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Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 03:43 PM)homersheineken Wrote:  

Do you honestly believe that the suicide bombings and rocket attacks would stop if Israel didn't attack?

It certainly wouldnt hurt. I dont see how the current slaughter helps Israel in the long run. I'm all ears, though.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Every time Hamas attacks, more Palestinians die as a result. Israelites are not affected by Hamas.

The Palestinians lose. But they can't afford to stop trying.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 02:52 PM)L M McCoy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2014 02:07 PM)Flint Wrote:  

NY Digital,

you did not understand the gist of my post nor did you respond to the issues that I raised.

I'm not saying being pro-Palestine and criticizing Israel is per se antisemitic. On the contrary, I think it is totally legitimate to highlight the suffering of Palestinian civilians. Every country that wages war should be monitored by the public and called out for bad actions.

What I'm criticizing is THE WAY many people are now condemning Israel and singling it out as the sole aggressor in this conflict. Israel has pulled out off Gaza almost ten years ago. Nonetheless, Hamas has constantly been sending missiles to Israel even though there has not been a direct military threat by the IDF (except defense actions that targeted Hamas bases).

Since the Syrian War has begun, many more thousands Palestinians who live there have suffered (expelled and killed) under the Assad regime. Palestinians who live under terrible conditions in refugee camps in Lebanon have no opportunity to gain Lebanese citizenship. The blockade of Gaza is not only Israel's but also Egypt's responsibility.

Now, I ask you: When you have so many various actors who are no better than Israel (and mostly they are objectively worse), why do these people only go nuts when Israel shoots and disenfranchises Palestinians? Why do you never see pro-Palestinian activists who burn Syrian, Lebanese and Egyptian flags at protests? My conclusion: It's not about caring about Palestinians, but being anti-Israel in the first place.

The antisemitism is not necessarily part of all this but in these days it is. In Germany and France, pro-Palestinian protesters have attacked synagogues and individual Jews who bear no responsibility for the actions of the Israeli government. They wave antisemitic caricatures on cardboards and shout slogans like "Hamas, Hamas, Jews into the gas" (as happened in Berlin recently). I don't make this up, it happened frequently and not only in isolated incidents. I can give you sources, if you wish so.

1) "Those missiles" land in open areas and are bottle rockets.
2) Why are we (Americans) funding the Iron Dome if it can't even take out simple bottle rockets?
3) You conveniently left out Arab Jews are also protesting; In the IDF Jews from Arab countries are not allowed to get into the elite ranks (screening).
4) Egypt, Lebanon, ETC aren't bombing hospitals, homes for the disabled, schools, and houses.
5) By definition of the word "antisemitic" today, god and most of the biblical prophets would be classified as antisemitic.

You're crying about people condemning Israel and to summarize your post not being fair; Yet you conveniently leave out the racist Israeli protests.

Edit: Both sides are too blame but I don't see what killing children has to do with taking out hamas especially since its leaders are in Qatar.

Honestly, I think Israel is sending a message to ISIS and other militias like it because sometime in the near future, they could decide target Israel.

1) Some land in populated areas, like communities and airports
2) Actually it has performed quite well.
3) Yep
4) Hamas purposely sets up there

Both sides are ridiculous. It's so lopsided because Israel has richer friends.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 03:55 PM)NY Digital Wrote:  

Every time Hamas attacks, more Palestinians die as a result. Israelites are not affected by Hamas.

The Palestinians lose. But they can't afford to stop trying.

They could alter their strategy, since the strategy that they've been employing for the last couple of decades hasn't been very efficient.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 03:54 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2014 03:43 PM)homersheineken Wrote:  

Do you honestly believe that the suicide bombings and rocket attacks would stop if Israel didn't attack?

It certainly wouldnt hurt. I dont see how the current slaughter helps Israel in the long run. I'm all ears, though.

How it helps? It destroys some offensive capabilities. It sends the message that there are consequences (rather severe according to the Int'l press/opinion) to their actions.

But by that same reasoning, Hamas shouldn't attack either, since that will just create more Israelis angry at Palestinians and more Gaza attacks.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 03:55 PM)NY Digital Wrote:  

Every time Hamas attacks, more Palestinians die as a result. Israelites are not affected by Hamas.

The Palestinians lose. But they can't afford to stop trying.

I think many are of the 'It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees' mentality.

Who can blame them? It's not as if they are rewarded for good behaviour.

First Intifada - Oslo Accords.

