was planning to have her meet the owner and executives of the company. They were going to take her out for drinks and more guanxi meetings.

After I sent those roses, all that bullshit stopped. In fact the beta orbiter got really upset and told my wife, out loud in front of others, that he lost alot of face in the office.

For the China newbies, in Asia, like everywhere else in the world, everyone lives in something of a delusion. They convince themselves that their wife is hotter than she is, that they have more friends that they really have or anyone of a hundred other lies they tell themselves in an attempt to ignore the fact that their existence on earth is irrelevant and pointless.

In Asia, however, they take the whole "expecting friends to actively participate in and enforce my delusions" thing to a whole new special level.

According to Chinese social rules, you aren't allowed to force a more powerful person to face reality.

Guanxi is also garbage. It's simply a system of extracting favours from people who have no choice but to give them. There's nothing mystical or oriental about it. There is just more of it in Asia, because they don't have protections in place against corruption in the way we do in the West.

Long story short, anytime someone in China uses the word "guanxi" to explain their plan for accomplishing something, run away as fast as you can. They have no ability to accomplish their goals and are using a meaningless term to pretend to have influence that they do not have.

The guanxi meetings that TK refers to are nothing more than an opportunity for the owners and executives to decide how willing his wife would be to play the game and contribute value (pussy).

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Women that are managers in China are pretty likely to have fucked their way up there.

How else would they have gotten to where they are? Unless they have some rare and unique skills (unlikely), what other purpose what a company have in promoting them over someone who isn't going to get pregnant? There are no diversity requirements in China.

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I have not seen an ugly woman in management in China.

I have. There are plenty of ugly Chinese women in management positions in the ESL recruiting industry. Recruiting and wrangling English teachers is such a scummy profession that only the bottom end women who have no other options are involved in it.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Peep the game is American slang for, looking deeper at at the hidden social dynamic at play. Peep means to look at. The game is self explanatory.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 09:12 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

1. She had a coworker that was trying to holler at her and she disliked him so much she told me about him.
2. She was being considered for management by her boss and he was planning to have her meet the owner and executives of the company. They were going to take her out for drinks and more guanxi meetings.

After I sent those roses, all that bullshit stopped. In fact the beta orbiter got really upset and told my wife, out loud in front of others, that he lost alot of face in the office.

For the China newbies, in Asia, like everywhere else in the world, everyone lives in something of a delusion. They convince themselves that their wife is hotter than she is, that they have more friends that they really have or anyone of a hundred other lies they tell themselves in an attempt to ignore the fact that their existence on earth is irrelevant and pointless.

In Asia, however, they take the whole "expecting friends to actively participate in and enforce my delusions" thing to a whole new special level.

According to Chinese social rules, you aren't allowed to force a more powerful person to face reality.

Guanxi is also garbage. It's simply a system of extracting favours from people who have no choice but to give them. There's nothing mystical or oriental about it. There is just more of it in Asia, because they don't have protections in place against corruption in the way we do in the West.

Long story short, anytime someone in China uses the word "guanxi" to explain their plan for accomplishing something, run away as fast as you can. They have no ability to accomplish their goals and are using a meaningless term to pretend to have influence that they do not have.

The guanxi meetings that TK refers to are nothing more than an opportunity for the owners and executives to decide how willing his wife would be to play the game and contribute value (pussy).

Correct me if I am wrong but are you saying that I think my wife is hotter than she really is or some other diss at me? Or are you just saying this in general? I am not sure if I am reading this correctly.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Suits, I am curious what in specific can Chinese potential wives or their family do commonly to make the husband miserable if he is a Westerner?

Better question yet, what nationalities of women do you think make better wives than Chinese women when playing the odds with game?

Lastly is your avatar and flag change that has stayed after the El Mech joke an outward projection of wanting to be in a sunny beach location with silly Latinas that have big asses and don't speak some tonal language from Mars instead of the Great Empire of Noodles?

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 09:36 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2016 09:12 PM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2016 10:25 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

1. She had a coworker that was trying to holler at her and she disliked him so much she told me about him.
2. She was being considered for management by her boss and he was planning to have her meet the owner and executives of the company. They were going to take her out for drinks and more guanxi meetings.

After I sent those roses, all that bullshit stopped. In fact the beta orbiter got really upset and told my wife, out loud in front of others, that he lost alot of face in the office.

For the China newbies, in Asia, like everywhere else in the world, everyone lives in something of a delusion. They convince themselves that their wife is hotter than she is, that they have more friends that they really have or anyone of a hundred other lies they tell themselves in an attempt to ignore the fact that their existence on earth is irrelevant and pointless.

In Asia, however, they take the whole "expecting friends to actively participate in and enforce my delusions" thing to a whole new special level.

According to Chinese social rules, you aren't allowed to force a more powerful person to face reality.

