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Picking up girls while being overweight

Picking up girls while being overweight

im a fatass, am i at a disadvantage? YES

but you can still improve your game if you have the balls to approach. your going to need bigger balls than a fit guy but it can be done.


Picking up girls while being overweight

He will just get friendzoned if they think he looks like that 99% of the time. If you are fat, focus on fitness. I don't see how anyone can not have time to go to the gym and clean your diet up. I've noticed its noticeably harder for me to pick up girls when I'm a high body fat percentage than a lower one.

A lot of girls in that video are talking about confidence / personality but reality is 99.99% of the time regardless of confidence they won't fuck a guy like that.

Picking up girls while being overweight

Quote: (11-20-2013 05:21 PM)XYZ Wrote:  

im a fatass, am i at a disadvantage? YES

but you can still improve your game if you have the balls to approach. your going to need bigger balls than a fit guy but it can be done.

I concur with LaVidaLoca. Im not sure if any of the numbers he got turned into bangs. Fat guys should still exercise mostly for health reasons more than anything. Still an entertaining video though.

Picking up girls while being overweight

One of my buddies who I grew up with always gets quality ass and he's fat and has manboobs. He's not ugly but not particularly good-looking either. Semi-lisp.

He doesn't plow through pussy like it's going out of style but he's always got some hot girlfriend. Money helps too.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Picking up girls while being overweight

The movie "The Tao of Steve" is about a fat dude getting ass with game.

Picking up girls while being overweight

I have lost about 100lbs in the past three years.

I have been pursuing women throughout this time.

Sorry to be blunt, but lose the weight. Nobody wants to get intimate with a lardass. People are giving you nicey-nicey answers because they don't want to be impolite, but honestly everything in your life will improve when you lose weight. Clothes fit better. People become more friendly. You feel more energetic. Women approach you more, and the ones that you approach are warmer and more touchy. You look better.

Approaching women when you look bad and unhealthy, as was the case for me, is an exercise in frustration. I gained the weight quickly before I lost it, and I did very well with women before that happened. But even with the conversational skills, confidence, and experience I had built up before gaining the weight, I found it very difficult to close as a fat guy. Girls loved talking to me and spending time alone with me, but the fire of attraction was missing.

Rowing machines and treadmills were my method of choice for losing the weight. I also ate a restricted-calorie diet, and kept a simple spreadsheet with logs and graphs of my food intake and exercise activity.

Don't look for ways around your own weaknesses. Look for ways to strengthen yourself. This is an easy one, with huge returns. The best way to improve your game as a fat man is to stop being a fat man.

Picking up girls while being overweight

Quote: (02-01-2014 10:33 AM)polymath Wrote:  

I have lost about 100lbs in the past three years.

I have been pursuing women throughout this time.

Sorry to be blunt, but lose the weight. Nobody wants to get intimate with a lardass. People are giving you nicey-nicey answers because they don't want to be impolite, but honestly everything in your life will improve when you lose weight. Clothes fit better. People become more friendly. You feel more energetic. Women approach you more, and the ones that you approach are warmer and more touchy. You look better.

Approaching women when you look bad and unhealthy, as was the case for me, is an exercise in frustration. I gained the weight quickly before I lost it, and I did very well with women before that happened. But even with the conversational skills, confidence, and experience I had built up before gaining the weight, I found it very difficult to close as a fat guy. Girls loved talking to me and spending time alone with me, but the fire of attraction was missing.

Rowing machines and treadmills were my method of choice for losing the weight. I also ate a restricted-calorie diet, and kept a simple spreadsheet with logs and graphs of my food intake and exercise activity.

Don't look for ways around your own weaknesses. Look for ways to strengthen yourself. This is an easy one, with huge returns. The best way to improve your game as a fat man is to stop being a fat man.

So much this I can relate to this post everything is me except for the losing 100 pounds part still working on that but I gotta lose 30....losing weight will help a ton, that's what i'm doing right now it's hard but worth the effort

Picking up girls while being overweight

The whole irony of this is that fat guys are unacceptable, but thick and fat girls can attract almost any guy. Just an observation.

Picking up girls while being overweight

Yea it's a disadvantage. You can still get laid while being overweight... especially if you got status in the in crowd

Picking up girls while being overweight

The gut in the video is pretty good, but putting on a fat suit is different than actually being fat. The girls maybe didn't notice the difference but HE knows he's not really fat and it's just a game. For a person who's overweight (whole life or for a long time), they don't have the frame of reference if being in shape attractive abs successful with women probably.

I like the point of the video because it gives hope but I think inner game is more important than outer game for someone who needs to transform their life. I'm working on this myself. I need to drop 30 lbs for sure.

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