Second Intifada - Israeli withdrawal from Gaza settlements.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

I don't like Hamas or the IDF. Hamas has nothing to lose to keep firing those rockets and more civilians dying. All the videos and pics of IDF killing Palestinians is a propaganda win for them. The Isrealis' aren't scared at all, iron dome is working well, 1 person was killed from rocket attacks. There are even watch parties to view the bombings at night.

The IDF on the other can't sit there and take it, so they do the usual bombings, air strikes, artillery, then ground invasion. It's a never ending cycle.

It's hard not kill civilians when you blockade and wall them into the Gaza. What do you expect ? You're going to have collateral damage.

Take away the religious ideology, they'll be fighting over land (that's what it comes down to anyways). You have Isreali teenagers who hate the Palestinians that automatically join the IDF. You have Palestinian teens who know someone murdered by the IDF who will want to kill the IDF and Isrealis. It's a NEVER ENDING CYCLE.

I'm all ears on how we could resolve this.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 01:26 PM)3extra Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2014 01:23 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Hamas recruitment doesnt really effect Srael. They have the Gaza strip so tightly locked down, and Iron Dome is so effective, that Hamas really poses no threat to Israels actual safety. If they wanted to carry on this way forever, they could.

Chile and Bolivia have now cut ties with Israel over this though. I dont know if Israel really cares...

If there is a return of suicide bombing I think it will greatly effect Israel.

In the past Palestine and Israel had open borders. Palestinians could pass into Israel and work there, and many did so regularly. As such, they could execute suicide bomb attacks if they were so inclined.

Now it's a militarized closed border. I don't know if you've ever been to Israel, but being in Jerusalem is a trip. A city divided by military. Driving down a street with military checkpoints making sure people of a certain religion/race don't go down a certain road.

Palestinians really can not return to suicide bombing cause they basically can not enter Israel.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 01:44 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Why can't the Palestinians take a Gandhi-like approach to resistance, while at the same time developing Gaza as a resort location and tax shelter? Why can't it be the Middle Eastern Monaco?

Is this a joke?

Israel and Egypt have completely blockaded Gaza. They control the flow of goods in and out. Israel controls the water and the electricity. Gaza can have no international commerce of its own, everything must go through Israel, and Israel doesn't let much go through.

And Israel regularly bombs them. Gaza once had an airport, until Israel bombed it.

Why can't Gaza just become Monaco... Jesus man.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

I'm sure this thread will end well.

[Image: agree2.gif]

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Maybe its just me but I really hope both sides lose.

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Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Could somebody explain to me how Israeli settlers manage to get land in the West Bank to begin with? Are they buying the land from Palestinians and pretending to be Muslim until after the deed is signed over? I would imagine that Palestinians would have, if not de jure, de facto rules against selling to Jews.

Or am I over thinking things and it's just a smash and grab?

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Israel supporters outraged at Palestinians supporting Hamas are like people who cage, starve and torture a dog, then when the dog doesn't wag its tail but becomes savage, complain about its evil nature and use that as an excuse to redouble the abuse.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 08:18 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Maybe its just me but I really hope both sides lose.

I am inclined to agree to an extent, and sometimes wonder if we should just arm the entire Middle East to the teeth with any weapon with a short range so that they can blow the shit out of each other, but nowhere else. A better solution, of course, might be to get off oil (if that's even possible) so that we can ignore the entire region if necessary.

That said, Israel produces a lot of smart people. The Palestinians don't. The loss of Israel would be a loss to civilisation. At the end of the day, I'm always going to side with the side that produces the Nobel Laureates. In that respect, I am not averse to the concept of colonialism at all. Fuck the Palestinians, they can't govern themselves, and they're a net drain to the rest of the world. Someone needs to step in and let these clowns understand that there is a natural hierarchy in this world, and some people are naturally at the bottom of it until they prove otherwise. Apparently, Israel is the only (semi-)Western nation in the world anymore that has taken the red pill and understands what's what, i.e. that everyone in the rest of the region wants them eradicated. Israel could start throwing birthday parties with clowns and bouncy castles for every single Palestinian and the entire region would still want Israel destroyed.