Guanxi is also garbage. It's simply a system of extracting favours from people who have no choice but to give them. There's nothing mystical or oriental about it. There is just more of it in Asia, because they don't have protections in place against corruption in the way we do in the West.

Long story short, anytime someone in China uses the word "guanxi" to explain their plan for accomplishing something, run away as fast as you can. They have no ability to accomplish their goals and are using a meaningless term to pretend to have influence that they do not have.

The guanxi meetings that TK refers to are nothing more than an opportunity for the owners and executives to decide how willing his wife would be to play the game and contribute value (pussy).

Correct me if I am wrong but are you saying that I think my wife is hotter than she really is or some other diss at me? Or are you just saying this in general? I am not sure if I am reading this correctly.

No, it's just a very general example of one of the many common things people tell themselves to feel better about their lives.

Here's a list of things I've told myself in the past so that I wouldn't have to face reality and do the hard work necessary to improve myself:
  • Girls are just intimidated by my intelligence.
  • The right girl will come along eventually.
  • My Chinese language skills are impressive!
  • I like girls with no boobs.
I actually used the example of men believing that their wife is hotter than she is because a secret fear of mine is getting married and ultimately ending up disappointed with how she looks.

My last serious relationship I had was with a girl who was perfect on paper, but I didn't feel serious attraction for and could see her quickly approaching the wall.

I've never even seen a picture of your wife, so I have no idea what she looks like.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Dating Guide for Mainland China


I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 09:49 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

Suits, I am curious what in specific can Chinese potential wives or their family do commonly to make the husband miserable if he is a Westerner?
  • Steal all of your wedding gifts without shame.
  • Dictate how their children are raised.
  • Show up uninvited and live in your living room without permission for months at a time.
  • Schedule all of your vacation time with family obligations.
  • Demand monthly cash payments for plundering their daughter's pussy.
  • Insist that your wife spend two months not bathing after childbirth.
  • Insist that your wife stays indoors for two months after childbirth.
  • Covertly train your children to be nationalist Chinese assholes.
  • Tell your wife that she should have aborted your child.
These are just a few examples that I've personally witnessed.


Better question yet, what nationalities of women do you think make better wives than Chinese women when playing the odds with game?

I'm at a loss as how to answer this question and wish I could.

At this point in my life, I fully anticipate never marrying because it's doubtful that I will find a woman that is a good fit from any nationality.


Lastly is your avatar and flag change that has stayed after the El Mech joke an outward projection of wanting to be in a sunny beach location with silly Latinas that have big asses and don't speak some tonal language from Mars instead of the Great Empire of Noodles?

I just spent two years putting up with various insults to my humanity, being frequently broke and making a great number of personal sacrifices to my living standard to get myself to where I am now. At this point I want to enjoy my newfound success for a little while.

However, it's summer now in Beijing and the weather is lovely. I have every intention of being in a tropical locale escaping the northern Chinese winter for 9 weeks come January 2017.

Of course, my newfound success is going to make it very easy for me to do that, so I will conclude that my new avatar and signature is a toast to my future happiness.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Great to hear you are reaping your rewards.

I will say without having experience seriously dating a foreign girl your warnings sound outlandish to an American. I am not doubting any of them. I have a friend with a Singaporian wife. Her parents live off their money and the dad has a gambling problem. So I can see the smaller versions.

I will ask that to any person that gives warning to anything in life if they don't have a better alternative I don't know how to give the opinion weight.

It is like saying "this beach sucks". Where's a beach you think is better? It's a lost cause they are all bad.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 11:20 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

Great to hear you are reaping your rewards.

I will say without having experience seriously dating a foreign girl your warnings sound outlandish to an American. I am not doubting any of them. I have a friend with a Singaporian wife. Her parents live off their money and the dad has a gambling problem. So I can see the smaller versions.

I will ask that to person that gives warning to anything in life if they don't have a better alternative I don't know how to give the opinion weight.

It is like saying "this beach sucks". Where's a beach you think is better? It's a lost cause they are all bad.

That's a fair point, but there is an alternative to marriage.

[Image: LZjpbQZ.jpg]

I'm the King of Beijing!

Dating Guide for Mainland China

^ Is that Bill Gate's gay son in the middle?

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (05-29-2016 11:40 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

^ Is that Bill Gate's gay son in the middle?

Let's just say that beer wasn't the only liquid those guys ended up drinking the night that photograph was taken.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Anyone here have recommendations on books or articles to understand the concept of face in China and how it works, why it's important, how to use it to your advantage, etc...?

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (06-11-2016 10:18 PM)Arado Wrote:  

Anyone here have recommendations on books or articles to understand the concept of face in China and how it works, why it's important, how to use it to your advantage, etc...?

Excellent question. In most resources, face tends to be a bit stronger on a political science or business aspect.