It's only because our own countries are so unbelievably pussified and blue pill that we can't recognise this. The world doesn't exist as one big happy family. It's a Darwinian competition. No one gives a shit about human rights except people in the West, and it's a weapon we have invented in our culturally Marxist self-loathing for others to use against us.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Why can't/doesn't israel just make a concerted, actual effort to take out hamas? Send ground troops into Gaza, go block by block, take them out. Simultaneously go full scale mossad on Qatar and take out Hamas leadership. None of this back and forth volleys of rockets and missiles between the two sides achieved shit. This has been going on for 8 years since the pullout. You're not going to get a peace deal out of Hamas, you're not going to get them to stop simply by retaliating with blunt/imprecise missiles. Just take them out the long and hard way. While Israel is at it, should pull out of the West Bank. There is absolutely zero justification for it.

I criticize Israel more because it is a liberal democracy that in theory has the higher moral ground. We should hold it to a higher standard than we would hold a bunch of thugs and terrorists.

I used to be very supportive of Israel. But after seeing Israel do the same thing over and over again without making any necessary sacrifices to ensure its long term peace and well-being, it almost begins to feel like Israel doesn't want to resolve the situation.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

All I know is this, congress cant pass a vote puppies are cute but each party trips over themselves proving they are a better supporter of Israel. The world is pretty much of the same opinion on this matter except for two countries; Israel and this one. Sometimes circumstantial evidence is more telling than direct.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 09:30 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2014 08:18 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Maybe its just me but I really hope both sides lose.

I am inclined to agree to an extent, and sometimes wonder if we should just arm the entire Middle East to the teeth with any weapon with a short range so that they can blow the shit out of each other, but nowhere else. A better solution, of course, might be to get off oil (if that's even possible) so that we can ignore the entire region if necessary.

That said, Israel produces a lot of smart people. The Palestinians don't. The loss of Israel would be a loss to civilisation. At the end of the day, I'm always going to side with the side that produces the Nobel Laureates. In that respect, I am not averse to the concept of colonialism at all. Fuck the Palestinians, they can't govern themselves, and they're a net drain to the rest of the world. Someone needs to step in and let these clowns understand that there is a natural hierarchy in this world, and some people are naturally at the bottom of it until they prove otherwise. Apparently, Israel is the only (semi-)Western nation in the world anymore that has taken the red pill and understands what's what, i.e. that everyone in the rest of the region wants them eradicated. Israel could start throwing birthday parties with clowns and bouncy castles for every single Palestinian and the entire region would still want Israel destroyed.

It's only because our own countries are so unbelievably pussified and blue pill that we can't recognise this. The world doesn't exist as one big happy family. It's a Darwinian competition. No one gives a shit about human rights except people in the West, and it's a weapon we have invented in our culturally Marxist self-loathing for others to use against us.

Sorry but this post is a load of crap if you ask me. First you start off with saying all people in the ME are worthless and you prefer them dead. I wont even begin discussing that. Then you state that the conflict is about oil. Oil as far as I know doesnt play a big part in this and there are other reasons why US backs Israel.

You then proceed to say that Israelis are smarter because they win noble prices and therefore more important. Try to become a nobelprice winner growing up in gaza, where most of the time you have no electricity, water is short, your school gets bombed, your family has no food and you are completely cut off from outside world. Not to begin that it makes absolutely no sense to judge a country based on noble price laureates, I mean didnt Obama just won the noble price on peace? What a joke. Not against colonialism... OK.

A natural hierarchy in the world of countries? Really?? So which countries are the best and deserve to dominate other countries according to you? When did Palestinians have a chance to properly govern themselves in the last decade or so?

Everyone wants Israel eradicated? Thats exactly what Israeli media is trying to make their population believe. I thought no one else in the world was going for that though but you proved me wrong.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 09:12 PM)tarquin Wrote:  

Could somebody explain to me how Israeli settlers manage to get land in the West Bank to begin with? Are they buying the land from Palestinians and pretending to be Muslim until after the deed is signed over? I would imagine that Palestinians would have, if not de jure, de facto rules against selling to Jews.

Or am I over thinking things and it's just a smash and grab?

They take little by little and when a Palestinian tries to make a land claim on their ancestors plot Israel just bogs down the paperwork until the whole thing is mowed down and built over. They generally will starve the plots by limiting access to water so they can't plant food and crops any more. once that happened they generally will run off the cities since they cant make a living or sustain their families. I believe a few stay back but once the ink gets sprayed and the bulldozers come they either die with their land or flee.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 09:52 PM)SHANbangs Wrote:  

Why can't/doesn't israel just make a concerted, actual effort to take out hamas? Send ground troops into Gaza, go block by block, take them out. Simultaneously go full scale mossad on Qatar and take out Hamas leadership. None of this back and forth volleys of rockets and missiles between the two sides achieved shit. This has been going on for 8 years since the pullout. You're not going to get a peace deal out of Hamas, you're not going to get them to stop simply by retaliating with blunt/imprecise missiles. Just take them out the long and hard way. While Israel is at it, should pull out of the West Bank. There is absolutely zero justification for it.

I criticize Israel more because it is a liberal democracy that in theory has the higher moral ground. We should hold it to a higher standard than we would hold a bunch of thugs and terrorists.

I used to be very supportive of Israel. But after seeing Israel do the same thing over and over again without making any necessary sacrifices to ensure its long term peace and well-being, it almost begins to feel like Israel doesn't want to resolve the situation.

Because this is not about Hamas. Israel want to take the land and since the international community is doing nothing to stop them and Palestinians have no power to, they take what they believe is rightfully theirs by gods will. Hamas is just a futile attempt of a very weakened population to react to their imprisonment which Israel smartly exploits in order to convince the people that they are doing the right thing.

Israel is a democracy but a prime example of how media manipulation by the government can corrupt such a system to an extent no one even dared to imagine. Look at Russian media now on the flight vs. media from Europe etc. Similar thing. The US has huge huge problems in that regard as well. Basically the whole world is facing a huge crisis in deontology of journalism, the only hope springs from reporting done through the internet and social media of which RooshV can even be an example of a times.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 10:50 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

A natural hierarchy in the world of countries? Really?? So which countries are the best and deserve to dominate other countries according to you? When did Palestinians have a chance to properly govern themselves in the last decade or so?

Human history is all about domination and conquest. The world order at this very moment was created from the ashes of conflict. It doesn't matter who you think deserves what or where you think justice lies. Like Clint Eastwood said in Unforgiven, "deserves got nothin' to do with it." Palestinians have no agency because whether fair or not they got defeated.

Anyone who wants a proper view of the constant agitated state of Arab-Israel "relations" should watch this documentary:

I don't like Israel much but I do get where they are coming from in some way.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 09:52 PM)SHANbangs Wrote:  

Why can't/doesn't israel just make a concerted, actual effort to take out hamas? Send ground troops into Gaza, go block by block, take them out. Simultaneously go full scale mossad on Qatar and take out Hamas leadership. None of this back and forth volleys of rockets and missiles between the two sides achieved shit. This has been going on for 8 years since the pullout. You're not going to get a peace deal out of Hamas, you're not going to get them to stop simply by retaliating with blunt/imprecise missiles. Just take them out the long and hard way. While Israel is at it, should pull out of the West Bank. There is absolutely zero justification for it.

I criticize Israel more because it is a liberal democracy that in theory has the higher moral ground. We should hold it to a higher standard than we would hold a bunch of thugs and terrorists.

I used to be very supportive of Israel. But after seeing Israel do the same thing over and over again without making any necessary sacrifices to ensure its long term peace and well-being, it almost begins to feel like Israel doesn't want to resolve the situation.

Taking out Hamas is well night impossible. Fighting a guerrilla war anyone could be a combatant.

Recently learned that there are huge gas deposits under Gaza. Anyone surprised Israel wants in? It's been the target since the early '00.

Also, the destruction of power plants, water treatment facilities and schools are war crimes --bottom line. Israel should face the music for that.

I don't see a resolution soon, likely Israel will slowly starve out the West Bank and just calmly stroll in claiming it in the name of ' democracy and liberty '

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 11:18 PM)Fortitudinal Wrote:  

I don't see a resolution soon, likely Israel will slowly starve out the West Bank and just calmly stroll in claiming it in the name of ' democracy and liberty '

Palestinians will always be the losing side. They are numerically inferior, less equipped, poor, and fighting in geographically unfavorable conditions. They also don't have any kind of real backing from a legitimate power to at least stalemate U.S. support of Israel.

Regional Arab paper tigers will throw them a pity party occasionally but after the ass kicking of '67 no one really wants any.

I bet in the history books 100 years from now you'll see a small picture of a palestinian boy holding a tiny flag in the gaza somewhere. That area will have long been paved over and settled by non Palestinians. Life goes on.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Israel needs the conflict to keep going. Pound for pound they are the most advanced military in the world relative to its size. They have drones and all the modern war tech America has. Gaza is a little smaller in area than Philadelphia, and could be droned and heat mapped 24/7 (likely already is). They could wipe out Hammas in a few days by starving supplies and doing surgical strikes on the ground. Now ask yourself why this has not been done? What blowback would Israel face as its protected from International sanctions and actions by the USA. Its simple logic at play here. Conflict helps Hammas as it legitimizes their power and ability to uphold some type of defense and security, while it helps Israel in its end goal of full annexation and eventual ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and their land.