I learned some basics from my Chinese language classes in college, my business circles, Political Science courses. I have an advantage that I studied US Foreign Policy and did some think tank work with it. Face as a concept is not just Chinese either. It's completely Asian. Even SE Asians use it.

After that, I learned a little bit from Crystal Tao's blogsite Love Love China from a dating perspective. The rest I learned on my own. Being married allowed me to learn the family aspects.

The advantage to knowing face like the back of your hand, means you will not lose a score in someone's mind when you can take corrective actions immediately on the fly.

It's a good article, but in the reference section I see many books. Some are very old, but they still might be good.

You can download these two books below for free if you click the links on them.

Carr, Michael. (1992). "Chinese "Face" in Japanese and English (Part 1)", The Review of Liberal Arts 84:39-77.
Carr, Michael. (1993). "Chinese "Face" in Japanese and English (Part 2)", The Review of Liberal Arts 85:69-101.

This discussion is deep. Bigger than my thread is, that is for sure. Probably warrants a thread in the Game or Deep subforums. Beyond Borders' thread here: thread-39630.html is a good place to discuss this as well, because it is the exact same topic.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Thanks I thought that if I can figure out how to use my personal qualities (foreigner, speak Chinese, appreciate Chinese culture, sophisticated) to learn how to give face to people than that can set me up for business, dating, friends, etc. Will check out those resources.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Not sure if this should be included as part of this thread, but I ran into a very wealthy Chinese FOB in Los Angeles today. She was a 6-7 looks wise; probably the hottest Cantonese I've seen in a while, but that's not saying much.

I was at a function and we spoke for less than 10 minutes, but it was pretty painful talking to her.

Here's some parts of the conversation:

Me: Hi. I'm WalterBlack
Her: Hi, I'm xxxxxx how's your day going? Where are you from?
Me: Guess
Her: India, Pakistan...well you have good English, so Hong Kong? [I'm British-Indian]
Me: UK. You're from China, right?
Her: Yeah, I'm Cantonese, but my parents still live in China because they do not speak English, so I do business on their behalf in the US.
Me: I've been to China, I went to...
Her: [she starts talking before I finish] I have a couple of businesses and I am a partner in a Hollywood production studio - I was brought in to bring in Chinese money. I also have a lot of houses that I own and rent out, I'm gonna try and sell them soon.
Me: That's cool, so what..
Her: [she starts talking before I finish] What do you like to do for fun? I want to talk to classy guys...[I think she's looking for a rich guy to marry]
Me: I like to travel, eat and..
Her: [she starts talking before I finish]. I love to eat, and I love to cook too. [She starts showing me pictures of stuff she made on her phone]
Me: So what's your favourite cuisine? I like..
Her: I love Italian and French food. I love Italy and France. I have been going every year since I was 16. I travel a lot.
Me: That's nice. I've been to Italy...
Her: [she starts talking before I finish] I can paint too and draw, I do it for fun but I am good enough to make a living from it [starts showing me her artwork on her phone. I've student art, and she's nothing special]. I'm very talents and I'm good at a lot of things.
Me: hey, it was nice talking to you but I need to make a call...[I walked away from her]

I could sense that she wasn't particularly into me, so I moved on...

I tried to play my "I've been to China" and "I know about Chinese food" cards that I throw in conversations with Chinese FOBs. Usually it goes pretty well, but this woman could not just stop talking about herself so I nexted her.

I estimate that this woman is worth at least 7, maybe even 8 figures USD [almost certainly all parents' money], but she was so self centred and irritating I was glad to get the fuck away from her. It was like she wanted me to be an audience for her to talk about herself, she never gave a me a chance to speak about myself.

I think she lives in a bubble where she has so much money that she just travels the world doing what the fuck she wants and has no time for anyone else. I'm not surprised she's single.

I've heard of women like this, but this was my first interaction with one.

Beware, guys!

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Anyone tried TanTan? I visited for a couple days and got 500+ likes within a couple days. Naturally some of them were busted but matched with more then a few hotties. Problem is i can't type chinese for shit so lots of the convos died out immediately. Might have to try shenzhen next time I hit up Hong Kong, although I do extremely well in HK solely via tinder game.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

A lot of the rich fob Chinese woman are self centered and annoying. That's why they find a beta guy to marry. Even some of the wealthier beta guys fall for them.
The poor fob girls are often nerdy and looking to get money asap after going to places like the US. They are super pragmatic.

However there are a few fobs that study things like art and can be quite interesting to talk to.

Dating Guide for Mainland China

Quote: (07-31-2016 01:52 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Not sure if this should be included as part of this thread, but I ran into a very wealthy Chinese FOB in Los Angeles today. She was a 6-7 looks wise; probably the hottest Cantonese I've seen in a while, but that's not saying much.

I was at a function and we spoke for less than 10 minutes, but it was pretty painful talking to her.

No it does not belong in this thread because this is for Mainland Chinese women inside China. This post belongs in this thread.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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