Hammas in a defensive position does not "strike first", this is Western propaganda as it has always been a response to a Israeli provocation which could be a prisoner situation, execution, civilian killings, etc. Only when a Intifada is called do the positions switch. But again, all have been set off by IDF and general Israeli trolling.

Your a fool to poke the bear, he will try to eat you. Israel is the bear here and if Hammas was in offensive mode Israel would turn it into dust. General Western narratives always leave this out, you here of a Hammas response and a Israel response back which is framed as a Israeli defensive stance when this is never the case.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'

Quote: (07-24-2014 10:50 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2014 09:30 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2014 08:18 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

Maybe its just me but I really hope both sides lose.

I am inclined to agree to an extent, and sometimes wonder if we should just arm the entire Middle East to the teeth with any weapon with a short range so that they can blow the shit out of each other, but nowhere else. A better solution, of course, might be to get off oil (if that's even possible) so that we can ignore the entire region if necessary.

That said, Israel produces a lot of smart people. The Palestinians don't. The loss of Israel would be a loss to civilisation. At the end of the day, I'm always going to side with the side that produces the Nobel Laureates. In that respect, I am not averse to the concept of colonialism at all. Fuck the Palestinians, they can't govern themselves, and they're a net drain to the rest of the world. Someone needs to step in and let these clowns understand that there is a natural hierarchy in this world, and some people are naturally at the bottom of it until they prove otherwise. Apparently, Israel is the only (semi-)Western nation in the world anymore that has taken the red pill and understands what's what, i.e. that everyone in the rest of the region wants them eradicated. Israel could start throwing birthday parties with clowns and bouncy castles for every single Palestinian and the entire region would still want Israel destroyed.

It's only because our own countries are so unbelievably pussified and blue pill that we can't recognise this. The world doesn't exist as one big happy family. It's a Darwinian competition. No one gives a shit about human rights except people in the West, and it's a weapon we have invented in our culturally Marxist self-loathing for others to use against us.

Sorry but this post is a load of crap if you ask me. First you start off with saying all people in the ME are worthless and you prefer them dead. I wont even begin discussing that. Then you state that the conflict is about oil. Oil as far as I know doesnt play a big part in this and there are other reasons why US backs Israel.

You may have misinterpreted my point. I don't think the West should be getting dragged into no-win conflicts in a part of the world that collectively can't get its shit together. Let them sort it all out themselves. The bit about about arming them all to the teeth was hyperbole. Besides, it wouldn't work anyway as some of the crazies would inevitably get to have a go at somewhere civilised.

A large part of it is actually to do with oil for two reasons. Firstly, the U.S. needs allies in the region so it can maintain the flow of oil. Secondly, as a result, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is a tightrope walk about not telling certain countries to just piss off. If the U.S. didn't need to kowtow to the Saudis, for instance, then they'd either ignore the whole Middle East or support Israel for being a fellow (semi-)Western, modern, civilised nation. There'd be no foreign aid, support or humouring BS from most of the nations surrounding the U.S. Then again, at the rate the degeneracy is spreading, it wouldn't surprise me if the U.S. turned on Israel precisely because it is modern and civilised. There seems to be a weird loathing of anything good or noble in the West right now.


You then proceed to say that Israelis are smarter because they win noble prices and therefore more important. Try to become a nobelprice winner growing up in gaza, where most of the time you have no electricity, water is short, your school gets bombed, your family has no food and you are completely cut off from outside world. Not to begin that it makes absolutely no sense to judge a country based on noble price laureates, I mean didnt Obama just won the noble price on peace? What a joke. Not against colonialism... OK.

Israelis are smarter than those around them, period. Jews are smarter than everyone else, period. I say this as a non-Jew. They punch massively above their body weight on IQ tests, awards such as Nobel Prizes (I'm talking about the real ones, not BS like Literature or Peace), etc. I know people don't want to believe this because it's not PC, but there is a hierarchy of intelligence, and this does make some individuals, or groups of people, more important than others. You may think we're all equal, but we're not. Pluck you or me -- let alone some mouth breather from Gaza -- out of history and the world will/would have gone on. Now pretend Isaac Newton never existed. Now extrapolate that up to entire groups of people. There are certain groups of people, whether for genetic or cultural reasons, who do punch massively above their body weight. Switzerland would be another example. Whether the Palestinians are broken at a nature or nurture level, I don't know, but they are fucked in the head one way or another.

If you in any way believe in natural selection for other species, or even within the human race for other traits (e.g. athletic ability or predisposition to diseases), then you can't ignore the elephant in the room regarding intelligence. It's a trait like any other, and thus, has been subject to biological/environmental pressures.

As for your boohoo story that the Palestinians have suffered so much, so what? The Jews went through the Holocaust and then built a modern state with a bunch of smart people, though they already had a bunch of really smart people prior to the Holocaust. Vietnamese guys fled Vietnam on boats in the 1970s. Within a generation their children were doctors in the upper middle class. Even now, Vietnam is getting its shit together, despite having more ordinance dropped on it than that dropped during WW2. Much of East Asia went through colonialism also and has lifted itself up, or is in the process of doing so. Other regions have remained mired in idiocy and backwardness for going on seven decades or more now. Sixty years ago, South Korea was a net receiver of foreign aid. Now it's a net giver. It previously had a GDP/capita on the level of sub-Saharan Africa. Most of its population was illiterate. Now it tops international tests of intelligence, as do other nations in the region generally. There comes a point at which you have to say that some groups of people, either can't get their shit together, or don't want to. Or do these clowns get a pass for the rest of history because someone once did something bad to them? Find me a group of people who haven't been fucked in the arse by history at some point. Some just get on with it though and refuse to wallow in their own status as perpetual victims.

As for colonialism, yes. Many former colonies are objectively worse (e.g. life expectancy, infant mortality, total number of kilometres of roads, etc.) than they were under colonialism. As fucked up as the Belgian Congo (which was the worst of the lot) was, are you really going to tell me that the DRC is an improvement? Western science and medicine, along with governance, improved the lives of hundred of millions of people. This is a fact. Some places took the ball and ran with it after colonialism and have become civilised, advanced nations. I would say such countries are not in need of colonialism. Others have regressed. I would say such countries are in need of colonialism. Pretty simple, really.


A natural hierarchy in the world of countries? Really?? So which countries are the best and deserve to dominate other countries according to you? When did Palestinians have a chance to properly govern themselves in the last decade or so?

At this point in time, perhaps none, given the general degeneracy of pretty much all modern developed nations and where they're going culturally and demographically (i.e. with total fertility rates), but if push came to shove (a non-exhaustive list): Western Europe, U.S., Canada, the Antipodes, East Asia (including Singapore).

Anyway, it's not a matter of who deserves to dominate others and who does not deserve to dominate others. This has already been pointed out. The winners make the rules. Why would you let the losers make the rules? Why would you even want them to have a say? They're the losers. It's axiomatic that they suck, that their ideas suck, etc. Otherwise they wouldn't have lost.

Gaza is the Elliot Rodger of the international community. In the words of Alec Baldwin: "A loser is a loser."

I believe that all of this koombaya 20th century nonsense about human rights, democracy, everyone getting along is a historical aberration. We are going to see empire and all that that entails come roaring back in a big way perhaps within our lifetimes, but certainly by the end of the century.

I used to dread the decline of Western hegemony, but now I desire it. The Chinese would by no means be perfect, but at least they wouldn't be burdened by all this white guilt over having tried to civilise the savages. Maybe the torch of civilisation/mantle of world leader needs to be passed on to them or someone else who will actually do something with it rather than wallow in self-hate or celebrate the descent into barbarism that the West seems so hell-bent on.

Take the red pill, man, and see that the world is not a giant daycare centre where some frumpy chick in a cardigan can make everyone get along because that's "nice".


Everyone wants Israel eradicated? Thats exactly what Israeli media is trying to make their population believe. I thought no one else in the world was going for that though but you proved me wrong.

Get real. There are enough quotes/clips floating around the internet from various prominent political and religious leaders of the region wishing a second Holocaust on Israel.

Israel/Gaza - current 'conflict'


I always cringe when pro-Palestine activists argue along the lines, that people in Gaza and in the Westbank are the native inhabitants of this land. Bullshit. Jews, Christians and other religions have always been there before Islamic imperialism came in. And this video shows the absurdity of this conflict.

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